What's in my CAMERA BAG 2019?!

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I'm honored that he featured it but he didn't mention the name or Squid Industries šŸ˜”

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/squidmaster23 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 21 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Bali noobs Bali noobs what ya gonna do

But seriously though he doesn't do it justice

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/2tru4 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 21 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m gonna upvote this because I love me some P K.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Mav034 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 20 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
you know I got this new I got this new little like plastic balisong trainer so it's supposed to flip like a regular balisong wood without actually being like you know a real knife so it doesn't look intimidating and you can use it in public and you know if you're practicing your flippin moves at a bus stop where people might be a little weirded out by the fact that you have this but it is something that I keep in my camera bag believe it or not which is what we're talking about today it's time for what's in my camera bag 2019 you've all been asking for it super pumped still learning how this thing works Wow [Music] what's up everybody Peter MacKinnon here and welcome back to yet another video and today we're talking about what is in my camera bag I get asked this question all the time and it's funny because they usually make videos about it but I only make around one video a year on this topic because throughout that year new tech comes out new things come out I switch my kid up sometimes I find that things aren't working for me and I have mixes and move things around so it's different every year somewhat the same but still different so today we're gonna go over all the things that I keep inside this bad boy here starting with the bag itself I have a hard time with bags because I have a bad back and sometimes bags are too heavy or the straps don't support them and I don't like the shoulder straps I'm on the move a lot and airplanes and airports having just all the weight on one side doesn't work so I have to go with a backpack there are some things happening in the future that I'm very excited about that I can't really talk about but maybe if you read between the lines that's all like it's and moving on this is the pro tactic version 2 so this is the new one it just came out the 450 version - really a big fan of this bag because of all the cargo like all the webbing all the webbing on the front all the straps even if I run out of room inside I can still put things like a gimbal or a Ronin or tripods and both of those things and clamp them all overnight and I hang my headphones off one of these loops when I'm traveling all the stuff that doesn't fit can just kind of get slung onto the back that's what I like it's got a hardshell top which is good if it's getting thrown around and you know people are moving it themselves and they're trying to put their luggage in the airplane and it's access to through the back which I really like so if I'm wearing it you can't really get into the bag I'm worried about people stealing my stuff or trying to get into my bag without me knowing little peace of mind they're looking inside it's actually nothing inside because I just laid it all out that thumbnail photo so dukh here on the floor right here I'm gonna grab each piece individually but this is the inside of the bag lots of dividers you tell the camera goes here then I have like the microphone and different lenses and different accessories you know that's the thing with camera bags I mean doesn't really matter how I have it laid out because everyone's different with how they like to lay out their stuff anyway but they are velcro removable dividers like they always are so that is in a nutshell this bag there's a laptop slot here too one thing that I do keep in these two huge compartments are these two pilot is here now I've had a lot of questions about these like what are those show us those pouches and before I do they actually fit perfectly in their little slots boom right there and that just helps me keep this bag even more organized because there's always those little things that get lost and then these compartments get jammed up and there's stuff everywhere so now that I can keep a lot of that in these and these just you know nestled nicely down inside when I'm moving when I'm shooting when I'm on the go things are easy to find fast so that's those two big pockets are for and they're also low pro branded so everything matches I'm a little OCD when I say little a lot I like that kind of stuff makes me happy very happy so let's start with this one this one's kind of like the GoPro action can mounts accessories take a look at that so inside I have you know a hero 7 a hero 6 for if I'm gonna go jet skiing or throw it on my sled I have a head mount that's the thing with GoPros and if you're using this kind of stuff you kind of have to have a lot of the accessories with you because you don't know when you're gonna need to mount it to your head or mount it to a helmet or stick it to a car or the side of a building whatever that's kind of like the downfall of using the GoPros like you there's so many different ways to connect it to everything that it really kind of sucks bringing all of that stuff with you so these cases really help organize that so like here you have more mounts and all the cables and here you have the charger with two batteries inside it to help with space I also keep an aperture like a little mini aperture light which will show you at the end because it's actually right there blinding my background right now so I'm gonna leave that over there grab it at the very end but there's also like a little sleeve up here where sometimes like keep extra drone propellers or extra cables or whatever it's just a good nice little out-of-the-way slip pouch number two is kind of a continuation of pouch number one like I mentioned there's so many different ways to mount a GoPro when I was in Dubai we were on jet skis so I have the floaty back back clip back case back attachment case I dropped it in the ocean then it would still float then we have the suction cup which I stuck to the top of the Ford Raptor because there's another reason like you need somewhere to mount all these GoPros you kind of have to keep all the stuff with you and then on top of that I have the mouth GoPro mount that they sent me after they saw my first video where I was telling everybody to just put this clip in your mouth and they were like no your dentist is gonna just you know ah that's actually for your mouth and it tastes like salt ocean also little things like extra Swiss Arkham ounce because you can never have enough season you always seem to run out of them buried in the back here dongles because Apple and then right here I have a TCA TN three remotes so I can time-lapse with the 1dx Mart too because there's no time-lapse mode in it but if I want a time-lapse with it like we did for this Dubai time-lapse while we were having dinner and we set that up on a rooftop we use this remote those are my two accessory pouches that live in my bag now if I carried all of that stuff separately in the bag it would be a complete mess so this is a huge lifesaver now I'm going to show you that aperture life because I feel like it's a good time given that it just died in the background it's my favorite little Aperture accessories because it lasts a long time unless you have it on boost mode at the absolute brightest setting and you leave it for 45 minutes on your shelf and it dies pretty fast charges with USB I did a little video on this it's my favorite little accessory that just fits also in that pouch which goes in my bag I don't even know that it's there so that is one of my favorite things I can light up backdrops I can light up hotel rooms I can light up a car bounce it anything I want one of those little really handy things to check out and I'll leave all the links below plus extra video links if you haven't seen them that go into these things in a little bit more detail let's talk drones this is the DJI Mavic pro 2 but the big sensor the Hasselblad camera I love this drone it hauls oh man is this drone fast a first time out of the box I nearly crash at 6 time because I feel like they just added like a Mach 1 feature to it super fast absolutely incredible so this has sensors everywhere it's 4k obviously on top of that to keep all the polar Pro filters with it so that I can you know change my nd settings and have a good dynamic range while still shooting at the proper shutter speed and then on top of that you have the remote that has to go with it kind of want to check out that new remote with the big 5 inch screen they just released and they just announced that at CES like a few days ago super cool ever since they move the handles down here like with the air oh just drop one Oh No there it is who don't lose these you could swallow this and duress but ever since they moved it down there it makes it a lot easier to keep in your camera bag but I actually keep this in its own bag because I got to fly more kit and that just kind of slings over my shoulder depending where I'm going it's really easy to just throw in the back of the truck backseat not the bed so that's the drone that I'm using if I'm not using this drone what else does I have quite a few of them but if I'm not using this drone I will choose the mafic air just because it's so small and it's so fast to just get up in the air immediately I can put it in my jet ski I can put it in my snowmobile it's in my back pocket of my skinny jeans in the case if I really just jam it in there which is absolutely incredible that has so many uses so if I feel like I'm gonna be somewhere where I'm not sure if I want to fly the drone but I still want to have it just in case that's the one I'm gonna use all the time so the there is another one it just doesn't live in my camera bag okay folks let's talk cameras camera number one that I carry with me is the 1d x mark ii and ii camera that i carry with me is the eos bar now i have different uses for both of these let's start with the USR on this camera i keep an ARCA Swiss plates because this is a camera that I use quite often for time lapses because I like to vlog on this one and do 120 in slow motion when I'm using this I like to try to set this up so it's being useful at the same time so this has the built-in time-lapse mode that I was telling you this one doesn't so I find that very very handy when I be out vlogging when we were in Dubai we just leave this on the tripod pointing out the window with like a 70-200 on it using this adapter mount and then I would just let it time-lapse until the batteries died or until i needed to switch same thing when I would go to bed and when I'd wake up and I'd have content already for like the beginning of a vlog without having to even really do anything that's just doing its thing that's one of the main things i use the eos r4 I also really like it for photos so because it's a much higher megapixel than the one DX mark - when I'm doing thumbnails what I'm taking portraits or just snapping pics around the house or just hanging out with friends this is the camera I'm going to bring for photos almost all the time it's nice to have two cameras in your kit if you can just based off the fact that if one dies or one gets stolen or breaks whatever you have that backup if you're shooting a wedding if you're working professionally even if you're just having a good time if your main driver goes and you have nothing else that's disappointing we want everything we can to avoid that situation so those are the cameras that I'm using in my kit these both live in my camera bag everyday lenses first up is the 7200 to 8 mark 3 I actually switched this out from the 85 I used the 85 almost exclusively last year and then the mark 3 came out so I've been using this a lot lately and it is great for so many reasons it's quite versatile - the fact that it's versatile versatile versatile versatile versatile I have no I have no idea hey Siri how do you say versatile burst she said you said versatile I heard it whatever we've taken enough time with that it's a very heavy lens you could straight up like zombie apocalypse was coming and people were like trying to grab weapons this guy grabs a bat sword you know I might just grab this 70-200 you get that tripod mount on the bottom and I'd be like all right let's come at me Oh like you would that would suck so bad for everyone involved not recommended not recommended the book on this the out-of-focus elements how it gives you that nice shallow depth-of-field it looks so good because of the compression at 200 mil when you're isolating a subject and the Sun looks great in the color reproduction out of this lens with the Image Stabilizer oh it's just so good but it does come at that cost of being extremely heavy so usually when it comes to shedding all gear and you're like make a decision what has to go specifically for weight this is almost always my first consideration just because of how heavy it is I'm like do I need it can I get by with something smaller if I can handle it I'm bringing this everywhere just because it is that magic lens it is so good in so many situations I've had one of these since I was a teenager and I've had a reversion working at the camera shop weddings everything and it's always come through in just about everything I've had to use it for so this will uh this will be around for a while I get asked all the time like what lens do you vlog with what lens should i vlog with this is almost exclusively unless I'm doing B rollers cinematic stuff or flipping over to photos this is the lens that I'm using for everything all the time it's the 16 to 35 mark 3 it's not stabilized but it is wide I can get a little bit of 35 in there so if I need to punch in on someone saying something funny like a book pop in a little bit suck back out to 16 I've never had a problem keeping myself in frame when vlogging I love the amount of background that I can see it's not too close it's not too far and it's not so wide that it's looking warped or fisheye or been to the edges I find that this is one of the the perfect lenses for me for vlogging and I've used it for about two and a half years now making videos online so it's done it's done a great job now I will say this one here is brand new because check this out hang on what you won't see in the thumbnail is a Joby Gorillapod because I've officially retired using those unless I'm vlogging but I will never set my camera up on one again when I was in BC and Revelstoke doing that stuff with the snowmobiles it fell off the counter be they are completely unreliable my 1dx fell on the lens itself and this lens is completely cracked on the inside it won't autofocus anymore you can see right here the hole the whole bottom cap it's busted it won't autofocus it looks terrible now it makes noise all the time it hangs off the camera the lens is always saying it's disconnected so I need to send this in and get it fixed but I had other projects to shoot so I had to pick up another one in the mean time but it's still a great lens this was two and a half years of every single vlog that you've ever seen was this exact lens right here and it only broke because that stupid gorilla pod fell off like a four foot island on the tile and smashed my lens so other than that totally fine because I carry the eos are with me when I was shooting the bucket shot a lot of the bucket shot if not like a good you know more than 50% of it was used was shot with the 28 to 70 this is their new RF lens it's f/2 all the way through so it's f/2 at 28 and it's f/2 at 70 which is amazing which is probably also why it's huge another downside this lens is massive you're looking at a mirrorless camera that's small and compact and then you throw this thing on and you're right back you're right back to the 1d x to the 16 to 35 there's almost no difference especially if you have a battery grip on the are that really sucks when it comes to using this lens cuz I'm think it's massively heavy it's almost as heavy hang on they're almost exactly the same in weight so I mean if you're rolling your camera gear and like a roller bag and you don't care you don't really travel much and you just shoot out of like you know the back your trunk and you're just bringing your gear from your house to your car you don't really care you're not hiking or anything like that then you don't care but anyone that's actually mobile or moving around with the camera this is you're gonna notice this and look check this out look how wide this this is a 95 millimeters like good luck trying to find a ND filter so let me pick that for this lens the upside to this lens is you could probably eliminate another lens in your kit based off having just this so if you had a 35 or a 50 and it wasn't even as fast as f/2 you could probably piece that out and just use this and get by shooting a whole range of different things with just one lens so that is a plus and then in that sense the weight kind of just offsets itself that makes any sense to you so this is the lens that I'm using with the EOS are both for photos and videos and even sometimes time lapses so big fan of that moving on to other things emergency photographers pouch if you haven't seen this I will link the video above that is everything I need in the case of an emergency on a shoot or traveling in this pouch can't leave the house without this two other things I can't leave the house without a roll of gaff tape I've since changed to a small little roll and right here you've got your typical anchor power brick there's a power bank this one I really like just because it's nice and portable it'll charge my phone like three times and I feel like when I'm traveling by the time I get to the hotel or the destination or we're done the shoot or near the end of the shoot day my phone's almost always dying so I can charge GoPros with this I can charge my phone with this so having one of these or two of these is very nice in your camera baby because you're almost always gonna need it right here we got the filters all of these filters ready to go of different diameter nd filters variable nd filters a very special ND filter coming soon keep your eyes peeled for that but all that stuff lives in this little pouch and that just slides nicely into the camera bag completely unnoticed same thing here for memory cards see fast cards for the 1 DX 2 SD cards here for the eos r or my c 200 or any other camera that I'm using the takes SD which is the majority of cameras keep those in the red pouch I like to color code things as you can tell as you know as you've already seen I'm OCD and the more organized that can be the better because it just makes me a better shooter more efficient I get when I need faster simple as that tons of different batteries for the one DX because you know when it's their daily driver you're shooting 120 those things those batteries go fast so I don't want to be in the middle of a desert shooting something amazing and I run out of battery and I have nothing else so imperative to have more than you need just in case because you missed the shot there's no point of even being where you are because you missed it because your battery died that's the worst excuse to have to like I missed it because I my battery died you didn't bring you bring how many batteries do you have dude well I'd like to I mean you only have to you went all the way across you went to Dubai you but all the way across the world and you brought two batteries with you yeah I mean what what did you bring shoes yeah did you bring pants yeah will you remember those things why didn't you remember more batteries I didn't think you didn't think you're you you're right you didn't think you didn't think at all here buddy Kevin it's always Kevin Kevin never remembers extra batteries I digress charger for all of those batteries that's another downside of the 1dx the charger is pretty big the bigger the camera that you get beat a cinema camera a red big one DX Olympic sports camera they're always gonna have like the Chargers almost always get bigger so I look forward to the day when I just get to use small ones again like the u.s. are it's just a typical 5d Mark 3 Mark 470 60 to that same charger that takes the LPE six batteries I love that one got your rode video mic Pro Plus for vlogging and anything audio related now I want to say if you're looking at this mic if you're thinking about getting this mic you can get a specific windscreen that goes over the front it goes over the foam that ruined my audio for like two months everything was muffled people you guys were always like yo your audio is weird like why does it sound like you're covering the mic Matty Knight did some tests in the office and when I took that off it sounded a hundred times better so then I bought this actual rode one which is the road brand and you take the foam off the mic as it is and then this replaces that whole foam thing and it slides right on so that's what you want to do if you have to the video mic Pro Plus and you're deciding to vlog outside if you're gonna do anything that has any amount of wind you need this so once I had that on there this thing works like a dream the battery lasts forever and it turns on and off with the power of the camera so you're never forgetting and then your batteries are dead because you left it on when you went to bed that's amazing I have my little tripod so one of my requirements for a tripod is that it's very very small it's not big it doesn't take up a lot of room and I can actually put it in my carry-on my roller cuz I don't really want to put this on my bag and I want to have it strapped to the bottom because that just it always sucks so this arm what's this even called I went into the store and I found it three-legged thing the brand is called three-legged thing and people are like yeah you haven't heard of those guys and I was like no I haven't heard of that's such an interesting name but it's a great little tripod it called as it expands it as a hook on the bottom it goes plenty tall for me to get good time lapses out any window that I'm shooting in wherever I'm staying uses the Swiss are kahut it comes with this nice ball head which is amazing this tripod is probably only gonna take a certain amount of weight if you are putting like a 1 DX on it with a 7200 you gotta mount the 7200 by like the foot this part of the lens has to mount to the tripod and the camera just kind of floats off the back because it would be too top-heavy and it's not that kind of a tripod but I bring it everywhere with me long exposures rooftop exposures this time-lapse from Dubai use this this other time-lapse from Dubai use this might be saying why is everything from Dubai because I bought this right before I went to Dubai because I had to get so one and it broke this one's been amazing big fan of this three-legged thing I'll leave all the links below power inverter because you always need it this one's nice because all those little levers you just slide them out depending where you are you don't have to worry about bringing a big bag of things it's just all compacted into one little nice little travel adapter there that's but not least external SSD this one's a terabyte it's a solid-state drive it's from Samsung it's called the t5 I love it it's USB c2 USB see it works great with my laptop when I'm traveling I use it to and from the office almost every day when I throw this footage on and then bring it to work these things super reliable I love it and that about sums up everything that I carry in my camera bag on a daily basis this goes on my camera bag too so that's it guys that is what's in my camera bag 2019 those are the things that make these videos I'm probably gonna do what's in my studio 2019 and show you the gear that I use to actually film the tutorials and the boom mics and the cinema cameras and a couple other special cameras that are gonna make guest appearances that you haven't seen yet all the big tripods and the big lights and the more the more the production side of things I'd love to do a video like that as well but as far as mobile goes traveling and to and from vlog stuff everyday use EDC my everyday camera carry EDC see that's it that's the stuff guys so thanks so much for watching if you're still here at this point I commend you like let's just let's just do you ready put your fill this let's do this right now together three two one oh I did it I'm gonna trust that you did it too thank you so much for watching guys smash that like button style ring the bells that you actually know when I post and then it helps me and it helps you and we can keep doing this thing subscribe if you aren't already and and I will see you guys in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,676,625
Rating: 4.9490547 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Whats in my camera bag 2019, Whats in my camera bag, Peter McKinnon's Camera Bag, Peter McKinnon Camera, Lowepro pro Tactic 450AW ii, 1DXMK2, Canon EOS R, 70-200, 16-35mk3, Canon RF 28-70, DJI MAvic Pro 2, Rode Video MIc Pro Plus, Vlog Set up, Peter McKinnon's Vlog Set up, Travel Tripod
Id: nJud8QEjkLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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