Who Was The False Primarch? - 40K Theories

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[Music] [Music] during the dying days of m33 a long and bloody war would erupt within the depths of segments and Pacifica's this war would be documented within imperial records as the war of the false Primark not much is known about this particular conflict as many of the records that existed regarding this war were purged by order of the High Lords of terror following its culmination one of the few details regarding this war that does still remain states that this conflict raged for a period of time longer than both the events of the Horus heresy and the war of the beasts combined lasting for a total of 80 Terran Standard years this conflict would finally be brought to an end when the High Lords of Terror assembled five Space Marine chapters that together would become known as the pen turkey of blood a number of the chapters that comprised this assemblage were notorious for their savagery and brutality as their ranks would include the Warriors of the kakora Dawn's death Eagles channel guard flesh eaters and the red talons after the pen taqi of blood was convened these loyalist chapters would be tasked with hunting down and exterminating 11 other Space Marine chapters chapters that the High Lords of Terror had deemed as traitorous Perdita these traitorous or renegade chapters would not only be destroyed but all evidence of their existence was expunged from imperial records and their homeworlds could become subjected to exterminators while the exact cause of this war has been lost to the annals of history it would at least from an initial glance appear to have been instigated by a so-called false Primark so just who or what exactly could this false Primark have been it would initially seem that the main instigator of this war was a man presumably a Space Marine chapter master who believed or otherwise proclaimed themselves to be a Primark the reasoning behind this could either be due to this individual suffering from delusions of grandeur or simply being an extremely egotistical individual who in his arrogance declared that he was either a new Primark or simply as great and holy as one of the actual prime marks as a result this could have led to his chapter becoming renegades who eventually declared their secession from the Imperium this would appear to be the most likely cause behind the War of the false Primark as there have been many instances throughout imperial history of conflicts occurring due to one particular individuals feign pretensions one such notable example that occurred within the ranks of the adapter societies would be that of the archeo insurrection where the bloody angel known as Akio would believe himself to be the reincarnated form of the blooding Jules Primark sanguinis due to Arceus form mutating to become more reminiscent of his Primark which would even result in the blooding jaw growing a large pair of angelic wings unbeknownst to archeo however was that this change that occurred within him was a result of actions undertaken by the heretical Inquisitor Irenaeus steel and the Lord of change known as mouthful acts but what if this false Primack did not begin this war out of arrogance ego mania or a simple lust for power what if this individual genuinely believed that he was in fact a Primark do to a potentially unknown floor within his chapters Jean seed it's well documented that a significantly high number of Space Marine chapters display various flaws within their gene seed which in turn can affect not only their physiology but can also begin to influence certain behavioral and psychological traits some of these flaws can be described as being a relatively minor or inconsequential such as the albinism and alopecia displayed by the Deaf specters chapter others can prevent Space Marines from accessing certain ability such as the lack of betches gland within the gene seat of the Imperial fists and their success of chapters preventing them from being able to produce acidic saliva other floors can be far more extreme either physically as shown with the pronounced bony growths and sheer size of the estar tees within the black dragons chapter or psychologically as demonstrated with the black rage of the bloody angels where the sons of sanguinis are driven mad and believe that they are their Primarch during the final hours of the Horus heresy there have been a number of documented instances where a gene seat floor can cause nurse deities to believe that they are their primark even if only temporarily this type of floor not only exists within the bloodying jewels with the previously mentioned flaw of the black rage but a similar such condition also exists within the excoriate as chapter this particular floor is known by the chapter simply as the darkness and those battle brothers who succumb to it will begin to suffer from seizure like effects becoming convinced that they are their Primarch Robel dawn and reliving the pry marks memory of finding the broken and dying form of the Emperor of mankind following the culmination of the Emperor's jewel with the arch trader Horace looper cow upon the vengeful spirit this particular gene seed floor appears to be unique to the excoriate as chapter specifically as no other Imperial fist successive chapter has ever documented an instance of a battle brother succumbing to the darkness because of these aforementioned examples it is certainly possible that this false Primark had succumbed to a hitherto unknown flaw within their chapters specific source of gene seed causing him to believe that he was his chapters primogenitor Primarch however the identity of the specific prime mark that the false prime mark could have believed himself to be is unknown for aside from the chapters that comprised the pen turkey of blood who took part in this war we know next thing of the other Space Marine chapters that were involved throughout the course of the conflict but there is another potential identity for this false Primarch even if it would appear to be far more unlikely what if the false Primark was in actuality a real Primark each of the prime ops were cloned at some point in time with the majority if not all of them being created by Fabio Spile the former chief apothecary of the Emperor's children traitor Legion during the Horus heresy by all would create multiple clones of the iron hands Primark Ferris manners at the request of his own Primark fulgrim fulcrums reasoning behind the creation of these clones of his one-time friend was so he could soothe his own ego by attempting to sway each successive clone into joining him in aiding the rebellion of war master Horus however each clone would remain loyal to the Imperium forcing fulcrum to butcher each successive clone created by bile it would later be discovered several centuries later that fattiest bow had created multiple of the clones of the pry marks while most of these creations were little more than deformed monstrosities Bauer succeeded in creating at least two perfect clones one of Horus and one of fulcrum the clone of Horus would be slain by Abaddon the former first captain of the sons of Horus Legion who would impale the clone upon the pry marks signature weapon of the Talon before Abaddon's forces would seemingly destroy the remaining Primarch clones the perfect clone of fulcrum would not only survive but would be raised to adulthood in secret by Fabio's vow himself ultimately this clone would be gifted to the necron Lord Trey's in the infinite in exchange for a large supply of pure and untainted emperor's children Jean seed but what if a perfect clone of a third Primarch also managed to survive the destruction that claimed its brothers while admittedly an unlikely possibility it wouldn't necessarily be outside forum of possibility as if the clone of fulcrum could have survived then why not the clone of another Primarch as well after all pry marks are known for their sheer presence producing an aura of immense power as well as giving all those within their immediate vicinity the urge to kneel or bow before them as such it's reasonable to assume that this so-called false Primark would presumably have also demonstrated this particular trait if the false Primark was in fact a clone of any Primark other than that of the nine loyalists lion L Johnson jacket icon Lehmann Russ Faris manners reboot a Gilman sanguinis Vulcan Corvus corax or ogle dawn then to the majority of Imperial citizens such a being would indeed be seen as a false Primark as many members of Imperial society be they civilians soldiers of the astra military or even many members of the inquisition would only know of the existence of the nine loyalists remaining blissfully unaware that eleven other Pro marks ever existed this is even supported with the following passage from the novel Carrie enthroned when the Inquisitor Erasmus Crowell gazes upon a mural depicting the emperor and the twenty pry marks screen was carved just as the Eternity gate had been carved a vast tapestry of overlapping elaborately occult depictions of bestial and legendary figures there were 20 great Knights shown in a huge circle surrounding a magisterial icon of the emperor enthroned some of those nights looked like the minister on sankt and images of the holy prime arks but why were there twenty of them as such the idea that this false Primark could simply have been an untainted clone of one of the traitor pry marks is not entirely out of the question but while it is admittedly highly improbable that a third perfect clone could have somehow survived the carnage wrought by Abaddon's forces within Fabio's bowels gene labs there is still arguably a minut possibility that the false Primark was indeed a true Primark especially when you take into account that two of the original 20 pry marks were lost and their ultimate fates unknown while it has been commonly assumed that the lost pry marks of the second and eleventh legions were erased from imperial records after being executed by Lehmann Rus the prime mark of the space wolves legion who was noted for declaring himself as the Emperor's executioner we know that if the lost pry marks did indeed die then it wasn't by the hands of Rus as detailed within the story wolf King Lehmann Rus himself admitted that until his battle with Magnus the read the Primark of the thousand suns Legion he remained unaware that a Primark could truly die as detailed with the following passage for a long time knowing what he knew of his own strength Russa doubted whether it was possible for a Primark to be truly hurt let alone killed now he knew that both were possible for he had done it himself if he closed his eyes he could still see the look of startled horror in Magnus's lone eye moments before the screaming warp hurricane had ripped his broken body into fragments this claim would also seemingly be supported by lauca the prime milk of the word bearers within the audio drama butchers nails as he would state that's before the death of Ferris manners he did not think that a Primark could die however it is also possible that in this instance Logue are simply remained unaware of the fate of his two lost brother it is also worth noting that the story chamber at the end of memory from the scions of the emperor anthology would state that at least two of the prime arcs would have the knowledge of their lost brothers psychically erased from their memories by male code or the city light as such there is still a minut possibility that the second and eleventh primarch were indeed executed even if lehman russ himself was not the one who carried out such a sentence but if one or perhaps both of the lost pry marks were ultimately vanished from the Imperium for their unknown crimes then perhaps one of these two individuals had returned to Imperial space during m33 perhaps after learning of the tragic events that unfolded during the Horus heresy this lost primark sought to return to Terra despite his previous misgivings due to showing concern for his brothers and father however whilst on route the Primarch would discover that the emperor had fallen in battle against his treasonous brother Horus this in turn would lead to him becoming overwhelmed by sorrow and grief as well as becoming angered and appalled by the sheer incompetence of the Imperium and ineptitude that ultimately caused his father to become interred within the life-support systems of the golden throne and trapped within an eternal and agonizing state of undeath The Lost Primark could then have traveled to segment and Pacifica's before revealing himself before one or more chapters of the adapte societies who in turn after becoming overwhelmed by the urge to pay fealty to this newly found demigod began to revere him as a divine son of the emperor himself this series of events can then have ultimately led to this Lost primark declaring war upon the Imperium or at the very least the High Lords of Terror the return of one of the lost pry marks within this particular war could also explain as to how the conflict could have carried on for such a long time I'm eighty Terran standard years after all a Primark with no potential equivalent to rival him would have been an extremely powerful and dangerous foe and as stated earlier this conflict did indeed last longer than the Wars of the Horus heresy and the war of the beasts combined as a result this would also provide an explanation as to why nearly all accounts involving this particular war including the names and histories of those chapters who swore allegiance to this so-called false Primark as well as the very identity of the false Primark himself would have been erased from Imperial records in order to keep the re-emergence of one of the Emperor's lost and forgotten sons an eternal secret just as the master of mankind himself had originally intended what do you think the false Primark was leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 341,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, toys, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, primarch, false primarch, pentarchy of blood, lost primarchs, 2nd, 11th, legion, space marines, horus heresy, great crusade, space marine, emperor, clone
Id: wH7EOAj6RXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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