Palpatine Didn't Cause the Clone Wars... It Was Inevitable

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they say that the best lines are garnished and carefully surrounded by the truth it is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling I love democracy I love the Republic I mean Palpatine definitely isn't that reluctant to accept the emergency powers given to him by the Senate but he definitely does love democracy you can feel his passion oozing from this delivery Palpatine loved to subvert the Republic use its own institutions and politics to carefully seize more and more power Palpatine loved the fact that he could convince the voting populace and political system to do his bidding as he orchestrated one of the greatest conflicts in Galactic history he creates such fear and uncertainty that the people themselves deliver the Republic directly into his hands and helped him subvert the sacred balance between the various branches of government and destroy the Republic's Thousand-Year pledge to peace and disarmament so yeah we can directly blame Darth Sidious and probably his master Darth plague is for kicking off the Clone Wars but I would argue these two individuals were simply trigger men for a conflict that was tens of thousands of years in the making before we get there though a quick word from our sponsor for today's video one of the Premier destinations for completely legally obtained lightsabers that have not been looted from the battlefields of the Clone Wars has some truly awesome replica blades that are designed with quality and attention to detail like this guy right here called the black moon saper also known as the darksaber by the mandolores it's only like their symbol of leadership and the only lightsaber ever crafted by a Mandalorian no big deal I also really like the samurai Blade Set which includes a longer Katana and a shorter Soto lightsaber this is based off of Ahsoka tunnels lightsabers after the Clone Wars great for some dual wielding I also want to mention to you guys at we'll now be rolling out after pay at checkout this splits the 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Memorial Day which is not a day of Celebration but a day of remembrance for all the sacrifices men and women in this country have given regardless of politics or personal ideology I think it's important to respect these individuals who went overseas went to war and never returned so that we wouldn't have to do it in their place and since 1775 around 1.35 million Americans have died in service and close to half of those deaths actually came during the American Civil War 655 000 American lives were lost in that devastating conflict where brother fought brother where every casualty and even the most Flawless Victory ended with just more dead Americans and the one thing I really want to highlight about a civil war is that it's never orchestrated by just one or two evil actors while many Confederates saw Lincoln as an aggressor despite his attempts to Defuse The Crisis others blame the South for moving so swiftly after the 1860s election and of course for opening fire on the union held Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston South Carolina the truth is the North and the South chose very different paths a long time ago and this is what really led to the conflict the North had a higher population and its working class was made up of free men and women and its economy was rapidly transforming into an industrial Powerhouse the South still depended heavily on cash crops cotton in those days was a prize commodity Not So Different in value from oil in today's economy and it was a heavily labor-intensive industry in 1862 one out of every 65 people alive were involved in the cotton industry an America produced roughly 80 percent of the global demand for it before the Civil Wars started and it made up more than 60 percent of America's exports which is insane and would force most modern day and economics to scream diversity find a very fine diversify all of this heavily dependent on slave labor will at least culturally it did yeah this small minority group of extremely wealthy plantation owners who had this incentive to keep the system in place and this was detrimental not only to the slaves obviously but also to all of the poor white families who had no Economic Development because there was such inequality in wealth the north for many decades rightly saw that industrialization would be the future it also saw slavery as a great evil but also as a less efficient system farms in the north were usually family run and they usually focus on different types of crops so this was a conflict in the making for decades if not centuries I mean you could even trace the problems here back to the foundation of the country back to the Declaration of Independence and Alliance of convenience made by a group of colonies that were very different from one another and so the Clone Wars despite being compared to America's war on terror a lot it's actually reminds me a lot more of the American Civil War I mean mine is Palpatine orchestrating everything of course again Palpatine I think just inflamed tensions that are deeply rooted in causes that started all the way back to 25 000 years ago with the foundation of the Old Republic now prior to 25 000 BBY the Recon infinite Empire ruled over much of the known Galaxy the regans were a species of vicious Dark Side force wielders and they enslaved every species they ran into and exported them to many of their worlds their fall from Power occurred as rapidly as their rise to power a mysterious plague most likely created by the forts itself cut the Recons off from their own force abilities and since most of their technology ran on Dark Side Force Powers they were suddenly stranded all across the Galaxy with no advanced technology and So within a few Generations the rakan Empire more or less collapsed what was left were various groups of slaves that have been seated all across the Galaxy by the Recon infinite Empire on worlds like chandrilla alt run and Coruscant in the core you have the largest concentrations and these worlds basically created an alliance that turned into the Republic and this republic since it was founded by slaves was based on the principles of individual Freedom rights and also a representative democracy this early version of the Old Republic sought to expand quickly outwards reconnecting the territory of the Old Wagon empire together once again but because they didn't have hyperdrive technology these individuals had to use sleeper ships or generational ships and this took a really long time to reach the more peripheral areas of the Galaxy and so the core worlds would experience a huge economic and population boom as these generational ships started going out to the other territories and these peripheral regions would only stay a step behind from the core Wars of influence would be fought between the Republican newly encountered factions in the peripherals of their territory like the elsikins and the tionese now if you take a close look at the galactic map you'll notice that the Republic is kind of like a tree it's arranged in rings and the outer ring represent the latest growth while the core represents the oldest these rings can tell you the story of the Republic as well as a tree can tell you about the climate it grew up in and if you take a look at the individual names of each territory each ring you'll notice that outside of the core is an area called the colonies which indicates at one point this region was considered the peripherals or Last Frontier before you go into the unknown but eventually the colonies became well established themselves with major industrial worlds like fondor and karida being established and so the ring outside of the colony's ring became known as the inner Rim which was followed by the expansion region another name that seems to indicate that this was now the peripherals of the Galaxy but if you go one further layer we arrive to the mid Rim which actually is the last layer of the Galaxy that actually has consistently had a republic presence throughout the years I know this is all really confusing but this is what happens when you you don't have like a real strict plan or naming convention the adoram wild space and unknown region are the final frontiers of the Galaxy and they'll remain that way because they're all that lies between civilized space and the cold Embrace of deep space now during this early expansion period it was relatively easy for new member worlds to apply for membership and soon you had hundreds of different worlds being represented in the Republic but when that number reached into the thousands and it became clear that the old representative democracy system of the Senate was being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of voices that now took place in the political process the Republic quickly enacted reforms it became apparent that individual planets even individual solar systems could no longer have direct representation anymore the Republic would be organized into different sectors and each sector would have their own representation for instance the channel sector in the midrim is a lightly populated sector it had 36 full member worlds and over 40 000 settled entities amongst more than 300 million stars cars and they were all represented by one Senator which at one point was she Palpatine himself now I'm sure you guys noticed a problem here I mean the the dizzying amounts of layers of representation here has to create some problems right I mean you have your local government for a city like feed then you have a government that represents individual groups like The Naboo Monarch and then you also have the big boss of the gungan High Council within the trammal sector itself all of the member worlds most likely have their own Council that would inform the representative for the entire sector then the senator of the channel sector gets one vote in the larger Galactic Senate and as you can see during the invasion in about one sector's loan voice even in the face of such egregious and blatant aggression was not able to do much against the much larger and more powerful corporate entities which actually got direct representation themselves but we'll talk a little bit more about that later on yeah in a way Naboo actually had Direct representation in the Senate because both Padme and Palpatine were from Naboo by the time the outer rim planets begin applying for membership within the Republic the waiting line was so long that it could take hundreds if not thousands of years for that membership to be cleared and that's because not only did the core worlds realize that the Senate was growing out of control when it came to size they also wanted to preserve their own interests and not have their power deluded by what they saw as backward of planets with very little value and so it started a process of taxation without representation and no Services the Old Republic was always famous for concentrating on economic growth rather than military power and so whenever an outside entity attacked whether it was the Sith Empire or the mandalorians or even the useng Vang the Republic would often use these adiram territories sort of as a buffer region to slow down invasions and so the adoram experienced some of the worst tragedies and massacres in Galactic history in 3973 BBY the Old Republic and Jedi stood by as a Mandalorian war party descended on the planet of Qatar and drove the local inhabitants to Extinction it wasn't until the siege of Taurus more than 10 years later that the Republic would spring into action against the Mandalorian Crusades and asuka's Taurus was a mid-render seminopolis planet with great economic importance the Republic would of course retool its industrial capabilities from making Speeders into making starfighters from Hydro spanners into Blaster rifles and so one of the core regions of the Galaxy experienced long periods of peace and stability allowing for the development of complex and advanced industries that form the core of the economic foundation for the Republic the adoram regions was repeatedly neglected raised by Bandits pirate Sith Lords and degenerate xenos and so you really couldn't build anything long-term or predict what would happen long term in these regions and this was a terrible environment for business to occur in and the Republic could never really established a large or permanent military presence in the outer room this area of the galaxy has always been too sparsely populated and poor to sustain larger Security Forces adequate enough to protect these areas and as a result the lack of security discouraged capital investment which discouraged people from moving into this area which in turn led to a lack of funding and Manpower for security forces and so as you can see the outer rim became subject to a vicious cycle of poverty lack of security and lack of investment followed by more poverty and so on now in the Republic's defense there were attempts to do something about this issue during the high Republic period widely seen as the Golden Age of the Republican the Jedi Order The Starlight Beacon station was built in the Adorama as sort of a police station for the region Jedi quick reaction forces were based here permanently but still the Jedi faced the same problem that every other security Force has faced when it came to governing the adoram there was simply too much area for them to cover which led us finally to the creation of the adoram free trade zone in 124 BB Why by the galactic Senate the idea was by removing trade regulations in tariffs it would attract capital investment from corporations that might be more tolerant to higher risk of course established companies like quad Drive yards and the carillion Engineering Corporation would avoid such risky projects smaller and medium-sized corporations like the Trade Federation which at the time was quite small jumped at the opportunity to give themselves you know an advantage over their larger competitors soon other entities like The Intergalactic banking Clan the corporate Alliance and the Trade Federation would also begin setting up shock when I say that the Republic neglected the adoram I don't just mean um when it comes to security issues I mean when it comes to everything there were no administrative bodies there no monitors to make sure these corporations were doing the right thing and so soon it became apparent that these corporate Powers were taking advantage of the Republic's lack of presence in these areas and soon organizations like the Trade Federation were destroying all competition in the region and even trapping the locals into indentured servitude the Trade Federation also controlled most of the trade flowing from the outer rim to the core and vice versa this meant that they could also control pricing for everyday Goods this was a really messed up situation furthermore all of these corporate entities also started establishing their own private military forces in order to guard their assets the trade Defense Force would be established by the Trade Federation and it served as a precursor to the Confederate military during the Clone Wars the situation became so bad that some all conflicts began to emerge like the Stark hyperspace War a battle between a group of pirates and smokers and the Trade Federation all the Sith really had to do during this time was to fund organizations that increase the hostility between the adorim and the core regions the Sith and legends would even try to start an uprising with the violent yanchuri Warrior Race the idea was to kill as many Jedi as possible but also undermine their Authority and the Galaxy's belief in them finally in 67 BBY the Republic Senate decided enough was enough and began proposing reforms to the Outer Rim free trade zone what they wanted to do was to break up the monopolies of the adoram and give more power to local smaller businesses and then finally n32 BBY the senate had enough and passed prop 31814d which finally reintroduced taxation into the outer rim this of course pissed off all of the corporate Powers operating there and even led to the invasion in Abu by the Trade Federation a clear sign of the wider conflict that would come when Count Dooku gave his raxxas address a little less than 10 years later his condemnation of the Senate and their Jedi Guardians ranked true with the citizens of the outer rim they rightfully believe that the Republic neglected them they loved Dooku because he was a former Jedi and he was in a way a representative of the Republic his defection to the separate side Justified all of their anger and grievances they had held against the Republic for thousands of years the outer rim was suffering from generational trauma which created generational mistrust of the rest of the Galaxy and without it it doesn't matter how much money Plagueis and city is pumped into the supper's movements and never would have solidified and turned into something real unless there were actual grievances being held so there you have it guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan Hermione that my allegiance is to The Republic the democracy
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 78,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, darth sidious, palpatine, chancellor palpatine, clone wars, darth plagueis, who started the clone wars, free trade zone, trade federation, Republic, galactifc republic, jedi, order 66, clone wars who started it, outer rim vs core
Id: 79niliNc2QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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