The REAL Reason the Weasleys Are So POOR (They're CURSED) - Harry Potter Theory

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hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be discussing a rather Sinister theory that might finally provide some answers on the Weasley family's elusive financial status this Theory challenges previous interpretations of their poverty and reaches beyond the conventional conception that there just isn't enough to go around in such a big family it's a dark one and I guarantee you have heard this one before I think you're going to agree with me let's dive in in a world full of magic where seemingly anything is possible it's always shocking to hear that even witches and wizards are capable of experiencing financial hardship the Advent of magical abilities makes life a lot easier in a lot of ways but one limitation of note is that gold cannot be multiplied therefore wealth cannot be created the result is that even magical families who can do amazing things things like fly through the air summon objects with the flick of their wand and teleport can find themselves in financial Dire Straits within the novels there are a few examples of fan favorite witches Wizards exemplifying this but perhaps the best known example refers to the Weasley family the nine-person strong Whiting family that Embraces Harry with open arms right near the beginning of the first book there are numerous passages referencing their lack of wealth and their poverty seems to be pretty consistent throughout the books in the Chamber of Secrets Harry Ventures into the Weasley family Vault for the first time and Witnesses firsthand just how dire their financial situation really was Harry enjoyed the break neck Journey Down to the Weasley's Vault but felt Dreadful far worse than he had in nocturn alley when it was opened there was a very small pile of silver sickles inside and just one gold gallion Mrs Weasley felt right into the corners before sweeping the whole lot into her bag and what makes their poverty even more evident is the fact that it's constantly contrasted with Harry's massive Fortune of generational potion royalties right near the beginning of the first book we're brought to Vault 687 and witness Harry's immense stacks of gold and when we're first brought to the Weasley's house the description provided by the book doesn't exactly paint them as the Pinnacle of wealth it looked as though it had once been a large Stone Pig Pen but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by Magic which Harry reminded himself it probably was four or five chimneys were perched on top of the Red Roof a lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read the burrow around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very Rusty cauldron several fat Brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard but why are they so poor does it even make sense and just how long have the family been poor for is this generational poverty let's look at the facts the first argument one might make with regards to the Weasley's financial status is that they simply had a large number of expenses and because Arthur was the primary earner for the family his salary simply didn't go a particularly Long Way Arthur Weasley worked for the ministry of Magic and was head of the misuse of ml artifacts Department it was his job to regulate the use of Magic on ML objects and to prevent Bewitched items from falling into Muckle hands later on however he was promoted to the head of office for the detection and confiscation of counterfeit defensive spells and protective objects Department we aren't actually provided with in-depth information on how much Arthur makes however what's particularly unusual about all of this is that Arthur in both of his roles is head of a department presumably Arthur in a position of authority at the ministry should be compensated accordingly right one factor here that may have influenced Arthur's salary was his relationship with his boss Cornelius f it's well known that Arthur and Cornelius did not get along and so it is possible fudge inhibited Arthur's salary and career progression but salary aside it's reasonable to assume that the most significant expense for Arthur was undoubtedly his children and all of the expenses that come with having children every single one of the WEEI children attended Hogwarts and while Hogwarts is Affordable in some ways tuition is free school supplies and materials are not especially at scale buying ones books brooms and all sorts of other school supplies on top of taxes bills Insurance food clothes robes and even fines flying Ford angle incident comes at a heavy price and given that Arthur was the Sole Provider for the family I suppose it does make sense that the Weasley were under some level of financial stress however with all of that said there are a large number of reasons why their financial situation makes little to no sense first of all even partway through the books the Weasley family seem to have developed quite a few few healthy income streams which presumably should have taken some of the stress off of Arthur Fred and George opened a successful business Bill worked as a cursebreaker Charlie worked with dragons in Romania and Percy worked for the ministry if the Weasley were truly as skint as we're led to believe shouldn't the children have shown compassion for their hardworking father and sent home some money the Weasley aside from persy were a particularly tight-knit group and I'm sure they would have done anything to help out their father further the more each new working professional represents one less expense on Arthur's end meaning that by the time all of these children were working Arthur salary should have been more than enough to support his remaining dependence the next thing worth considering is that the Weasley were pure bloods in the witing world being of pure blood lineage typically suggests a higher likelihood of wealth and prosperity due to their long-standing history within Whiting Society in most cases this longevity provides them with ample time to amass wealth and establish influential positions within this Society it gives them a greater opportunity to accumulate resources property and magical artifacts further solidifying their status and financial stability but in the case of the Weasley they don't seem to have anything to show for it expanding on the last Point further it's also worth mentioning that Molly Weasley formerly Molly puit married into the Weasley Clan effectively combining the prits another pure blood family with the Weasley and what's particularly important to note here is that Molly should have been the beneficiary of at least some of the family's generational wealth lastly it seems like even after the kids have all graduated from Hogwarts the wisley family continued to live in a somewhat impoverished State it's also mostly suggested that the Weasley are basically perpetually poor regardless of their current income levels expenses here's where things get even more interesting in Hogwarts Legacy which takes place over 100 years before the Harry Potter story we're introduced to even more whizzes such as Hogwart student Gareth and Hogwarts Professor Matilda and what do these wizes have in common with the Weasley of present day why they're also broke of course in the game Gareth Weasley describes his family as being large and poor he then goes on to state that even though his aunt is a professor at Hogwarts it has no real impact on the Family's financial situation here's the theory the Weasley have been cursed specifically I think it's a blood curse and I think think the conditions of the curse are what keep the Weasley in Perpetual poverty there are plenty of curses in Harry Potter that can span Generations like the maledictus curse for example which has passed down the bloodline and afflicts the women Nini is a prime example of this a Storia Malfoy the witch who had become draco's wife also later dies of a blood curse so we know that curses affecting an entire blood line are possible we also know that rather intricate non-specific curses are possible like the defense against the dark arts curse which is said to afflict anyone who assumes the role of Professor for defense against the dark arts there are a lot of intangibles for these sorts of curses but they always seem to achieve their respective goals in a roundabout way I think the same can be said for the Weasley curse I think that no matter how successful the Weasley may become in their professional Endeavors they are doomed to stay in relative poverty by the end of the books the Weasley family's combined income should have been considerable but it seemed like year after year they were stuck facing the same sorts of financial adversities I theorize that the curse Works in one of a few ways the first is that no matter how successful they are they are doomed to lose most of it due to mismanagement their curse is that they are horrible with money and this may have caused the generations of Weasley family members to take ownership over this trait and chalk up their lack of wealth to their own shortcomings rather than investigate further and discover a potential reason I suspect that they may be entirely unaware that they are even afflicted by this curse a prime example of this curse in effect was their trip to Egypt for the first time in years the family had some disposable income after winning the daily profits grand prize gallion draw and what exactly did they do with their money did they spend it fixing their house did they buy new clothes for their kids no they spent it on a family-wide month-long summer holiday to visit their son bill in Egypt when they came back from the trip they had enough gallion left over to buy Ron a new W but apart from one to WAND all of the money was spent on the trip my next theory is that no matter how successful they may be they are doomed and cursed to earn little more than what their expenses dictate that is no matter what they earn their expenses will always rise to counter earnings or vice versa so now the big question why are they cursed well I suspect that it has something to do with their family being blood traitors within the Wizarding World there is a pure blood directory known as the sacred 20 a list of the 28 remaining pure blood families in the Wizarding World the Weasley happen to be on this list but they also have a long-standing reputation for their tolerant views of Muggles half Bloods and mud Bloods which frequently gave way to other members of the Sacred 28 referring to them as blood traitors but just as they were scorned by those who valued blood Purity the Weasley were outspoken about their resentment for being included in such a list as the pure blood directory Weasley were typically sorted into Gryffindor House while attending Hogwarts and many members of the family supported the Order of the Phoenix given the rich history of the Widing world and the fact that the Weasley have been around for many centuries I suspect that somewhere along the way they caught the attention and focus of a group of dark witches or Wizards likely other members of the Sacred 28 who exactly cursed them is anyone's guess but wouldn't it make things super interesting if it turned out to be the Malo I'll leave that one up to you guys to decide anyway that's it for today's video what do you think were the wizzle's curse to be in Eternal poverty or was it something else let me know down in the comment section below also if you enjoy the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel to close today's video I'm going to give you a modified version of Dumbledore's quote about power perhaps those who are best suited to wealth are those who have never sought it
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 215,156
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Keywords: harry potter, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, history of wands, ollivanders, grindelwald, dumbledore, hogwarts, deathly hallows, voldemort, snape, weasley, hidden details, easter egg, theory, folklore, death eaters, spells, behind the scenes, harry potter rich, weasleys poor, gringotts, gold, galleon, diagon alley, money, rich, poor, weasleys, potter, lily, james, arthur, molly, explained, curse, ron, dark, evil
Id: MKu5QfseNlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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