Why Dooku Seemed Sad After Cutting Off Anakin's Arm - Star Wars Explained

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why is it that Dooku actually seems a little bit sad after he cuts Anakin Skywalker's arm off on Geonosis during their first encounter with the Sith Lord both Kenobi and Skywalker are handily defeated Dooku being a master of form 2 makashi and considered the greatest if not the second greatest lightsaber duelist of the era it was no surprise to anyone that Kenobi and Anakin were defeated but towards the end of The Duel when it is Anakin vs Dooku and they are finally fighting one-on-one he seems a little bit sad or at least that is how many fans have interpreted this scene in reality however it plays out very differently and Dooku's inner thoughts while not sad at all at this moment are still very intriguing and speaks highly to his relationship and perception of Skywalker according to the screenplay novelization as well as the junior novelization for Attack of the Clones we actually get an insight into what Dooku is thinking and in reality this look of sadness that many have interpreted is a dismissive look of disappointment before Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one and one of the most most powerful force wielders the Galaxy had ever seen that role was filled by Dooku similar to Anakin Dooku was a prodigy and in many ways he was the proto-anekin as a young Padawan Dooku was in fact so skilled that many of the Jedi Masters were hesitant to select him for apprenticeship believing that the boy needed special guidance and training very similar to Anakin and when Grand Master Yoda stepped in directly to train the boy this was met with great hesitancy by the rest of the Jedi as they believed that the grand Master's attention should be elsewhere also very similar to Anakin Dooku at a young age grew disillusioned with the Jedi path and grew a fascination with the dark side Dooku believed that the Jedi had fallen in far too deep with the politics on Coruscant and that it was corrupting the true goals of their order but again similar to Anakin not all of his motives were righteous Dooku desired power and Forbidden Knowledge and often times would sneak behind the council's back in pursuit of such knowledge Dooku was considered the most powerful and skilled Jedi of his generation his conviction unshaken and he was very highly respected not only among the Jedi but among the common folk of the Galaxy as well extremely similar to how Skywalker would later be perceived at the conclusion of the Clone Wars a war hero A Gifted Diplomat and a well-respected Jedi the point we're trying to address here acolytes is that Dooku and Skywalker had a lot in common they were both extremely powerful extremely intelligent and very very Arrogant with all of that said what's unique about the relationship between Dooku and Skywalker is that neither of them respect the other whatsoever in fact over the course of the Clone Wars the two of them grow an outright hatred for one another according to the novelization for Attack of the Clones this look that many people have associated with sadness is Disappointment in the eyes of Dooku not only have the Jedi Order built this young boy up to be something extremely special and extremely skilled with the lightsaber but so his Dooku's own new master it was always Darth sidious's plan from the beginning to convert Anakin to the dark side a plan that he did not hide from the count so when Dooku duels Anakin in this moment he wants to take something from him as he can sense his arrogance he needs to prove a point to this child everything that Dooku hates about Anakin are the same things that he Prides himself on and Dooku truly believes that he's being cast aside in the eyes of the Jedi as well as in the eyes of his master by a superior model the same superiority that Anakin Skywalker sees in himself is exactly how Dooku feels as well the Revenge of the Sith novelization goes into great depth on how Dooku perceives himself as it says the following the political heart of the separatist Confederacy Dooku is known for his Integrity his principled stance against what seems as corruption in the Senate though they believe he's wrong many from the Republic respect him for the courage of his mistaken convictions this is Dooku Darth tyrannus count of Sereno once a great Jedi now an even greater lord of the Sith Dooku is a dark Colossus bestriding the Galaxy Nemesis of their corrupt Republic hero of the principled Confederacy of independent systems he is the very personification of shock and awe he was one of the most respected and powerful Jedi in the order's 25 000 year history yet at the age of 70 Dooku's principles would no longer allow him to serve a republic in which political power was for sale to the highest bidder he'd said farewell to his former Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn now a legendary Jedi Master in his own right he'd said farewell to his close friends on the Jedi High Council like Mace Windu and the ancient Master Yoda he'd even said farewell to the Jedi order itself he is numbered among the lost 20 Jedi who renounced their fealty to the order and resigned their commissions of Jedi Knighthood in service of ideals even higher than the order itself possessed the lost 20 if they have been known since Dooku joined their number are remembered with both honor and regret among the Jedi their images sculpted from prosnium stand enshrined in the temple archives Dooku a man of such Heritage such principle could never stoop to be Lord of garbage heaps chief of a horde of scavengers squabbling over scraps the Republic to him nothing was more than this instead he used all his great power and the great power of his family fortune and the vastly greater power of His unquestioning Integrity to begin the cleansing of the Galaxy from the Fester of this so-called democracy he is the icon of the separatist movement its public face he is to the Confederacy of independent systems what Palpatine is to The Republic Dooku is the living symbol of the justice of its cause in that my friends is the dismissive look that Dooku gives Anakin Dooku perceives himself to be so great that he does not respect this child prodigy at no point here or even at a point over the course of the Clone Wars does Dooku ever respect Anakin whatsoever even in the Revenge of the Sith novelization he's begging Palpatine to select Obi-Wan Kenobi to join their forces over Skywalker he believes that the boy is far too arrogant far too hasty he levies the same critiques at Skywalker that the likes of Windu and the rest of the council do the look that Dooku gives Anakin is not one of sadness it is a look of this is your chosen one this is the one you say will bring balance to the force I have made a fool of him I have embarrassed him with the blade that he claims is superior to Grand Master Yoda this boy is nothing this Boy Deserves no respect and with my very blade I have proven it the attack of the Clones novelization said this Anakin dropped to the ground grabbing his severed arm in agony Dooku gave another one of his resigned shrugs And So It Ends he said for the second time some alternate Legend sources though have also stated that they believed that Dooku was exhausted after this moment that sky Walker seeing Obi-Wan nearly killed by the count caused him to use the dark side against Dooku enter a sort of Rage in the moment perhaps even righteous rage and that Dooku's look here is one of exhaustion however according to the novelization for Attack of the Clones as well as the very character of Dooku I perceive this as being dismissive but anyway my friends did you ever think about this moment in Attack of the Clones and think something strange was occurring what are your thoughts on how Dooku perceives himself as well as Skywalker and what are your thoughts on the no love and no respect shared between either the Sith nor the young Jedi as always my friends May the force be with you and I hope that you visit our archives again soon thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 184,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Dooku, Dooku vs Anakin, Anakin vs Dooku Revenge of the Sith, Revenge of the Sith, Attack of the Clones, Lightsaber, Darth Sidious, Palpatine vs Yoda
Id: Bni-srHcFFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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