Why Do You See A Bright Light During Near Death Experiences?

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Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin. It seems like every movie or story involving someone in a near-death experience has thier life flashing before their eyes or a light at the end of the tunnel calling to them. Pretty literary tropes aside, what do people really see during near-death experiences and why? A near-death experience, or NDE, is a significant psychological event that can occur when a person is close to death or in other situations of physical or emotional crisis. NDEs can vary from person to person, but common elements of the phenomenon can include seeing a bright light or lights, strong emotions, having an out-of-body experience, and seeing religious figures or deceased friends and family. And if you ask The OA and Homer, near-death experiences can also lead to some unique dance movements. Can season 2 come out already? So why do people have near-death experiences? Are they seeing some form of afterlife? Are they talking to a god or some greater celestial being? While it can be very difficult to confirm or deny religious or spiritual beliefs on topics like this, we /can/ look into the science behind it. It seems as though near-death experiences might have to do with a person’s temporal lobe. When looking at temporal lobe functioning in individuals who reported having near-death experiences, they were found to have more types of specific temporal lobe activity than control subjects and they also reported significantly more temporal lobe epileptic symptoms. The studies also found that the near-death experiencers had shorter sleep durations and delayed REM sleep when compared to the control group. Potentially furthering a correlation between the human brain and near-death experiences, another recent study found that NDEs were uncommon in head-injury cases compared to other near-death conditions. Only 3 of the 86 recruited head-injury patients had a clear and confident experience of an NDE. It’s also interesting to point out that the reports from all three of the NDE-positive individuals were rich in descriptions of light visions for their experience. Many people also express heightened senses during a near-death experience and that it somehow felt “realer than real”. Curious as to why this was, researchers found in a recent smaller study that NDE memories have more phenomenological characteristics than memories of imagined and real events. Since imagined events have, on average, less of these characteristics than real event memories, these findings were quite intriguing. They suggest that NDE memories may not simply be imagined event memories, but rather that their physiological origins could lead them to be truly perceived, even if they are not lived in reality. So why do so many people talk about a bright light at the end of a tunnel? It seems like this could be due to a person’s blood and oxygen flow being depleted to their eyes at the time of their NDE. It can be common in near-death experiences for a person to lose blood or lack an adequate amount of oxygen. One or both of these things have the potential to lead to tunnel vision, possibly explaining the light at the end of the tunnel that is always talked about. Have you ever had a NDE? What was it like? Let me know in the comments below. Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video. As always, I’m Blocko and this has been Life Noggin. Don’t forget to keep on thinking!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 2,972,687
Rating: 4.9099917 out of 5
Keywords: near death experience, nde, death, god, religion, bright light, bright light death, emotion, brain activity, out of body experience, afterlife, what happens when you die, what happens after you die, religious experience, sleep, head injury, bright light at the end of tunnel, oxygen, blood, biology, life noggin, science, animation, animated science, blocko, heaven, near death experience heaven, near death experience stories, bright light at the end of the tunnel, jesus, nde experience
Id: Kxdsb0eZIpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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