Elon Musk's Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | Elon Musk Motivation

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Oh yes! Thank you for sharing. To the moon. 🚀

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Easy_Committee_8713 📅︎︎ May 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
so what what advice do i have for college  graduates interested in getting involved   in the spheres you've tapped into well  certainly i'd invite you to apply for a   job at solar city or tesla or spacex if that  doesn't work for whatever reason then i guess   apply to jobs at other companies in that arena or  try starting a company the space business is quite   it's quite hard to start a company in the space  business because it's such a capital intensive   business so it may be better to do something in  solar power or if you're going to do it in cars   do it in as kind of a component supplier for cars  or something like that if you study engineering   and you figure out how to design new things  then it's relatively easy to start a company   you just need to get a few like-minded people with  you how did you get the expertise to be the chief   technology officer of a rocket ship company  um well i do have a physics background that's   helpful as a foundation and then i read a lot of  books and talked to a lot of a lot of smart people   you know i think my sort of drive to get  it done is somewhat disconnected from   hope enthusiasm or anything else i just  actually just don't care about hope or   enthusiasm motivation just give it everything i've  got irrespective of what the circumstances may be   you just keep going and get it done what is the  one thing that has surprised you about your life   oh one thing wow well i certainly i'm  surprised by the whole thing honestly i certainly didn't expect to be to be  uh for any of these things to happen   honestly i know i wanted to be involved in  technology um and in fact the only reason i   started a company back in 95 an internet company  was because i couldn't get it there were only a   few internet companies and i couldn't get a job at  any of them i tried to get a job at netscape and   sent my resume and i tried hanging out in the  lobby but i was too shy to talk to anyone and   and then i was like okay well i guess i'll have to  start a company because i can't get a job anywhere   i wouldn't say i'm fearless in fact i i think  i fear i feel fear quite strongly but i if the   if what we're doing isn't for what you know what  i'm doing is i think is important enough then i   just uh override the fear i think also people tend  to overweight risk on a personal level it's one   thing if you've got you know a mortgage to pay and  kids support and that if you were to deviate from   your job that well how you're going to feed your  family and pay the rent okay that's understandable   but let's say you're young and you're just coming  out of college or coming out of high school or   whatever the what what are you what do you risk  you know you're not going to stop i mean it's it's   really certainly not in any kind of modern economy  it's so easy to earn enough money just to live   somewhere and eat food so if you don't know what  are they only afraid of they're mostly afraid of   failure i think but people should be less  risk averse when there's not much at risk   i always had sort of a slight existential  crisis because i was trying to figure out   what does it all mean like what's the  purpose of things and um i came to the   conclusion that if if we can advance the the the  knowledge of the world if we can do things that   expand the scope and and scale of consciousness  then we're better able to ask the right questions   and become more enlightened and and that's really  the only way forward what drives you what what is   it that when you wake up in the morning do  you see a problem and you want to solve it   i think the the thing that drives me is that  uh i want to be able to think about the future   and we feel good about that that you know we're  doing what we can to have the future be be as good   as possible to be inspired by what is likely  to happen and to look forward to the next day that's that's what really really  drives me is is trying to figure out   uh how do we how to make sure that things  are great and i'm gonna be so and that's   the underlying principle behind tesla and  spacex i think you know particularly for   americans you know like think about america  is a nation of explorers people came here   from other parts of the world chose to give up  the known in favor of the unknown so i think   uh exploration like i think united states is a  distillation of the human spirit of exploration   i mean i thought both tesla and spacex would fail  at the beginning you saw it yeah sure really of   course but nevertheless you put all your money in  there i expected to lose it well technically what   i thought was well i'll take half the money from  paypal and if i lose half of it that's okay um   but then of course the companies encounter  difficulties and then have a choice of the   either like let the company die um or put you  know all the money into the companies and so   i really didn't want the companies to die  so i put all the money in the companies   and then had to borrow money for  friends to pay living expenses   you know just looking just for evidence of  exceptional ability and if there's a track   record of exceptional achievement then it's likely  that that will continue into the future well it   really depends on the stakes if the stakes  are high if it's really important then one   should then i you know will overcome the fear and  just do it anyway but essentially i mean i just   drive over right fear but i feel the fear it's  kind of annoying i shouldn't i wish i felt it less   toward the end of 2008 spacex prepared its fourth  attempt we were running on fumes at that point   we had virtually no money so a fourth failure the  fourth valley would have been absolutely game over   play so far as a support for spacex  the first three launches failed   just barely able to scrape together enough  parts and money to do the fourth launch that   fourth launch had failed we would have been  dead so multiple failures along the way i   tried very hard to get the right expertise in  for for spacex i tried hard to to find a great   chief engineer for the rocket but the good  chief engineers wouldn't join and the bad   ones well there was no no in hiring them so  i ended up being chief engineer of the rocket   but flight 4 was flawless in musk's world it lit  the darkness when critics say you can't do this   your answer to them is we've done it and then  just work like hell i mean you just have to put in   you know 80 hour 80 to 100 hour weeks every  week if other people are putting in 40 hour   work weeks and you're putting in 100 hour work  weeks then even if uh you're doing the same   thing you know that you will achieve in four  months what it takes then a year to achieve work hard like i mean every waking hour that's  that's the the thing i would i would say   and i mean if you do simple math say like okay  if somebody else is working 50 hours and you're   working 100 you'll get twice as done as much done  in the course of years i think it's important that   humanity become a multi-planet species i think  most people would agree that a future where we're   a space faring civilization is inspiring and  exciting compared with one where we are forever   confined to earth until some eventual extinction  event that's really why i started spacex you
Channel: Business Core
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Keywords: elon musk, elon musk motivation, elon musk motivational speech, elon musk speech, elon musk inspiring speech, elon musk best speech, elon musk crying, elon musk emotional speech, elon musk inspirational video, elon musk emotional, elon musk mindset, elon musk hard path, elon musk tears up speech, elon musk tears up, elon musk holding back tears, business core, motivation core, elon musk best video
Id: L1O8QJU2cA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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