Mistakes New Players Make in FFXIV

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hey bones did you ever do something embarrassing or silly because you were a new player and you didn't know it was going on I once healed cutters cry and crafting gear this is fine I can fix this I can fix this know what fresh hell is this nope to help us all feel a little better about our silly mistakes and maybe have like a bit of a cautionary tale for new players to warn them not to follow in our shameful footsteps I went to social media and I asked the question what are some rookie mistakes you made when you were new to a or SIA and I have been overwhelmed by the response I have gotten hundreds of comments across all social media and I have gone through them basically organize them in what are the most common mistakes that have seen what are some less common I also want to tell you that if you see someone's name and avatar shown they gave me explicit permission to do that one of the biggest mistakes I saw was people just not reading tooltips and if you don't read your tooltips then you don't know that buttons are really supposed to not be pressed in a random order like yours you need to press them in the order that makes sense after you read the tooltip that's called a combo my favorite was I didn't know a rotation meant a set of skills so I used to lock on to the boss and walk around it in a circle pressing the buttons as they lit up I would literally rotate around enemies this sounds a lot like my samurai rotation actually another thing you might find on your tooltips is positional z' what are they is it flanked just another way of saying not the front no no positions wet water position rules I played monk for five months and cleared to six before someone told me flank and rear actually different not knowing about positional still array and I mentioned wow that jageun is awfully a mobile followed by another one asking are you doing in positional I was already level 60 so definitely check your tooltip if your button says it does more damage from the rear go to the gap in the back of the glowy target circle it says it does more from the flank go to the sides the next most common thing was people not knowing what roles are people had to explain to me I was supposed to heal make sure nobody died I thought your goon was a tank I mean it is it's a floor tank I didn't know what tank was I chose gladiator cuz sword it's my first MMO I picked gladiator when does a Sasha didn't know what a tank was people were shouting at me to use flash I didn't have flash on my bar why would I you slash doesn't do any damage when I first started playing our world as the berserker DPS took me a month I realized I was actually leveling at anger in 2.0 I thought pugilist was a tank because of a youtube video I watched I kept pulling everything in satara and died repeatedly we're kind of a youtube video would make you think you can handle the boss with a punch there was also so much a OE confusion AoE stands for area of effect it means that there's a spot on the ground that is going to hurt you if you stand in it my logic was I was the tank and had hate and the AoE was on me so if I moved I'd turn the boss and take the AoE with me I was afraid if I moved it the Telegraph's would also move I got all the way to level 65 before figuring out I ball indicators on attacks meant that you had to look away yes so if you see the red eyeball look away but you should look at your character should look away my friend told me to look away from a mechanic and I looked away in real life that's really cute you should also know that there is a special indicator called a stack marker and it looks like this the whole party should have a little group hug inside it you should not run away with it on you there's also friendly ground a ohi's that your party might put down that are not harmful to you the blue lb indicator which will you tell bees in a second the tether buff from a jargon so son does a degree and will put a red little um it looks like a Chinese finger trap thingy on you the Black Mage's will put down ley lines on the ground it buffs their damage it doesn't have any effect on you my friend ran said thinking ley lines that worked for everyone so I'd be running about placing them on my healers and friends and getting sad when they'd run away Perino said I did it from the other direction if I saw it go up I'd run into it for a buff that wasn't there so I said that there were Elbe problems there were so many there were so many using lb at every chance I got cuz I thought everyone had their own lb same I did the same thing I thought lb was personal I didn't realize the party shared the bar yeah that's for everyone someone thought lb meant left bumper I was in Hawk evader as a bard it was my first time in and the boss was almost dead and I was the last one alive and everyone kept saying lb lb you so big and I had no idea what they meant and we wiped I quit playing for three months out of embarrassment that's really sad that's actually really sad when I was level 20 I used lb as a white mage in a dungeon and got yelled at this is my greatest moment of shame apologizing routine I'm sorry you got yelled at nobody should be yelling at people especially if you're new but there's a couple of rules around it let me try to explain really quickly lb is for the whole party generally you want a melee to use it on a boss sometimes on trash as a tank you'll almost never use it as a healer you'll probably only use it as lb 3 to resurrect an entire raid so probably don't wanna use it as a tank or as a healer randomly or they'll be met your party you get a belt that'll be mad ok let's move on so many tank problems in general like tanks with no stances no mitigation no cooldowns some of these people never saw my commercial for shield outs spinning and strafing and like just dodging around the mob like that no one told me how to sit still strafing around thinking I could dodge the attacks I literally beyblading my way to poppy in dungeons I would spin the bosses in circles thinking that it helped me avoid attacks it doesn't mix DPS man imagine being in a dungeon where the tank is spinning in in circles trying to avoid attacks and you have a monk in there that's like simultaneously rotating around the boss then there were healer problems I think there were more healer problems than tanking problem is actually not using Swift cast + res til storm blood didn't know how to ensign rose I would hard res every single tank that died died my care another one was putting regen on every single party member before the pool then wondering why I've got a grow so regen will pull a good bit of aggro on to you before the tank gets a chance to get the aggro so you might want to wait for the tanks are running at the mobs before putting up your region or medica - getting aggressive as a healer to the point where I forget to heal the tank so yeah there was people that frezzer cure healing and then people coming from WoW who don't realize they also need to be doing damage whenever strange ones was so many healers telling me that they thought that an emergency would happen if my tank wasn't on 100% HP all the time you think would happen but I needed to keep everyone 100% topped off at all times even if only one HP was gone I think there's something kind of wholesome about that because it's like you don't even want a scratch on your tank you don't want them to be hurt at all it just like excellent health the whole time the worst mistake I made was skipping cutscenes skipping cutscenes till storm blood I had no idea why everyone loved that sucker and heavens or it for a long while well now we have the benefit of new game+ so if you did that you can do new game+ and play through the story that you missed I was obsessed with hitting heavensward because how much my friends loved it I ended up not even really enjoying heavensward due to me being obsessed to catch up slow down slow your roll and just enjoy it because you only get the first time one time trying to play ffs like wow in racing the game instead of playing it like a Final Fantasy game slow chill and for fun trying to rush stuff thinking I must catch up to everyone I realized I shouldn't now it happens worth taking my sweet time well good luck enjoying that heavensward sucker that everybody likes so I saw a lot of people not understanding the difference between main story quests and side quests or trying to finish all the side quests in the zone before moving on that's not how you play 14 you might do one or two side quests here or there in his own but you focus on your main story quests in your class and job quests unless you like doing all the side quests in which case knock yourself out the real main request is to have fun there's also special markers for important unlock quests that I noticed a lot of people missed I got 280 in finish shadow bringers before learning what the challenge log was so we're good for getting to unlock the challenge log it's an extremely missable feature that's true not unlocking glamour till I was 50 please unlock your challenge log unlock glamour do the important unlocks to separate people said that they got to level 15 killing only MA I started leveling RPG style up to 15 one beasty at a time wow oh I'm so sorry an absolutely massive number of people told me that for various reasons they did not have their job stone equipped forgot to put the job stone on I didn't know there was a quest to get the job stone I didn't do any job quest didn't have job stone no no job stone no I thought soul stones were an optional feature and was insistent on staying pugilist please unlock your job at 30 I did Omega 1 is a lancer oh my friend crystal commented if she said I didn't know what job quests were as a new player so I did the whole crystal tower rate series as a thaumaturge actually asked her about this on the stream yesterday she came by to my stream last night and I asked her about this kid she said that she was actually streaming at the time the chat was telling her unlock black mate and she was just like freaking out oh I think she said she thought it would unlock through the main story quests you gotta do your job quest conjurer till 42 conjurer told fifity I forgot my class quest for almost two expansions so please do all your class and job quests they're super important equip your job stone stoned forget it and finally I wanted to go through some that didn't really fit into the other categories or they were just really funny answering to every shout or talk in the chat box cuz I thought they were I started playing with people who weren't casters I thought on healer since they weren't casting their main attacks because they're not casters I shouldn't be either and I was Auto attacking out of anxiety for a long while so like smacking him with the white mage came to fit in with the other melee this is a great one I thought that as a sprout bard all I needed to do was find a good place to hide and shoot from I actually I just love this I love this so it's such a D&D logic I got kicked and cutters cry for standing on a cliff and shooting well out of healers range I couldn't figure out why I was dying I mean it's tactically sound thinking gatherer node times were in real life not a or zo time and giving up on ever being able to gather some of it so if I go to the gathering thing right now this player believed that the next time that I can gather a lemma net is gonna be at 6 a.m. and I will have a window between 6 & 7 55 a.m. go and gather the limit in colors yeah that is it's kind of how phishing works though I didn't know I could zoom out my screen for a year not understanding how bard songs worked and why I wasn't getting the Prague's cuz I was only using wind bite here's the kicker I didn't have venomous bite on my bar because I didn't want to poison people and finally I pressed something on my keyboard and I can only walk from that on I didn't know how to solve it I didn't know that there was a mode where you could only walk in this like this brought up so many questions from him like how long were you just walking did you think that you got deep after something so on that note that about wraps things up here I do really hope that this video was fun enlightening maybe and we all had a good a good time looking at each other's silly mistakes and realizing that maybe we're not so alone and doing silly things as a new player so don't be don't be worried that you're gonna make mistakes you will yeah definitely will I want to thank you again everybody who responded to my posts on social media I had an absolute blast reading through these if you liked this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on Twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your friends thanks again so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Zepla HQ
Views: 1,092,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gIWlgmLnfHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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