Why do we need to learn C++ in 2020?

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[Music] hello so are anybody i don't know if this is working now new setup see if people are shown people showing up all right so uh are people showing up we'll find out in a second can you guys hear me can you hear me all right so um i think we're live hey brendan how are you how are you can you hear me clearly let me know in a comment please and uh we'll take it from there it looks that way all right so let's get this into place all right greetings from sunrise florida very cool yeah i hope everybody is well people are showing up good yeah quicker this time so the live stream extravaganza begins as i promised uh we're going to be doing uh hear you loud and clear good good good i moved to one of my old lab mics here which is easier to push i hear you loud and clear good good thanks cool all right people are getting on pretty quick now i hope everybody is well so i have a pretty good subject i think today uh something i haven't covered in a while c plus in 2020. so that's something people are always interested in so i'm going to wait till we get to about 100 people and then we'll just jump into the subject of the day uh yeah meanwhile let's see how we do in here all right we got our people coming in i'm just upgrading the process in which i do my live streams i'm trying to up the game a little bit to make it easier for everybody to make it better so sound and vid is five times five five by five okay that's good i guess all right so we're in hello from morocco cool cool cool so yeah let's go back to here we go no that's not it where is it my apology is getting us together soon here we go all right cool all right so uh 10 49 a.m here in kolkata india wow it's sky from your facebook friends list cool thanks for joining so um how are we for the number here 86 so when we get to 100 i'll jump into the subject of the day i hope everybody as well so let me just give you some bookkeeping here um so i plan to start doing the live streams on a regular basis i've been working on workflow as you know i always talk about the importance of workflow so i've been working on the workflow to make it easier for me to be able to produce the content for you guys hello from south africa love your streams cool cool so this is cool here all right all right good good good i even got a piece of hardware to make the streaming easier so i can switch from a different views i'll give you a sneak peek so i found this on quora uh yeah here it is uh yeah what do we need to learn c plus so there's a couple of threads here i'm going to comment on the threads so i think it's going to be very cool once we get back to it hello from tanzania tanzania very cool ah timothy's why what i've been wanting to learn c plus plus but i'm fearful it will be irrelevant soon because of go i will not count on that c plus plus is not going anywhere so how are we who we are who's on here uh something to me same old people should code which languages to learn for full stack web dev all right are we at 100 oh we're hitting 100 all right guys so thanks for coming to the stream i am going to cover the subject uh c plus plus in 2020 why do we need to learn c plus plus in 2020 i get to give you an understanding as you know with my videos the titles just leads into a deeper subject almost all the time so uh you know now that we've got a hundred here we will dump jump into the subject and then i'll do a little q a afterwards make sure we got everything estonia hello from sudan cool estonia where's the plant it's in front of me i gotta move behind me embedded there that's a big part of it yeah yeah i'm a software engineer who works with embedded engineers who use c plus of course all right uh yeah let's begin so let me just jump into it uh boom this should work hey fantastic all right so this is something i found here on uh quora and i like the discussion so i thought it would be good to talk about it a little bit let me just increase the size a little bit i think it's easier here um why do we need to learn cpr plus in 2020 a pair of michael okay that's not what we're looking at here so here it is so here is this some condom some comments on quora i don't know these people are but i thought there was some relevant information here so let's just get this into focus oh boy all right so um there we go uh because c plus plus like the pc is hardly replaceable so this is the guy's argument why c plus plus is not going anywhere the most popular operating system windows has their kernel written c from the ground up alongside c but plus with the more advanced features trying to tell the colonel dev team to replace c plus base coal with ver the very thing that they invented c sharp try telling them so he's basically saying they're not going to move off a c plus plus when they're building windows now this goes to any thick clients like you know photoshop video editing software gaming engines iot programming programming for little devices like this maybe this is where c plus plus shines why because it is the king of run time it runs so fast and in the case of small devices i don't know like this thing here i bet you the software's written c plus plus to manage this um it doesn't have many resources doesn't have much battery power it doesn't have a strong cpu there's not much memory so you're going to write the software c plus plus because it's just you know it c c plus plus at runtime takes very little resources the same thing when you're looking at uh operating systems or building apps that do heavy lifting whether it be a gaming engine or windows et cetera chances are you're gonna be writing in c plus plus for efficiency and in fact um some of the big websites out there for some core operations they drop down to c plus plus so they may write a whole bunch of stuff in whatever in java but for a certain functionality because of this need for speed they may drop down and do part of it in c plus plus long story short i'll lead with the conclusion is learning a c plus plus in 2020 a bad thing not at all for a couple of reasons a because there's plenty of work out there and it's not going to go obsolete for a long long time number two if you learn c plus plus which is within the c language c c plus plus javascript java php to a certain extent there's several others if you learn these languages if you see if you've used learn c plus plus for you to move from c plus plus to another language is pretty trivial one of the myths i'm trying to bust in the uh development community is this myth of the the perfect language or the best language or the best framework or the best library all this is very circumstantial that's the one myth i want to debunk the other mytho and debunk is that if you learn the wrong language or the wrong framework somehow you're going to be in a bad situation and be stuck oh no i learned c plus and nobody uses anymore oh no the world's coming to an end this is an illusion because if you learn c plus for you to move from c plus plus to to any other language go rush javascript but it will be really really easy right because at the end of the day when you're learning how to code you're learning to be a coder you learn how to be a programmer you're being you're a programmer the languages and libraries and the frameworks are very they're just tools they're just tools so don't get caught up in this myth that somehow a framework or a language is inferior to another it's all circumstantial and don't be again in the second but you're going to find yourself in some obsolete corner you can just move into something else it's not a big deal all this does not apply when it comes to ruby of course you don't you don't want to go to ruby route this is terrible that's a joke all right so let me just jump back into this article not an article this commentary people were making here all right here we go um okay try telling the colonel dev team to replace their c plus plus base code with the two the very thing they invented c sharp so that's like uh i don't know like uh what's the word not an ironic statement but you know sarcastic sounds like a good idea except c sharp is not built directly on top of assembly like how c is and we all know c plus plus is built directly on top of c the issue with these modern high-level languages that includes javascript and python and php etc they are made cleaner on the surface because they try to hide away the ugly side of cc plus plus a lot of that has to do with memory management and pointers and crap programmers think that pointers oh there we go pointers are a hassle to keep track of they try to make it automatic that was actually one of the um i was one of the main selling points of java back in the day that's where i cut most of my programming skills on was java one of the big promises of java was you didn't have to manage memory the garbage collector was a big marketing selling point java took care of all the memory management and number two java was cross-platform automatically but anyway there's a little history for you we try to make it automatic memory management okay i don't know what he's saying here i haven't read this article yet so i just skimmed a little bit so i'm reading along with you guys memory management introduce this magical thing called garbage collector that's java try to question these programmers who use lang who use language that have garbage collector and what exactly is garbage collector i can strongly affirm that most of them can only give you a vague answer what it is because because these languages is designed to not want people to question it well that's a that's a you know that's a political point of view uh trust me i know a lot of guys who did a lot of c plus programmer they were happy to get rid of dealing with memory memory management and if you can get away with it it can save you a lot of time but again like i said there's so many applications still to this day where the power and the speed of c plus is warrant which warrants you wanting to still jump into memory management would need be we still need we still learn cbs plus till date because we still want to control over the machine that we are using yeah when you manage all the details c plus plus in terms of memory management stuff you have a lot more control over things so you could be much more efficient uh in terms of runtime uh the downside is that to build anything in c plus is slow compared to higher level languages that's why people invented a python that's why people invented javascript that's why people invented what are php et cetera because they wanted a higher level language that was specific for a task that made it easier to get things done uh yeah so let's jump back if it's just a simple ui software to do to do high-level stuff sure go ahead and use java c-sharp but we always need engineers to learn c plus plus to maintain the roots of every of how everything begins and we'd be glad that those languages are more readable than assembly which to date i still learn for further optimization of c plus so assembly is like i believe that sits right on top of a machine machine language don't get me wrong i'm not i'm not an assembly guy but you know in terms of speed assembly is super fast and then c is it's a little slower but still super fast super flow's a little slower but still super fast these are generalizations blah blah blah but you get the idea i also see newly trained game developers seeing c plus plus is dying look how powerful game engine like unity in unreal is now you don't need c's plus to develop games anymore he said his reply kid i have you have seen a c plus oh they're a little angry let's not get angry about um programming languages they're just programming languages you do what you like there's all you know that's the beautiful thing about software development you have all these specializations you can go in all these different directions in terms of software direction you can go uiux so if you're more visually oriented and design oriented you can go architecture you can go down into the guts ai programming with algorithms and stuff there's all these different areas you can specialize in depending on how your brain is made up so there's another piece here i want to talk about this guy matthew so he wrote this in just last year so his opinion why do we need to learn c plus in 2020 here we go a2a i normally approach self-citation core with an area of apprehension so he's going to refer to himself that said i'm going to break down my own rule excuse me i'm going to break my own rule on this one because it's relevant and the top voted answer to a similar question so they've got a lot of upvotes uh author has three point k answers this guy writes a lot he writes a lot of answers three thousand answers uh c plus is relevant in 2020 because there still remains problem domains for which the underlying bottlenecks are still cpu time rather than io he is correct with that sir in my reference to small devices right small devices you're going to be doing this with the is this going to focus there we go you're going to be doing this with c plus chances are you could do stuff in java they do in java they do it in python 2 i think and others but c plus is still the king as far as i know small devices although i am not a small device programmer so let's jump back in if you write back-end web systems that streams video to clients and otherwise isn't doing much cpu time then it really doesn't matter if you free up cpu time because your application will still saturate network i o it would just sit around doing nothing more frequently while streaming output so in these cases it doesn't much matter if you're writing back in java python node ruby okay well that matters that matters right there or language that should be php if io is the chokepoint then you have all the cpu time in the world for interpreting the actual data processing so what type okay let me translate this into non-nerd something i talk about all the time so this guy is clearly experienced when people talk about cpu speed runtime speed you know when people talk about scaling a lot of times these concerns are not founded simply because the apps and the software you're going to be working on are not going to have scaling issues they're not going to have cpu issues the reason being is when our smartphones these days are so fast the processors in our little smartphones they can edit 4k video now so in the old days we used to have to have we'd have issues with cpu and memory limitations so we had to write really really efficient code back then in terms of runtime code now as i say one of steph's rules of programming steps one of steph's rules of programming is right time speed is more important than runtime speed in most cases and this guy points this out in this piece here so let me jump into this so what type of systems are cpu bound rather than i o bound meaning what systems require a lot more central processing units juice rather than just io bandwidth games media editing compilers interpreter scientific computing embedded systems machine learning data mining signal processing so you know this is these are specialized areas right but still big i'm not saying they're rare but they're specialized there's still very large world of problems for which ex executing on bare meadow is preferable to the cost of an interpreted of an interpreter language vm or g jit and compilation just entire compilation independent of whether the cost of time memory power draw hardware etc even coming back to my original pitch pitch it is only have to yes if io is the choking point then you save nothing by freeing up cpu time however this is only true if you don't have a mixed workload any organization of scale will want to drive down cost of commodity hardware yeah but it's hardware it's getting cheaper and cheaper right teams operating within large organizations typically have a single type of workload that will commonly be cpu bound or i o bound but teams across the organization share the same data centers a web service that is i o bound and deployed with a number of vms can yield cpu time to other vms processing cpu bound workloads so basically what do you say i'll just translate that into the nerd again he's basically saying yeah you know in a certain level cpu time may not be important but if you have like one app a service that's being that's um you have one service one micro service for example whatever that is feeding data to a whole bunch of different clients then also in cpu may become an issue again it's circumstantial it's circumstantial here's the thing though in real world development you develop as quickly as possible you want to get your code base out of the out the door as quickly as possible get user feedback later on you can go back and you can refactor and pull out parts of your app and and optimize it for speed later on because oftentimes you're not exactly sure how things are going to work out so the big mistake in junior news make is they try to make a giant ship when they only need a speed speed boat at first you start small fast nimble which means you're cold you use higher level languages typically and then you refactor out the inefficient code when you need to when you need to i i was talking about this in a previous vlog where ai programmers top guys in the world they are uh they do that they they'll write the kernel or the key the core the big the heavy processing part of the ai in uh c plus plus and then they'll do everything else in python which speeds up the development process like tremendously not my opinion that's what they're saying people are actually doing the work but anyway uh let's get back to it uh thus when discussing web services at scale there's still there is still a noteworthy financial incentive within organization to optimize performance of their systems in order to lower costs this is very very very rare there's only one twitter and facebook which is very very rare and every year as hardware gets faster and faster and faster and higher level languages are optimized this becomes less and less and less of an issue that being said um c plus plus will still be around for quite a while this is one of the key reasons why c4 plus is used in back ends of four out of five topmost traffic websites these sites have large-scale infrastructure and large-scale infrastructure affords greater opportunity to optimize for product efficiency over programmer efficiency yeah well you know yeah the top four at our top five sites you know if you happen to be go working if you're gonna happen to be working for one of the top four sites in the world then maybe you start doing that yeah i'm exaggerating but you get the point so there you go that's it so uh i'm going to have another uh edition of this uh video it's uh should you learn c plus plus with the barf camera the vomiting camera i recorded that this morning just having a chance to edit it at the same time you get a nice tour of montreal uh yes how are we doing yeah 221 it's not bad all right so um any questions anybody any questions what time is it now are we doing that 22 minutes not too bad let's see if we say what a coincidence i was just watching a clap switch snap switch project on c c plus oh there you go i have an exam tomorrow on c good luck good luck write some code write some code write code best way to understand concepts and for it to sync in is write code write code write code so keep at it so let me let me conclude this c plus plus thing is c plus was worth learning of course it's good like i said if you learn c c plus plus whatever language and you find that you don't like it or you got to pivot to another language it will be easy for you as anybody will tell you who knows a few languages the second third and fourth are so much easier you get up to speed in seconds in a second but you know a few days you can get up to speed and there you go facebook has a compiler called the yeah the hip hop virtual machine which is written in c plus plus all right michael michael tunks hi i ask is 52 late the career change into software development no you you have you have to leverage your previous experience i think to help you get into that you there's certain companies will won't want to hire you because you're older but this i know friends who went switch jobs in their 50s from one to the other uh one business to the other but it takes a little bit longer of course it's easier when you're 30 or in your 20s but it's doable i've seen people do it do we have any frameworks of c plus for web development or app development you know it's a good question i don't know i don't know if anybody will build any uh you know web apps in c plus plus in terms overall though they'll build parts of it in c plus like linkedin i believe i believe does that well as somebody just point out google does part of their stuff in c plus plus it's not about one or the other it's a mixture of languages and typical projects you're going to be using meant several languages you know uh what is the best program programming language to learn outside of web development again it depends on what you want to do it depends on the job you're looking for all right let's see we got up here any more question where's the plant plants behind me uh what would you say would you what what would you suggest note or go for back end um for jobs i'd say no hello from sweden hey from canada thanks for joining hello from serbia wow bulgaria fantastic back again here we go i know dapper fox try to remember you much love from ontario neighbor hey cool thanks for joining java i'm learning java is that too late no not at all lots of java jobs jaba this is c sharp i did a video a few days ago java c plus plus and python and c and c sharp javascript php these languages they're always in the top ten often in the top five so they're not going anywhere hey dd copy live there we go weren't you on the stream this morning uh i'm cooking i need some entertainment there you go ah yes c plus plus dominates the aerospace industry yeah i could see that speed speed of runtime let me let me let me uh clarify speed of runtime versus speed of right time c plus plus is very slow to write with versus higher level languages that's why they invented higher level languages what type of questions will i get as a fresher applying for software development job in my in my favorite domain is what if my favorite domain is web development it depends on the uh it depends on the employer what stocks they're using you know if they're using node.js they're probably not going to ask too many questions about django so the first thing you got to do when you're looking to apply for a job is research the the company find out what they're doing and bone up on the tech stacks that they're using what do we got here as a junior dev should i learn php my idea is to go freelance before i apply for a job in webdev yeah for for me from my experience php is the king of freelancing simply because so many small businesses rely on php i'm just checking my little device here okay cool all right what else we got going on all right 234 not bad all right i have to do it because i'm on youtube now if you like to stream give me a thumbs up it helps with the the streams it encourages me to do more streams because we have 76 thumbs up and 230 people watching so come on guys um that's interesting i'm using the elgato i came here for the ruby joke i can now sleep like a baby tonight there you go sometimes i slip into ruby druks and people miss them a little bit too subtle so i have to try to find a balance [Music] pick a language and learn it well but transferable skills that you learn are important in my opinion exactly that's the point that's the point that's the point what do we got here thanks for the thumbs up guys i appreciate it uh [Music] it's like a very cheap tip i'm learning c plus plus currently on inheritance at inheritance i started learning in february and i feel how stupid am i i sept out i self-doubt my ability learning this thing is i didn't have routine proper a route all right you're writing quickly there i guess don't worry when you're learning something new it's always difficult at first don't worry just keep writing code the key is to write code even if you don't understand the code write the code because by doing that you're triggering things in your brain i'll get into that when i get into my lizard wizard series um and it will come it will come but you have to write the code even if you don't understand the code write the code and of course understand c plus is a bit of a tall hurdle to tackle as a first programming language personally i would teach python first or uh php first yeah i would teach higher level languages first even java first because it's just there's less to contend with with the higher level languages versus c or c plus but you're still learning the same concepts you know inheritance object orientation you know collections arrays functions uh blah blah blah all these concepts are universal across many of these languages all the old all the object-oriented languages anyway okay how are we doing here all right so we're getting there we're getting there i'm just checking my time i don't want this thing to run too long [Music] anymore let me just check the lighting here a bit all right so uh whatever questions we have farsad says i can't believe that youtube showed me an ad when i tapped the video to watch a live man it's live not a recorded video well that's my fault that's my fault i set the ads on for the first time i just want to see what would happen affordable lives you know uh fortunately they're just uh short ads so you're having buffering problems i'm streaming this in 4k by the way i don't know if you guys can see the difference or not so i'm assuming since i have no complaints about the audio but this mic is a better audio for you guys right it's better audio so we understand cool lagging for me i try to turn down the res i'm streaming at 4k right now all right all right all right so a lot of you are having yes it's lagging oh boy me too stream is dead you guys can't hear me anymore that's no good mine froze completely oh geez you know what frozen here wow that's uh that's the youtubes that's the youtubes bangladesh very very cool um welcome to the programmers world sometimes you spend hours and accomplish nothing sometimes you do so much in a little time just keep coding exactly so you guys having trouble uh with the stream now stefan where are you from born canada born in canada yeah born in canada let me up the uh the gain on this getting a little bit too dark here all right let's go boom all right there we go oh too light professional streaming skills that right here let's go okay that's better that's a little light all right so uh how are we doing here uh yeah we're gonna i'm gonna sign off soon 4k looks awesome mike two good the stream is good yeah i apologize what's happening since covet all these schools and all these companies are doing uh remote work remote schooling so it's taking a hit on the interwebs that's all it is really so yeah if you guys are watching stream is okay they should reduce the quality of the youtube settings yeah that's what you got to do 4k is looking great good good good so my little investments is at least you guys are benefiting watching from nigeria how's my knee he's getting better i've been taking this um this gelatin powder and i put that in my coffee and it really helps me right away within like a day it's unbelievable uh yeah i'm uh light dark i'm working on because i'm using room light now room i'm using sunlight and the sun moves behind a cloud and causes problems do you know about bangladesh by the way i'm glad you saved my country name yeah i know a bank i know where bangladesh is i never visited but i know what it is it looks pretty clear in miami okay so everything's good all right so i think we're good half an hour is long enough there's someone behind you that's i like that's a good comment that's good that's good that's their problem if there's somebody behind me i know c plus i worked in a company that develops game engine with this knowledge but now i am doing a job far from the level low level process still learning something new in c plus what can it do for me i'm not sure what you're saying there um okay all right so a couple more questions uh june knitter for creating desktop okay that's for somebody else from haiti wow that's cool hey hey everybody all right all right cool cool how can i approach making a payment gateway in node.js um payment gateway no jazz the complexities with that is dealing with the banks i haven't done that a long time back back when i started working on that kind of stuff in the 90s late 90s early 2000s the banks really were reluctant but you can do it actually when i scratched that my memory just flipped back to a decade or two later yeah you can do it you find companies that will provide that gateway for you so you don't have to use a stripe or a paypal you can use your own uh credit card processing gateway and they'll provide an api that allows you to hook into it whether it be uh you know they'll provide apis for javascript and node i'm sure uh so yeah that's how you would do that although that being said i had a gateway and i just dumped it because with stripe and paypal i was fine you know uh greetings from greece yeah beautiful grease this is asmr quality audio good good good it better be this is what i'm using if people are interested can you see what focus there we go this is what i'm using for the audio it's a good device st lucia all right uh people want to know what dd is cooking all right so what are we up to now 35 minutes all right guys give me some thumbs up if you enjoyed the stream let me know give me comments below when this is um published on youtube and this way i will be able to make improvements on the quality of the streams and this lighting is killing me all right there we go all right guys thanks for tuning in and uh we'll talk soon ciao well hold on i had to do this asmr guys so so so so you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 25,808
Rating: 4.8631015 out of 5
Keywords: C++, javascript, developerjob
Id: D93bR6qInT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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