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oh this is the you guys are just gonna have to deal with that we're not taping it today what's up everybody Peter MacKinnon here welcome back to yet another video so great to have you here and see all of your smiling faces today we're talking about bad habits that photographers make and myself included I pulled these bad habits from myself and at the dope squad if you will my immediate circle of friends and filmmakers these are some of the things that we agreed as a collective are things that are very bad habits that you should not do or you should get out of the habit of doing its first important to say bad habits and mistakes are a very fine line it's a very fine line from saying that's a bad habit that's something I wish I knew that's a mistake that's knowledge I wish I had when I started it's kind of like a very close line there we're gonna go through five different things that I feel are bad habits that you might do as well that hopefully in hearing this it's gonna save your life in the future and you know maybe it will actually save your life bad habit number one it's definitely something that I do it's refusing to shoot in any condition that is not perfectly ideal right so sunset sunrise shade overcast beautiful conditions that make it easy to shoot because everything looks so nice my bad habit is refusing to shoot and anything that is not those things so if it's sunny outside I don't like the area that I'm in stark blue sky no clouds direct sunlight I'm usually just like nah now we'll wait we'll do it later and I think personally a very talented good photographer who knows their stuff can shoot in any condition I don't think you should ever come to a point where a certain time of day is going to actually prohibit you from being able to do your job to the best of your ability and I'll be the first to say that definitely I'm one of those people where it has if it's direct sunlight I'm not the best I've got some tips and things to do make a video on that shooting in direct sunlight let me know if that interests you but I just don't like doing it I just I just prefer not to do it at all because I'll get better shots in even light or at sunrise and sunset so that's something that I've just made into a habit where midday I just don't I just don't use my camera I'll wait but I'd love to break that bad habit so that no matter where I was no matter what setting was happening if I had my camera and I needed to get something done I had the confidence fully to nail that shoot nail those photos no matter time of the day that'd be my bad habit number one is refusing to shoot in anything less than ideal conditions number two okay this is something that both Maddie have told me and Allen calendar have told me is that bad habit number two is not shooting enough photos during a session during a photo shoot during an event whatever I have the really bad habit of getting like a subject where I want them snap a couple pictures look at the screen I'm happy with like the first two or the third one two the fourth one am i cool got it let's go instead of just continuing to shoot maybe just shifting the angle a little bit or maybe keeping the angle the same but continuing to shoot so at least have variation of the subject so like maybe they turn two this way maybe their eyes were closed maybe they like their face better in the 13th photo versus the fourth photo but I never have that because I just don't shoot enough photos and one of the things I've seen Allen do a lot when I shoot with him and and he's an incredible photographer is he's constantly shooting he keeps his camera on that continuous shooting mode and he's just firing them opt I'm just on single frame just leisurely shooting here on a nice Sunday afternoon where is the fire I think in this case M it's digital we have the ability to shoot as much as we want all the time now there is the problem of overshooting where you get home from something and you're like I have 2000 photos to select a thumbnail that's not practical so you gotta know where that happy medium is but definitely not shooting enough there's no reason for that it's definitely a bad habit shoot more photos number 300 this is a really bad habit I've talked about this before deleting in camera ah just don't do it just don't do it the amount of photos that you can save and salvage by just putting a little extra TLC into those once you get them out of the computer is through the moon but also that LCD screen is just not a good representation of what that photo could or would or does look like once you actually get it on the big screen so don't delete in camera figure all that out back the photos up when you get back to the studio office your home your living room your car your laptop library ah you're gonna see how long it you keep going but that's about where it ends don't delete the photos check them out when you get home don't do it in camera that's a that's a bad habit you need to definitely get rid of there's no reason to do it don't piece them out right away I mean unless you took a photo with the lens cap on and it's just a black frame and by all means go ahead and delete that but don't delete the actual photos until you see them on a big screen okay bad habit number four is referencing the LCD screen too much it's easy to get distracted and you know you're taken out of the zone you're taken out of the element whenever you're doing photography no matter what the subject is no matter what kind of photography is landscapes events food friends doesn't matter checking that LCD screen after every single frame slows down the process you're not gonna get into that groove it'd be like a live band playing a song and I get through the first verse and they stop and are like does that sound good does everyone like the zet sound that sounds great okay cool they play another verse and they stop is it still sound good you guys still digging it okay cool I get to the chorus ah you guys can hear that right no one would enjoy that a weird comparison but it's kind of the same thing as far as flow goes you dial in the settings for wherever you're going to shoot beforehand just like you tune up your instruments before you start the gig and then you get into the zone you do your shots you get on continuous shooting you shoot all your photos because you know you've got your exposure locked because you've just spent five minutes before you started shooting in the area going to photograph or the landscape whatever you've dialed that in now just get in the zone like find the angles shoot like move the model around move the feet that that's food or change the angle for the landscape those things that helps like that flow is important just like a couple minutes ago where a text message came in when I was making this video and my flow just stopped that flow is important to get good work out not like work out but you know you need to go to the gym I hate the gym okay actually I ruined my flow don't break the flow so that's a bad habit that you can easily just like try to get rid of is checking that screen every single time take a photo dial it in get your shots out then check them if you're not happy proceed number five this is one that Maddie is super guilty of and myself I am actually the worst not offloading your memory cards immediately after shooting I'm not saying like two hours after shooting like you get back to the house you say nothing to anybody you just beeline straight to the computer you offload those images then you come down how was your day it was great you just you have one mission offload the card there have been so many times reppin like I'll do it later that I forget but I put that card back in the camera start shooting now I have like two shoots on the same card or I format it worst case scenario which has happened and I'm like or I don't back things up properly the other day I had that entire Dubai trip on my harddrive and I leaned over to Maddie and I was like hey listen to this boom trashcan sound that's Dubai he's like do you have that backed up and I was like nope just kidding yeah I got it on I got it on the raid went home and it wasn't on the raid and I was like I actually just deleted as a joke but for real the entire dude behind like everything's gone all of its gone thank God we had it on the backup raid not by my doing because clearly I'm not very good at this bad habit so definitely make sure that when you get home from whatever it is you were doing with your camera you take that card out and you back that up immediately you'll forget something will happen it happens to everybody so if it hasn't happened to you it's probably going to unless you break to have it early off of those carts please just awful of those they make me feel better all right and the last tip bonus tip number six bad habit assuming I have all my gear in my backpack I just assume like that so it's my backpack it's my it's my camera bag everything I need is always in there let's go sling it over your shoulder you get down to the location you pop the drone out I don't have my micro SGS I have my SDS and my I don't have my micro vesties oh that's always the one stupid little thing that you forget that ruins the bigger picture it's always the case you forgot your nd filters I don't have my variable nd now I gotta over crank the shutter for all what do we do who use not shoot today options what are our options that like you don't you never want to be in that situation so it takes 10 seconds zip bang go up and double-check I'm gonna go fly the drone cards drone batteries charged okay good zip you're on the way instead of just being like that's it's everything's in there let's go I don't I don't take anything out autobots roll out so just double check that bag make sure everything is in there those are six bad habits that I do that I'm sure other people do out there let me know your bad habits below it'll be a fun little comment section of bad habits that we can all throw by the wayside thanks so much for watching appreciate hanging out with you guys thank you for being here hit the like button hit the bell do all the things that we harass you to do at the end of videos and and I will see you as I just never made another one it's just like I'll see you in that's the ultimate cliffhanger I'm just gone or it's someone else this is not me anymore this channel but it's just lies you you're here bought a game gear yeah dream what was that she was one called Dreamcast or like I feel like Dreamcast was a console but I feel like there was another handheld Dreamcast II type thing I took this out of the bag and the first thing I thought was like game gear Sega Genesis used to be this big you got NHL 94 and those guys would body check on each online before they like oh that's the sound they make you you look that up that's the sound if you played it you know beautiful rich just mmm what's up if your buddy Peter make it in here welcome back to yet another video it's two minute Tuesday you know what I think it's time I think it's time that we just start calling this Tuesday been a wild ride it's been fun let's just be honest with ourselves two minutes it's just something I cannot achieve in making a video I've done it before people get mad I'm always going over the timer I don't put the timer in anymore I just I don't know if I have the file for the timer anymore I think we trashed it months ago I think we should rename Tuesdays videos segments to something fresh something 20 19 something new and then we'll make up we'll make a new title based off that if you got title suggestions let me know below not tip Tuesday let's get creative with it and maybe maybe you'll pick something that I end up pick we make it into a new title for Tuesday two minute Tuesday just sounds so good now you know what maybe we'll just keep it welcome back to two minute Tuesdays so nice to see you that text message threw me off you hear it went ding and then my whole brain it doesn't take much like someone could just drop something in the corner and you've ruined the flow and when the flow gets ruined Peter gets mad and this bad habit I'm gonna tell you is gonna end up saving that job because that job is gonna pay for something gets to some some Las Vegas mobsters that we're gonna come to your house and set it on fire or something and now because you can avoid that I'm saving your life effectively yeah cut out all those dead spaces with my brains slow today 7:00 a.m. making videos at 7:00 a.m. dedication oh I hate the gym gym is the worst people just screaming like whoa why are you doing that why are you screaming just do that silently Oh like you could still aah I just don't understand the gym and I mean I should probably go in the gym I've been in the gym I've been in the gym like five times actually where was I yeah I know I was talking about that point but there was there was there was something happened in there and that's gone now yeah what's up everybody Peter MacKinnon here today we're talking about six bad habits um yeah actually you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,144,062
Rating: 4.9401736 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Bad Habbits photographers make!, Breaking bad habbits, bad photography habbits, 5 things I wish I knew starting in photography, 5 things you should nOT do as a photographer, Photo habbits, photography tips, Photography Advice
Id: GcXXAqc7Li4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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