This change might have ruined Star Wars

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as many of you know Star Wars Episode 9 was almost quite different actually not just quite different it was almost completely different I.E there was an earlier version of episode 9 written by Colin travaro the director most well known for his work on the Jurassic World Series travaro had a whole different end to the Skywalker Saga known as Duel of the Fates a lot of people liked that movie I think there are some elements that are really quite neat but I also think it would have been an absolute disaster for Star Wars as a whole I initially started this video as a focus on one particular character Tor valum and I am going to start the video off by looking at him however later on I want to discuss the major thematic missteps that Star Wars would have made had it followed travaro's script before I get too negative though I do want to acknowledge that this episode 9 from a plot perspective purely plot did some really cool things and we even see strands of that in in the rise of Skywalk for example it was trevorrow's idea to have Lando show up to help defeat the first order with Smugglers from across the Galaxy obviously that changed a little bit but you get the idea trevaro also openly mined The Source material for good ideas this movie would have opened on Kuan with the resistance stealing and I'm not joking the eclipse class Superstar Destroyer as it appeared in Legends Rey and kylo ren would have battled on mortis yeah mortise from the Clone Wars The dark saber was present it would have been wacky in a way that definitely reminds me of Jurassic world but probably in a fun way there were also just good ideas generally like the Stormtrooper Rebellion that seemed so obvious after episode 8 is present in this movie but let's first talk about Tor valum and torvalum is a character who I'm glad doesn't exist in Star Wars to put it mildly to set things up Duel of the Fates like the rise of Skywalker had kylo Ren tracking down known the past histories and Adventures of Palpatine Invader except instead of looking for wayfinders in the path to hexagon kylo tracks down a Sith holocron a holocron which contains a message from Palpatine to Vader Vader is instructed to travel to the remna core system where he will find Tor valum Master of the Sith Lord who instructed me that's a direct quote from Palpatine and indicates that Vader was sent to look for Plagueis Master kylo's hope is that he can use torvalim to acquire a power greater than other force wielders and specifically to harness the power of mortise itself so kylo calls an Uber he punches in remnakor he shows up on the planet and once you know it stumbles upon a fortress surrounded by evidence of a past paddle between the Jedi and Sith emerging from wreckage is and I quote Tor valum seven thousand years old an alien of Unknown Origin spinly intense sinew and muscle pulled tight from the beginning you can tell that Vellum is essentially edgier Yoda he starts off their conversation playing koi pretending he doesn't know what a Sith Master is or who Darth Plagueis is but literally three lines later he's making kylo Ren pledge himself to his teachings and the Sith cut away for some off-screen training and by the time we return to valum and kylo ren their neck deep in training with Tor valum teaching kylo how to steal someone's life force as he does so the scars on his face which are evidence of his fault the dark side are slowly healing Valen teaches kylo that the living force is nourishment the more one consumes the stronger one becomes to take life is to cheat death anyway thankfully Yoda and Tor valum shared a real estate agent because Tor also has a dark side cave with Vader in it on standby Vader defeats kylo Ren kylo emerges from the cave and uses his new s stealing ability to suck Tor valum dry killing the Sith master so why don't I like torvalim well he's transparently as I said just edgier Yoda one of the awesome things about Yoda is that the emergence of a master from the silly frog like creature is both shocking and Incredibly compelling even if you know it's coming seeing the truly wise nature of Yoda really reverses a lot of what one might expect from the universe the dude is a muppet and he's telling the secrets of life itself but it's like they saw Yoda and tried to one him up Yoda is several hundred years old dorvalum several thousand he gives kylo just a massive power boost then dies the idea of it being sort of a dark mirrored what happens in Empire Strikes Back is interesting but one of the major problems that people have with the rise of Skywalker is that it does all these things to advance the plot without greater consideration for how the World building and lore will be affected holistically and Tor valum is like the worst exam simple of this it completely destroys the idea of the rule of two Tor valum taunt Plagueis he was alive at the same time as Plagueis and Palpatine and what's more Palpatine is aware that he's still alive and he knows where the dude's living it makes no sense that Palpatine would know that his greatest rival is still alive and would do nothing about it it also means that Tor valum just existed during that entire point we hear about in The Phantom Menace where the Sith are hiding he was the great engineer of the plan that brought the Sith to where they are by the time of episode three and he's introduced and killed within a couple of paragraphs that's just not very careful and it's not great I like the idea of a creepy looking character the concept art I've been using throughout this video that's actually him but otherwise not great however if tour of Allen was the only issue with this version of episode 9 yeah I could have looked past it however there's a far far more serious issue I love the way the movie would have ended with Rey creating a new class of Jedi but in that last bit you can see the issue the big lesson that Rey learns besides hey it's good to restart the Jedi is that what they should be seeking for is balance I know what you're saying Justin that's something Jedi have been saying since the dawn of time sort of but the big Revelation in episode 9 is that the Jedi were wrong about balance balance is not as Master Yoda saw it to see and confront your dark emotions but move past them no it's to have both existing within you at once and this is just a fundamental misunderstanding of what George Lucas was trying to tell us with Star Wars in her final fight with kylo Rae says our masters were wrong I will not deny my anger and I will not reject my love I am the darkness and I am the light you are nothing you are no one kylo says no one is no one Rey responds by the way she's not Palpatine's granddaughter in this she's just some chick but find the balance within and embrace your dark side that's worse than somehow Palpatine returned later Yoda and the Gang show up they tell a conference in and they admit hey we were wrong Luke says and I quote you chose to embrace the dark side in the lake to find balance within Yoda's like hey that was the right move coexist they must as such feelings do in all of us he's like remember all that stuff I said on Dagobah nah I was actually wrong about that just be mad it's all good like it's very very obvious that it was this and we sort of learned about this in a bit before the script was even released that stopped the movie from going forward I honestly don't think that lucasfilm or whoever cares whether kylo lived or how the specific plot elements worked out they obviously gave according to Ryan Johnson lots of leeway in that but what this movie would have done is ignored literally every thematic message that everything Star Wars gave us before this point everything in Rebels everything in the Clone Wars everything in the prequel trilogy the original trilogy pretty much every novel ever says hey don't let let yourself fear because that's how Anakin is created that's how Jason in Star Wars Legends is created people with good intentions who don't recognize and let go of Their Fear end up killing kids it's just such a colossal misunderstanding of the universe that no matter how messy and screwy the episode nine we got is at least it's not a shot to the head of Star Wars like this would have been in my opinion this would have been like canonizing gray Jedi and making it so that everyone in hindsight turns into a gray Jedi that a gray Jedi is just a Jedi now if you like George Lucas's Star Wars I don't know how you can like this I just don't so yeah no hate to trevorrow I just think he's got a kind of wildly different view of the universe than pretty much everyone else that's okay but I don't think it needs to in the ninth inning literally almost completely turned things on its head and remove all the past messaging like that is a disaster waiting to happen in my opinion but let me know what you think do you like the idea of tour valum do you think that travara was sort of on the right track with how he envisioned the force would you have been okay with this movie did what did you think before you watched this video when you heard Duel of the Fates because I know a lot of people really like it without maybe fully examining what the implications of that would have been let me know your thoughts on that and more below foreign [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 76,828
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Id: mAmB4TvfdMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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