Elon Musk Motivational Video - What Inspires You? (Think Different)

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why are you boring yeah ask myself that frequently a lot of people imagining dreaming about future cities they imagine that they actually the solution is is sort of flying cars drones etc you take you go above ground trying to dig a hole under la a 3d network of tunnels to alleviate congestion I think one of the most soul-destroying things is traffic it's it takes away so much of your life and your this it's horrible there's no speed limit here so we're designing this to be able to operate 200 kilometres an hour about a hundred and thirty 200 kilometres an hour or about 130 miles per hour that there's no real limit to how many levels of tunnel you can have is it you can go much further deep then you can go up the deepest minds are much deeper than the tallest buildings are told I mean you started tested with it with the goal of persuading the world to that electrification was the future of cars cross country from LA to New York by the end of the year fully autonomous by the end of the year you're saying yeah someone's gonna sit in a Tesla without touching the steering wheel tap in New York off it goes yeah won't have to ever touch the wheel by the end of 2017 we should be able to go from yeah all the way from a parking lots in California to a parking lot in New York no controls touched at any point during the entire journey so this is allowing you to dream of this this really ambitious idea of sending like many many many people to Mars and what in 10 or 20 years 20 years time I guess yeah and the next thing is and you've designed this outrageous rocket to do it help us understand the scale of this thing well visually you can see that person the trust equivalent of 100 120 747s with all engines blazing this piston take a fully loaded 747 with with maximum fuel maximum passengers maximum cargo on the 747 this can take it as cargo you presented recently this interplanetary transport system this is a fee new picture what'n in iMeet 30th time 20th time and 8 to 10 year time frame especially that's our target our internal targets were more aggressive but I think so this vehicle seems quite large and is large by comparison with all the rockets the Futurist spacious will be truly enormous sustainable energy will happen no matter what if there was no Tesla who would have to happen out of necessity its tautological if you can tell you if you don't have sustainable energy it means you have unsustainable energy eventually you'll run out and the the laws of economics will drive drive civilization towards sustainable energy inevitably but the fundamental value of coming back Tesla is the degree to which it accelerates the advent of sustainable energy faster than it would otherwise occur in 1969 were able to send somebody to the moon then we had this the space shuttle that the space shuttle could only take people to low-earth orbit then a space shuttle retired and the United States could take no one to orbit so that's the trend as trying is like down to nothing this is not a mistake in what when they think that technology just automatically improves it does not automatically improve it only improves if a lot of people work very hard to make it better and actually it will I think it by itself degrade actually look at the future from a standpoint of the probabilities it's like it's like a branching stream of probabilities and there are actions that we can take that affect those probabilities or that accelerate one thing or slowdown another thing I make you know introduce something new to the probability stream that that in your mind you dream this stuff you dream stuff that no one else would would dare dream well no one else would be capable of dreaming at the level of complexity that you do in fact you do that you know math is a really remarkable thing it's important to have a future that is inspiring and appealing I mean I just think that they're like they're happy reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live like why do you want to live what what's the point what inspires you what what do you love about the future and if we're not up there if your future is not include being out there among the stars and being a multi-planet species I find I think that it's incredibly depressing if that's not the future that we're gonna have I'm not trying to be anyone's Savior that is not the I just trying to think about the future and not be sad but you'll tell me if it ever starts getting genuinely insane [Music]
Channel: Motivation Vault
Views: 3,559,360
Rating: 4.9406457 out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, tesla, spacex, boring company, elon musk spacex, elon musk speech, elon musk motivation, elon musk story, elon musk boring company, best motivational video, most inspiring video, new years motivation, new years inspiration, elon musk tesla, most inspiring speech, motivation for the new year, tesla story, spacex story, new years goals, life of elon musk, story of elon musk, 2021 inspiration, motivation for 2021, neuralink, story of neuralink, elon musk neuralink
Id: bm-cCn0uRXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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