Why Dream gave me $1000

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so today i was invited to a minecraft youtuber wipeout event with dream tommy in it fundy and more there's a parkour course where the fastest person to be it gets 1 000 now of course me as a person that wants to pay for college i kind of wanted to win this only problem is this guy dream he's in it too he kind of plays minecraft you see how many minecraft manhunt 1 billion iq moment youtube videos there are this event was a ton of fun and if you want to check out my twitch where i do all my live streaming check it out in the description that's about all i have to say so i'll just kind of pass over the uh the microphone to me from a week ago and enjoy the video this is the practice run by the way the real thing is until later but dream is trying way too hard on this and he's definitely gonna win but it's okay i got i'm pretty good at it too i have to focus because this is it's like if i win i get a thousand dollars second place is like on a 500 or 250 something like that so it's just a big parkour course and i gotta win this is my try hard run let me see how fast i can get okay 340 343 that's good that's really good that could be a close to a winning time that might be a placing time let me look at the information again so first place is a thousand second place 250 third place is a hundred dollars oh yeah let me look at the order there's an order of people that go i'm fourth it's sip over eric dio than me and apparently every two or three games there's gonna be a mini game in between where if you win it you can choose to either have fifty dollars or um get another minute to your time but i'm pretty sure it adds like normally you have ten minutes to do it if you don't do it in ten minutes then it's just how far you got i'm obviously going to do it in less than ten minutes i think i'm just gonna take the fifty dollars not out of greed but because i literally don't need the other minute yeah okay so we get seven minutes and if you win a mini game you either get fifty dollars or an extra minute i completed this in three minutes i do not need seven minutes even if i do a god-awful run i don't need the minute so i'll take the 50 bucks i know i have a pretty good chance at getting top three but there's also the chance that i choke you know every two participants in a mini game will be played okay so after after air there's gonna be a mini game i think the mini games are sumo spleef in one hit i hate sumo with a burning passion but i'm still gonna win spleef i'm also not good at and one hit i don't know if i'm good at so i'm not really confident about the minigames but all right spleef i'm gonna target tommy in it when we're gonna get the shovels i gotta stay away from everyone i'm so scared this is so scary this is genuinely like way scarier than it should be two layers there's two layers okay noted three two one go i don't know about you guys but i can't exactly uh break the snow hello what's going on guys now there goes there it goes i've gotta play safe i gotta stay away from everyone oh this is terrifying i'm down to stalemate i'm not gonna wait as long as possible and like half the map is already falling down decay comes on in 30 seconds okay that's i gotta stand on a four block corner so if the the block under me doesn't decay okay decay how fast is decay oh my god decay is really fast oh my god that's so fast do you see how many blocks i thought would be like super gradual oh my god that's so fast oh what what what what tommy what are you doing you mad man why did tommy spawn like right next to me how does that happen boys we're not doing too bad we're not doing too bad right now now keep in mind i have to really make sure i don't fall straight through both layers because there's a chance that there's no blocks below me i fall straight through to lava so i need to always be looking down when i'm standing still like this you know everyone's just camping this is a very passive game of belief i feel like the end the people aren't even going to get split at the end like the blockchain is going to decay under them yeah that's what it looks like get him tommy in it good job tommy in it oh everyone's down except for fire breath man and i i think i'm talking too i think i'm top two i won did i win fundy what how's funny alive what am i supposed to do oh he's making a bridge he's making a bridge okay that that works that works that works that works i'm pushing him back he's gonna run out of places to go i hope they replace the bridge replace the bridge replace bridge yeah didn't work fundy my heart's pounding let's go let's go let's go let's go my heart is genuinely pounding uh i'll say 50 bucks all right so i won spleef and 150 which i did end up giving back to the community as gifted subs but that was just the very start that was just a small side game i have to win the real deal one thousand dollars i was so caught up in spleef that i forgot that it was my turn to play oh god it's me oh god it's me oh god it's me oh i forgot it's me all right all right focus time oh man what i choked i'm i'm already choked i already choked it didn't i guys already choked artichoke it's fine it's fine it's fine fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my god the nerves are getting to me okay pick it up pick it up pick it up i'm not messing up anymore i'm not messing up anymore [Music] i'm not oh that lagged me too i forgot what the frames alright not messing up anymore okay yeah okay now the hard jumps coming up the hard jumps coming up no i i think i might have lost because of that one jump okay okay okay oh my god i'm i'm doing so much worse than i did before i'm actually choking so much harder than i expected okay that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i can't get down on myself okay okay this is a big one no no yeah not doing awful not doing awful okay i'm at a decent time come on if i choke this part i'm definitely like this is the biggest part because it takes like 45 seconds to get back up no i shifted no i uh i was shifted but it bounced me oh my god i shifted but it still bounced me okay it's over it's over it's over remember when i said i could definitely get under four minutes maybe under three minutes chat sorry sorry it's right sorry for the content for the content okay okay okay okay we're good that's the last hard part that's the last hard part of it i say as i fall man okay i'll take it but that was so bad ah okay but i'll take it now you guys got to realize that i was so nervous with this i know it doesn't you can't really tell through the video but my hands were genuinely shaking and they were sweating like crazy i could barely get a grip on the keyboard and mouse in the practice runs i was easily making almost every jump but in this i just i just couldn't get it together i really couldn't so with a final time of 434 almost a minute slower than my practice run i just had to really cross my fingers and hope for the best i don't think it's going to be a first place time but it might be a top three time i think we're doing another mini game now i'm still gonna win this i'm gonna be the mini game champion i was the first one to die yeah come on squid kid oh yeah yeah potato boy how would you how do you miss the jump potato boy mr jump potato boy miss jump potato boy i'm sorry but i'm naturally very competitive hundreds of hours of farming potatoes still can't make a park or jump oh that sucks boy does that suck maybe you should have reinvested your time just to lose a war oh man oh boy oh i made the jump this time good stuff potato man good stuff proud of you i was rooting for you god i'm just so upset if that if that one jump cost me a thousand dollars that's a good youtube title i'll tell you that much but also that sucks it's gonna be like sumo 1v1s don't tell me this is sumo 1v1s that's going to be stressful don't put me up against time theo no what no not not purple versus tapple no no no not not purple versus apple he knows how to play minecraft oh oh i'm low on health i'm gonna die did i kill him i win do they know i'm low on health i died again i died of health no i'm dead i'm dead gg sumo in 1.9 plus is so awkward oh yeah you want to go you want to go green boy i could green screen anything onto you right now and it would look really funny don't make me i got an idea hold on chat hey guys i'm dream it's me dream from minecraft how you guys doing only a small percentage are subscribed to the youtube channel so if you could uh check if you're subscribed that would really help out thanks thanks for watching so next up was dream he was the guy i was most worried about i mean as you guys know he's really good at the game and i really messed up on my run and the thing that sucks the most about it is right now all i could do was just watch all right this is it i gotta get my phone timer up i'm gonna set the timer second he starts so i'm 4 34. this is literally it this is this is the match in five minutes i'll know if i've won a thousand dollars or not all i can do is watch i'm really mad but all i can do is watch he's play he's gonna play safe isn't he oh he can shift smart please just miss a single jump make me feel better about myself i don't know he's doing so well he's playing a lot more confident than i was a lot more consistent okay bad timing bad timing friend that's cool that's pog that's pogba here comes the hard jump this is a big one this is a big one if he can make this oh no what what what guys i think i lost i think i lost unless he unless he mega chokes unless he mega chokes it's totally over no where's he at right now he's at he's less than two minutes right now he's playing very safe though he's doing a perfect run he's yeah this is what i would have done if i had known how fast he had gone like if dream went first i would have seen that okay fell he fell if dream went first i would have seen the skip he done he did and i would have done it okay come on dream choke come on dream choke if he messes up here that's big though if he messes up here if he misses a jump up here i don't think he will i think he's locked in just missed just missed just miss miss one jump okay good come on dream come on yes yes yes yes okay that's good that's really good that helps one more choke one more choke all i need is one more choke i got four and a half he's at 310. yes oh he fell okay he didn't go all the way down he didn't go all the way down though he didn't go all the way down that might that might not have been enough that might not have been enough 3 30. he's at 3 30. any anything from now i feel like i win any chokes all right he's at 3 45 he has 45 seconds i think he can get it guys i think he can get it i think he's gonna get it no he's gonna get it so close but yet so far good game he got four minutes gg if he had fallen all the way down there it might have made the difference if he had fallen all the way down oh gg though wait firebreath man is the only guy i'm worried about right now and he actually he looks like he knows what he's doing oh this is the last person did skeppy leave okay as long as i'm guaranteed top three as long as he hasn't beat my time but he's he's doing pretty good he's actually doing pretty good if he just full sends it he might beat dream he genuinely might beat dream if he full sends it oh indeed guys he made the hard jump too oh let's go that's that's huge that's huge that's huge that's huge that's huge please miss the jump let's okay that's that's really good oh but he does have to skip which is a free 10 seconds on me 10 15 seconds on me so the skip which i didn't know about by the way now he's gonna do the skip so 10 seconds added yeah i mean technically i would have gotten the skip as well which would mean that i'm only at whatever seconds but whatever i mean like it's at this point it's kind of petty to look back and worry about every tiny little minute detail so he's at two and a half minutes right now i think i got him maybe he's choking a couple times it's up to this it's really if oh let's go i think that's it i think that's a wrap i'm pretty sure that's a wrap don't get too excited yet but it might be a wrap especially if he messes up anything here i think it's over he's already done three and a half minutes no way that doesn't count that doesn't count that doesn't count there's no way that counts there's no way that counts if that counts i don't know if that counts kind of unplugged kind of unpog wow i don't know i don't know how i feel about that well i do know how i feel about that i feel like it's not fair man third place wait no you can't just donate your prize to me take the money dream minecraft no because i didn't win it would have been one thing if dream only won because of the skip but he still out parkoured me that's the thing yeah dream said that in dms and then i said and i then i said no this was before dream went this was before dream went and this is when he went i said but nah winner gets it dream deserves to win because he did the faster run of course he did a skip but yeah he's like he said he would have won anyways but i think dream gets i think it's just how it is i'm gonna call from dream hey dream yo hey i'm currently doing a run you're gonna talk though i'm down to talk i thought before the event i was worried about i was worried about you in fire breath man because fire breath in like try hard like a lot of minecraft events so i was just like he's probably gonna do well the nerves totally got to me i missed so many of the the easy jumps yeah i definitely want you to have the money i mean i i didn't i wasn't playing for the money in the first but my original thought was uh maybe i'll maybe i'll donate to charity or something but then i was like i mean i don't know what charity i've already donated charity recently and i was like i think well i appreciate that see man thank you so much by the way yeah no problem so you you won the thousand dollars the 100 and the 50 man backing up money yeah no kidding i hope you have a great day and i'll send you the money we'll talk about that pretty soon all right see you then see you purple so that does it for the minecraft wipeout event but spoiler alert there's another one and it already happened but i'll have that video out i don't know in maybe a week or so um until then i have a couple other videos coming out on this channel so if you want to subscribe go ahead and again if you want to check out my twitch that's in the description but yeah huge shout out to zyphon for hosting this his link is in the description and uh thank you for watching have a good rest your day and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: PurpledLIVE
Views: 1,167,545
Rating: 4.9475908 out of 5
Keywords: dream, tommyinnit, fundy, purpled, wipeout, $1000, 1000 dollars, why dream gave me $1000, minecraft event, minecraft, minecraft tournament, pvp, parkour, minecraft wipeout, dream minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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