Why Did We Forget Baldi's Basics? (A Retrospective)

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[Music] baldi's Basics is a game that I'm sure most of you are familiar with for those who aren't it's a meta horor experience disguised as a 9s styled educational game it blew up after its release in 2018 and it involves a teacher named Baldi chasing you around a school because you're bad at math this year baldi's Basics turns 6 years old which is a fact I'm sure a lot of you aren't comfortable with but despite how long the game's been around it doesn't take me telling you for it to be obvious it hasn't been in the spotlight for nearly that long at this point the game's been mostly forgotten about despite being still in active development what happened how did we all collectively forget about this game in this video we're going to take a retrospective look back at baldi's Basics through the years and at the end we'll try to answer that very question in the late 1990s it became increasingly more common for people to own computers in their home as a result a genre of computer game known as edutainment or educational Entertainment Games became widespread within this genre sometimes popular existing video game franchises would receive entertainment games of their own the one most relevant to the topic at hand though is Sonic's School house in October 1996 a company named Bap interactive was in the process of developing an entertainment game called answer hunt during this the company's production partner approached Sega and through an agreement decided it would be transformed into a Sonic themed game the game taught math spelling and reading and also had an outside playground area where different puzzle mini games could be played in order to play and access all of these facets of the game game the player would have to navigate a fully 3D environment that felt reminiscent to early FPS games in fact apparently the Sega CEO at the time literally called it Doom for kids the Aesthetics of the game were very distinct and memorable and would later become the main inspiration for the general feel of baldi's Basics over 20 years later but before that we have to talk about the game's developer Micah mcgonagal in around the late 20 000 when he was 11 or 12 he created a short comic series called Baltimore which was the first appearance of Baldi as a character as he Grew Older he had a definite Fascination for video games Nintendo and retro stuff in general will I win I don't think so his game making aspirations began with a development tool for the DSi known as petite computer it was a rather limiting method of making games which he acknowledged in a post on the first game he ever made in unity from that point forward he'd stick with unity for making games fast forward to March of 2018 Micah decided to join a game Jam being hosted on itch.io called The Meta game Jam for those unfamiliar with the concept of a game Jam it's essentially a competition where a developer or group of developers are tasked with making a game within a limited amount of time in this specific specific instance the goal was to make a meta game or in other words a game about games for Micah the solution to this prompt was obvious take his childhood characters and insert them into a Sonic's Schoolhouse inspired entertainment game and thus we finally arrive at Baldi Basics welcome to bal's Basics in education and learning that's me immediately upon starting the game you meet the game's titular character Baldi a poster on the wall describes the school rules as a notd to the competition criteria the poster ends with the ironic no fourth wall breaks from there you can enter a room and use the you can think pad to answer math problems collecting a notebook in the process after answering the questions correctly Baldi rewards you with a quarter teaching you about the inventory and item collection systems if you try to exit the area early baldi's voice tells you you need to collect two notebooks before you can use these doors so you have to go do the other one this time something goes wrong though because the third question is unintelligable gibberish and it's literally impossible to answer correctly problem three plus times equals after getting the question wrong bal's expression in the corner turns to anger and he leaves behind one of several preset messages giving you a hint that something has gone terribly wrong a slapping noise can now be heard in the distance slowly closing in on your location if you exit the room and look down the hall baly is chasing you and every slapping noise that you hear is actually his hand hitting the ruler as he grows closer to you from there there you have to navigate the school and use items and strategy in order to get all seven notebooks before Baldi catches you the problem is that every single notebook has that impossible question and he gets faster and angrier with every incorrect question answered thus there's an underlying Terror in every Milestone you arrive at whilst progressing in the game the game also lets you know that Baldi can hear every single door you open which means although he isn't always aware of your position basically any important action you make will alert him of it Baldi is not the only thing you have to worry about either since there are other threats to deal with that impede your progress the principal wanders randomly watching to see if you break any rules and then sends you to detention if he catches you 15 seconds detention for you when will you learn from there you're stuck in the room for an amount of time that gets longer every time you're sent there again and Baldi starts closing in on you from wherever he was at the time then there's playtime who forces you to play jump rope with her which obviously slows you down quite a bit ready no you met up one two the bully will spawn along random Pathways and block your path if you don't give him something but the principal can actually send him to detention for bullying in rare occasions give me something great I'll take that it's I know there's this sock dude named arts and Crafters that just kind of screams at you sometimes and then there's got a sweep which is a giant broom that speedily sends you along whatever path it happens to be taking looks like it's sweep got to sweep sweep sweep to sweep in its base form the game is honestly really charming and fun with a lot of dynamic characters and items to play around with while running away from Baldi and collecting notebooks the game isn't actually that long though especially since the map never changes so after a few tries you're probably going to remember where everything is the main thing that contributes to strategizing in this game is knowing what all the items do so I'll briefly go over the ones in the game so far the B soda is a canned beverage that when opened can be used to push back any character director until it meets a wall the zesty bar refills your stamina pretty simple the lock makes it so any of these swinging Yellow Doors can be closed for a decent amount of time the principal Keys could be used to open certain doors though it generally wasn't very useful in this version of the game the quarter can be used to buy other items from vending machines quarter baldi's least favorite tape is an item that can be used to disorient and distract Baldi for 30 seconds since it makes him effectively deaf meaning he can't hear any sounds you make and so far those are all of the implemented items after you figure out how the game actually works and you get to a point where you collect all seven notebooks this happens congratulations you found all seven notebooks now all you need to do is get while you still so yeah the game doesn't actually end once you're done collecting you still have to actually escape the school if the player was paying attention to the environment around them as they were playing the game before they should already have an approximate idea of where an exit is relative to them once you actually find an exit though it disappears from right in front of you and the entire environment turns into something only a little less scary than real school during this time baldi's speed will be tremendous so if you decide to take that last notebook while he was close to you or didn't have any plans to use items to impede him you were probably going to lose by default once you actually found the Final Exit you'd win the game quite unceremoniously well great job and that is baldi's basics in a nutshell unfortunately baldi's Basics would lose to farf fall OS getting second place in the competition I mean a game about game development in a competition where the goal was to make a game about games how could you top that well you could have your game absolutely explode in popularity whilst faral OS remains as the victor of an obscure competition no one remembers anymore because that's exactly what Baldi did hello everybody my name is marip and welcome to Baldi basics in education and learning top morning my name is Jack sey and welcome to um something baldi's Basics version Basics education and learning yeah so if you know anything about what tends to trend on YouTube in terms of Indie Games then you would have been able to guess that baldi's Basics was a recipe for Success seemingly innocent media that ends up being a horror game or having horror undertones is like exactly what people eat up on this website the game pretty much blew up overnight so far all of the features I was describing a bit ago were from version 1.2 of the game which was the currently released version around the time the game had its initial popularity boom however an entirely new secret ending was added to the game in version 1.3 along with some new items a new character and an endless mode in order to get the new secret ending you'd have to purposefully get all of the questions wrong which is really difficult since Baldi enrages for a brief period of time you have to constantly keep a large gap in distance between him and try to strategize around him not being able to hear you getting this ending requires a lot of patience but if you did manage to do it you were greeted by an entirely different ending screen and baldi's office once you enter the office you see a distorted Baldi and a new strange character whose name or lack of a name is null he has some interesting stuff to say so I'll let him say it look I have something kind of important to say destroy the game before it's too late know I'm not someone trapped inside the game that would be ridiculous I can't talk normally I it's corrupted just close the program destroy it never come back I will be honest with you this ending doesn't really make sense nor do I think it really means anything to me the entire premise of the dialogue and this character feels like a parody poking fun at other pieces of media like this that try to hide ambiguous lore within their gameplay one thing I do think is interesting is that the game does hint at how you're supposed to find null because the voice that speaks to you in the ending well great job please try and do worse though I need and the voice that interrupts Baldi in the climax now all you need to do is get out while you still de is him a few months after the initial release of Baldi Basics Micah made a Reddit post on r/ gamedev expressing interest in putting together a Kickstarter to turn it into a full game the comments were all very positive and supportive expressing interest in both a full game and a Kickstarter campaign for it thus on July 24th 2018 the kickstarter page went live with a final goal of $50,000 on that same day he released a demo for baldi's Basics field trip which included a proof of concept camping level I want you to keep the fire going go out into the woods and collect firewor then bring it back to refu the fire the gameplay was super simple you had a small Forest map to go around collecting sticks to keep a fire lit for 3 minutes if it went out Baldi would chase you until the game ended and that was basically it [Music] but again it was just a proof of concept for a larger thing on August 18th the camping demo was updated to version 1.1 as a method of bringing more attention to the kickstarter which was ending pretty soon the update added three more characters two from the original game the bully and the sock puppet and one new character a giant Cloud dude in this game the bully would take your sticks and the sock puppet arts and Crafters would loudly scream if he were to go too far on a certain point of the map and then teleport you back to the center Cloud copter the new character would actually attempt to blow out your fire this made the fire go out significantly faster and the only way to stop it was to be close enough to scare him away before he actually succeeds there were a few minor additions aside from what I just mentioned but the extra characters were the main thing and it seemed like this update did accomplish its goal of bringing more more attention to the kickstarter because by August 23rd not only had the kickstarter goal been met but it was exceeded by over $10,000 now that the goal had been met Micah decided he would work on the full game and one final major patch for the original game that being version 1.4 around September he decided to focus on version 1.4 before moving on to developing the full game it wasn't an insane update or anything like that it was more so to add one more coat of Polish to the game before deciding he was done with it entirely in November the update came out and although the game would receive minor hot fixes and additions over the years following this this was the last major update that baldi's Basics would ever get from here on out it would be known as baldi's Basics classic over the next 5 months Micah would be hard at work developing the fundamentals for entirely new systems and Mechanics for the full version of baldi's basic some major features were teased such as randomly generated maps and multiple floors and just like that baldi's Basics reached its oneyear anniversary to celebrate Micah released a special edition of the classic version baldi's Basics Birthday Bash the gam play was functionally very similar to the original Baldi classic though all of the items have been replaced with presents that give you something random from the item pool and they also don't appear in set places like they did before speaking of items a new item was actually added as well the big old boots they last 15 seconds after being used and allow you to freely move through godess sweep and first prize sweep sweep sweep first prize is the character that was added in version 1.3 and it's basically like the sweeping dude but a little more controllable the functionality of big old boots might seem kind of lame but it has a lot more uses later on in terms of cosmetic changes there's now balloon Sprites floating around all over the place the cafeteria has a giant cake in the middle of it and some of the characters are now wearing party hats as well there's a few other minor cosmetic differences as well but the main reason why you would play this over the other version of the game was because of the two new endings for the normal ending the route changed slightly because you're forced to visit the exit at the cafeteria last this is because rather than escaping the school you actually get to have a party in the cafeteria once you beat the game all of the characters gather around as you blow out the candle on top of the giant cake for some reason the game breaks after this happens everything goes dark and a bunch of really strange stuff can be seen if you continue wandering around the place one of the new rooms in this area actually contains a puzzle and apparently these floating bugged Baldi Sprites are called bald loons if you go around the map counting how many of each type there are and to enter the numbers in you gain access to a room that basically add adds absolutely nothing so it's an almost worthless puzzle however these weird red glitched Baldi Sprites start appearing all over the map until eventually your screen gets overrun by them then all of a sudden the game kind of just ends that was weird what about the other ending similar to the original game the second ending is more of a secret that has to do with a character null once again there are two ways to get this ending one much easier than the other but probably not the intended outout in Birthday Bash all of the vending machines from the original game were replaced with crazy item machines which dispense a random item when fed a quarter as opposed to something set like before you have a chance to obtain a new item that was added the teleportation teleporter from these machines if you use it in the schoolhouse after it turns dark it teleports you near the principal's office where null is waiting for you the other method is to type the code 041119 which just inserts a teleporter into your inventory for free it can even be done multiple times from there null says more of the same random kind of loosely related stuff as before but also references the fact that this game is a demo for some greater project the next few months were spent making minor changes to baldi's Classic while still working on the development of the full game in May in June he teased that many of the main features were implemented and characters were now being added at this point the game was in a decently playable State and Micah was considering finally putting out a demo fast forward a few months and on August 12 2019 the demo was released for everyone even though it was incomplete it still came with a massive amount of new features and mechanics earlier I teased the game having multiple floors and randomly generated levels but the demo doesn't really include this instead the demo uses a specific map and the elevator mechanic isn't really present as intended but it is still sort of there since that's where you start and end the demo even disregarding that a lot of other neat new things were added around the map like conveyor belts on the ground that make you move faster in One Direction lock down doors hiding in blue lockers and even a spinny thing outside in the new playground area it also seems like the actual math problems in the notebooks were removed and the inventory was expanded from 3 to five slots arguably the coolest feature of the new game mechanics that actually made it in are or the random events the demo came with five of these which includes broken ruler flood fog test procedure and party to explain the events briefly broken ruler makes baldi's ruler break to which he will make no noise while approaching you but also cannot actually harm you until the ruler gets fixed even if he catches you flood causes water to rise and makes all characters move slower but it also has the added benefit of opening all the doors so Baldi can't hear you fog does exactly what you think it does simply obscuring you and the other character's Vision temporarily test procedure causes all five lock down doors around the map to begin closing after a 10-second countdown from there the player and characters will be temporarily unable to pass through these areas until the time is up finally we have party which simply causes a party to occur in the principal's office you could attempt to use this time to collect notebooks while everyone is distracted but actually attending the party gives you a chance of getting one of three valuable items two of which are new and I've yet to talk about though this seems a good a time as ever to do so the two new items added are the grappling hook and an apple for Baldi the grappling hook allows you to quickly Traverse to another location by shooting the hook which drags you along with it once it lands the apple is basically a get out of jail free card since if Baldi catches you while you have it he actually doesn't end your game he even gets distracted for a pretty long time time overall the demo for the full Baldi Basics was looking really cool it didn't lose out on any of what made the original game fun and honestly seemed to elevate it to Greater Heights in September version 1.1 of the demo was released which didn't add any major changes and was mostly a bug fix update in November the kickstarter supporters received an exclusive version of the demo that contained a lot of the features that we would be seeing later on which would get updated twice over the coming months now since that demo is technically exclusive for Kickstarter supporters and is behind some kind of pay wall I am not going to actually go into detail or show it because that would be kind of messed up eventually 2019 would come to an end and Micah would actually Express dissatisfaction with the amount of work he was able to put out that year he took it as a sign that he should enact more discipline on himself in the following year which for the first few months consisted of continued development of the full game as as well as the previously mentioned updates to the kickstarter demo and just like that on March 31st baldi's Basics turned 2 years old and the second public demo released the challenges demo this demo consisted of three challenges on three predetermined maps including the Speedy challenge stealthy Challenge and grapple challenge before getting to the specifics of the challenges themselves I'd like to talk about some new features that weren't present in the previous public demo to start with with some quality of life additions a baldy head now appears in the bottom left corner if you make any action that alerts him to your position there's also a water fountain structure in the game now which replenishes your Sprint bar when used in terms of new mechanics there's a new type of door that requires a quarter every time you want to pass through it there's also a new character present Mrs pump who's another teacher at the school basically the way she works is she'll hop around the halls and remind you to attend her class in 2 minutes if she finds you if you successfully attend the class you'll gain plus 100 ytps which we currently don't know anything about and you'll be able to leave immediately if you don't find the room and attend the class on time though she'll pathfind towards the player the next time they enter a room blocking the exit then she'll scream at you and drag you all the way to the classroom leaving you vulnerable and then keeping you there for 15 seconds all of these new features in one way or another are implemented into the gameplay of the actual challenges that make up the demo the first one being the Speedy challenge is pretty simple in that it just makes you in Baldi much faster than you normally would be no other characters spawn and you have 25 notebooks to collect throughout the map so the objective and strategy is pretty cut and dry the stey challenge involves an item I've not actually talked about yet that being the dirty chalk eraser this item makes a screen of chalk dust clouds around you after being used and hides you from the line of sight of characters the premise of the challenge is that you you've snuck into the school after hours and the principal has been duplicated somehow so there's like a million of him wandering around Baldi can't actually chase you in this mode because he's stuck in the principal's office but if the principal sees you at all he'll basically just chase you until he can place you in a guaranteed death chamber since he'll give you detention as you might imagine you need to be pretty stealthy for this one if you thought the premise for that challenge was absurd though let me read this next one your legs might be broken but thankfully you're equipped with an infinite use grappling hook see if you can outwit baly and his friends when this is your only way to move okay as you might imagine this challenge is kind of scuffed especially since there's actually three other characters to deal with too including goddess sweep the bully and Mrs pump aside from the usual bug fix update occurring soon after launch which was on April 3rd that was essentially all the challenge demo had to offer however there is one thing I forgot to to mention you see the challenge demo wasn't the only thing that dropped on the game's second anniversary we also finally got the reveal for the name of the full game on June 12th 2020 84 days after the release of baldi's Basics version 0.1 of baldi's Basics plus was released on itch.io game jolt and steam Early Access it had taken years but the full game was now in a State play enough for the public to try it out the challenges field trips endless mode Explorer mode and the main mode which is now hide and seek were all included I didn't really say this outright earlier but the explicit Horror in the main gameplay of Baldi Basics has been toned down though he has said he plans on adding more horror elements closer to the end of the full game's development the original game was designed around deceiving the player on first playthrough which wouldn't really work in the full version considering everyone one playing would be very likely to already know what was up this is why the math problems were removed and why Baldi is simply playing hide and seek with you now there were a handful of new character additions and a new item though most of the new characters had already been seen in the kickstarter exclusive demo firstly we have beans who occasionally spits out bubble gum which can obscure the edges of your vision and slows you down tremendously for 10 seconds it also works on other characters not just you another new added character in the release was the test which apparently made a sort of Cameo appearance in Birthday Bash the specifics of his AI are actually kind of complicated but it basically boils down to if you look at him too often when he shows up and he runs into you he'll blind you adding a thick black fog to your vision that doesn't affect the other characters and he also messes with the lights then we have chal who shows up as a drawn face on the chalkboard of classrooms that you happen to enter sometimes and he'll slowly materialize if you don't leave the classroom fast enough if he finishes this progress he rotates the room all crazy like and attracts Baldi to your location oh yeah and the cloud dude from the field trip demo is back he blows wind down Halls the item that was added is a portal that allows you to teleport through walls which is honestly a pretty neat thing to be able to do and can open up a lot of strategy options I actually forgot to add a new event to the script but it's called mystery Room and basically a door spawns somewhere on the map for about 90 or 120 seconds and it has a chance to contain a rare item in it if it wasn't obvious baldi's Basics plus also includes a lot of features that we've either not seen before or were previously on dedicated demos the field trips are here the challenges are here and there's even endless mode and Explorer mode the endless mode might not sound too interesting but Baldi actually speeds up over time time and getting a notebook slows him down which means it becomes an actually pretty invigorating endurance test the Explorer mode is pretty much the complete opposite of that where Baldi isn't chasing you at all it is meant to explore to have a chill experience the next major update version 0.2 would release following five updates to 0.1 a few months later on September 12th this update would add a major new mechanic to the game which was something to do with the YTP thing I mentioned earlier in this game YTP stands for you thought points there are many ways throughout the game to earn them over time but the important thing is what you actually get to use them for a new character Johnny has his own item shop which allows you to bring items with you before you start the game in exchange for the points that you've been accumulating over time this update also saw the reintegration of first prize and the addition of the gravity chaos event which flips everything upside down an item balance ch change to the grappler was made making it now have five uses after just two minor updates to version 0.2 version 0.3 would be released on November 21st surprisingly it didn't actually offer that many super impactful changes but there were still a few one that was pretty important was Micah's decision to overhaul the field trip games but the biggest change was to the camping one it no longer utilized a 3D environment for a fetch Quest but now involves solving math problems on a time limit but with a twist which I think is more in line with the themes of the game anyways a really nice quality of life feature that was missing before was added as well that being the ability to save and quit between floors finally the ending sequence was replaced but it's still a placeholder for what was actually meant for the final game you beat my game you learned a lot it's good you are time before moving on from this there's a few items that I haven't talked about yet a lot of which I'm missed out on because they were implemented from the kickstarter exclusive demo so I figured now was a perfectly good time to talk about what I missed the alarm clock is an item that can be set to go off on a certain time interval and it will attract Baldi to come check it out since it's very loud this item was added all the way back in classic 1.3 but it was a rare item and I kind of just forgot to talk about it another item from baldi's Basics classic that I just kind of completely forgot to talk about is the WD no squee which is basically basally a spray that you can put on doors to make them not make noise when you open them it doesn't just work on doors though cuz you can actually also use it on lockers the principal's whistle makes the principal very quickly approach your location which can be used to remove the bully from blocking a path or it can even be used strategically to put yourself in detention to escape baly assuming of course that that option is better the faculty name tag tricks a vast majority of characters in the game into thinking you're part of the school fac faculty as the name suggests here are all the characters whose normal activities will be prevented if this item is in your possession finally a while back I mentioned the big old boots being more interesting later on and now they are now you could also move at a normal speed on the opposite side for conveyor belts negate cloudy copters wind and the whirlpools during flood events and Mrs pomp won't be able to drag you to her class if you're late for now that's it for items in baldi's Basics Plus now during the lifespan of version 0.3 something really really strange happened to the development of the game it slowed down tremendously slower than it had ever been before updates on the kickstarter page were also reduced to a minimum why did this happen on March 31st when the third anniversary rolled around he posted a video explaining exactly why to summarize basically the consequences of poor planning and rushing out previous updates had finally caught up to him becoming enough of an issue that they needed to be addressed he had everything planned out in his head but it was difficult to actually put that into action so he decided to put together his own personal game design road map document detailing exactly how what and when progress on the game would be done going forward another big thing that he was working on during this time was developing a builtin Level Editor to fix a lot of the issues that could be seen in the endless mode it would also make deel Ving the rest of the game significantly easier but as you might imagine building a level editor for a game would probably take a long ass time the most exciting bit of information revealed in this video though had nothing to do with Baldi Basics plus it was an entirely new game or perhaps it wasn't new at [Music] all welcome to baldi's Basics in education and learning that's me 1,665 days after the release of baldi's Basics Micah would release baldi's Basics classic remastered on October 21st 2022 using the framework and level editor that he had built from the ground up for the development of Baldi Basics plus Micah had remade the original map and gameplay Loop to bring together the ultimate way to experience against the original game everyone knew it came with three ways to play including classic style party style and demo style classic style was exactly what you'd expect a faithful yet improved reimagining of the original gameplay party style was a remake of the birthday bash version of the game and finally demo style combined aspects of both classic remastered and plus together for a game that would ease people who were returning specifically for class classic remastered into the experience that the full game had to offer the ending of each game mode is pretty much the same including the secret endings that include null beating certain game modes will unlock fun settings which can be toggled before starting a game to add some spice to your gameplay experience you might be wondering since classic and party style have secret endings does demo style also have one the answer is yes demo style utilizes these math machines and every classroom with a notebook but there's six bonus questions you can answer from them which give you a portal poster if you use it in a specific secret spot you get access to a ladder that takes you to the basement if you explore for a bit you'll eventually come across a faculty room that has null in it it's nothing special once again just more ramblings about how you should destroy the game blah blah blah we've heard it all before this isn't the end for null though if you beat any of the three styles with the fun settings that actually make the game harder that being mirror mode lights out and hard mode you get access to a secret fourth game mode this new fourth secret mode was nicknamed null style it was a mode that pit you against only null which acted as a slightly more difficult version of Baldi there aren't any other characters around it's just you versus him if he happens to catch you his jump scare is kind of terrifying actually take a look if you manage to get all seven notebooks null is waiting for you at the Final Exit he's not going to let you leave not without a fight it's time for the first boss fight in baldi's Basics history it's rather simple since you just have to throw 10 items at him with the gameplay and music slowly getting faster as you go along but I think the fact that a secret boss fight with this character that we've been following for so many years was even included in the first place is pretty damn cool once you finally manage to hit him with the 10th and final object given to you you're presented with a door in a black abyss entering the door will put you into an in-game Recreation of Micah's office now before you get any funny ideas the notebook in here goes out of its way to specifically confirm this is not some meta moment and the developer is not in fact part of the game's lore he does say however that the game will have its own story when version 1.0 of plus releases but it won't have anything to do with the quote unquote story that came before it in previous games involving null in order to stay consistent with that statement and wrap-up Loose Ends null shows up one more time does like another minute or two of yapping and then [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dies to wrap up the discussion on classic remastered now null is just completely gone from the game even if you try to reinstall or change your save files every ending that he was present in before is just replaced with Baldi and his voice doesn't even show up during the climax or after beting classic style anymore null style even turns into glitch style instead it seems like Baldi Basics remastered simply marks the end of null as a [Music] character by this point we've kind of reached the inevitable end of consistent updates for the game the rest of 22 came and went and Micah once again apologized on Kickstarter in November for the lack of visible progress now I'm not trying to beat down on him for any of this in fact I understand this feeling I get it even as the days have gone by of me writing this script for the video in my head I'm thinking man it's been a little too long since I've uploaded a video hasn't it why is it so hard for me to just finish this faster I've done it before why can't I now in this way me and Micah are all too similar admittedly the project I've undertaken in making a video about his games is a lot easier than actually making the games but either way I think this whole thing kind of just speaks to the soul of any creative out there which I'm sure includes many of you watching the video I'm sure a lot of you understand so the question I asked at the beginning of the video was how did we all collectively forget about this game where did baldi's Basics go and I think the answer to the question is painfully simple it never went anywhere to begin with the game simply was not produced at the lightning speed that is demanded of developers with a hit indie project Five Nights at Freddy's is probably the prime example on how speedily producing A Game's subsequent sequels can have a massive positive effect on its overall popularity especially with how these things tend to have an easier time trending on YouTube now in case you can't tell Scott cin and M mcgonagle are not the same person so attempting to make any active comparison there doesn't really make any sense but I'm sure you understand my point and I'm not trying to make anyone here feel bad for not remembering baldi's Basics I wouldn't blame you if the newer developments for Baldi flew under your radar cuz they did for me too but hopefully with this retrospective video I was able to bring some Nostalgia back for the people who enjoyed the game when it originally came out and now all of you know about the new stuff even if you didn't before as of October 2023 Micah has been steadily working on version 0.4 for plus even teasing a new character and also he expressed his concerns about the funny business that Unity was getting up to last year is this how you get your sick kicks what it's just ordinary Krabby oh my goodness Squidward the most recent update post was just last month in which he showed off the full design and gameplay details of the new character Dr reflex however I think I'll leave that final spoiler up to your imagination hi this is a future manxa so originally this was the most recent post but this came out like 2 days ago while I was editing basically vers version 0.4 is confirmed to come out on February 26th or earlier just information I did not previously have access to so that's nice and with that we've reached the end of baldi's Journey thus far and now we've also reached the end of this video's journey I really enjoyed reminiscing and learning more about baldi's Basics it was something I actually really enjoyed back when it first came out so this video was a ton of fun to make obviously I'll put Micah's socials and stuff in the description you should definitely consider supporting the final stretch of his development in any way you possibly can he's making a great game as I'm sure you've all come to find out Micah if you're watching this thank you for baldi's Basics finally if you had a good time it would mean the world if you subscribed for more content like this and turned on post notifications so you never miss a video if you want to support me further $5 Channel channel members get early access to new videos and you can also follow my socials and join the community Discord server that being said that's going to be all from me I hope you enjoyed the video until next [Music] time I just realized I forgot to talk about the safety scissors the the the thing you use to cut the rope when play time being in can I just put it at the end of the video
Channel: minaxa
Views: 2,322,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldi's Basics, Baldis Basics, Baldis Basics Plus, mystman12, minaxa, Micah McGonigal, Baldi
Id: unSRLPrTvaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 37sec (2617 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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