"It Takes More To Move The Devil" Willie B. Williams III

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matthew 17 and we'll begin at verse 14 matthew chapter 17 and we'll begin at verse 14. and the bible says and when they will come to the multitude there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and saying look at verse 14. lord have mercy we just read mark uh chapter 11 and the bible says in mark chapter 11 uh when you pray what believe that you have it and then you shall receive it in mark 11 that scripture was talking about jesus going along and jesus saw some dysfunction and jesus by faith removed that dysfunction the apostles came to jesus and said jesus how were you able to do that and that's when you get to mark chapter 11 verse 24 when he says if you pray to god and you believe that you'll receive it he'll give it to you and so what jesus was teaching his disciples is if you have something in your life and he's talking about that fig tree but if there's something in your life that needs to be removed don't fear that thing believe in god and he'll give you the thing that you're asking for now that's a faith principle that goes across the board but in that immediate context it's about jesus christ and he was talking about removing something right so here we are in matthew chapter 17 and jesus still talks about this faith and the bible says when they will come jesus had just finished coming off uh coming down from the mount of transfiguration and when he came down uh from the mount of transfiguration he came down with peter james uh and john and so he had just finished spending some time with god and he had just finished spending some time with moses and elijah and they were all on the mountain talking about the resurrection he comes down from the mountain and when he comes down from the mountain he meets this crowd uh and out of the crowd there comes this man and this man pushes his way through the crowd and he falls down in a worship position so you can imagine jesus has his disciples to his back but there's this man and he's falling down and he says lord have mercy i got a story to tell you i need you to hear my story jesus and if you would hear my story i'm hoping that you would help me can i tell you what i've been going through i haven't been able to find you for the last few days i need you to understand matthew chapter 17 beginning at verse 1 jesus has separated himself from the crowd and the bible says he was at the top of the mountain having a uh apostles retreat i don't know if you've ever attended one but he was at an apostles retreat at the top of the mountain and nobody could reach him so now here we are at the uh in the latter part of the chapter and jesus he's coming down from the mountain and the man finally finds jesus i've been looking for jesus i've been looking for jesus and so he falls down in front of jesus and he says lord have mercy i'm in the text here we are in the bible says and they came to the multitude and a certain man kneeling down to him said lord have mercy on my son and then he says this he's a lunatic something's wrong with my son something something's wrong with my child i don't understand he's not acting normal i i look at the other boys in the community and i look at the other children in the community and then i look at my child have you ever been there maybe before maybe not so some of you you looked at your child and you said okay wait a minute something that my child's special something something's happening with my son so much that the father is concerned the mother is not there the father has taken the son and i gotta go get some help i can imagine that the father has gone to multiple places at this time before he comes to jesus christ and jesus you're my last hope i don't know how to help my son sometimes a child will get a certain spirit sometimes there will be such conflict uh uh with a child and a parent and you don't even know what to do if someone if you ever been a parent you get your poems i literally don't know what to do none of the books are helping me none of the adults none of my contemporaries nobody can be able to advise me on what i need to do with this child in this situation sometimes we got to be careful about giving advice uh to certain people uh because we think because you have uh that you know somebody else's situation so sometimes you can look at somebody else's life and say oh i have children and then you you have children let me tell you what you need to do you need to do this x y and z sometimes people like to do that in marriage or like they like to do that in relationships and they say okay listen let me tell you what to do uh with your wife let me tell you what to do with your husband the problem is your experience with your children you don't have this one you know you don't have this one no no yours is nice i see they very well no no this one right here this one this one has been delivered to me special ups this or you don't you don't have this when nobody has your marriage you know why nobody has your marriage because nobody is married to your spouse all right god didn't make cookie cutter uh me and then cookie cutter uh women girl let me tell you what to do with the husband no no no no no you you telling me what to do with yours did this one right here this one this one is special you ever had you ever had a special situation no no no this is this is special right this is special packaging this matter of fact you can't even get this in the store you this is a special order uh and you're trying to give me advice about there are some things that are general right that some things are general but there are some things not some situations you don't really know sometimes that's why that's why god doesn't require for us to judge because just like my house may look like your house trust me the dna is different trust me this this is this is a the seasoning is different i i want to tell you the popeye's chicken and kfc chicken are both chicken uh i know i know because i'm an expert it's not i'm just trying to tell you it's not the same it's it's not the same uh williams chicken whatever you know williams chicken uh and kfc chicken is not the is is not the same uh uh deodorant is not the it's not to say all cheese is is not the same uh all milk is is not somebody tried to somebody one time try to pass me some almond milk oh man that's not biblical that's not god god didn't put milk in almonds what is this this is not of god put that back on the shelf give me give me some borders all milk is not the all milk is not the same all situations are not the same and all of us that are here this morning we may all be in the same room but we all don't have the same lives we all don't have the same storms we all don't have the same situations and issues we go through different things so this man falls down before jesus and says lord have have mercy on my son and then he says he's a he's a lunatic can i tell you some things that he does because i'm trying to explain my case because i'm hoping that you can help me look at the text the bible says he is sore vexed whatever he's going through it's not that he's harming other people the situation that my son is going through he's harming himself he's hurting himself and i need my son to get some help he saw vex and let me tell you what he does for oftentimes he falls into the y'all see that oftentimes he falls into the fire so if you looked at my son my son has some scars my son has some self-inflicted scars my my son has been burnt nobody pushed him in the fire right i was looking for that i was who pushed my son in the fire nobody pushed him in the fire the boy jumped in the fire that's one of the signs that something's wrong with my something wrong with my son cause i don't i don't know no child to just be jumping in be jumping in fire and then the bible says and then often he uh he jumped in the water so then he in over his head he'd be drowning we got to rescue him he's jumping in the fire he burning himself and then oftentimes he's jumping in the water almost about to drown now both situations can kill him and i'm trying to let you know this ain't normal for a child to jump in the fire and jump in the water and be going back and forth so what i did is i brought them to your disciples i got to give you a definition so that we can understand the word disciple means a follow of christ so what i did is i looked for somebody who was following christ i had a situation i had a sin i had a situation in my family and my life that i was dealing with so you know the first thing that i did i went to work because i remember one of my co-workers said that they had to leave early because they were going to worship they were going to bible class matter of fact i overheard one of y'all say hey listen i don't work on sundays and i remember asking you why you said oh you said you follow christ i didn't say nothing then i just kind of backed up and i was just kind of watching you for a little bit and then i face this real issue and i need prayer now when you're looking for somebody to pray for i had a friend in college uh one time um and and he stood up in worship service uh and he kind of stood up and turned around he said hey uh listen i'm i did some things i ain't had no business doing so first of all he turned around to the church he said listen i repent i repent for my sins and he says some of y'all may have seen what i've done and i had no business doing it so first of all i just want to apologize to anybody who witnessed me in this sinful act and then he says he said i just want to thank y'all for for for praying for me he said but i'm weak so even though i'm standing here now and i'm repenting for a sin that i did i'm not strong enough not to go back to that thing again if i don't have some intercessory prayer right have you ever repented for a sin and and you know that after you repent it you don't have enough strength to not go back to that thing again and as you walking back to that thing again you hoping oh god somebody stop cause i don't have somebody come pick me up somebody somebody come snatch me because if i'm left alone to my own thoughts and devices i'm gonna be going back to that thing again and so he said uh he he did something i've never seen in church before uh he he stood up and then he turned around to the audience and he said uh can you pray for me he started calling out names michelle derek can you pray and he start calling out names uh and he named about seven people he said uh and yeah yeah can you pray for me uh and yeah can you pray for me and he said no offense to anybody else but i just need to make sure this prayer get heard i never it was a small church but i never heard nobody do that before where he said hey listen i can't leave it up to chance i'm gonna need to find somebody who i know has a connection with god and so instead of asking church i just need y'all to pray for me he said scratch that i need you to pray i need you to pray i need you to pray for me and i need you to pray for me and then he he called that little group the little basketball group that he had uh drafted and said listen i really need y'all to call out my name and i really need y'all to pray whenever you're in a situation and you really need somebody you don't go to everybody hey he says how you doing oh i'm doing great hey brother pray for me i ain't doing too well we will lie to the person who asks us how we're doing just to get to the to the person that we believe has a connection with god so you know what he says i went to your disciples the people who claim to follow you i went to them the people who post scriptures on a page i went to them the people who said that they love god and oh god is blessed i heard about the that that god in in the sky i heard he was doing something for you so i came to you hoping that i could get some some some some droplets on my side he said i went to your disciples and the bible says and they couldn't cure them now here's the embarrassing thing jesus is in a crowd the man falls down and jesus is there and what he's telling the crowd in front of jesus is the people who claim to be with you i already went to them and when i went to them none of them can help me like i went to all of y'all matter of fact i made my situation known listen y'all i ain't doing too well i'm struggling and you know the only thing they said we'll pray for you but but nothing got cured there was no breakthrough nothing nothing was changed so i look at jesus response here we are in the next verse and the bible says in verse 17 then jesus answered and said oh faithless and then he says and perverse generation how long shall i how be with you and then he says how long shall i suffer you and then he said bring him to me kind of want to break that down look at what he said again oh faithless and perverse generation his first question is these are all rhetorical how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you and then he said bring them hither to me faithless the bible says in romans 10 17 so faith comes by if it's a faithless generation it's a generation that doesn't listen because in order for you to have faith you got to listen all faith comes by listening right so what we say is christianity is an educated religion if anybody wants to be saved on this morning the first step that you have to take is you have to listen if you're not willing to listen you can't be saved i don't care how much you talk i don't care how much you cry i don't care how much you sing you can lift up holy hands you can run around you can skip to my lou you can do all those different types of things but none of that will save you because all salvation begins with education if you're willing to listen what god will do is he'll fill up your cup and then you'll start to be able to do things that you could never imagine doing if you would just be willing to listen you have to be willing to listen some of us have gone all week long and you didn't pick up your bible i'm not saying this to shame you i'm saying if you have not picked up your bible all week long then you're running off the faith of last week's sermon and trust me last week's sermon is not enough to carry you through 48 hours it's not enough matter of fact you would get mad at me if if if i told you that saturday's meal is supposed to carry you through the day because right now some of you you got your mind on something real good after service you already know where you about to go you didn't already texted a few people meet me at the spot hey get in there early it's gonna be a line or whatever the case may be some of you have already tagged into uber and where they're gonna deliver and it's gonna meet you right after you when you get to the house uber gonna be dropping it off you're gonna be like hey this is perfect you already have in your mind and what you're gonna consume and god says i need you to think about my word like that you're gonna strengthen your physical body by food but you're going to let your spiritual body die because you don't feed it they put people in prison when they go by and they look at their pets and if their pets are a malnutrition and the family is healthy what they'll do is they'll they'll either write a fine or they'll put those in prison for abuse because you feed yourself but you don't feed everything that's in the house don't feed your outer body and you don't take care of your anybody and then people want to ask i don't understand why i don't feel close to god the reason why you don't feel close to god is because you don't take time to listen to him any relationship that's going to begin it has to begin with the conversation somebody says i want to get to know you in order for you to get to know me you got to be able to hear my story you got to be able to hear my thoughts and be able to hear my feelings you can't know a person from afar then you know what any person that you admire from afar you're not a friend to them you're just a fan god is not looking for fans he's looking to have an intimate relationship with you he wants to get to know you but if you don't spend any time with him and you don't get into his word then how can he connect with you you cannot go i want you to hear me if you don't get anything else that i'm saying on this morning you cannot go seven days and you don't pick up your bible brothers you understand i'm busy you are entirely too busy if you don't have 15 minutes to open up your word and meditate and spend some time filling up your cup because trust and believe when that storm comes you're going to want enough in that cup to move the mountain and then you're going to feel like somebody did you wrong because you don't understand god i don't understand why things ain't working for me he said man i ain't heard from you in a long time or maybe you know what we end up doing what we end up doing is we out talk god so you don't have any problem praying you just don't like listening there's some people who like calling you but they don't answer your call when you call them so when when they call you they want you to listen to their story hey let me tell you what happened no no no no no let me let me just get this out let me tell you what happened and when they finished their story all of a sudden they got to go or when you got to reach out about your feelings about your thoughts all of a sudden you can't get through don't ever treat god that way where you spend all night long talking about what you need from him and then when he gets time to respond you close your bible and you go to sleep talk about you sleepy or you don't have time for the word we have to be able to change our spirit we have to be able to change our anytime that you get any break at work you need to be able to have at least a scripture all worried about we need to start putting scriptures on your mirror you need to put scriptures in your car you need to have reminders you need to have the word of god you know what if you're a child of god you should have multiple bibles all around not only on your phone you should have a a a bible in your car you should have a bible at your at your job or your desk or in your workspace i don't care if you uh driving a forklift you should have one of many bibles in that little slot right there just in case to be able to pull out why because the abbot said if the word of god is your sword if the word of god is your sword why would you leave your house and you ain't packing why would you leave your house naked and you don't have everything that you need and then and then god has made it so accessible today you can put the word of god on anything electric matter of fact uh some of you you drive at least five six hours a week on the road depending on where you're going some of you drive more by the time that you get in your car and go to where you're going and go back home you could have listened to 20 minutes of audio bible in your car there's no excuse we think we think we're going to have a good excuse to meet god of while we no no there was no excu you could have done more here's the dangerous thing as a child of god if you could have done more and you didn't do more you can't die with a half empty tank you you can't die with gas still in the tank and you could have done more it's a horrible thing that you were running and you lost the race and at the end of the race you say you know what i ain't even tired which means you could have ran faster you could have done better you know what you could have blessed more people you could have saved you could have more bible studies with more people you could have tried harder with your mother and try to share the gospel with your mother you could have tried harder with your grandfather you could have tried harder with your uncle you could have reached out to your girlfriend because y'all always hanging out and always having a good time but you never took the time to study with her you never took the time to say hey girl listen before we go out and hang out and have a good time tonight i just want to share with you about jesus christ and him crucified and then we can go out and have a ball then we can go out matter of fact you will take invitations from people when they say hey listen you want to go on a trip and you want to do this and you will say yes but every time uh you have the opportunity to ask them to come to worship it costs you nothing to ask somebody to come to worship it asks you about fact it costs you nothing to say hey can i read some verses with you can i talk to you about jesus he said listen i went to your disciples none of them could help me not none matter of fact i just had to wait to find jesus what if people have to leave the church of christ to go find christ i went to your disciples none of them could pray for me none of their prayers had any breakthrough i got no healing here i felt no love here so in order to feel love here in order to feel embraced in order to feel strength uh and feel a covering i have to leave your christians just to go find christ and now he's at the foot of jesus and saying lord have mercy on me and my son because maybe maybe my son he don't fit in this environment maybe you your church church folks don't know what to do with my son they'd always when we come they always turn around looking at them making too much noise who said that worship is supposed to be a museum anybody been to a museum yeah that's nice amen this is good that was wonderful are ready to go and it becomes this place where we look at old artifacts of the bible didn't jesus die on the cross that's nice that's he did he did die on the cross oh okay yes salvation and they got baptized and this becomes this old museum do you know how many mothers feel uncomfortable in worship because we made worship service a museum and when the baby starts uh moving around people this is a this isn't a presentation for you i'm not a professor you're not here taking notes there's no test not for me there's no test at the end of the month you don't graduate out of church you don't you we don't give you any degrees have you not we don't give you any degrees you know i got a master's in in church right there's no levels and we may maybe his son didn't fit with the rest of his disciples because they didn't know what to do with him and you know what we end up doing sometimes our churches end up just being copies of ourselves of people that's like us because we know how to kind of deal with kind of us but we don't really know how to deal with people who they don't have a car they don't have money they don't have resources that brother only have one shirt we don't know what to do with people like get another shirt you know i have no money for another shirt he don't have 14.99 just to go get another shirt and sometimes you got multiple situations and things that's going on in the home sometimes we don't know what to do and so sometimes people come to church and i was like i'm not going to tell my business here because y'all don't even know what to do with my situation so so uh oh that's so cute uh oh where where is his father okay yeah i don't know what to do in my situation hey so so so uh is it just you or or where's where's your wife where where's your y'all don't know what to do in my situation when people come to church nobody wants to be drilled and looked at and so you know what people are really looking for people don't come to church looking for you but if they come to you it's because they believe that you know christ so he said i went to all your disciples do you know how embarrassing that is for a father to have to go to all of the disciples and explain about his son to the whole community yeah this is my son can you help me and this is my son can you help me is this my this my son he got a little situation can you okay uh this this you get tired of telling the story you get tired of going around everybody explaining that there's something wrong with your son and maybe it's something i don't know if it's something that i'm doing or something that he ain't or whatever can you help us that gets tiring at the end so by the time he meets jesus he's not speaking softly and i don't care who hears none of your disciples can help me jesus can you do something the bible says jesus answered it's a faithless and perverse generation perverse means they have a distorted view about jesus christ they have a distorted view about jesus christ he says how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you bring him hither to me the bible says the problem with the sun i'm gonna make this point in real close the problem with the sun is that the sun had a devil see the problem with the sun it was a spiritual problem see right now there are some people who are taking medications and they're go into the psychiatrist they go to the hospital they get prescribed certain things and then there's certain things where that may be necessary depending on what's going on but some people they have spiritual problems and they go to the medical industry trying to find peace that only comes from the lord but because they don't know how to get to the lord they have to be prescribed something because nobody in their environment is sharing the word of god with them so that they can have a peace that passes see when you don't understand anxiety comes and if anxiety comes your body starts to shut down if your body starts to shut down that's when you start getting headaches and you're not being able to function and then you become paralyzed and sometimes you get paralysis of the spirit where you can't be able to function and move and do certain things because you don't have understanding of what's happening in my life and all of a sudden you can get so overwhelmed you can have a nervous breakdown but there is a peace that passes all understanding that will bring a peace to your soul and just like the man who was called a legion the bible says he was sitting down he was clothed and he was in his have you ever prayed for a right mind because you was losing it life can get you on the left mind i don't i don't know you can get on the left mind you get on the left line you won't catch the wrong side of me but it's good to be it's good to be in your right mind with god and if you're in your right mind you thank god for that because do you know the line the line between insanity and sanity is a thin line all you need is about two or three you already dealing with a lot but all you need this week is about two or three other things to happen and you didn't snap [Applause] i may look the same but brother i don't talk the same yeah so anyway um but the williams yeah yeah i'm just uh i gotta and you can have pressure you can stress your skin start changing your blood pressure starts shifting have you ever been standing there you got dizzy and you're like i don't know what's going on with me and he just started crying and somebody said what's wrong i don't know have you ever cried and you don't know i don't know what's wrong something's wrong and i don't care fix it and somebody says well here's this and sometimes money don't fix it well somebody said well let's well let's let's take a walk and you walk in you crying mo somebody took you on the walk and you didn't walk up in the woods in the tree and now nobody can find you and you only feel peace doing strange things because you looking for you can lose your mind you can lose your peace to the point you'll be willing to sacrifice at all because nothing makes sense some sometimes you can be dealing with problems with a broken heart your heart was broken years ago never got healed and now you're dealing with bills and problems and now people threatening you and you dealing with drama and all that kind of and you were saying if another person if another if another person comes sideways with me i was uh i was in school and and uh i wasn't feeling well i had i had a really some things were not going right and i wanted to know even though i was in school some of you might your children can sometimes carry the burdens of their parents and you don't even know it sometimes your child can be sitting and just be heavy some of us are grown we still carry the burdens of our parents so i remember i was cool i was dealing with some other stuff and i had a friend and and then my head was hurting and i just i just wasn't in the mood and i remember uh i remember being at lunch and and a friend of mine he just kind of tapped me on my head now he's tapping me in the place where my head is hurting he's a he's a friend of mine so i lift up i said hey man i'm not in the mood because you just not today not today and i go back and i lay my head matter of fact you know something wrong because it's lunch and i'm not even eating right right something's wrong right you don't see me eating something's wrong you better call somebody and get my mama down here something's wrong he came back and and i heard him playing and he came and tapped me again we friends i said hey man i said listen i'm not in the mood i ain't feeling well he leave me alone i laid my head down and then some time passed and he came back over again this is the part i want to talk about some people on the verge and i said if i get up one more time i'm going oh it's happening oh we gonna get it in i'm not gonna tell you what happened because i i've been redeemed by the blood of the lamb i've been redeemed for what i'm but it's it's that it's that space is what i'm talking about when you're already tired and you've already asked for help and you've been to a bunch of places and you feel yourself going down you're already weary and you're losing your grip you don't have no strength you're overly emotional you're snapping off at everybody you've lost your patience you're not sweet no more you're not kind no more you're turning inward and now you're being selfish you're saying okay i'm gonna take care of me from now on and forget every you're having volatile thoughts something's happening to you and jesus doesn't speak to the man he speaks to the disciples and says it's because you don't believe the reason why this man is suffering jesus gives two reasons number one you're faithless and you follow me you follow me and you're faithless which means it's possible to be in the crowd and not be connected to christ it's possible to be here this morning but even you don't experience the power of jesus christ in the heavens and so what we do is we try to convince people to just come to a worship service what people are not interested today in just coming to a worship service what they're interested in i want to feel the power of god in my life i have i have situations and i have things and you told me if i come to god then things would move but then i look at you and you're content with things not moving sometimes you gotta move away from certain christians who have become complacent and the power of god is not moving in their life i want god to do great things for me i want if i have a situation that i can go at the throne of god and the heavens move i want to be able i want to be able to experience somebody says oh brother williams okay be realistic we have too many christians being realistic and you think your work ethic is what's going to get you through there are things that god can give you that your hands could never give you there are doors that god can open but we don't have enough for those testimonies where people are saying hey listen i want to know your god how many people look at you and say i want to know your god i look at your life and all sometimes god will throw you in the midst of trouble just to rescue you and you see you walk out of that fire and everybody who was hating against you or everybody was watching say how in the world did you get out and when you walk out you say it was god that got me out sometimes god will take away all your finances and put you in the financial straight only to the last minute and then he'll pour and start blessing you and people say how did you make it and you say it was god that got me out we gotta be people need to be able to see that his disciples also are connected to jesus christ and that people don't have to go around the church just to get to jesus let me finish the bible says jesus rebuked the devil and the devil left let me say this real quick it was the devil it was the devil church what are you trying to say what i'm trying to say is what was going on with that child was the was the devil jesus was was able to identify the devil but when that devil got around the disciples the devil was okay with not moving you ever you haven't known some christians they feel they feel real comfortable around worldly people sometimes you'll hear some christians brag and be like i get along with people in the world more than people in even their own church that's supposed to be a secret right i don't think i don't think you're supposed to say that out loud that's not something you're supposed to brag about you know man i've my best friends are dope dealers i only only hang around christians brother williams i don't know if that's i don't know if that's what god is calling you to do if the devil walked in here now and he felt comfortable through the whole worship service and somebody said jesus you know there's a devil in there i don't want jesus to look in and say oh faithless faith in god causes satan to run but when you don't have enough faith satan feels no need to leave the room i went to all of your disciples in this devil that's what it was it was the devil the devil didn't feel like he had to remove possession of the child so whatever you whatever their prayers were whatever they were saying you ain't got enough faith to move me it takes faith to move the devil out your home it takes faith to move the devil out your relationships it takes dev it takes faith to move the devil out of your job and it takes faith to get the devil from messing with you the bible says resist the devil and he will what how do you resist faith you got to start listening you got your cup your cup is too empty to resist the devil the devil can't stand against you when you have faith so the bible says uh jesus rebuked the devil it departed out of him the child was cured from that from that very hour can you imagine the man i'm so excited jesus i'm glad i found you took his son devil gone now he not now can you imagine how he feel i can now walk with my son now it's gonna be okay daddy didn't give up on you boy they may have talked about you and laughed at you when you was jumping in the fire and jumping but i listened daddy was here i didn't i didn't i didn't uh disown you i didn't act like you wasn't mine when i saw that you had a problem i went and found jesus i can imagine how he feels or if they finna go on have a father-son time tonight the bible says the same hour but then here's at the end of the verse the disciples came around again hey jesus earlier when jesus says oh faithless and perverse generate he wasn't really talking to nobody directly you ever been in been in your house and you weren't talking to nobody but you were just mad so sick of this i can't stand this baby you all right now i wouldn't talk i was just talking can't stand any of y'all do that any y'all do that baby you all right i'm just breathing lord can't stand it i gotta get out he wasn't talking to nobody specifically he was just talking oh oh faithless and perverse generation how long how long will i myself how long will i be and then i realize something about jesus sometimes as a christian you got to be long-suffering sometimes you got to deal with stuff you don't want to deal with longer than you want to deal with it and even if jesus has to be long suffering what you think you're gonna have to do there's some stuff in you in your life right now you wish you'd be like i don't have to deal with this and you asking the same question jesus lord how long how long do i gotta be dealing with this hello you talking to me oh no i was just i'm just on lunch i'm about to get back to work in a minute just just talking to myself give me give me a second i remember i used to i remember i used to work for ups and uh i used to do i used to do the uh trucks so i used to load the trucks up back in the day can't you can't you see your preacher summertime hot sometime hot and i used to load i used to load them trucks and so um i used to uh and and and and i'm not uh don't don't take what i'm about to say i'm loading the truck and i want to quit i want to quit because this i don't know i don't know if god is have you ever been at work and you had a god moment like okay god i think you i think you're leading me in another path i think and i'm loading the truck but i i i was taught by my f you don't quit in the middle of a shift because i'm about to walk off i'm about to walk up cause this is not this is not and i'm loading the truck and and doing it just is it's ridiculously hot and and i look and i want to quit and i want to quit and i look up and i see this woman she's about two stations down and she looks at me and says pick it up and i said to myself i can't i can't let her just she gonna think i'm a punk i'm not a i got to get it together and and i and i i realized i had something in me that i i didn't know that i had but man i was i was ready to quit and the bible says the disciples came to jesus said why could we not cast him out i wanted to quit because i was like ah [Music] later on after i talked to her i heard her story see she was supporting her family i was just trying to make some i was trying to make some money and then i realized she had something more in her than i had in me had nothing to do with gender had nothing to do with strength had nothing to do with age and it had not that had nothing to do with education what she was doing and what she was doing it for i had a different motivation and so sh what she had in her caused her to outperform me why could not we cast him out look at the next verse and the bible says and jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily i say unto you and notice what it says in these next three words if you have i'm on the job but i didn't have what she had so she showed up ready to go i'm feeding these babies i'm paying this right i'm providing for my family and she and when the when the buzz a little red she ready to go i'm over here saying lord i think this would be another way that's a there's another way we can do this right he says if you had the faith of a grain of a mustard seed we normally read this scripture when we think about receiving something from god but that's not what jesus is talking about jesus is not talking about in this text just receiving something notice what it says you shall say to this what he had just finished casting the devil out they asked him how come when the devil came to us we couldn't move the devil he says the reason why you lose battles with the devil and you don't have victory is because you don't have something because if you had just a grain of faith of a mustard seed you could have rebuked the devil out of that boy so if you just had a little faith he said you could say to the to the mountain remove hints to a yonder place and guess what it has to do that mountain has to move he says and it shall remove and then he says and nothing shall be impossible unto you how be it this kind goes not out but by prayer and by fasting you know what he was saying the reason why things are not moving in your life and the reason why there are no victories and the reason why devil is having his way with you and your family and your life and the reason why there's such vexing and losses is because i'm not saying that you're not fighting and i'm not saying you're not showing up to work what i'm saying is you're lacking faith because if you had the right amount of faith you know what you could say you could tell that devil move you can tell that mountain move and guess what has to happen it has to move as we sit in the middle of a pandemic we gotta talk to these mountains the devil is having his way all up and down these streets your neighbors across the street your neighbors upstairs downstairs in your community you talk to some of your friends the devil is having his way i wonder what would happen if light would walk in the room [Music] what are you attracting and what are you casting every christian should be attracted to the light and if you're attracted to the light then dark has the darkness has to leave darkness has to leave what if on this week the answers to some of your problems is not working more hours is not spending more time googling it's not filling out more applications what if the answer to many of our problems is if you would stop and listen more this week to the word of god i know it's probably because i unbelieve because you really don't think your problems can be solved by reading the verse so that's why you don't read it you know why you don't take time to read it because you don't really think that your issues and your problems and your health and financial and relationship problems can actually be solved by reading romans chapter 8. do you hey we need to read i want to read right now i need to solve this problem notice your speech you need to solve this problem and god said okay i'll let you it's because you don't believe when you believe you turn to the word of god have anybody ever been reading and god shared something with you revealed something to you it pricked you in a certain kind of way and you said oh wait a minute okay and it shift your whole mindset and god said good now i got you right where i want you now come and get these open doors somebody said you walking different i had a great bible study you know i was spending some time with you i've been talking like that i was spending some time on the word of god and god said and the bible says and and i was doing this and you know i was praying to god you know he revealed something in my spirit and i think he's telling me and that's that's the holy spirit leading you that's that's the holy spirit taking you where you need to be so we're here this morning sermon's over what i'm asking is if there's anyone here on this morning and maybe your faith is low maybe right now you trying to operate on an empty tank how many of y'all are trying to operate on a empty tank you trying to do what god has asked you to do but you empty right now you drain you don't have no energy to serve the lord you you had enough energy brother i'm here this morning hey this is the beginning of a brand new week you can't be on e not on sunday hey if this was saturday you'd be like bro i'm at the end you know what i would say yeah you should be this saturday you need to go take a nap get some rest but on sunday we treat monday like it's sunday you know i hear some people say sometime i hear some people say you know sunday is for family who told you that who told you sunday is for your family no jesus said no sunday is for my family monday through saturday is for yours now whatever however you like to schedule your monday through saturday that's actually your business if you decide to tell your job listen we ain't doing nothing today today family day that's between you and that's your bed ain't nobody bothered but this is the lord's day there are people who literally don't come to worship because they try to make sunday the family day and they say well we ain't gonna come to worship you know i'm doing some things with the family it's not family day sunday is for the disciples of christ to gather to the throne of god to say thank you to god on his day that's that's what it but but it's hard to do that when you don't eat it's hard to praise so you know what we end up doing to come in worship what can church give me what what can church provide for me what can i receive from the church and sometimes you'll have more people taking from the church than actually giving if we had the whole community come to us right now and ask us for help our ability to help depends on what we do and if we put very little in we can give very little out we don't have products to sell we don't we don't sell t-shirts we don't sell pants we don't sell vehicles and cars we don't work with the government the power of the church are the believers that gather whatever you do and how when you give your time that means the more people that can be blessed when you give your resources that means the more people that can be blessed when you say hey i want to work in this ministry then that means the church is now able to provide certain things somebody says uh brother williams how come we don't have this type of ministry because we don't have any believers that want to go in that area and brother williams ain't gonna wear himself out faith moves the mountain if you're here this morning you're not a christian in order to become a child of god you got to believe that jesus died for you you can get out of that mountain of seeing if you'll be willing to believe that he loves you if you'll be willing to believe that message repent of your sins confessing he is the son of god do you know you get in that watery grave by faith do you know you get in by faith and the bible says if you believe that you will have he'll give it to you you can have eternal life on this morning
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 2,019
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: QojnIQQhdfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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