WHY do YOU Play Your FFXIV Job: DPS Edition

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hey bun so a couple of weeks ago i asked on social media why do you mean your job in final fantasy 14 what keeps you coming back to that job what do you like about it the first part was my previous video about the tanks and healers today i am proud to present the dps edition so let's hop to it black mage it should come as no surprise that black mages just want to watch the world burn it often wasn't enough for them to tell me that they love explosions though it's fire to say they do blackmage has sent me way more gifs and videos than any other job like by a lot so maybe they have a flare for the dramatic but who doesn't love blowing stuff up feeling like a classic wizard black mage has a simple rotation that makes it good for a starter dps but at higher levels there can be a lot of nuance to getting your positioning right that's because your goal as a black mage is to move as little as possible staying within your circle of ley lines while still dodging enemy attacks this can lead you to being creative in ways that only a black mage can be black mage is [ __ ] mage choosing the right spot to stand in and move as little as possible is a game in and of itself nailing boss mechanics while not disrupting your rotation's flow is what makes this job fulfilling simple yet effective rewarding when you master it once i've learned the best time to use ley lines etc i feel like a tactical anime protagonist and as frustrating as having to move is at times once you've learned the fights black page is very comfy and relaxing it feels great to keep your up time going nothing quite like it so i guess what you're saying is black mage has no match red mages because of you i read so many tweets like this verdict red mage my fav version of a caster ver has the versatility of being able to ver heal revive and ver attack up close because it's we're very stylish we're very very very you don't have to add another and it's very kind of for a brain dead never play and i'm brutal i'm going to need some vermouth after reading all this apart from irreversibly converting your verbiage other credible reasons to play include alisay the best scion stabbing backflips being a wizard and a pirate moments when your mana is perfectly balanced as all things should be nice the spellblade support aesthetic that'll make you feel like zorro though i like to pretend the z is for zappala with your heel and resurrection spells you can save a party from wiping i experience god powers when i raise the whole team and save the run vrays and clutch over cures are more satisfying than big numbers it's an easy job to play red mage doesn't give me anxiety it's simple and fun and i can keep the group alive one player mention how much they like dual cast which is a red mage mechanic makes every other spell instant cast a high damage chain you have to build toward and a res ability so i can help in more ways than just damage that player aerith's voice actress i can't believe aaron's voice actress talk to me on twitter oh my god i fangirled pretty hard in my response come to think of it she did wear a lot of red just don't go calling yourself vereth okay summoner while a bit of a mess as you level eventually becomes a high utility high mobility death machine made of lasers dragons and mythical birds you and all your pets might start to feel like a little family if i don't play summoner who's going to feed my carbuncles what do you feed them anyway probably lots of carbs you can feel like a pokemon trainer only if pikachu wanted to burn the whole world down basically everyone else will be ash with bahamut i'm literally controlling a god between muhammad and phoenix we have not one but two extra large peepees with a huge pp energy from the top of the damage meter harkness by the way summoner is two jobs for the price of one you'll also level scholar automatically summoner is notorious for its two-minute rotation with strict 30-second phases it's a never-ending piano concerto it's got strong dots and solid aoe plus of cool armors that often include horny head pieces larry zore said he plays summoner because he super glued the dong to his head and it won't come off i was like but what if you need to go bio and he said it's always number three it weaves like a melee while being a caster one former red mage main said that they switched to summoner for all the weaving and planning that quote makes it more engaging than red mage like red mages summoners can also rez i've interpreted summoner as a shaman from playing final fantasy games they're attuned to the world and are able to call the elements of nature to their side using major moves like akmorin and revelation i feel like rydia or unit i can do what i do best ruining everything you know i had to include that joke it's the law barred when aryan my mikote bard travels the lands in search of inspiration for his songs well all the ladies seem to like his muse zik as a bard it can be the yasser every party needs i'm so glad that i could just bring you all together like this unbelievable bart is chaotic horny and goes dude and i can play careless whisper whenever i want at level 30 you'll get the perform action which lets you play instruments like this hey that means even when your roles are bad you'll always have the loot bart is the job with a bow and that alone draws people to it i can have a bow as a weapon and don't need to be a hanzo mane to do so many bards said the rotation flows like music like each 30 seconds is a set of four measures the song durations at 30 30 20 are like odd time signatures keeping the tension with the charge bar and then hit him with a nice solo with apex arrow switching songs is like changing between chord progressions you build to a crescendo with apex and you buff and uplift others as music does in real life and if you make a mistake in a raid however minor you could fall flat the challenge of bart is keeping up dots and songs while playing ogcd whack-a-mole you can attack on the move and from range with your wide view of the raid helping you see aoes and stay out of trouble minimal stress and you get fancy hats you know bards do have a reputation for looking sharp next up machinists maybe people main machinists because they want to stick to their guns anyways mercedes was totally retooled in shadowbringers making it cooler and better than ever before but i got comparatively less machinist responses which makes me think people just don't know about the abilities the new stuff i have a gun i have a robot robot gun pineapple pen guy is more intense than i remember i do the pew pew with my gun and then i summon a robot my robot queen is always ready to kick some ass my class is a simp queen's actually my favorite part of machinist so you're saying you couldn't resist her a love of machines is a big reason lots of people play machinist some are in i.t or have a general fascination with all machines and equipment or just in technology steampunk aesthetic as for the rotation there's no dots i don't have great ping but the hypercharge wildfire window is fun before you pull the trigger on machinist you should know you need to have good ping it's important for performing well on this job you'll have full freedom of movement like other range supports the machinist rotation is really straightforward i like knowing exactly when things are going to proc and why another thing they said they enjoyed was having a flame thrower and if that is the light of fire under your ass to start machinist i don't know it will machinist mains also told me they know the drill drill animation makes me happy my drill went right up to titan's anus for an entire tier in the opener and it never got tiring sounds like titan was pretty screwed hey if you cast flamethrower right before a drill would that make it a fire drill next up dancer my current mane i was swayed into trying to answer for one reason chakrams xena wore your princess chakrams though i sometimes feel more like this look what the round thing does a chakram is a weapon not a toy you don't just kick ass while being pretty you can cast by being pretty i'm sexy with sexy buffs i dance and i kill i like hitting nearly 170k damage after shaking my booty for a couple seconds you gotta shake your ass to buff the party that's why your job icon looks like that as a dancer your technical step will buff the whole party's damage by up to five percent while the person you chose as dance partner gets extra buffs from standard step and devilment who wouldn't want to be the popular girl everyone wants to be your dance partner or pertner as the case maybe and like our buff bottoms our rotation is so smooth dancer feels so flowy and free you can zoom around with dash aka and avant i'm a dancing popotome i can numerous hey as alala when you use enovant does that make you a a dash brown it's fun going from zero to all the procs getting full fans and esprit and burning through them under our buffs it's easy to learn and the rng makes it engaging you got to think ahead of what to use when so you don't drift your buffs becoming a blender when aoe mobs i think i have some aoe footage will it blend one more thing healers talk a lot about blood lily but let me introduce you to blood lotus [Music] that looks pretty dangerous you better watch your step dragoon cool spiky armor yes do i fly into battles creating massive explosions and stuff oh yes do i have the heart of a freaking dragon i was floored by the number of answers i got from dragoons one thing they seem to have common ground on is knowing that they look badass like kane high wind or aerinaia on top of amazing gear there's cool looking abilities that let you bounce around like a caffeinated yorkie the balance of bounce bounce no way stop and i'm off the edge soar through the sky chilling with dragons shoot up up up into space and then crashing down with such a force that you slam to the enemy at mach 2 and occasionally the ground but mostly the enemy you feel the impact of star diver using your body as a tactical missile so yeah dragoons have a bit of a reputation for a risky behavior just saying hold my spear it's fun to jump off the map and die to the lava below 10 out of 10 would backflip into a death wall again i got a lot of floor tank memes but i don't want to beat that joke into the ground i mean that's a dragoon's job some enjoy the risk factor of balancing jumps with fight mechanics due to the danger of jumps locking you into the animation so you need to have good timing when jumping out of the bat dragoon hits that sweet spot where it's not too complicated and not too easy it feels lightning fast and has high damage and good utility i like playing dragoon so i can be great at it and show people that not all dragons are she aoe hugging lunatics hashtag not all dragoons well maybe the wall dragons just aren't practicing enough because they don't have any spear time monk what's better than beating a dude to death with your fists the simple aesthetic of going around and beating the life out of something with your bare hands it fills my urge to punch people irl are the monks okay so we all did say it's the bad guys you want to punch not good people good to know i heard the calling of the fist so i began fisting everything with monk tmi i kind of got the sense that there's three types of monk those with a reference for martial arts like i'm a kung fu practitioner tifa stands and people who just want punch thing trying to hit positionals is a fun mini game that i just don't get from spellcasters positions are actions that do more damage from the side or the rear it makes me think on my feet chaining attacks in a rhythmic way while constantly moving to hit positionals is as exciting as any action game thanks to greased lightning stacks building up to give you a dummy low gcd monk is one of the fastest attacking jobs in the game i should mention that several monks pointed out that it's in a real jank spot at the moment due to the whole anatman thing which freezes your timers and builds up speed but you got to sit still like you cannot move at all for up to 30 seconds for it to work usually in the opener that's kind of frustrating for a lot of these speed demon monk mains one monk who loves the jobs party buff brotherhood told me they like to use it and say come together my brothers which reminded me of the great fist fighters of ages past brother brother brother brother they'll be trying to drink their own sweat to survive brother overall people love monk for giving you more to do than just stand still and press buttons so don't knock it till you try it you might get a kick out of it and end up liking it a punch ninja i chose ninja as my main because i like naruto also i'm a weeb i can feel like a naruto character i'm a weeb i'm an ass of weave i will be hokage someday before you laugh i mean the naruto running is more aerodynamic ninjas have passively faster movement speed as well as flippy jumps reduced fall damage and a selfie eat shikuchi which is a smoke bomb teleport you can use it to get past crowds and say excuse me i simply adore the mudra system because it's like a little puzzle game each time i use it oddly enough mudras scared me away from ninja at first but now i can't get enough of it mudras are these three little buttons that trigger a different ninjutsu attack depending on the order that you use them in if you screw it up you'll get a bunny of shame that's what i call a bad hair day a lot of these ninjutsu's can be cast at range which is why some call it a safe melee it gives you decision making options like maybe holding on to mudras for avoiding mechanics i tried dancer but settled with ninja because of the high difficulty ceiling it makes me feel big brained and savage but can a ninja debuff the boss and help the party sure you can you can you can deal a huge amount of damage during the trick attack window which increases the target's damage taken by five percent and everyone likes that ninjas are the definition of extra with their custom flippy jumps summoning clifford the big red frog and sneaking around with hide so maybe you should take a stab at it and see if it holds your attention next up samurai oh you thought ninjas were weeb one of the samurai sent me this don't look at her she's not worth your time looking at my eyes breasts are nothing but might controls everything can't even read yoshi gives me a katana me it's time for them real weave hours boys getting to wield the power of folded steel and anime is a powerful feeling we know xenos i'm a big weeb i'm a massive weave a lot of weebs said that it has that big crit energy the big numbers that make the dopamine double crit midari satsuga madari dancers love us yeah samurai is actually usually a very good dance partner choice and we draw the moon with sword magic which looks like a powerful maneuver no other dps has kept my interest i always feel energized playing samurai and constantly finding ways to improve it's simplistically high skill ceiling it doesn't come off as super hard but to be good at it you are actually required to use your brain for the job there's a certain elegance within it and it's very deliberate in how you have to think ahead in the fight to perform your best it's fun and rewarding to play studying the blade paid off finally i just realized as a dancer i'm the one with the audacity to come to you for help one person said they just wanted to be samurai pizza cat which i had to google oh yeah who do you call when you want some pepperoni don't you mean pepperoni really drop the ball a lot of people love samurai stories or show her an interest in the ronin fantasy or katanas in general samurai i like it because samurai and i stick with it because samurai only other samurai can understand one funny reason would be that it comes with asaya scabbard so you don't have a floating blob of a weapon it's like dark knight in all classes are just flopping their around with not a care in the world cover up your blades people who i i didn't think frey could get more sexy i was wrong i hope you liked this video and maybe it was helpful to you and learning a bit more about the different dps jobs in final fantasy 14. if you did find this video helpful or fun please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of darkness thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Zepla HQ
Views: 603,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jQ5AjHPlsYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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