Why Go Is The Best Programming Language To Learn In 2021

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hi guys my name is jill parker and on this video i'm going to be giving you all the reasons you should absolutely learn go [Music] you're watching this video so i can only assume that either you're completely new to programming you're trying to figure out what language you should learn first or maybe you're an experienced developer and you're trying to figure out what you should add to your tool set or maybe you clicked on this video by accident maybe you have no idea what goal is whatever it is it actually doesn't matter because go is a great language to learn regardless of your skill level there are a ton of resources it's easy to pick up and to learn and there are plenty of opportunities for people out there who are willing to learn it there are a ton of companies that are building their applications and go and they're looking for skilled developers in fact i use go on a daily basis in my job as a cloud engineer at cisco however in 2016 i was not a cloud engineer in fact i was a pediatric sales rep and it was at that time that i started to teach myself programming and really study it pretty seriously my first big project was actually building this crazy football machine that was capable of tracking users and it was programmable and it was through that process that i learned a few different languages and i had just started to scratch the surface of go when i got a job at siemens eventually i was promoted to a cloud engineer using go and now as i mentioned i'm working at cisco using go i was able to do all of this within a relatively short period of time for two reasons the first was that i developed good study habits that allowed me to pick up new tools and technologies relatively quickly uh the second was that i made thoughtful informed decisions when it came to the languages that i actually wanted to learn in fact i watched videos just like this one so why should you learn go the reasons to learn go fall in one of three categories one would be the features of go to i would say is the state of go by which i mean the community the resources the adoption what does the outlook look like for the programming language and then three is what can it actually do for you what can it give you that would help you and prepare you to learn other tools and technologies within software so what are the features of go well in order to understand the features of any programming language or any technology for that matter it's typically good to understand what's the problem that it was created to solve and so the origins of go go back to 2007 it was actually started and created by three engineers at google at the time google had a massive code base which i'm sure they still do but the problem was that whenever they wanted to make changes they needed to compile it and for anyone who's new to programming compiling is just the process of you know converting human readable code to you know code that the computer can actually understand uh but the issue is that if you've got a large code base sometimes this can take a really long time up to an hour sometimes and obviously that's not good for productivity so there were three engineers there that took it upon themselves to create a programming language that addressed their needs uh and go was born out of that idea when they created it they wanted it to have a few characteristics a few features uh that they knew would make it easy for them to use and all of it was really based around simplicity and speed they wanted a language that had fast compilation uh they wanted a language that was easy to write and to read they thought it should be able to do multiple things at once which is called concurrency if you do learn go you'll hear that term used again and again they wanted a language that was able to take advantage of the capabilities of modern computers and what i mean by that is obviously over time computers have become more and more powerful but just because you have a powerful computer doesn't mean that your programs and applications will magically run more smoothly uh in fact the application developers have to write the code in a way that takes advantage of a more powerful computer and the resources that it provides and so there are some languages that make that easier than others and go is a language that does do that and the reason i'm doing this tutorial today is because go is absolutely all of those things it's easy to learn it's amazingly simplistic in addition it's got both garbage collection and concurrency so it's got the features but what about the state of go what about the community and this is a tip for anyone who's learning programming for the first time the community behind programming language or a technology that is just as important as anything else in fact uh maybe i'd say that's even more important because that will determine really how much you enjoy it and what i mean by that is uh if you were to pick a language or a technology that did not have a big community that you know was not experiencing high adoption um inevitably you're gonna hit a snack that's just that's true for any technology that you're learning and you're going to go online you're going to try to find resources articles books youtube videos and it's going to be tough to find the answers to the specific problem that you have and so you want to make sure that when you pick up a new technology uh that there's you know some type of movement some type of community behind it because it's just going to help you become that much more efficient the sharing of ideas is really important when it comes to uh technologies being adopted and so go has a large community behind it a good resource to learn about just the state of programming languages in general is actually jetbrains jetbrains is the company responsible for developing a number of popular ides for various programming languages and for the past four years they've conducted what they call a developer ecosystem survey and they do this with the purpose of identifying the latest trends around tools technologies and programming languages and in 2020 they surveyed about 20 000 developers 19 of those developers reported using go within the last 12 months now you may be thinking 19 of 20 000 is actually pretty good or if you took a closer look at the web page you may have noticed that go is actually in 12th place and maybe you're thinking what's so good about 12th place well i think you should consider this when it comes to usage every other language ahead of go with the exception of typescript was released at least nine years before go in tech years that's like 63 or something like that as far as typescript typescript by definition is javascript for application scale development so there's no question that the adoption of typescript directly benefits from the large amount of javascript developers and while golang is ranked 12th and usage it ranks number one for the number of developers planning to adopt or migrate to the language that in part is fueled by the fact that a ridiculous amount of companies are migrating their applications over to the cloud and go is an excellent candidate to aid in that migration there's a chance that go might be held by the fact that reputable sites like upwork and business insider have goal ranked as the second highest paying programming language but nobody's learning go for the money right in addition to the statistics that you can find on the web all you have to do is google go and you'll be flooded with books articles tutorials videos questions you name it and that's because the go community is alive and well and there's a future in it but what does that future mean to you if you remember i talked about the features of go garbage collection concurrency fast compilation times while go might be unique in how it achieves these things these concepts are not unique to any specific programming language so a language that is easy to learn and teaches you these concepts that's definitely a plus i also mentioned that there are a number of companies adopting go in order to move their existing applications over to the cloud in fact that's probably go's biggest use case learning go will put you in a position that exposes you to more cloud-based technologies what this all means is that there's never been a better time to learn go all you have to do is start you have to start somewhere and this youtube video this channel right here is a great place what you're looking at is the first video of a brand new go tutorial series that i'll be launching at the end of this month and it'll be going well into 2021 i'll not only be teaching the fundamentals of go but along the way i'll be giving tips and advice based on how i learned programming languages and how i was able to work my way into the software industry so please subscribe to this video like if you actually learned something and i hope to see you guys on the first video andrew to go
Channel: Esoteric Tech
Views: 50,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golang, golang tutorial, Go, Why Go, Technology, Programmming Langauge, Software Development, Cloud Engineer, Best Programming Language, Highest Salary, Make the most money, Become a developer, top programming languages 2021, programming language, software developer, top 5 programming languages 2021, programming languages 2021, best coding languages 2021, Programming for beginners, top 10 programming languages 2021
Id: xLMdlbQ3g-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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