Why do big Companies use Java, and NOT PHP?

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hey guys welcome to the vlog I'm gonna answer questions good to me I have a question for you I heard you say constantly that Java is mainly used in big companies and corporations while PHP is used in small business and freelancing but can you explain why this is what makes big companies want to build their programs in Java instead of PHP is there something that Java can do that PHP can't I'm paraphrasing the last bit so let me just give you a quick answer it comes out to two things number one Java had built into it very early on capabilities that big companies are looking for this has to do with security it has to do with the way the language infrastructure can handle all kinds of different types of transactions that larger corporations are going to be interested in I'm trying to avoid jargon because there's no point where as PHP its legacy was the opposite it was a hacked out scripting language it was loosey-goosey it was designed to be really easy for non-programmers to put up simple things and that legacy stuck to it for quite a while it took many years for the PHP community to decide to step up to make PHP enterprise or big business ready that's a huge part of it now for example PHP up until PHP five PHP one two three four was an object-oriented peach before had some object-oriented capabilities built into it but it wasn't fully oo and it wasn't until PHP five did did pH become fully object-oriented and also PHP had some things built into it which made it a security risk back in the day tor some really big holes that people could exploit whereas Java was far more locked down far more robust of a language but not only that the Java environment around it all the Java servers etc etc were built for security and had other capabilities built into it again about large corporations we're looking for PHP disk just didn't have it now at some point I think with PHP 5 the Zen corporation which backs PHP started pushing that and in and and indeed PHP seven is very very capable language and could be used very very large corporations I don't think many do with the exception of maybe Facebook or something and yeah even that with Facebook they had to come up with their own version of PHP to satisfy their particular needs now why the other big reasons why large corporations didn't go with Java didn't go with PHP and what would you have not just Java Java dotnet is the other major player is because behind Java and behind dotnet are major corporations that could support it big corporations will not risk developing a piece of software or implementing a piece of software and that's it's backed by pretty big company something they can lean on you see people who work for large corporations they don't they don't want to take any risk that's why you're working for large businesses they don't like risk and if they were to contract with some small company that's using PHP and something goes wrong their heads will be on the chopping block they're going to be in trouble but of course on the other hand if they implement something that IBM puts out in Java or Microsoft without net and it fails they go ahead I'm using the biggest I'm using the biggest so they're not they're not put in any risk so large corporations utilize Java and.net because a Java from the get-go has a legacy of providing the tool sets and it capabilities but larger corporations look for PHP didn't have that and because Java and.net are backed by huge corporations but people can lean on just in case something happens PHP on the other hand is used by small business because it's easy it was easy to learn easy to hack out stuff and it just did job you see small businesses they don't want to spend and they don't have the huge money to spend on building something that you would build in Java or.net now these are general generality even say all right but you get the idea there's always exceptions but at the end of the day you can produce something in PHP far more easily with much less code than you can with Java or.net there's no question about that and that's the appeal of PHP for small business owners also with wordpress and wordpress is a huge player i think something like 80% of small businesses use wordpress in some form or another and that's a PHP based web application so that puts a lot of PHP into the into the small business arena just WordPress alone is a significant reason for that to give you an idea about how hyper productive peach P can be versus Java cool let's go back to my own career way back in the day back in the 90s where I was pretty much a Java zealot everything I thought Java is a great language I love job I did everything in Java and I remember I wanted to see a client as a freelancer and they had a PHP based system that they want to expand upon so I was saying no he should just do it in Java I should do it in Java no no no no we've invested in PHP and we don't want to do Java because we don't want some stuff in PHP we don't want stuff in Java and that's a reasonable argument so I was forced kicking him screaming to write in PHP and this is old-school PHP is like PHP 3 maybe which didn't have any of the capability of PHP 7 has yeah it was it was you know it was very primitive language relative to Java anyhow so I said whatever so I learned PHP a couple days later I'm building this thing in PHP and it opened my eyes to the possibilities of light nimble scripting languages which is one of the appeals of Python when it appeals of JavaScript what it appeals at one point of Ruby the idea that you have a programming language that is just very light and nimble and allows you to write a lot less code to get something done now it's arguable that you're limited in terms of what you can do relative to Java but for most people 99% of time all you need is one of these scripting languages for 99% of projects in a web space PHP JavaScript Python and Ruby will do it you know you don't need this so we go to Java or.net anyhow so I'm doing this project and I remember I told whatever my friends and another Java developer friend of mine and he was like wow what are you doing you're working in PHP what are you doing staff that's terrible I said listen a client wanted it was this was a client on this so they pay this what they get but I said you know what I had there's something about this PHP even though it stinks here's the thing I'll give you an example back in those days I was writing java servlets jsps at the time and if you don't know what that is it's just it's Java web layer if you will anyhow to send an email with Java at the time took about five 600 lines of code and to send an email with PHP took one line of code just one line of code so I said - and that was consistent where I took far less code to get something done in PHP then it took doing it in Java so was it a safe it didn't have the same level of sophistication it didn't have the same level of air trapping but you can hack out something real quickly and if you put in you had minimal best coding practices you you can make it pretty secure there's certain but that was that was the fault of PHP in the past it allowed you to do stuff that was inherently insecure it allowed you to do things that made it easy to get something out but the cost of that ease of use was security holes now that's no longer the case let me just say it again it's no longer the case in speech p5 and specially speak PHP 7i i would say Ruby PHP Python JavaScript Java C sharp down that they're neck-and-neck in terms of sophistication these days some areas pythons are the better some areas Java but better some areas PHP but better some areas Ruby is not so good I'm just joking anyway so yeah so it was it was an eye-opening thing for to me it's a you know yeah PHP has got its problems but I can write some in PHP in a thousand lines of code versus twenty thousand lines of code in Java no exaggeration and so there's some merit to that right especially if you have a small business and you've got limited resources limited money you know would you rather spend two grand but developing something or spend 40 50 grand developing something you know what I mean yes the Java one will be more solid secure the PHP one would be less at the time that's again these days PHP super soft talked about at the time so you know here's a business rule when you're starting a new business any sass you want to get the product out as quickly as possible because you don't know you don't know if it's gonna work or not and you don't know how it's gonna work in the end so for example studio web when we put out studio web the prototype it's about seven years ago now I had an idea that my ideas of what was gonna be so I put together this is what it's got to do Bing boom boom bang but then when we got it out there in the real world and schools started jumping on board and so forth we had to change a lot of its functionality I would say a good 60 percent maybe more had to be changed not in that 60 a good 40 percent had to be changed over time and so seven years later after many iterations and patches and changes and you know which is normal for any new product that comes out you gotta have to be nimble and be willing to change based on what the market tells you only after this time we're with the studio web 4 which is out now in beta we've had to do a total rewrite from scratch total rewrite from scratch but now it's rock-solid code based on the fact that we actually know the use case really really well so we can write things super solid whereas before it was about just getting it out there getting a halves of people and don't get me wrong it was very solid but there was some real rotten code in there partly because we had several developers involved in a project over time so it's the waves and software goes you know even mac OS mac OS at one point when they hit mac OS 9 Steve Jobs said you know we got to we got to start over they were just basically extending the lifespan of the old Mac OS which was written at a time when computers were a certain way and to be able to meet the demands going forward they knew that they had to Apple knew that they had to they had to redesign from scratch to account for the changes and things and same thing with studio AB for I've had to you know use using brand new arms brand new frameworks different different database structure excited excited based on what we need to do today anyway I'm going off on a tangent so to summarize big corporations use Java and.net a primarily my opinion is because big companies back these technologies and B because these technologies of history have a legacy of having supported capabilities that big corporations require and they don't go to PHP because PHP has this reputation of being this crazy dirty unsafe language it used to be it's not anymore and small business used PHP because it was super approachable easy to jump on and quick to write things and small businesses they gotta save money and have to be quick the advantage of the small business as a quick and nimble Anna can turn on a dime and pivot where as big corporation takes years and years for them to switch because of culture infrastructure anyway I hope that's useful to you ciao
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 144,894
Rating: 4.8932385 out of 5
Keywords: java vs php, php enterprise
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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