Why Did You Love Skyrim

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

This use of past tense; it confuses me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cjgranfl 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome back to the Red Dead Redemption to critique this is a part two but you do not have to watch part one to follow oh crap wait what okay mr. Howard Skyrim it is then [Music] [Music] the elderscrolls v skyrim one game of the year in 2011 it's considered by many to be among the greatest RPGs of all time and to be the best game Bethesda has ever created say that in 2014 a might meant something say that now well being Bethesda's best doesn't seem to carry much weight anymore first fallout 4 then 76 it's becoming more and more popular to hate on Bethesda and their approach to designing games which to be sure is a mess entirely of their own making but along with those sentiments came the idea that Skyrim was never good then why did you love it I wonder why do we all why in 2011 was it considered God's gift well it's time to find out as we're in the cart we might as well start on the game's terms yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay as you crawl out of the spider-infested cave slap hop winnie-the-pooh and watch Elder wind tear through the skies above you're faced with the world that bore the game's title Skyrim you're free and there's no place you'd rather be here we see more than a vista we see one of the best tutorials for exploration you'll find in games through the site's at first bleak falls Barrow was enticing to the player which might naturally lead into side quests and River would forward the main story and the icons above which compartmentalize your options you could go to River wit you could jump straight into dungeon crawling or head to that weird-looking Rock thing the significant power boost from the standing stones is another example of positive reinforcement for exploration you explore you'll grow and that's how the game introduces the first way to play Skyrim exploration so let's start with that let's have a look around what's impressive about Skyrim's visuals is that they're garbage but they're actually great that doesn't make any sense what I'm trying to say is the graphics are atrocious by today's standards I mean look at this my foreheads got a more detailed texture than this road fine in 2011 but it aged quickly PC players could get around that with mods Bethesda even through console players a bone with Skyrim special edition back in 2016 a remaster that looks significantly better than the original I know incredible Dark Souls but not two years later it happened what is Skyrim special-edition even with mods compared to modern games graphically mediocre and yet visually fantastic when you start to climb the mountains in the sky turns pink in the trees glisten green you think what have I been missing out on and then as the clouds come closer the snows start to fall it's a blizzard leaves crusted with frost rocks encased the path obscured white rays beamed down from the tallest mountains and you realize Skyrim's eight years old but they're still immerses me like it came out yesterday even old rim at these aspects like special edition more so with mods Skyrim's overworld has that same quality as Red Dead Redemption to every frame a painting every time you pause the game that still wouldn't look out of place as your desktop wallpaper why is this if the game's graphics are so mediocre because of colors and design it's difficult to summarize or at least it was until I found an interview with Matt Califano Skyrim's art director he put into words exactly how I felt the world of Skyrim is what Bethesda's art team understand as epic reality this means that there were dramatic views where ever you go the goal being to make you feel amazed at the world you're walking through well they did it be at the jagged mountains the thick white mist they're draped in the endless caverns crooks and nooks ravines sheer cliffs painted with greens blues and whites as a cold flow of water slips off the edge the colors they paint the skies in pink yellow white blue and the way the Sun pierces the treetops the monolithic Nordic burrows standing within and without the mountains cutting the mists it's very smart then so many dungeons in Skyrim will take you to the summit's of such Heights giving a view that services are reward by itself and it's not just the landscapes even looking at the armor I can't think of any game aside from Dark Souls that brought anything as good as this to the table every single set somehow looks amazing the daedric armor is still among those badass things I've ever laid eyes on in fact I remember spending hours of my time watching Skyrim armor compilations on YouTube because I was so enchanted with it how the art team managed to do this when most RPGs are competing for who can be the most generic is beyond me but they deserve every ounce of recognition for it in this way Skyrim is much like Darksiders - despite the low run graphical quality these games will still good even when the industry has made photorealism standard on the other end of the spectrum is Jeremy Souls music there's a reason it fits so well before the sound director was even involved Todd Howard was on it with Jeremy discussing the main theme which would be used as a flavor piece for the rest of the entire game and since it was so fantastic the rest of the score you can hear those drums in many of the sound effects too Jeremy would compose individual pieces for many of the locations like caves and ruins and EADS split those pieces into woodwinds drums etc send them over to the sound team who had then very easily edit them into background music some of the calmest most atmospheric music in games as a whole is heard in this game soul does earn his labeling as the John Williams of video game music much like the music and the sound almost everything that you see appears to share a pallet white black gray brown with faint greens blues and oranges you'll see that in the UI the clothes the buildings the animals even the faces themselves the feeling of Skyrim then is conveyed almost constantly it's a thick immersive atmosphere that plants you within the wall thereby amplifying the sense of exploration and the narrative elements a quality Skyrim shares with the more recent Bethesda games is its jank when it's game breaking there's nothing more frustrating but with patches they're unlikely it's much more probable that you'll run into examples of the Todd Howard charm I mean honestly this stuff never ends but it's a part of the game should it be buggy no do Skyrim fans very much enjoy the bugs though yeah Bethesda really Horrell a key Bunch I have seen some incredible bugs in my time but they certainly don't compare to the things I've heard of did you know that the mannequins in Skyrim are alive they're Nords retexture Dan imprisoned in wooden skin coded to be still forever but sometimes the code breaks if I were that I'd want revenge a quality Skyrim has that isn't even remotely shared by the more recent Bethesda games is the sheer amount of care and creativity that went into populating the world it's hard to find something completely innocent and innocuous there's always a secret there's always something interesting to uncover I entered a crack den once only to find out it was a front for a vampiric drug operation what about years older who secretly been running a meth business the whole time or oryx dead were theorized to be entirely populated by Daedra worship a lot to take in huh but they have fertile Latins despite the tundra there are no adult women in town despite two recent newborns which means they both died in childbirth yet there's a healer in town so how is that possible all the residents have an unusual amount of soul gems you can find books on the Daedra and you can ask them about some kind of secret to their harvests which they promptly deny but you're never gonna look at them the same way when you have such a wealth of interesting locations and you combine that with epic reality what results is a high density of engaging places to explore and understand through that scarabs exploration rarely sees a dull moment it's permanently engaging but this presents a problem way I see it there are two ways of playing Skyrim questing and exploring and I think one of the biggest problems with Skyrim is that the game puts you under the impression that questing is the right way to play an attitude made concrete by Skyrim's affection for fast travel for most of my first playthrough it was all I did I fast travel to get around I never once decided to walk to my destinations and investigate what I came across on the way oh the things I was missing out on a dwarven ruin that requires traversal via spinning cogs dragon vile the labyrinthian not that one type Nordic ruin that requires you to find two skull keys to unlock the boss Ark wind point with is simply jaw-dropping sights from both a gameplay and presentational aspect you miss out on a stupid amount of content if you stick to the quests so then what causes this problem while apart from fast travel I believe it's multifaceted on the one hand players typically want to feel secure that what they're doing is into waste of their time and so of course they'd want to follow the scripted narrative instead of the inconsistency of their own adventure and on the other hand quests in Skyrim are essentially just a series of locations so why explore 15 random dungeons when you could explore 15 related to quests to get narrative experiences and multiple powerful quest rewards along side it is questing actually a more effective route to gain power not really beyond assume it is partially because the RCM exploration isn't consistent it's on Bethesda for not convincing you otherwise so you're missing out on a lot if you choose to only quest and rarely explore but either way you can become addicted to Skyrim's core gameplay loop with only slow narrative moments or repetition presenting any risk of boring you Skyrim's gameplay loop is simple you go to a location if I salute both of which progress in scale and by the end you're done to me the only comparable feeling is found in games built around addiction like destiny why is that I believe the answer lies within rewards Skyrim does rewards right from level ups to quest rewards the one thing you'll find common among all rewards is significance if you've ever played the deus ex games you'll know exactly what I'm talking about damn near every single skill point you spend in human Revolution will create a large noticeable change in the way you play not 10% not 50% pretty much 95% be it invisibility hacking levels x-ray vision it doesn't matter with every practice point you assign your options throughout the entire game have expanded dramatically it is not one-off it is the single best way of creating meaningful skill trees and replayability in these narrative-driven games and skyrim attempts something similar there are some maybe not useless but boring perks sure but they are almost all meaningful 20% extra damage with a certain type of weapon perks the increased synergy the ability to smith more apply double enchantments various status effects it's a long list but even the least interesting perks you pick are going to end up being noticeable and that's what matters there's no 1% gains under 50,000 certain conditions like in mmo's this makes it simple to understand an exciting to level up which is sadly a rare sight and games of skill trees these days level ups come from any form of play now let's link it back to the gameplay loop rewards here are compounded over the course of the entire dungeon in your conventional dungeon ill accumulate gold potions scrolls soul gems ingredients jewels arrows likely a skill book or a word of power and maybe even a weapon or an armor upgrade every single one of those has its uses their small rewards compounded into a significant gain by the time you finish it creates a very special feeling when you're looking at every shelf and searching every body for valuables a continuous addicting game that satisfies the hoarder within you of course there's also something special about having a reward curve to match your physical progression through the dungeon small things like gold and arrows at the start Luke gets better as you go deeper until the boss with his hundred gold enchanted weapons wild wall and chests on the other side of the coin we have quest rewards the Augmon finian at the end of discerning the trans Monday the black book rewards in Apocrypha all the Daedric artifacts like the razor of mehrunes dagon the mace of Molag Bal and Dawnbreaker maybe even a position of power or a considerable chunk of coin if we see the buffs in the chest is the reward for completing the dungeon then similarly we can see these quest items as a reward for completing a series of dungeons which is essentially what most quests are and in the same way a quest rewards being especially powerful matches their position at the end of a quest and so up holds a similar reward curve as to what we saw within a dungeon through doing practically anything you're making progress somehow that's special and another major reason why you loved Skyrim thinking about it rewards on the only interesting quality Skyrim shares with intentionally addictive games because both Skyrim and many in the mobile genre are astoundingly accessible even to people who don't play games that much my lovely girlfriend has 9,000 hours in Skyrim 9,000 and what's interesting about that is that this was basically her first triple-a game certainly her first RPG so how did Skyrim what would have been considered accurate or not a serious RPG back in 2011 enchant her someone unfamiliar with most of Skyrim's mechanics you can attribute a lot of it to the game's visuals anyone would be starstruck by sites like these but I think the root of it is Skyrim simplicity there's not a single complex attribute to the entire game and yet it still manages to hold a remarkable amount of depth through this nuanced yet streamlined approach Skyrim can hold the attention of almost anyone which I would say is the most successful example of a series progressively appealing to wider audiences I've ever seen in games look at how cleanly the UI separates categories look how distinct those categories are you don't need to ask what destruction or restoration dots no matter how experienced with games you are the clues in the name look at how simple the map is or how you can equip weapons with the two hands or the quests or the navigation or the interactions with NPCs one of the most interesting ways Skyrim does this can be found in the scale regression in Skyrim the more you do a thing the more powerful you become at doing that thing just like in real life you don't need outside knowledge to pick that up the parallels to our own day-to-day lives are right there and again through that anyone no matter how experienced can easily choose a play style in these very distinct simple categories and have a satisfactory power progression with it couldn't be simpler but it could be better there are disadvantages too as you play the walls keeping you locked into the play style you picked grow stronger you can't just go from archery to two-handed 100 hours in you'd be completely cream-crackered and so you have to keep using bows if you want to continue playing well swapping would take hours upon hours of farming experience with the new weapon type on-top of blowing your entire bank on skill vendors who give you levels for gold you could just smith an enchant something absolutely insane negating the need for experience but you're still making a sacrifice and you'd need to affirm yourself for smithing and enchanting to be good enough if you feel the need to farm just to use a different weapon after 100 hours of gameplay especially given the quality of Skyrim's combat there's something wrong sure a mage shouldn't be able to use a sword competently but a two-hander not being able to switch to a sword 100 hours in come on Skyrim is not an MMORPG but this does encourage multiple playthroughs at least just not for the best of reasons because of craving variation in combat not because you're so unbelievably excited to see how combat plays with a different kind of weapon the truth is Skyrim's combat is pathetic to illustrate every reason why Skyrim is and was so adored I've got to talk about a weakness combat fits the bill perfectly and it's probably what frustrates me the most the state of it isn't really a surprise I mean he'll the only game I've ever played with good first-person magic slash sword fighting was dishonored and that game was literally scared of its own brilliant combat system so Skyrim's not got much to go on I think there's a reason why so many people I know gravitate towards stealth Archer Skyrim's detection mechanics while maybe nonsensical or higher levels are somewhat deep their speed armor weight lighting line-of-sight whether or not your weapons drawn and enchantments most onions are designed well enough to let you sneak past everything apart from maybe the boss a dagger into the equation and you've got a fairly satisfying game of cutthroat assassinations at a bow while now you're up to something a lot more interesting archery and Skyrim is probably my favorite archery system in games not that there's much competition the bows are badass the kill cams are endlessly satisfying the arrow actually burrows deep within their targets which looks amazing and the ride doll when you take someone out is in credible it looks like they've been hit with a shotgun throw in the depth by nature of projectile aiming that being travel time and gravity and you've got yourself a nice skill ceiling which allows for a good degree of mastery my only real issue with archery is how long it takes to ready an arrow even with the light bozo zephyr and the fact that the arrow somehow defies the laws of physics by gravitating upwards before it gravitates downwards making short-range head shots requires you to aim well below the head and head shots don't even deal more damage wha-why the game shipped with that I am confused still the overall package is solid fair stealth mechanics and satisfying artery there's a hell of a lot of fun to be heard every other form of combat in Skyrim those being melee and magic don't come close in the case of melee you can master backing away at the right time in the enemies attack animation to ensure you never get hit you can also learn how best to time heavy attacks and shield bashes for the most useful staggers that is it because the AI will almost never back up attempting to employ these techniques requires you to be heading backwards at all times especially when you're taking on a group because you're also going to want to try and disperse them this hyper defensive style of play you can get extremely lethargic and on the more basic enemies you can shrug off a few hits as long as you've got maybe a few perks and restoration and a ring the vast majority of melee players just rush which boils down to spamming attacks on completely unreactive enemies man may be blocking once or twice the most satisfying melee can really get is the kill animations even if there was more than positioning and timing stikers to give it some depth like perry's with the shield bash you already have swinging a sword feels like you're cutting paper with a butter knife certainly compared to the vast majority of other games with sword fighting melee fights are animated like we're playing an MMO I mean look at brawls right hook right hook right hook right hook right hook right hook right hook Oh surprise him with a left hook Wii Sports hits the mark better than this MAGIX was the only satisfying thing about using magic is conjuring a bound weapon because you don't technically have to use magic you're just shoving your hand in someone's face I mean what is this someone needs to provide a written explanation for this monstrosity because I'm trying to roast someone's bollocks off not get a palm reading as you move up into the apprentice and adept spells you need to aim it and stuff which is good for the projectile spells but apart from on enemies that are particularly weak to fire I'm really struggling to find a reason to you those when you could have hits can lightning keep going and you get quirks like an explosion or a chain effect which both have their situational uses and that encourages occasionally switching our spell's I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here the Masters balance call to look at other than how shallow the spells are the biggest problem with magic is the fact that low-level magic bills are very hard to enjoy firstly magical recharge is extremely slowly even with robes and rings and circlets your offensive potential depends on your total Magica which includes potions if you run out of potions your donald dunked many magic bills then we'll have a crutch bow or melee weapon oh if they're smart to drain magic oh that are a huge pool of magic ax and a low spell cost to start with that they then hope is enough to get them through fights but that's only going to be practical late game with enchantments gear and a hell of a lot of levels in magic our magic can get so hopeless that when you inevitably run out of Magica you pretty much can't win because you've got the pain tolerance of a football player and maybe a sword that might as well be a stick for all it will do in a way Skyrim being a stat based RPG makes its lack of depth the good thing because everything is so basic it doesn't really matter how good you are with the actual combat mechanics you ain't beating a dragon with a wooden sword unless you've exploited to absolute hell as such you can't ever get so good on the higher difficulties that using all the combat performance affecting systems like the level ups perks armor and weapon upgrades enchanting smithing potion scrolls and such would be completely unnecessary you're going to be interacting with them beginner or advanced where is in a more deep game you might get so good that you'd forego leveling up or upgrading is this an excuse for the state of Skyrim's combat no despite the depth of the real-time engagements depth is technically gained from almost combat performance affecting systems and you can make decisions to create a successful outcome as it is with so many RPGs those decisions are hidden behind menus so are largely uninteresting that doesn't make for particularly satisfying gameplay but given Skyrim's places an otherwise highly immersive visually appealing video game you think they put more effort into making the combat at least look fun feel good it feels like I'm smacking toy soldiers together if they don't want to increase the depth then at least give us an illusion I say they but do we really need them do we really have to wait until Elder Scrolls six until fallout 76 Bethesda themselves haven't been a drawback in their games for a very long time Skyrim isn't infinite and you get through mostly everything the game has to offer in a good two to three hundred hours that's quests and locations sure scarves a very fun game to replay but most people who played it and liked it have done so many many times maybe they want to do it again because it's true few if any other games have done what Skyrim does best better but with the state of the industry now chances are you're not playing something old you need something new fresh experiences to give you a reason to come back you know what I'm talking about mods a feature we all know one understand the ability to simply download player created content and experience it in Bethesda's game PC players have had this option for years but with special edition console players can too right from the main menu what's so especially magical about this is that the biggest bar between the player and mods is now removed being bothered you'd be shocked at how many people would mod but don't because downloading player created content is either too scary or too bothersome now you just boot up Skyrim and right from the main menu you can search up a new quest to download new armor new gameplay mechanics let me show you armor and weapons we already know and understand but it's incredible held just a simple alteration in the power of certain spells or a retexture can make the game so much more entertaining Thomas the Tank Engine dragons count me in replacing fus-ro-dah wood ramping up the power letting me use it on myself this is a better just cause than just cause but you and I know that's not the reason we're modding we're here to become a heck in bone McNutt we're here to fix caroms problems and to make it more of a game than it already is all those issues with depth and satisfying combat I heard well now you know why I needed to illustrate them in any other game you're stuffed in this game download ultimate combat wildcat TK dodge an artery overhaul done fixed it's not great but it's a hell of a lot better depth allowing for combat mastery could make some systems redundant but I think it's worth it and you can similarly experiment and essentially make your own combat system still we have yet to scratch the surface what about the passion projects developers have spent years of their lives working on the quest mods that's what we're going to focus on now I've picked three project aho The Forgotten [ __ ] and fall scar these three present a very good range each of which will allow me to illustrate a separate point but the true extent of the quest modding scene mind blowing without out of the way let's begin with the biggest false car is currently the most popular quest mod ever created for Skyrim imagine the Dragonborn DLC and make it a little smaller that's what you can expect from this massive player-created expansion sounds good but the intro leaves are surprisingly bad impression the gate portal textures bugged the map not only cuts off at the end but also looks incredibly low-grade and by god the opening is ridiculous there's this guy he's supposed to be a guard and he tells you that a traveler coming through that gate is supposed to signal horrific times to come so what does he do with you he says he'll let you go if you help him out on an errand like seriously I'm not even joking thankfully that doesn't set the precedent what we have is a peaceful land coming under the threat of war there's a MacGuffin plot device that some [ __ ] villain wants to get to become a mortal and take over all the false car very original but the pacing is actually remarkably good you start off running a few investigatory errands and the stakes get higher and higher tensions grow more and more as confrontations bonds are built until the end where you're laying siege in the final battle of a war it's a great build-up characters are archetypal sure but they're easy to like mission design is good no slavery no tea farming just good old-fashioned dungeon crawling the vast majority of dungeons and forts he'll end up in over the course of fall Skaar are more than up to Bethesda's quality and some come with unique quirks like a progression into a dwarven ruin from the game's largest ancient Nordic one or a huge fault battle at the beginning of act 3 side quests go from hiding in bushes to catch a possessed wolf eating a farmer's chicken to entering a Daedric crystal that displays a messed up version of reality as he fight frostbite spiders trying to Punk you into thinking they're dears not this time sunshine the side quests are fantastic I'd say a majority of characters have interesting backstories that make you genuinely liked them if I had criticisms they'd be that the ending was amazingly unsatisfying the second city is underutilized in the story and the map is far too flat other than that what we have at the end is essentially an expansion is it overall on par with Bethesda's Dragonborn not really no but is it worth playing is it a good 20 hours of high quality Skyrim content yeah and it's free you can download it from the main menu the mod was created by one dude Alexander J velikiy who is now working at Bungie congratulations to the whole voice crew and the composer too that's passion The Forgotten City however that's mastery The Forgotten City isn't just the best quest mode I've ever played it's probably the best quest in Elder Scrolls history with this even though it's small I want to illustrate just how good it can be a pair of Imperials were investigating a dwarven ruin hidden behind a waterfall the woman sent the Dragonborn a letter begging us for help her partner went down some kind of hole and he hasn't been seen in days so we head down and The Forgotten city is what greets us an imperial man in his dying words tells us to never answer the call of the house on the lake as we explore you can't shake the feeling that something's watching you why are there all these burnt bodies what's with the Centurions you don't have much choice but to press the big red button and head into that lake house where you read a note and step for a portal out you emerge into the Forgotten city lit up alive and thriving you went back in time and now you have a chance to stop whatever catastrophe struck this city before even happened I won't spoil how but information you'll inevitably gather is that there is a law in place a law of the land itself not of the people if anyone should steal from or attempt to harm another the Centurions will awaken and the citizens will be exterminated until someone else discovers the Forgotten City and inhabits it themselves the thing is every time the dwarves lore is triggered and you're counted in that law so let's be honest it's gonna happen the same person will run down to that lighthouse write that note and open that portal meaning time isn't altered and you can simply step through the portal to reset the day it's edge of tomorrow basically finding out who triggered the dwarfs law to create the future you saw is almost entirely done through investigative work exploration and incredible use of the time travel mechanic you'd be amazed if I gave the details but out of principle I want the characters in The Forgotten city are all well voice-acted and have interesting backstories but what's important is that discovering the backstories and coming up with creative solutions based on them is a key mechanic interacting with NPCs has never been this deep or engaging in a bethesda game before add that on to a fantastic dungeon incredible secrets to uncover most of which I've only been told about Jesus even the books the books are amazing in the abandoned Palace you find the corpse of the only man who has ever breached the gates and a few feet in front of him a journal I can hear my dark beauties coming for me clamoring on the final locked gate determined that I joined them on the other side it is time that I joined them now robust the great PS but behind you and of course you've got the multiple endings which believe me are about as distinct as you can get from one other The Forgotten [ __ ] even has its own soundtrack Plus incredible voice talent what we have at the end is what I would call a masterpiece with the villain being the only real disappointment in my eyes it's not much of a surprise that the man behind it all is currently developing a standalone game based on the mod set in ancient Rome instead of a dwarven ruin which I cannot wait to play has samar someone's got to get this joke potential exclamation mark along with the Writers Guild Award and my recommendation I hope you see the potential for modding now you can download the best Skyrim can be you can but does that mean you will let's turn our sights to the final mod we're covering today project a hecho project a hecho is a good example of what can go right and wrong with a non-professional group of developers said rifka gran is an underground city much like black reach into which you have been are unlawfully thrust shall we say it is genuinely stunning the amount of work that went into crafting this [ __ ] I truly cannot imagine the mud crabs the mushrooms the houses even the NPCs it's easily up to Bethesda standard the rest of this mod makes Bethesda look like they're drawing with crayons said Ruth qug runs it's on top and ancient Dwemer research facility called aho intended to observe hyperspace essentially which i think is a very very effective combination of sci-fi with the fantasy setting and as the mod goes on you will see some things a whole yes I mean even the farm looks jaw-dropping and it's just a farm what we have here is the best this engine can achieve in its current technical state and it was achieved by players that's impressive sadly I don't have anything else to praise about aho Act one is so boring it blows my mind you are robbed from your current playthrough and forced to literally be some Muppet slave for hours on end believe me the location is rich but in the context it's mind-numbing collector staff collect some acid collect some tea ingredients tea ingredients you are a slave picking tea ingredients getting shouted at by this absolute tosspot you get is blasted tea you give it to him he spits out and he tells you to do it again is this what am I being tortured it's like it's sadistic is this a social experiment or something the first time you get to do something remotely interesting going into a dungeon you still have to follow your slave master and when the chains are off you can't go three feet without running into a trap what is this this doesn't result in fun or interesting gameplay it just ends up an incomprehensible mess I genuinely cannot fathom what the designers were thinking here it's just such a shame because aho has tons of physical content like dungeons and NPCs that are completely let down by the main quests piss-poor mission design the characters if I'm being honest aren't very interesting but maybe I would have read into them maybe I would have wanted to care about their lives if I didn't want to mount their heads on a spike I'm very pleased that they designed a multiple endings for aho and the most I'll say I won't spoil any of the others is that one of them ends up badly I mean they all die and to me that was quite the pleasure I enjoy shooting every bunt corpse a couple times just to make sure you know can't be too careful yeah aho turned me into a psychopath what can I say it is to me an admission that you can't guarantee a good standard of quality when you mod the concession I will admit with the idea that you can download new bits of the game for yourself if you enjoyed this mod then that's genuinely fantastic but I think my point stands modded content is vastly less consistent than anything Bethesda made and so eventually you might end up having a time wasted god forbid that turns you off the modding scene for good believe me this is not a dead scene either Skyrim's community is still very much alive in fact in a matter of weeks maybe days they're going to do what they're best at once again they're going to beat Bethesda at their own game better bug-fixing better content and now better multiplayer as well Skyrim together is about to come out of beta and it is essentially everything you want from multiplayer Skyrim screwing about with IP addresses just join a server no hassle no horrific like no difference from how it would be done by a professional theme loot is shared so there's no competition as well the only problem as of now is combat sinking enemies don't appear at the same location for everyone in a server but that is being addressed you can even use all your mods just like normal so you'll be able to play The Forgotten city with your friends so long as you all have the mod installed in a few months probably a few years whichever works for them Skye Bolivian will launch the entirety of oblivion in Skyrim's engine why well it has all the benefits of a good remaster and essentially none of the drawbacks it's free it looks vastly better in every conceivable way the combat will be improved as if it would be difficult and of course it will reintroduce Elder Scrolls 4 to a new generation of video game humans sky wind is the same concept applied to morrowind by a completely different team I cannot wait to get my hands on either so there we have it Skyrim has an addicting core gameplay loop thanks to its brilliant reward systems and dense creative content it is a streamlined RPG so accessible that even people new to gaming can pick it up yet still manages to deliver on almost everything you want from a game in the genre classes built houses factions so many paths and things to do it's well this striking from the moment you step out of the cave and rich enough to immerse and intrigue you for hundreds of hours and when it's done intriguing you you can just download more download the best it can be Bethesda know how to make games Todd Howard is no devil he's a madman and in light of this conclusion it makes Fallout trajectory ever the more confusing they made Skyrim with ninety people in a few years time their efficiency is something to marvel at so what happened seriously what's going on is is any max rushing them how did they forget their own successful formula Bethesda deserve all the crap being flung at them right now they deserve to be laughed at but there was a reason Skyrim was laden with 10 out of 10 to 2011 there's more reasons now and there's more on the horizon thank you all for watching I keep saying that this is a new style of video at the end of every video now so let's just assume that it's all new I very much hope you enjoyed it there's a hell of a lot more to come and for anyone new there's just as much to go back and check out I'm considering taking a step into voice work voice over and acting for various projects probably smooth things over before making any big announcement but if you're looking for a voice like mine to hire then shoot me a DM over discord names in the description the feedback recently has been mind-blowing views not so much but I'll take what I can get and I thank you all for that for 40 thousand subscribers - if you'd like to help keep the channel afloat - patreon donations are hugely appreciated I am very close to my first goal and if you're interested in videos much like this one I would recommend either my latest Red Dead critique or my prized achievement the dark side is - video which I will stop mentioning when I'm dead I hope it lives up to it ok jokes aside I'll be back again next time with something people have wanted for a very long time see you then I would usually have some nice music in the background as the credits roll but I need to take this time for something else something about this game that has almost driven me mad in the Dawnguard dlc you will eventually travel into the soul can a plane of oblivion run by the ideal masters this is a very cool location of a DLC that admittedly I underestimated what's incredibly interesting about the soul Ken is its inhabitants the most common of which is bone men own men bone men own man own men bone man bone men what what I think has happened here is drugs skooma moon sugar is some kind of acid what's caused this you might not understand where I'm coming from yet but just bear with me imagine you're working at Bethesda maybe not when Dawnguard was being developed maybe before because technically bone men were in battlespire - and what you need is a creative name for a skeleton so you look at it anything well it's a man and it's made out of bone so bone man own man this is like when zombie movies do everything they can to make their zombies not zombies by calling them something like Zed's or Z's or infected imagine calling a person a flesh man it's less the word bone man more the mental state someone would need to be in to settle on bone man as an acceptable name for a skeleton it sounds like the joke suggestion that the funny guy around the table would suggest akin bone man you know there's images that intentionally make you feel an emotion you simply cannot describe this is what I feel about bone man I am absolutely stunned I don't know whether to be proud appalled or to seek rehabilitation all I know is gay straight white black man or woman or all bone men on the inside
Channel: Whitelight
Views: 1,433,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why did you love skyrim, skyrim, the elder scrolls v, the elder scrolls 5, skyrim review, skyrim 2019, skyrim mod review, tes5 review, skyrim gameplay, skyrim 2, skyrim mod showcase, elder scrolls lore, skyrim special edition, skyrim lore, skyrim secrets, skyrim facts, bethesda, whitelight, white light review, v: skyrim, skrim, skyrim mods, skyrim mod, elder scrolls mods
Id: MSX5g_Q2CQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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