WHY do YOU Play Your FFXIV Job: Tanks & Healers Edition

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hey buns do you have a main job in Final Fantasy 14 one that you just keep on coming back to you that is the question I asked on social media this week and after reading through over 1,500 comments one I now want to play every single job and two this is gonna have to be split into two parts so today we're just gonna talk about the tanks and the healer jobs why people play those what they like about them and part two for DPS is coming soon warrior I got two words from you fel Cleve step one glowy red eyes step two howl cleave Felkel you've time seven FAL cleave big Axl go smash big axe buzz-buzz a fella I shall cleave noises big axe go the sound of multiple towel cleans incidentally I found a great website for keeping your warrior entertained between pools yeah so people love fell CLE when talking about warrior I guess that's one thing they can't cleave out but seriously do warriors no words but I it's felt clean actually I got some poetry me have big axe me swing big axe may see a big number we have dopamine big axe small handle loud noises tell cleave I mean that was a few more words besides talking but isn't there more to warrior besides fellas oh yeah repeat after me those pure rage and willpower luckily or Xion literally too angry to die the class fantasy is being an unstoppable Berserker the big self heals make me feel Burling like i can shrug off attacks and muscle my way to victory I was looking for an MMORPG or I could play as a big-ass dude with a big-ass X then I found 14 big-ass dude Rogan in check big ass axe class warrior double check I just get anger I'm amused by a small lizard getting angry at monsters full healing from what ability and nascent flash it makes me feel like an unstoppable powerhouse I get to protect my team while being a lightning rod of hate for our enemies also why a man with an axe is a plus aesthetic I guess you could call him in apex predator I am a gun breaker I like being at the front of the line in the boss's face it's the ultimate Chad John has a big Pro tag energy gun blade it has a gun blame a gun mixed with a sword that makes explosions is freaking awesome it goes pew pew also you can live your skull leonhardt fatto soon yes so lots of y'all said that you wanted to be like skull from FFA and who can blame you I mean he's a very good-looking guy all right there we go many people said that eight was their favorite or eight was their first Final Fantasy I feel the aesthetic of what it is to wield a gun blade it was perfectly captured with a job and I refused to give it up gun picker is the whole reason I play you 14 it really is reminiscent of eight it's got the familiar skill names combination of eight and asthenia we've got 13 added but why does gun breaker offer besides nostalgia and squall backs to other Final Fantasy game scaring the [ __ ] out of healers of course so for those who don't know every tank has a spell that gives them temporary immunity gun breakers is a super but clinch because every time you use it your HP drops to 1 and then your healers HP will also drop to 1 when they go into cardiac arrest also it's a tank that feels like a DPS so you can disguise yourself as a tank and skip the DPS Q be a deeps with a power trip of a tank tank privilege so it's a good transition for people coming from DPS jobs it's just so fast rushing in fast combos always building DPS while taking damage someone said the continuation combo feels so nice that they drop paladin the combos and abundance of damage dealing skills do it for me all the flashy effects explosions add to the aesthetic and make it into a very satisfying job I have found a joy in gun breaker that I've been looking for for a long time so yeah if you want to feel like an outlaw or the protagonist of a hack-and-slash game go pay a visit to Sophie and Radovan maybe you'll find you'd like to play gun breaker rather than some other Texas paladin the iconic tank architect and my first job actually it was my first max level character it has the sword and board knightly aesthetic and shadow bringers they nailed both the physical and magic side making both fun to do it may not be as flashy or as mechanically complex as other jobs but it feels good to be able to sustain myself while protecting the party it's kind of silly but to me paladin is the job that feels the most like playing a classic hero brings out my inner crusader in the darkest night the paladin will stand on hallowed ground when hope seems to fade they will heal and protect stand behind their wings and they will shield you from oncoming challenges but they will also attack a heroic Knight that will charge in and protect others from harm paladin protect all you me he and she paladin protect all you no actually I think out of all of the jobs paladin had the most wholesome comments since paladin has a strong heal and the ability to tank paying for their friends I feel as if I identify with it because I love to protect my friends and I always will paladin never forgets protection suicide from every Paladin main having a good and true heart necessary for drawing a sword from the Stone they are also basically immortal Clementi and hallowed ground it seemed to make me nearly invincible I can use hallowed ground and then ask the rest of my group how they died my king is somehow baiting the boss even though everyone died and I'm just supposed to accept the wipe I just love being able to collect fines when the healer dies with clemency yeah if your healer dies and you're the paladin you're the healer now sweetie I have a shield that blocks everything but emotional damage well that the tears might make you more slippery to hit paladin feels so good to play lots of party mitigation a consistent rotation allowing for cool little optimizations and a badass confiture which is that's the sword from the stone that I was talking about I get to be Captain America both in throwing shields and doing this although you just don't want to give up doing cap probably should've pop Sentinel for that tank buster big sword dark magics emotional turmoil tank just the main makings of a perfect agile or the emo kid of the tanks The Dark Knight just looks badass big swords big hits and even bigger emo style I love it just being a badass edge lord okay but you might be thinking I don't have any emotional turmoils I blow like why would I want to be an edgy boy don't worry the dark knight job quest will get you shopping at Hot Topic in no time Dark Knight has the only job quest that made me cry seconding this the dark night job quest literally had me in tears someone said the story is amazing and by far the best of all classes it really feels like it hits the player deep with these inner struggles that the warrior of light has to deal with to become better The Dark Knight job quests were written by not Zuko Ishikawa who wrote the main scenario quests for shadow bringers so you know what it's good if you haven't tried it yet I think that what she said about shadow bringers and guides the dark night job quest to on a philosophical way she said to some people what may seem like the right of way or what's true or good for them may not necessarily be good for everyone a lot of people though just like having a big sexy weapon a nice and long sword but did I mention that Dark Knight's have the most ridiculously good defensive cooldown in the game it is called blackest night and it's almost always available so long as you don't waste your MP also a GAF I've played all the tanks and there are things to enjoy about every single one but the blackest night makes such a huge difference and I love having the ability to just say no you when I get hit with a tank Buster Dark Knight because I get the blackest night which not only has the plus side of sounding edges I can lick bosses in the eye and be like that tickled by the way Dark Knight Mane's use the f-word way more than everybody else I don't know why yeah it was always fray this and fray that no but seriously they said a lot and I got a bleep it all so YouTube won't be mad at me anyways that's it for the text so let's move right on into their healers starting with white mage based on the replies I got there seems to be two types of white mage here's the first type I love playing his white mage because I love being the supporting type of player as a companion and a friend and white mage really brings out my helpful side plus I love the general aesthetic of the class very flashy and pretty I love helping people most Final Fantasy's my favorite characters are white mages and I just wanted to be my own favorite character I love walking around the world randomly healing people in need when they're on a quest even if they don't need help I'll still pop them a region or a quick here I love it nothing beats leaving a duty knowing that I kept all those people alive so wholesome whm for a wholesome mutt but now here's the vastly more common second time as a white mage i only heal so that I can kill letting people are disliked in the party die white mages are the most evil players you'll ever meet I like white fingers because I can play a limbo with other people's lives and they can't complain because I'll let them die because I can honestly I like people being alive and maybe having the option to let them die if they don't listen to me I'm a perfectly trustworthy white mage I love being able to choose who lives and who dies in my party especially those that like to talk big so yeah obviously power over life and death appeals to a certain type of person rescuing someone to their death when they piss me off giving pity regions to people that fail mechanics and beg for heals blood for the blood lily a lot has changed for white mages since storm blood we used to be the bottom of the barrel scholar had the shields and Astra had the buff cards but that all changed when the blood Lily Rose none shall remain standing in the path of our misery blood for blood lily the what incarnation is a blood Lily well in shadow bringers White Mage got a new Lily gauge so when you cast a heal spell that costs one Lily it will nourish the blood Lily when the blood Lily blooms you can use f latest misery and 900 potency AoE damage spell that's a lot of damage so if you ask me that's probably where their blood thirst stems from but what does that mean for all the rest of us thou arts all but nourishment for the blood Lily's the ability to rescue insubordinate party members off the platforms and harvest their life essence in service of the blood Lily I think a lot of them actually start out thinking oh it's pretty or I like trees or I can be a magical girl and then after one too many surprised super but colleges they develop a taste for blood the excitement of playing at White Mage can be addicting one new player said that they're living for the awareness of watching mechanics abilities and party health I love the healing bursts what raid wide damage and let's not forget your flashbang I know a spell that stuns enemies while you do a cute turtle finally White Mage is simple to learn quite made good it easy caveman brain duty 8's heal good White Mage appeals to my very smooth and shiny brain no thoughts only glare hey that's hilarious okay next up is astrology the most commonly used word by astrology is definitely aesthetic it's a beautiful class the fortune-teller time wizard aesthetic is unlike anything in any other game I loved the gear and those shiny stars I love all the pretty stars I love the aesthetic of the class from weapon and gear designs to the spell effects when I first saw it I knew that whatever I actually started playing the game that's the class I want a domain and I've loved every second of it based on all the replies I've seen I've concluded that people who play astrology our card game nerds people who work at NASA or people who could probably turn you into a and her life I like yelling at my friends heart of the cards and crying when I don't get what I want I always love to watch the stars and I'm in debt Tarot and stones and all that so when checking the game out I fell in love with astrology instantly and it's been my main for three years now ever since I was a child stars made me feel happy feel protected and motivated I like the idea of being the same for my party I've always left stars and constellations I love the story quest portraying using that power to serve others and it's the closest thing I can get into time mage as someone who believes in spirituality and the paranormal I've always been attached to the Tarot I've always been enamored by the practice and the beauty of it eight out of ten astrology mains can give you a free online tarot reading between pools but it seems like a challenge and memes are born not made they're like Star children anyways besides the space which survives astrology has a unique play style letting you buff shield and heal with the light speed you can in stochastic ins every minute and a half a lot of people said that it's busy fast-paced and engaging there's so much to do the cards help you feel like you're doing a lot compared to something like white mage it feels like the most hands-on healer I like to micromanage things and stay at a constant pace astrology is a busy class and that's kind of what makes it fun for me astrology is the only healer I can play without getting bored also thanks to short cast times you can weave anything for free I can move around and weave as much as I want whatever I want I love to play with a speed cast of my main spells and I'm not gonna talk about those cards which I gave five times the same in a row well sometimes you're drawing cards and you got to bet your sweet ass you get the right one a couple of comments made me think that this might be the most godly Opie lore wise job though because each card opens up the constellation and releases its power the lore implications for astrologers power is mind boggling the fact that we draw ether from distant stars is amazing to me I guess somebody with that kind of power really hold all the cards I love and I love having astrologers in my group because we always get decked out with buffs okay that's enough scholar the ultimate book nerd with so many ways to keep your party covered I love its complexity and fluidity to react to any fight has good resources do you feel productive in a battle librarian aesthetic the fantasy of academic success and intelligence scholar makes me feel smarter than my 68 and algebra denotes it makes me look smart as I hold a book and seems to read it funny thing scholars and summoners were the most likely players to say something had big dick energy or was big brain like I don't know why arcanists are like that but that was just something I noticed I thought I should share a lot of the resources needed for MP region and the amount of big dick shields I can put out I love the shielding aspect of scholar you have to predict incoming damage and do big brain stuff yes those big energy shields are what sent scholar apart Mitsuki there is my static scholar shield me a [ __ ] when a ball starts an attack I'm unfamiliar with and I start [ __ ] bricks I can shield preemptively instead of standing there waiting to see how much cleanup will be required clearly something if you already started scholar is just too much fun I feel powerful getting a critical ad low on the tank and watch the mobs do no damage aha you can't get in yeah when the damage goes out it's just like on your scholar shield hey maybe that's where she got her name anyways yeah you can have your very own cute healing companion so that you'll never be alone someone in the comments was like wait scholars get fairies and when somebody explained that yes they do then your person was like oh others thought it was a really cute moment like a new player discovering fairies but just how helpful are a OS and Celine I'll never go back to White Mage I've got good instant cast resources and I love how a OS will try to carry my team through if I get imprisoned or frozen as a scholar I like having a co healer that actually does their job Wow if I'm slacking off on heals I can blame a O's those scholars always blaming somebody a us well that just about wraps things up for part one of reasons why people play the jobs that they do and stick with them part two will cover the DPS and will be out very soon if you don't want to miss it mister you shouldn't subscribe to the channel click the notification bell say you will get an alert whenever that next video goes out it should be my next video if all goes according to plan so if you like this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on Twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of darkness thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time very soon with part two take care bye
Channel: Zepla HQ
Views: 509,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gCKDwSnJUhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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