Why Does Harry Potter GOOGLE AUTOFILL | Harry Potter Film Theory

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Heeeey Brotheeeer! Guys, message received. You want more Google  Autofill. And today, we plan on delivering that. Today we ask Why Does Harry Potter Google Autofill? [Intro Music] Hey, Brother! If you're not familiar with the Google Autofill  game, it's super easy. We just go to Google,   type in Why Does Harry Potter, then each letter  of the alphabet, and Google fills in the rest of the questions. Which I then answer with 100%  ISH accuracy. Occasionally Google will throw in, like, an extra word or modifier at the beginning,   but that's okay. We just  roll with it. Let's begin. A! Immediately a great question that has to do with  one of the wackiest spells in all of Harry Potter:   The bond of blood. Seriously, this spell is so  niche. Like, it can only be activated if someone   is presently the beneficiary of the sacrificial  love protection spell, which, in our case, Harry is because Lily died for him. Then if  you are a third party- in our case Dumbledore- can cast the bond of blood spell on you,  which is then sealed by your blood relative- who would be Petunia in our case- accepting you into their care. At which point the person who originally  attacked you- Voldemort- then cannot harm you while you're in the house until you're 17 or   permanently move out. And  it's already so specific, but then the turning 17  part is just baffling to me.  Like, how does the spell know when the wizarding government  considers its citizens adult?  Or is the spell just so old that  it's literally what dictates the age of adulthood in the wizarding world? Which I guess would be cool but then also, if Harry is the only one to ever enjoy the benefits of sacrificial love, how could did anyone even know about this spell? Like, do you see what I mean? It's just bonkers. And I used  the word enjoy just there,   but I'm sure Harry has never enjoyed a second of the fact that he lives at the Dursley's, or that his parents are dead. So. Ahhhh heh heh!!! B! Okay, so burn Quirrell actually comes up first, but I also love the second question: So, I'm just going to do them both. So first off, the reason Harry burns Quirrel is because of Lily's sacrifice, which is  still protecting him from Voldemort even as   an 11-year-old. And when Quirrell is touching him,  he is actually acting as a horcrux for Voldemort,   and is therefore repelled by the sacrificial  love. Voldemort is eventually able to   overcome this when he takes Harry's blood into  himself in Goblet of Fire, but while that does let him physically and magically attack  Harry, it also tethers Harry to life because now the sacrifice lives on in Voldemort. So, really, that's a pretty bad move for him. As for breaking the Elder Wand, this is  actually a movie only decision by Harry. In the books, he just puts the  wand back in Dumbledore's tomb.   But either way, his goal is the same. Never been defeated. Okay, Harry, arrogant much?  Aren't you going on to  become a dark wizard catcher? Come on. I know you just defeated Voldemort,  but all pros have their off days, man.  But basically all Harry's trying to do   is to remove the wand as a threat  from the future of wizarding kind. Returning it to Dumbledore's tomb is maybe  a little bit more respectful, but, for sure, breaking it is just absolutely more effective. So, I like both options. C! Okay, gee, C, weren't you  even paying attention to B? Yeah, as we just said, it's because Voldemort  takes Harry's blood into him himself,   which effectively makes Voldemort a lovecrux  for Harry, which tethers Harry to life.   But there does seem to be, like, one more  layer to it that Harry also means to die. Actually, fun fact: when Harry does this, he also  cast sacrificial love on everyone he dies for, including all the defenders of Hogwarts. Which   is why Voldemort's spells don't  work on them very well later on. D! Okay, well, for one, Harry never had any  Infinity Stones. Although I guess, in many ways, he sort of is the embodiment of the Soul Stone. Like, one must die and all that. I guess in this scenario,  Lily would have been the one  to jump on Vormir and Harry gets the stone. Or, I guess actually what he ends  up with is a piece of Voldemort's   soul which Voldemort himself then later destroys like Thanos destroys the Soul stone. So, that's an interesting comparison. We just did Is Harry Potter Star Wars but Is Harry Potter Marvel? Do we only talk about one thing? Anyway, I think this question is  actually about the Resurrection Stone,   which Harry drops for a reason similar to the Elder Wand. Basically he's removing   the temptation from anyone else  to go searching for the hallows. Or, I guess at the very least, he's removing the  ability for anyone to find the hallow, since now it's just randomly lost in the woods. Although, if you ask me, someone else  accidentally finding it sounds like an   awesome plot for a future Harry Potter story. Doot doo doot doo doo doo. E! [laughs uproariously] Uh, duh. Do you even have to ask? Because of all their palpable, absolutely undeniable onscreen attraction   to one another. Duh. I mean, who  else is he going to end up with? Hermione, his best friend  and confidante who sticks   by his side no matter what? Can you even imagine? Yeah, no, I see it. Mm-hmm. Harmione for life. Full video by clicking the card. But watch that later, I'm only at like E, I've got so much more of the alphabet to go. F! Really? Seriously, F, that's your  question? Uhhh, could it be because,   I don't know, Voldemort murdered his parents? I mean, certainly that instilled a quote, "Furious Desire for Revenge" in Harry. The truly unavoidable reason, though,   is because Voldemort set stock by the prophecy of  the Chosen One, which states that one must die at   the hands of the other. And while there's  no real reason this has to be the case, Voldemort intends to make  good on it no matter what.   Which guarantees that one will die at the hands of the other. And if Voldemort is hunting Harry  no matter what then, yeah, Harry has to fight him. [derisively] F. What are you, cold in here? Ben, off screen: Frosty as a snowman. G! Do you mean visually in the movies, or thematically as a story? Because, visually, it feels like they went way too   far and really probably could  have added some color back. Especially since thematically, the story is  pretty dark even if you turn the lights back on. Avada Kedavra! H! So, the reason for this is actually kind of funny. Harry is rich because his grandfather was the   inventor of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, which  ended up quadrupling the Potter family's already considerable wealth. Hilariously,  though, despite the success of the potion and the reason for their wealth,   both James and Harry Potter both  have, like, endlessly messy hair. I! Ah, Cho and Harry, a relationship for  the ages. Three full books of buildup for one kiss beneath the mistletoe and an  awkward date to a tea shop, only for Cho's friend Marietta Edgecombe to turn in Dumbledore's Army to Umbridge and ruin everything. Weirdly Cho's not, like,   super involved in this situation other  than being the one who dragged Marietta to the DA meetings against her will.  But after Marietta turns them in,   these, like, large unremovable boils appear on her face spelling the word "Sneak". And it turns out it was actually Hermione who was the one who arranged this  little trick in case of such a betrayal. And Cho was already a little  jealous of Hermione for being   Harry's close female friend, so she disapproves of it while Harry thinks it's brilliant. And you  know that's pretty much the end of those two,   and why Harry ignores Cho for awhile. He  really should have just gone for Hermione, man. J! Um, excuse me, I think you  mean the Soul stone, gee! Wait, no, wait. K! Oh, well, this one is easy. So, basically,   after Voldemort tried to kill Harry  as a baby and the spell backfired, it splits Voldemort's soul and a  tiny bit of that latches onto Harry,   which actually makes Harry a horcrux but also gives him some of Voldemort's Powers, such as speaking to snakes. Which Voldemort is able to do because he is  a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, who possessed that rare gift. L! Oh, so glad you asked. Short answer,  because the Dursleys are the freaking worst. Nobody likes Vernon or Petunia, but they  really want to make sure that Dudley knows that they do not favor Harry in any way at all. And, like, what really drives this home for me is that their house is a four bedroom home,   meaning they have not one,  but two empty rooms upstairs they aren't letting Harry use. Like, even if one  of them was just, like, a dedicated guest room, which is also indefensible,   they still have a spare and yet they  make Harry live under the stairs. M! Oh, jeez. I guess it probably depends on your age. I mean, as a child, for me, Harry Potter offered   a wonderful form of escapism into the  world of Hogwarts and magic and mystery. The story generated so many happy memories, from our dad reading it out loud to us chapter by   chapter, week by week. I have such fond memories wondering what would happen next, anticipating each new release, growing up with the  character, staying up til midnight at bookstore   parties, locking myself in the room for two days  afterward to finish the book as fast as possible. I remember lining up for hours to get   good seats on opening nights for  the new movies, going to college and listening to the books on CD while I drove  to visit my girlfriend slash now wife, Beth, who had given me the CDs because she also loved  Harry Potter. Then I started a YouTube channel with my brother and discovered this entire   community of amazing Harry  Potter and other fandom nerds and feeling like I was just, like, finally  accepted for who I was. Then we launched a podcast where now we're reading the books chapter by  chapter with those fans, like our dad did for us. And, like, I'm now doing for my kids. And I don't  know, I guess that's why it makes me so happy.   Ben, off screen: That was really good. Oh, thank you. That was, like, a weirdly emotional one. Ben, off screen: Yeah, 100%. And, guys, we need to pause  right there to give a huge  thank you to today's sponsor, Bespoke Post. Look, y'all know how much  we love Bespoke Post around here,   and it's for good reason. It's awesome. Specifically an entire box of awesome. The box of  awesome is a monthly subscription box filled with carefully chosen gear from the best small  brands around the world. And right here, I've got the Switchback box, so let's take a look. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. This is a good one. Is  this... OHH, is this... Oh, it's a shovel! For... Well, I mean, I think we all know what this  is for when you're out camping, am I right? Digging holes. Oh ho! Oh, man, is this  like a- It's, like, a very-  Oh, it's, like, a military-looking compass. KNIFE. This feels safe. Very safe. Oh, it's like a fire starter thing with, like,   magnesium. Dude, I- This was like  my favorite thing when I was a kid. It was, like, we've got matches.  Like, no, no, no, no, no.  I've got magnesium. Way better. And an inflatable light. Oh, that's cool. Oh, and is it solar powered? That is awesome. And it feels, like, very lightweight. Honestly, if you don't know,  when we're not theorizing,   one of the things Ben and I  love to do is some backpacking. So, this is all just, like, super awesome.  And each piece really does have that,   like, quality feel about it, right? I knew this was a camping  box, by the way, which is why  I threw on this jacket  because I'm ready for an adventure as soon as, like, 10 minutes  from now. But, of course,   they've got way more than just camping stuff. And at any time, you can  explore their huge selection  of boxes that are available each month and swap out for something  that suits your own fancy. I always feel really cool holding  a knife. Even though you know the   coolest thing I do with a knife is, like, carve a pumpkin. Put that down before I cut myself. But, hey, if you're having trouble deciding which box you want- which is totally understandable because there's so many cool ones- then no worries. I actually  have a quiz at boxofawesome.com and it'll help you narrow in on  what fits your unique lifestyle. So,   if you want a recommendation from me, though, the Helix wine decanter is  a total conversation piece. Oh, is that wine and is it in a fancy thing? [posh laughter] You're so fancy. Otherwise, it is also totally free to sign up and you can skip a month or cancel anytime, and AND you get a free mystery gift with   your first monthly shipment when  you sign up at box ofawesome.com and enter code Super at checkout. I'd tell  you what it is, but it's a mystery. So. One more time, that is boxofawesome.com and code   Super for a free mystery gift  with your first monthly shipment. Boxofawesome.com, code Super. Link is in the description down below. South. N! Fantastic question. Short  answer, Harry is just not  in the business of killing. Like, ever. Like, Dumbledore teaches him the power of a whole  and untarnished soul, and that is his main weapon against Voldemort, who has callously ripped his  into like a million pieces. Or, well, like, eight. But interestingly, Harry does use the other  two unforgivable curses throughout the story. He uses Cruciatus on Bellatrix  after she kills Sirius, and Imperio on one of the goblins at Gringotts to get behind the desk. O! Okay, well, he definitely doesn't, for one   thing. Even the fact that this becomes  known as his signature spell is, like, a little odd to me. Like, yes, he does  learn it first in the dueling club,   but he never puts it to tremendous use until book four, against Voldemort. But   in the meantime, he does pick up  another rather signature spell, Expecto Patronum, which he is arguably, like, the best in the world at. And yes, I mean that. His has this, like, amazing corporeal form and  he fights off over a 100 Dementors at once. But I suppose on maybe a more conceptual level,   the reason Expelliarmus was chosen  to be Harry's signature spell is because it is the exact opposite of Voldemort's Avada Kedavra, a very deadly curse versus Harry's   very nonviolent conflict  resolution disarming spell. P! Well, as explained by Lupin, Harry has  just had horrors in his past the rest   of his classmates just can't imagine,  so the Dementors affect him far worse. In a nutshell, Harry just has worse  memories to relive than the rest of them,   which is kind of surprising that  no one else passes out because they   are all growing up in a post-first  wizarding war world, but whatever.   Neville really seems like he has some horrors he could relive, if you ask me. Maybe he wasn't present for the torturing. Nothing for Q, but R! This question is why I wore this shirt today. Mostly I think it is because  of this scene right here. Happy Christmas, Harry. Happy Christmas, Ron. "Happy Christmas, Harry! Happy Christmas, Ron." Harry being 11 before he has a proper  Christmas morning is a pretty big deal. It really represents how much better  life at Hogwarts is versus the Dursley's. "I've got presents!" Christmas in the first book,  and especially the first movie,  is given a lot of screen time for this purpose. Like, you get to see Hagrid dragging in the  trees, Flitwick decorating the Great Hall,   and Harry getting the cloak- which Harry  getting the cloak? Also? Pretty big deal because it allows him to see his  parents later that night. Which, like,   plot-wise, I've always known that, but I've never really  considered how the first time  Harry sees his parents, it's on Christmas. In a way, it's as if he's actually being  born into the wizarding world in that moment as his true place in the world. Hunh. I wonder if there's any significance of being born on Christmas. That's a Jesus joke. Yeah. [giggles] S! Easy. Harry's Father James could transform  into a stag, which naturally means Harry's mother represents a doe, and since Snape has been in love with Lily for his whole life,   his Patronus represents a doe. Which, if you ask me, should act as this,   like, sort of Ironclad reminder to  him every time he casts the spell that she truly belongs with James, but  he still can't ever seem to get over her. Forever. T! Okay, so, this is another,  like, movie versus book thing.  In the book, Snape gives him memories out  of his head, similar to how Slughorn does   in book six. But I guess I thought it would  be more, like, visually emotional for Harry to collect those same memories from Snape's tears instead. I don't know, I guess it's fine. U! Wow, you know what? I have never considered that.  Britain is metric and Olivander is as old as time and yet uses inches for some reason. And, no,  this is not like an American versus English printing of the book. Even if you have  the English printing, it says inches. But it's very much something I hadn't considered and I had to look it up and I found a very short and  concise Pottermore article   and I'm just going to read the whole thing to you, because it's only, like,  two sentences. Okay, so, two things there. First of all, that actually makes a lot of sense in-universe. I like that. But, but, also, since when can they do math magically? Like, how does that never come up? And how? How? Mathematics locomotor! MATHESmatics, sorry. Surprisingly nothing for V,  since Harry's worst enemy's  name starts with V, but whatever. Ahhh heh heh!! W: Yeah, this is sort of a weird thing  you might not have ever noticed, but, yes, Harry wears the  same blue t-shirt in every   movie. My guess is that he got it from Dudley when he was 11 and it just continued to fit until he was 17. Harry might be swimming in that Sleekeazy's Potion   money but he is humble when  it comes to his wardrobe. Also, also, actually, actually,  in Deathly Hallows, is Hermione   wearing Harry's old shirt from  his first year that now fits her? No wonder Ron left. Harmione for life. Now I'm over here. How the sausage is made, people. Nothing for X or Y, but Z! Okay, Z, that's, like, a really  grammatically incorrect question,   but I'm going to give you a pass, because you normally don't show  up with anything. So, bravo. But at the same time, Harry Potter doesn't really zombie at all. The word zombie does come up in Philosopher's  Stone as something, like, Quirrell ran into, but it's never actually a  thing Harry has to deal with.  Sort of. There is, like, a version of  zombies in Harry Potter which   are just called the Inferi which do vary slightly, because they are corpses  that are reanimated by dark   magic rather than corpses that came back to life. Part of the decision to use Inferi in Harry Potter instead of "zombies" had to do with how much zombies get  portrayed on their own in pop culture,   and it gave the Inferi, like, a way to stand out as being  unique. Plus there's just   so many different versions of zombies out there. And in some cultures, it is the case that, like,   sorcerers are controlling them  by imparting part of their soul to them, which then sort of conflicted with the overall horcrux plot. So, just to avoid any sort of cross-contamination, Inferi were used instead. But there you go, guys,   those are the answer to Google's most  common questions about the man himself, Harry Potter. [Outro Music] Hey, Brother! These socks are amazing! Guys, thanks so much for watching, as  always. I know I made a bunch of jokes about why Harry should end up  with Hermione in this video.  If you want to see a whole video about why we think that, you can check that out right here. But I'd love to also know, what are your other favorite 'ships in the Harry   Potter fandom? Let me know in  the towel section down below. But, Ben, otherwise I will see you in another life, Brother.
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 122,967
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Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, film theory, film theorists, harry potter, google autofill, why does harry potter, why does harry potter google autofill, why does harry potter ignore cho, why does, why does harry potter come back to life, why does harry potter drop the resurrection stone, why does harry potter see a deer, harry potter theory, dumbledore questions, harry potter explained, hogwarts legacy, fantastic beasts
Id: MmHfcILToU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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