Why The First Lightsabers Were Considered Pathetic Slave Weapons - Star Wars Explained

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the lightsaber long known as the ancient but elegant weapon of the Jedi a noble and Powerful statement of who they were truly meant to be but what if I told you the origins of the lightsaber are quite strange and that once they were known as a slave's weapon used by their order for several Millennia the lightsaber has become the very staple of the presence of a Jedi however as many know there was a time back in the days of the old where the peacekeepers did not use lightsabers at all but rather Force imbued metal swords an era where the Jedi were on their original Homeworld of python and were known at the time as the Jedi Order many believe that the first lightsaber came from the proto-saber but in actuality the Jedi were not the ones who invented lightsaber technology the Jedi only adopted and studied it according to Legend's continuity the Jedi discovered the lightsaber when it was a tool of the dark side a purely aggressive and somewhat evil weapon which actually belonged to the Slave cast of the infinite Empire so why was this how could a weapon of such Elegance in stature be treated this way by the rakatan Empire and more importantly how did the weapon become a Mainstay of the Jedi well stay tuned my friends as we'll be unpacking this and many more in today's Holocaust to begin our tale though we have to go way back the year is 25 793 BBY the ricotta had conquered a world that was called Tatooine and were Now setting their sights on a planet sufficiently strong in the force a planet known as typhen the home of the reclusive Jedi Order this is where we meet a character named Cash Cash who held the title of a force Hound to the rakatan overlords the force hounds were a class of slaves with each one being bound in service to a specific rakatan leader a leader who they called the predor the ricotta at this time had been using the force specifically the dark side to power their Technologies using ancient techniques long forgotten they had no need for such things as plasma or engines they simply use the dark side to create an power their weapons and technology for conquer due to this they were highly Advanced especially for this time as we must remember that this was pre the hyperspace era most planets had barely discovered Interstellar flight and everyone was still using metallic weapons and slug throwers by the standards of this age the ricotta were immensely powerful and even without the force their technology was centuries Beyond everybody else's with all of this power the Rakata invented a sword of Frozen fire powered by the dark side of the force itself this weapon was the precursor to the lightsaber then known as the force saber the four saber was not a weapon powered by any internal power pack or any energy source for all intents and purposes it was literally just a metal cylinder with a single crystal inside we do not know anything else of its make nord's construction but what we do know is that it lacks everything that the modern lightsabers use to function the hilts are made of a material strong enough to resist the extreme temperature of the Jedi weapon forges and like we mentioned earlier it had no ignition switch whatsoever but was literally powered by channeling the dark side through the weapon to produce the blade at this time all four Sabers shared an indigo color likely having been made all the same but from what we can tell the force hounds didn't receive their saber until they acquired that position when the ricotta conquered a world they would usually either enslave kill or cannibalize whatever population they conquered most of the people they enslaved became workers to the infinite Empire but to the rare Feud that showed significant Force sensitivity they would then become battle slaves they would be taken as children their memories wiped and given a number instead of a name before all thrown into one communal cell when the time came they would be combat trained and forced to fight in an arena in ritualistic combat for the amusement of the rakatan overlords when their opponent was defeated the Victor could decide whether to give them a merciful death or allow them to be taken cooked and eaten by the ricotta when a gladiator showed promising amounts of strength cunning or mercilessness they would be considered for the position of a force Hound this is when they would be given a foresaber and trained in its ways they would then enter another smaller Gauntlet with the other candidates and fight to the death in order to attain the position if they won they kept the four saber forever and served their new rakatan Masters the force Hound's jobs were exactly as they sounded they traveled around and sniffed out planets that were prominent in the force scouting them for Conquest for the infinite Empire the foresaber was ironically just as much a symbol of their enslavement as the numbers painted on their faces were there were cotton overlords and warriors themselves spurned the weapon and treated it with great contempt they themselves do something similar to the modern saver Spear of a force Pike with a long pole arm type Hilt with the blade of dark energy sprouting from the top despite being just Indigo though the ricotta blade had very colors and in the lore it really isn't known why the rakatans ridiculed the smaller four Sabers but none of them would be caught dead wielding it for any reason this made it all the more appropriate this weapon spoke of their true end one such Force Hound was the name of cash who would crash land on Titan and throw the entire planet into a violent storm because of his dark presence when he was imprisoned there the Jedi took his Force saber from him and decided to study it here they quickly discovered that the rakotans would be invading Titan soon and with this threat looming overhead the dark Jedi Degen lock advocated for the mass production of the force saber within the Jedi Order knowing that their metal swords would be useless against this new powerful foe reluctantly the Jedi agreed despite their various misgivings about the weapon according to the ancient Jedi the four saber was a dark and an aggressive weapon one that they weren't entirely sure was fitting for one of their orders to use the feeling was compounded once it was discovered that in order to even power a for saber a Jedi had to slightly tip the balance within themselves more towards the dark despite all of this the Jedi realized that they were backed into a corner and threw caution to the wind green lighting the mass production of the force saber facing it entirely on kesh's description and instructions soon all of the Jedi on tython had for went their metal swords in favor of the new glowing weapon which soon became standard issue following the conclusion of the war the use of the force saber would die out within the ranks of the Jedi as the draw to the dark side was far too strong when brandishing this brand new blade although the four saber was short-lived within the Jedi Order its impact was Everlasting what the Jedi couldn't deny was that the forsaber offered something no other weapon could a Swift and near instant death which was probably only a byproduct of the rakatan construction according to the Jedi much later down the road the lightsaber was the perfect weapon for a Jedi to wield as it took an immense amount of patience and control in order to use properly making every motion with it a well thought out action it could dismember without bleeding and end fights in seconds and when a Jedi was forced to kill the death would be a quick one the four saber and the lightsaber are aggressive weapons which were definitely invented and used to full effect by those steeped in the dark side however it was the Jedi that saw the underlying compassion that went into Quick deaths that's why most fights that Jedi find themselves in are quickly diffused when the lightsaber is activated the mere thought of how quickly one could lose their life Under the Blade is enough to quell almost any quarrel this was observed by the ancient Jedi Order who decided to move forward with the making of four Sabers their own way this is what resulted from the Primitive proto-saber which is what we all associate with the Antiquity of a Jedi but anyway my friends this was how the lightsaber was once considered the weapon of slaves and an evil weapon during the infinite Empire but in the end how a new train of thought ultimately saved the blade if you enjoyed this holocron and want to see more about lightsabers consider subscribing and commenting your thoughts and opinions down below until next time May the force be with you and hopefully you will visit our archives again soon thank you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 35,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, First Lightsabers, Lightsaber Colors Explained, Lightsaber Explained, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker
Id: 2jUqnaX3w5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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