Why Grandmaster Luke Absolutely HATED Count Dooku - Star Wars Explained

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why did Luke say that he believed Darth tyrannis was pure evil welcome back acolytes to the archives we've been expecting you Dooku is the one Jedi turned Sith whose story and Outlook are not the most straightforward even the timeline of exactly when he fell to the dark side and became a Sith is convoluted and full of contradiction but the wise are relatively welln Dooku judged the corruption of the Senate who flitted away Jedi lives on missions that furthered their own agenda they sent Jedi into losing situations or let Jedi Dion missions that didn't even require intervention Dooku's frustration was compounded by how obtuse the council was towards the Senate and how they continued to Plate politicians instead of acting in the best interest of the wider Galaxy all of that anger climaxed with the death of Qui-Gon Jin in recent years within our own Community Dooku has become something of an admired figure one whose turn to the dark side is seen largely as Justified despite the depraved things that he does some even go as far as to think of him as a tragic and a understood hero however Luke Skywalker would not be so generous in his assessment of Dooku so today we open another holocron and talk about how Luke's teachings On the Dark Side proved that he believed Dooku was pure evil Luke Skywalker knew of Dooku from first learning about him in the journals of Obi-Wan Kenobi which were gifted to him on Tatooine he was well aware of Dooku's past as a Jedi in the fact that he had trained the master of Obi-Wan along with all of the horrific actions that he would commit during the Clone War when Jedi Academy was founded their historians would look further into the story of tyrannis to gain a clearer picture of the man but the more they found the less they understood about Dooku Jedi historian ton ssar would mention that Dooku was something of a complete Enigma to Luke's New Jedi Order he turned to the dark side whenever he was middle-aged nothing in his past suggested that he craved power Dooku was a well-respected Jedi master with a family fortune and speaking of Fortune ton would say that if he did crave power early on Dooku was very quiet about it as hardly any Jedi actually knew how wealthy Dooku was and didn't discover this until after he became a count and left the Jedi all that Luke's Jedi could understand about Dooku was that he suddenly started caring a lot more about Jedi lives at some point this care for his Brethren led him to becoming one of the more politically involved Jedi and from there it was a downward spiral into resentment of both the Jedi and the Republic that Duku served while solar would note they had no idea whether Dooku joined the dark side before or after he left the Jedi Order they would all agree that his transformation into a Sith Lord was one that was complete what Luke has to say eludes directly to the story of Dooku later on Luke would make a recording in a holocron talking about his experience with the dark side he would talk about when he encountered it when facing Vader on bbin and later how he would surrender to the dark side when becoming Palpatine's Apprentice in the dark Empire crisis Luke had chosen to join the Dark Side for many reasons but the chief of which was that he desperately desired to know why his father had done the same but once he was brought back to the light by Leia and his friends he would always remember how terrible the experience was but because of this Luke gained a personal knowledge of the dark side one that gave him more insight into how the Sith think when he was telling the story Luke would go on to talk about how seductive the dark side really was and how no matter how pure your intentions were it is always a danger Luke said this just as those who are not predisposed to dishonesty might fleetingly consider the thoughts of Thieves the noblest of force users are vulnerable to the dark side you may not think yourself especially curious easily angered or envious but the dark side is a strong Seducer it is a power that draws off of subconscious fears plays off innocent desires and feeds off selfish thoughts to transform one into a living nightmare these words by Luke is not only a Wise lesson but is also a shock at Dooku what Luke is essentially trying to explain when it comes to the dark side is the means by which you justify in the end will never matter whatever intention someone has for deciding to use this power no matter how Noble Justified honest or self-sacrificial they will always be twisted and corrupted by the darkness until that someone becomes the exact same thing they were fighting against Anna can join the Dark Side to save his wife from a death that he believed was certain and only to have the prophecy of a self- fulfilling one when he became the cause of her death Dooku desired to save Jedi lives and make the Galaxy a better place by saving it from the corrupt political system and so what did Dooku do ultimately he was responsible for the deaths of countless Jedi while becoming the very heart of political corruption himself in the form of manipulating the greedy separatist leaders this is the living nightmare that Luke spoke of your means for using the dark side become absolutely meaningless when the path is taken Dooku was evil and the 's no getting around this according to Luke when he was a Jedi he thought like a Jedi and fought like one in the most honest of Senses Dooku wanted to do his duty as a Jedi to make the Galaxy a better place but when he became a Sith those morals were compromised for the greater goal suddenly power was more attractive and instead of balancing the Republic Dooku wanted to rule it at first he was reluctant to kill Jedi and did anything he could to avoid actually killing Jedi by his own lightsaber but at the time at the end of the war he began to loosen his definition of what it meant to Kill a Jedi and by the end he personally slew master tiple and took great pleasure in it a terrifying contrast from the Dooku that started the war in these archives we have often talked about how much we like duu how skilled of a fighter he was and how compelling of a character he's been shown to be however many seem to think that Dooku is a secret hero a misunderstood genius who did the right thing by joining the Sith there have even been some who believe that he was actually playing the long game by joining the Sith and he could turn against cyas and kill him for the good of the Republic but know that while Dooku did want to kill cyas his reasons were anything but charitable he is a misunderstood person but he is not a misguided Hero whatever man Dooku may have been when he was a Jedi is gone consumed by the darkness Dooku became a Monster who was willing to kill and torture his own friends in order to further his goal he was even responsible for the death of his childhood friend cyod Dias the only friend who truly stuck by Dooku side when no one would and he actually was proud of that kill taking pleasure in it giving cypo lightsaber to General Grievous Dooku may not have shown to have any classic Sith eyes but this is a man enveloped in evil and giving away this lightsaber the lightsaber of his dearest friend to a cybernetic monstrosity who would then use that lightsaber to butcher more of his friends is is the start of a very evil Journey one's potency in the dark side is represented by their Sith yellow eyes this does not indicate their state of morality this is why they are specifically Sith eyes and not just the eyes of a dark side wielder Dooku was enveloped by the dark side and it changed him for the worse but those are the writings that Luke would later have on tuku calling him pure evil but what do you think all reasons aside do you believe that Dooku truly became evil when he joined the dark dark side at the end of the war the count of Serena was one of the more complex and compelling characters in all of Star Wars lore and just because we believe he had truly become evil doesn't change the fact that he was an amazingly complex character quite the opposite Luke's assessment of the dark side seduction along with Dooku's story just goes to show how truly vile the dark side is but now we would love to hear what you have to say is Luke Skywalker right was Dooku pure evil or is there something deeper going on here as always my friends thank you so much for watching the channel today and as always May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 94,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luke Skywalker, Count Dooku, Grandmaster Luke, Jedi, Sith, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory
Id: V6n3WGPqe8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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