Elon Musk BEST Motivation 2020! | 10 Rules for Success

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that third failure in a row did you think I need to pack this in why not I don't ever give up I mean I'd have to be dead or four they have fascinated he has been referred to as the real-life Iron Man he is a co-founder and CEO of Tesla CEO a SpaceX founder of the boring company co-founder of neuro-link founder of PayPal and co-founder of open AI according to forbes he's the 20th richest person in the world with a net worth of about thirty one point eight billion dollars his Elon Musk and here are his ten rules for success and then just work like hell I mean you just have to put it in you know 80-hour and you don't hundred hour weeks every week and then matter like that but all those things improve the odds of success okay I mean if other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work weeks then even if you're doing the same thing you know that in one year you will achieve what that you you you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve I like your work ethic you need to work if anyone helped well you want to do in particularly for starting a company you need to work super hard so what is super hard mean well when my brother and I were starting our first company instead of getting an apartment we just rented us a small office and we slept on the couch and we showered at the YMCA and we're so hot up we had just one computer so the the website was up during the day and I was coding at night seven days a week all the time and I I sort of briefly had a girlfriend in that period and in order to deal with me she had to sleep in the office so I work hard like it you mean every waking hour that's that's the the thing I would I would say if your particular if you're starting a company and I mean if you do simple math to say like okay if somebody else is working 50 hours when you're working 100 you'll get twice as done as much done in the course of a year as the other company have a high pain threshold but that's it there's a friend of mine who's got a good saying which is that Sonia company is like eating glass is staring into the abyss okay that's that's generally what happens because when you first start a company there's lots of optimism and things those things are great and then so happiness at first is high then you encounter all sorts of issues and Happiness will steadily decline and then you'll go through a whole world of hurt pets and then eventually you'll if you succeed and in most cases you will not succeed and Tesla almost didn't succeed came very close to failure then if you succeed then after a long time you were finally get back to happiness people want to be more like you so and therefore the fate of humankind I think it would be great to have more Elon Musk's so what do we need to do to become more like Elon alright I don't know if that's I think it maybe sounds better than it is [Applause] yeah I you know yeah I mean honestly like like there's a friend of mine he's got a great saying about creating a company which is creating trying to build a company and have it succeed is like eating glass and staring into the abyss so I mean what tends happen is it's sort of quite exciting for the first several months of starting a company and then then reality sets in things don't go as well as planned customers aren't signing up the technology or the product isn't working as well as you thought and and then can that can sometimes be compounded by a recession and it can be very very painful for several years so I think frankly starting a company you advise people to have a high pain tolerance people do not do not think critically enough I mean this critical thinking is a skill in short supply where people you people take too many things as they assume too many things to be true without a sufficient basis in and in that belief so it's very important that people closely analyze what what is supposed to be true and and and try to build up try to say it lists lists analyze things from first principles not by not not not by analogy or not by convention if you if you assume things are true by convention which is actually what most people do then it's difficult to gain insight into what could how things can be bettered so you know in any argument or any sort of train of thinking you want to make sure that you're the underlying premises are valid and applicable and and you know and and then in reaching a conclusion that the conclusion reaching is necessarily driven by the underlying premises and the interconnection between those premises that may seem like a really simple thing to say but most people don't do that my third so it's really the foundation of rational thought if somebody is doing something that is useful to the rest of society I think that's a good thing like it doesn't have to change the world like you know if you make something that has high value to people and frankly even if it's something if it's like just a little game or you know the system improvement in photo-sharing or something if it does it how does a small amount of good for a large number of people that's I mean I think that's that's fine like stuff doesn't need to be change the world just to be good people tend to overweight risk on a personal level it's one thing if you've got you know a mortgage to pay and give support and that if you were to deviate from your job that well how you're gonna feed your family and pay the rent and okay that's understandable but let's say you're young and you're just coming out of college or coming out of high school or whatever the what are you what are you risk you know you're not gonna stop I mean - it's really certainly not in any kind of modern economy it's so easy to earn enough money just to live somewhere and eat food you could you know that's that's that's any I mean very easy to do so I don't know what are they feeling afraid of they're it was mostly afraid of failure I think or immune but people should be less risk-averse when there's not much at risk you got to make sure that that you that whatever you're doing is a great product or service it has to be really great and I go back to what I was saying earlier where if you're a new company I mean unless it's like some new industry or new market that if it's an untapped market or then then you have more ability to your business the standard is lower for your product or service but if you're entering anything where there's an existing market place against lodge and trenched competitors then your product or service needs to be much better than theirs it can't be a little bit better because then you put yourself in the choose of the consumer and they say why would you buy it as a consumer you're always gonna bribe the trusted brand unless there's a big difference so a lot of times you know entrepreneur will come up with something which is only slightly better and it's it's not you can't just be slightly better it's got to be a lot better if you're creating company or if you're joining a company the most important thing is to is to attract great people so either be would join a group that's amazing that you've really respect or if you've building a company you've got to gather great people I mean all the company is is a group of people that have gathered together to create a product or service and so depending upon how talented and hardworking that group is and the greeter which they are focused cohesively in a good direction that will determine the success of the company so do everything you can to to gather great people if you're creating a company constantly seek criticism a a wealth a well-thought-out critique of whatever you're doing is as valuable as gold and you should seek that from everyone you can but particularly your friends usually your friends know what's wrong but they don't want to tell you because they don't want to hurt you so yeah so they're you know there's I would encourage my friends so and I'm not gonna tell him what I think is wrong with this product yeah it doesn't mean your friends are right but very often they are right and you at least want to listen very carefully to what they say and to everyone you're looking for basically you should take the approach that that you're wrong you know that that that knew the entrepreneur are wrong your goal is to be less wrong don't just follow the trend so you may have heard me said that it's good to think in terms of the physics approach for first principles which is and rather than reasoning by analogy you boil things down to the most fundamental truths you can imagine and you reason up from there and this is a good way to figure out if if something really makes sense or if it's just what everybody else is doing it's hard to think that way you can't think think that way about everything takes a lot of effort but if you're trying to do something new it's the best way to think and that framework was developed but by physicists to figure out counterintuitive things like points of mechanics so it's really a powerful powerful method people who've been in the rocketry business for decades yeah who say about you that you don't know what you don't know well I suppose that's true of anyone how can anyone know what they don't know critics say you can't do this your answer to them is we've done it you know there are American heroes who don't like this idea the alarm strong gene cernan have both testified against commercial spaceflight in the way that you're developing it and I wonder what you think of that I was very sad to see that because those guys are yeah you know those guys are heroes of mine so it's really tough you know I wish they would come and visit and and see the hardware that we're doing camp and I think that would change them like they inspired you to do this didn't they yes and to see them casting stones in your direction it's difficult did you expect them to cheer you on so they hoping they would what are you trying to prove to them what I'm trying to do is to make a significant difference in in space flight and and and help make space flight accessible to to almost anyone and I would hope for as much support in that direction as we as we converse it so those were anonymous 10 rules for success coming below which one is your favorite and don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more motivational content also make sure to destroy that like button if you enjoyed or found this video helpful alright guys this is alpha leader signing out thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Alpha Leaders
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Keywords: elon musk 10 Rules for Success, elon musk top 10 rules for success, elon musk top 10, elon musk success, elon musk rules, entrepreneur, elon musk interview, elon musk motivation, elon musk speech, elon musk greatest innovator ever, tesla motors, space x, best advice from elon musk, elon musk secrets to success, elon musk success tips, elon musk best speech, elon musk entrepreneur advice, elon musk the speech that broke the internet, elon musk advice for young people, alpha
Id: N0bj4UZ3zWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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