How Lacey Games Explores Girlhood Trauma

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the idea of a flash game gone wrong being used in horror is very fascinating for my generation who grew up playing cool math games on school computers when teachers weren't looking Lacy games the topic of today's video is in my opinion the best instance of this idea utilizing fantastic storytelling and art direction to convey a message that certainly needs to be said the fake Flash website features many games aimed at a young female audience but something is wrong with many of these games the games ask questions questions like what happens to girls who get abused stalked or assaulted by men what happens to girls who can't handle the stress of their work what happens to girls who aren't pretty enough if you've been on the channel for a long time you'd know I've covered Lacy games before but that was a while ago I figured most people watching this video now wouldn't have seen that video before so I made a poll and the vast majority agreed that compiling my previous video and adding new content to it would be the best viewing experience of course there are time stamps for anyone who would like to skip forward but I highly recommend sticking around for my analysis of the older episodes make sure to subscribe to ghost hundra the series Creator whose channel is at the top of the description with all that out of the way my name is Maxa and today we're going to take a deep dive into Lacy the first video in the series is Lacy's wardrobe and it's framed as a lost 2006 Flash game the game begins with a call to action Lacy has a busy day today in the morning she will attend a picnic in the park then in the afternoon she must go shopping finally she will have a date tonight with the cutest guy phew but there's only one problem she has no idea what to wear can you help Lacy put together the cutest outfits for each situation and from there we have our gameplay Loop established the player gets to pick from a variety of hairstyles and outfit options to dress Lacy exactly the way they like it's easy to see how this game could be fun and engaging for a kid on the internet in 2006 I'd also like to add that I think the Fantastic direction of the series shows almost instantly with the way that the frame is composed the color used in Lacy's hair is an almost direct color contrast to the pastel pink used throughout the room and UI the music is also a [Music] jam and we can see the track names in the bottom left corner actually match the task after the player finishes picking her outfit we see Lacy outside for her picnic and what the hell is that thing we transitioned back into Lacy's room now tasked with trusting her to go shopping I'm pretty sure the gaml is identical aside from the room now reflecting the Sunset hours outside but before we can get too comfortable Lacy gets a phone call Lacy Lacy did you see my stacks Lacy I can wait to meet up Lacy I own to have a good die tonight with you Lacy tonight byebye uh so now the player just has to like finish getting her dressed while that thing person from the forest stalks her outside her window and uh once she finishes and goes to the mall Lacy gives us to cry for [Music] help please help he's going to kill me if we go back to her room and she has to get trust for her date now the stalker starts endlessly knocking on her front door there's text that says there is a gift on your doorstep and when the gift is revealed to us it's an incomprehensible censored glob of red and Crimson which is subsequent L cut off by another phone call I'm here I'm here to get my gift see do you like it I'm here open the door my darling open the door open the [ __ ] we go right back to dressing her but not before we get the most bone chilling realization in the entire video Lacy starts directly pleading with the player begging them not to let her outside to meet what awaits her please don't make me go outside please please she's aware of what's going on as well as the fact that she has zero control over the situation and lack of control is textbook horror and it's brilliant if we assume that Lacy is conscious within the game then this is a situation she may have to relive every single time someone plays the game unfortunately for her the player finishes the outfit and lets her outside but not before Lacy can express the terror in where she's just been placed what have you done then we get one more look at our [Music] killer he says I ate her remains so that we will be together forever I love you Lacy and thus ends the game back to the title screen we go honestly I don't understand how the horror in Lacy's can be so good it manages to find the perfect balance between portraying an interesting narrative while actually being scary and Visually authentic and pleasing at the same time it's a really impressive feat that I think goes undeservingly unnoticed even despite how popular it is and with all that said the direction only gets better in the next video Lacy's Diner the second video is titled disturbing secret ending found in 2007 Flash game Lacy's Diner even just by the title you can notice a stark contrast to the approach that was used previously and the beginning of the episode confirms it as we have someone actually describing what's going on now from their own point of view the player describes having found the game on a FL archive site and feeling nostalgic because they used to play a bunch of lacy games in their childhood this was a great decision because that line alone opens the door to many possibilities within the series The player goes on to describe how they found an ending they never came across in the past though which seems to imply that the games weren't always messed up like the one that we just saw then we get our new instructions Lacy is about to open her brand new Diner however she will need your help to keep keep up with so many hungry customers how to play add the correct items at Lazy requests into the main Bowl when you're done it's time to serve the customers however don't take long you know how people get when they're hungry then we cut to the kitchen the specific dish instructions come from Lacy and the timer in the corner begins counting down ominously the player knows that the timer is incredibly generous but they found that something strange happens when you run out of time they let the timer run down and start playing the game normally but towards the end something strange does [Music] happen despite all that the player seems to finish with almost no time on the clock and the dish is completed as intended unlike the previous game this game has multiple phases once you finish cooking the dish you also have to serve it the player states that they're going to play through the 3 days where you do the same thing to try and show off the game's normal [Music] ending now the player wants to display what happens when you do run out of time [Music] you're going to notice that this video has some fast and difficult to decipher sequences so I'm going to cover those after it's actually done it seems like if you take it too long the customers just leave but there's always tomorrow we get to see Lacy's Diner from the outside and Lacy says this is all I have and the customers are hungry and unforgiving if I fail I see no other option other [Music] than yeah all of that happened on screen for the player and apparently the second day is even worse [Music] why can't these [ __ ] bastards just wait 3 minutes for their fing food I'm trying my hardest and yet I'm almost running out of money to survive this isn't fair it isn't fair at all it isn't fair I hate all of them I hate them I hate them tomorrow I'm going to give them something to eat all right they'll face what they did to me welcome to Lacy's Diner as you can see the ingredients have all changed in some of the last things that you'd ever want to put into a meal such as meth broken glass cigarette butts and what's implied to be Lacy's own uncle there's a plethora of screens full of information but like I said I do want to save those finally we're presented with the finished [Music] dish then we get a genuinely nauseating sequence of the dish being served with gross noises and it's closed this is it then [Music] Lacy has taken her own life and the player's reaction is about what you'd expect it to be the video seems to end there but the final frame of the video is easy to miss if you're not paying close attention all right so I think in terms of raw horror the first video may have have been better in my eyes but in terms of Direction and writing this one's unmatched there's a lot of themes to unpack but I think the one that's most evident is what comes from failure to meet expectations and how much of a burden that can have on someone not everybody handles pressure the same and some people like those battling depression and anxiety struggle much more than others not only that but the stakes are increased tenfold with when you're placed into a situation in which you literally cannot fail or your life will come crashing down it seems like this is the situation that Lacy has been placed in this Diner is literally all she has it's her life if the diner Falls so does she but having worked in Food Service I know what impatient and hungry people are like people who are entitled often don't treat the workers at restaurants like people or attempts to understand what they might be going through to them they're just means to an end what use are you if you can't even do something as simple as get them their food but it runs even deeper there's a clear underlying narrative in the episode as well right before the horror really started there were two screens that I can't really make out much of it seems to say page 31 figure 58 what growing up is all about put me on death bro skid rope and brown boy they fished in the river and pulled out my body pronouncing me dead in the name of the C in between I had blown out the brains and the other one says while it was still twitching for memories are no Substitute part of the ingrained paranoia was owed directly to the fact that they used to teach kids that perverse little bizarre lies that they passed off as the truth other than that most of the underlying story is all revealed in the short segments between ingredient in the final game these moments were hard to forget because they were super glued from my heels to my thighs and not even the strongest bird beak could peck it off the smoke tinted me in Gray forever and it made me tear up so much I almost cried in front of him once never again first they dominated the ceiling of my room but then I started seeing them everywhere bugs and bites and dirt and Ash and vomit where they shouldn't have been they were all but crisp and very jumpy and I wanted to suck it all inside of me like a reverse frog dissection and end it all for once he lived in a world of his own where he was desirable and sensual and he got so deep into his lies that he believed what the computer would whisper to his ears and when he looked down he saw me on my little bruised knees smiling back at him the exact size of his sweaty Palms even though they could be shaky he was always the type to see the positive in things and he couldn't keep the Mayo from raining all over it like a mad fever dream what a relief any sense of wrongness was dissipated long before it got into his mind and screams were inaudible to his ears it was just Bliss hopefully the meaning of all this should be clear as unfortunate as it is Lacy seems to have been a victim of an exceptionally traumatic childhood she was likely abused in numerous Ways by her uncle who she may have been forced to live with growing up as parents are never really mentioned which is a whole thing on its own he was incredibly neglectful and fully absorbed in the pursuit of dopamine doing only what would please him in the moment with little care for what would happened to that innocent little girl who was his own blood this is what Lacy's Diner is really about trauma neglect failure and the results the final episode in the series as of now Lacy's pet shot is double the length of the previous I think that's enough precedence so let's get straight into it the video starts with Lacy and her MP3 player and we seem to have an interview with someone named Grace who goes on to describe her experience dealing with many people finding the horror portions of Lacy's games meaning the games are tangible and actually happening in the world and not just something that we the audience get to see Apparently one of the creators of the website that originally hosted Lacy games has credited her as being a co-creator to which she seems to deny eventually she did play one of the games after incessant complaining from upset parents to check out what was going on and as it turns out they were right it was called Lacy's Pet Shop Lacy has one of the most famous pet shops in town people come from all over to buy their perfect little furry companion and it will be your job to help her today in instructions listen to the client's animal demands then use the items on the bottom row to customize them and get them all ready for their new loving homes remember the animals from Lacy's Pet Shop should always be perfect for their new owners good luck from there as is to be expected with this kind of horror the first one is pretty inoffensive but it already starts getting strange with the second where the cat is forced to be dyed and where contacts and classes for the owner Lacy doesn't seem to mind this too much though as is expected the demands made of lacy get more and more ridiculous as time goes on like making a bird Emo or Jesus Christ what is that for [Music] okay this is going to get pretty bad if that's the standard Now isn't [Music] it oh okay uh the next guy asks for a a bunny without ears a tail or legs cuz they're distracting uh Lacy doesn't look too comfortable anymore next is the final pet oh great it's a pointand click adventure now where am I I can click here to go left the cat is blocking my way should I try speaking to it yes I won't let you pass this is the most awful Day Ever is I was chasing a bird and the bird stole my skin I've been hurt so I will hurt others when going to the left Lacy finds the cat's skin and eventually returns it and it says that's so kind of you I'm cute again sorry for being so moody meow bad you may pass then we proceed to the house I must click on the door once the house is entered Lacy first checks the right room to see a group of humanoid pigs eating in the dining room then we get a quick sequence of text I've always known what you are from the moment you first touched me when I found myself stepping over remains of your skin glued to the floor you have no regards I had none either you squealed like a pig just like a pig this had been my childhood dream the one you took from me I collected all those bruises for years my spine hurt as if a needle went through each segment once I got used to it I didn't think about it anymore but you made me think about it forever when you made that mistake you made a mistake you took my angel away you took my angel away you took my angel away you took my a they're gone then Lacy goes to the left it's the living room she says I feel like crawling inside of it please click [Music] it yes I know no one forced me back inside but this pain just hurts so comfortably oh I found a key in the middle of my edgy moment now it feels dumb upon re-entry to the main hall all of the pictures change to that of a dog and it returns to normal just as quickly we go upstairs [Music] Uncle have you seen puddles anywhere I can't find her I checked everywhere everywhere stop laughing Lacy checks the bathroom it's always filled with blood in horror games but this is just lemonade I've tasted it I'm not afraid of myself let's look just for a little bit then we get a terrifying sequence and it sticks and it smells oh I get it now someone melted here pulverized remains enter my pores blood and and the rest of an eye I suck it all up my legs smell and turn yellow you like playing your computer I LS of games for you are we re-enter the hall now all that's left is rooms 1 and two Lacy's room but it never was real it was just a bizarre story that somehow happened to my life but it never was real but I had dream I dream that it was me and be killed two years ago and [Music] I was thinking of getting a cat this time yes a small fluffy kitten I really really want a cat we would do all sorts of stuff together like getting ice cream I could have some right now I'm so hungry right now it's been days but I just can't leave I can't he's still under the bed look at me but after all of this is over maybe I could go shopping I could go to a record store and buy CDs of my favorite songs I will have so much fun it will be so fun I will listen to them all day long my sweet little doggy my little angel I couldn't take it anymore you can hurt me all you'd like but you weren't allowed to take it from me I will let you rock I can click here to end it all should I light myself on fire and wake up [Music] [Applause] goodbye that I S become too visible in yeah about the serious things [Music] [Applause] [Music] but it was just a nightmare I only then realized the other Co co-founder Rosio was hiding a lot of things for me we went our separate ways in like 2010 I'm not even sure she's still alive to be honest with you and that was Lacy's Pet Shop Jesus Christ let's try to break this down so the main theme being explored here is obviously about Lacy's pet which is expertly introduced in the form of a pet shop Flash game we also learned a decent bit about the people who actually created Lacy and we know that someone is interviewing a character named Grace to get some information clarified and even she doesn't know where the game's original Creator went we also learned that the website that originally hosted Lacy games was called Lacy and began in 200 four at the 6-minute Mark the video changes into a point and click adventure in which we get to see an abstract interpretation of Lacy's childhood home I believe the pig people we saw in the dining room could have been a representation of the way that she sees her family or at least her uncle considering she goes on to describe him as a pig right after however considering the size of the house I don't think she lives with the rest of her family assuming they still exist because there were only two bedrooms upstairs in the living room room she comments on the gruesome painting on the wall saying it's pretty and here when she crawls into the cage willingly I think this is where we unlock some pretty deep symbolism Lacy grew up being abused it's all she's ever known and I believe the cage represents her feeling of being trapped in that cycle of abuse but despite all of that she finds a painful comfort in being in the cage being in the situation once this trauma has established itself as normal leaving it for the comfort of other people's definition of normal can be indescribably difficult but to outside observers leaving a traumatic or abusive situation might seem really easy sometimes I mean the key is right there well Lacy found her key the scene in the bathroom is one that I have the least explanation for given current knowledge but I couldn't help but be asound by this part I'm not afraid of myself let's just look for a little bit I'm Lacy it's a sequence with an Indescribable sadness and the part after is one of the most disturbing and uncomforting things I've seen in Internet horror if I had to give an explanation I believe this sequence could be implying that Lacy games were created as an outlet for the original Creator's own trauma within the universe and we don't really know where that Creator went because Grace says that they fell out of contact in 2010 and that she doesn't even know if that person is still alive remember when I said Lacy had found her key just now well that key was killing her uncle it was so simple in retrospect that it made her feel dumb after all he killed her angel the only thing that was keeping her together of all the terrible things that he had done to her and said to her he had finally made the most crucial mistake and he didn't even know it obviously she didn't know what to do with his body so she stuffed it under the bed until it was rotten then she woke up as if it was just a bad dream throughout the Lacy series Lacy has always died at the end of every episode for someone who never really did anything wrong unless she herself had something done to her it's tragic that she's consistently met with some of the worst possible things that can befall somebody it's evident that Lacy has almost no regard for herself and she seems to be living to make others happy in all of these games she's trying so hard to please the people around her her uncle her dog her customers but it's never enough and everyone has a Breaking Point within the confines of these games Lacy is doomed to die over and over and over again and there's nothing she can do about it the next episode which is a whole 26 minutes long is titled the disturbing Rabbit Hole of lacy it opens with a full version of the song which was briefly heard at the beginning of the previous video the music video introduces us to two new characters Lacy's friend Macy and Jay the song is a banger too but once it reaches its end a scream is briefly heard before we cut to an amazingly stylized section depicting a conversation between grace and Charlie we didn't previously have a full name for Charlie only a user name from a video description but we can safely put together that they're the ones we've been watching actually play through the games this whole time Grace tells Charlie that the scream at the end of the recording was actually Rosio the other founder of lacy who sent and voiced as Lacy apparently this was very stressful for her to the point where she would scream in the studio bathroom for everyone to hear and then the recording happened to capture one of those instances Charlie pressures Grace asking what was wrong with Rosio but she says she never bothered to ask and just assumed that Rosio was quote a little cuckoo at this point you've probably noticed a bit of a strange pattern between the previous video and now she's very willfully ignorant when it comes to Rosio and all of the bad things that came out of Lacy's she never bothered to ask why Rosio was feeling so stressed and also never bothered to figure out if she was even still alive after they lost contact in 2010 and this seems strange to me because I assume that Grace and Rosio must have been close at some point to start the entire website Endeavor together back in 2004 after that we get to see what l homepage actually looked like and it includes way more than just the handful of games we've gotten to explore so far some of these include Lacy's love meter Macy's horoscope Macy's first day of school and Lacy's makeup parlor next we get to see the about us tab of the page which ironically says that Lac was meant to be a safe space for kids to play and we know how that turned out below that is some brief character information m is described as knowing all about astrology and astronomy Lacy is described as a seeker of Adventure being a bit of an airhead but always friendly and appreciative of fashion and music and finally we have Jay who's the cool outgoing tomboy who loves skating and rock music while scrolling through the page Gracie and Charlie begin to discuss their favorite characters and after Charlie mentions Jay was their favorite Grace says that Jay gave her the creeps because Rosio quote permanently killed a off the character in 2009 Charlie wonders why she can't remember anything like that happening to which Grace Just dismisses it as trauma repression and tells her to just play Jay's skating game and after a brief loading screen the game [Music] Begins the game is super simple both in how it controls and how it looks when Jay hits the floating arrows she speeds up until she reaches the goal yeah unfortunately Charlie isn't very good at video games so we get two deaths before anything weird can actually happen once level two gets completed the screen glitches and freezes for a brief moment and the numbers 0 13 -20 and zero appear on screen and to be completely upfront with you I have no idea what these numbers mean and I'm probably not going to bring them up again so hopefully someone smarter than me can find some kind of meaning in them on level three Jay hits an even faster BL section and starts zooming through the stage at one point the weirdest looking bird I've ever seen flies by for like a split second and then it's just gone and Jay gets stuck flying through the void after the game suddenly runs out of buildings for her to jump between then the Finish Line jumps into view and we move on to the next level which is where everything starts to go wrong with little warning suddenly Jay is thrust into an insanely fast speed boost now going so quick that the countless stop sign zooming past her are unreadable you killed Jay it gets interrupted by a prompt to email a friend the score of the game and we return to our conversation between grace and Charlie Charlie questions why Rosio would expose children to stuff like this to which Grace once again dismisses it as her just being crazy we then go on to learn that Grace didn't know anything was wrong with the skating game until she started getting her inbox flooded by angry parents and even then she didn't believe them until she checked to the game for herself after that Rosio continued to mess with the website deleting all of Jay's games and making the character vanish from existence that is until she started appearing in other [Music] games now we get to see one of the games that was on the homepage before Lacy's makeup parlor everyone loves feeling pretty and Lacy is here to help with her super awesome makeup skills use your creativity and Imagination to give the clients makeup looks to die for when you're done you can save or print your creation to share with your friends what you and Lacy did the clients are lined up and waiting for you to make them beautiful as you might have come to expect by now the first couple clients who have gorgeous character designs might I add get their makeup done without anything strange happening the third client though has a bit of a face trooping problem but fortunately the player can fix her the next client seems fine at first but then a worm starts approaching her from behind the UI oh let's go ahead and fix that how about the next client well her eyes aren't very pretty let's just close them and the next [Music] client uh oh well there isn't one where is the next client [Music] no no no no no no no no I'm not here she's not here this isn't happening no no no no I look so ugly when I grieve when I'm crying no no no no no no no she's just a client she just needs makeup she just needs her makeup done yes yes yes yes yes yes she just needs to get her makeup done yes yes yes yes like me yes just need fixing I just need makeup yes yes yes yes let's go wow you look so beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] silly Jay silly silly Jay please collaborate you just need to stand still so I I can fix you maybe maybe if you just used some makeup maybe if you were a little more feminine you wouldn't have this wouldn't just need some for wow finally we continue the conversation between grace and Charlie but this time the interface is a bit gory according to Grace this thing with Jay wasn't a onetime thing she was showing up dead everywhere throughout the website traumatizing a bunch of kids in the process and Charlie then asks a great question you didn't stop Rosio and what does grace say in response there was nothing I could do to stop her she was so weird and gave me the creeps none of it was my fault I just left it wasn't my business throughout the rest of the conversation this dismissive trend that Grace's been showing the whole time continues Charlie asks if Grace is even remotely curious as to what happened to Rosio and Gracie initially says she's actually glad she has no idea where she went and during the conversation a strange Untitled exe file appears behind the UI and eventually it moves to become visible what this is I don't know but considering the timing it might have something to do with Rosio finally after some pestering Charlie gets Grace to agree to looking into where Rosia went and the video ends with a Goodbye song from today ask you were I wish for all Beauty to die I wish this SK bre like what [Music] very of C people how R fall bra and heav all the day for everyone to breathe from their mouth and their eyes but today just a [Music] normal so was next then the next and the next [Music] finally we get the credits where Macy is seen comforting Lacy her makeup ruined by her tears before we move on I want to point out some of the finer details that I didn't already cover I'll go ahead and cover them in order but I'll be skipping the ones where I don't have much to say first off at 10:24 a brief Freeze Frame appears with lots of distorted text and a black silhouette of J I can't make out exactly what any of the text says except for one phrase a proper girl this is the first htin given to us that the reason for Jay's death is because she didn't fit the standard for what a girl should be like she wasn't feminine enough a bit later at 10:50 we briefly see an exchange of emails with the header concern over Lacy's Games character although the first two emails are really hard to decipher I was vaguely able to get the gist that the original email is from a mom concerned that Jay looks and acts too much like a boy and that it's a bad influence on little girls the Target demographic of the website the second email I pretty much can't read it all but the third almost seems purposefully less blurry than the first two it seems to say I can definitely agree that a character that says I'd only be caught dead wearing makeup in one of her games is not a role model little girls should be having I don't know why they couldn't just keep Lacy and the other one and get rid of this boy girl thing let us know about updates on sending emails maybe also block it in schools until then and after that we can see Rio's very clear reply careful what you wish for so now we have that bit of context it seems like Rosio might have actually done this to spite people complaining about Jay not being feminine enough jumping forward to the makeup parlor section of frame at 1227 says the power of makeup hide undesirable Parables with illusion at 1448 a frame with a picture of a morg and red text can be seen it reads vanity doesn't die you are not excused from vanity yet you still can't be looking bad now I can fix you I can fix you this is probably my favorite freeze frame of the entire episode this Frame appears before we have the wider Revelation that Lacy is working in a morg and when I first saw it while watching the episode it was really thought-provoking for me I really like how the idea of make of being used to make people look pretty both alive and dead is expressed here another frame appears between clients at 1614 and if you ask me I'd say that probably looks like a dead body I think by now it should be safe to assume that the makeup parlor game was actually Lacy working in the morg the whole time which explains the gore moments with the clients where they it to be fixed and the presence of Lacy's gloved hand actually appearing in both the Parlor and mor sections skipping forward to the scene with Lacy handling Jay's corpse at 2050 a frame with disturbing imagery contains text that reads Smile For Me girl I wanted to cry so hard I'd vomit but I smiled I smiled because does it matter I'm here for display I have to be pretty and you don't look pretty when you cry in the final musical number performed by Lacy behind her on the wall we can see concert posters for her band with now canell performances considering the loss of a member the lyrics of the song are quite tragic with Lacy expressing that despite her immense grief the world seemed to move on without Jay so much easier than she did the days after were just one bright sunny day after the next now the final section of the video went by very quickly if we slow it down a bit we see pictures of what seems to be Rosio bleeding and caught in countless cables we saw a very similar visual in the previous episode as well among the flashing images there's also a piece of art which shows Jay bleeding from the mouth with text that says dead girls don't cry we then see frames seemingly depicting a conflict between Lacy and Jay with Jay violently attempting to choke Lacy and throughout this the five stages of grief also flash by in big bold red text and that's the last detail that I wanted to Showcase but what does it all mean what's the underlying message here the rabbit hole of lacy mainly tackles the cultural concept of femininity and how it can be damaging if taken to the extreme obviously the act of appearing or acting feminine in and of itself is not any sort of issue however when you judge somebody else for not conforming to your own idea of the concept such as those who criticized Jay for appearing too much like a boy all you do is make yourself bitter and hurt the other person with regards to makeup it's a similar situation there's nothing wrong with makeup on its own however the moment you make makeup a requirement to designate someone as being pretty that's where I think it becomes a little stupid but that's exactly what the makeup parlor game does even in death make up must be applied to make people's bodies look presentable to fix them and it's not like there's anything inherently wrong with that process it just has an interesting parallel with the use of makeup on living people who feel as if they need to look prettier to conform to a standard that they themselves had no part in setting in reality there is no one correct way to look in my opinion nobody should ever feel obligated to present a certain way if it's not something they enjoy doing I think everyone should be able to present themselves however they want as long as it isn't damaging to them or the people around them and if we flip the perspective on the third party if you obsess over whether or not other people fit into your own definition of what they should be doing with themselves you're probably going to end up causing more harm than good and I believe that is the message of this episode overall Lacy's covers a lot of interesting subjects in unique and intriguing ways but I think I think the main theme at play here is the failure to meet expectations in Lacy's wardrobe Lacy needed help picking a cute outfit because the cute guy she was meant to go on a date with would obviously expect her to dress nicely for him in Lacy's Diner Lacy failed to meet the expectation of her customers who were very hungry and impatient and she literally died as a result in Lacy's Pet Shop the exact opposite was the case she tried her hardest to fulfill the expectations of for customers and well we saw that one worked out and finally in rabbit hole we saw Jay fail to meet the expectations of those who considered her to not be feminine enough Lacy was also struggling with needing to be perceived as pretty because she isn't pretty when she cries but how can she not cry after what happened of course this ties back into the other themes of trauma abuse and the process of coming to terms with and moving past these things in LC's Pet Shop she frees herself by for lack of a more graceful term ridding herself of her abuser in every episode before Rabbit Hole Lacy always died at the end but this time she didn't die but she did lose a part of her a close friend that she can never get back and the way that she processes that grief through song through ART through the Comfort provided by Macy that's an important message we still have many questions left that need to be answered in the series though the main one which I think is on everyone's mind is what happened to Rosio we've heard a lot about rosal's strange Tendencies and personality as well as seen firsthand what she's willing to expose children to in the form of her own online games it seems like a lot of what Rosia was doing was out of spite we've also seen lots of visuals depicting her wrapped up in wires injured or bleeding perhaps her character is a parallel to Lacy someone who has experienced lots of hardship and push back related to abuse and the expectations of femininity that weren't even her fault hella if someone went through even a fraction of what Lacy does in the games could you really blame them for acting out I don't think a Grace is off the hook though although Charlie seems to just be our protagonist in the sense that they're the lens we seeing everything through I feel as if Grace is more important Grace is hiding something from us her dismissive behavior seems strange to me though it could just be a tendency to deflect responsibility and wanting no part in the mess that Rosia left behind but I feel like she still should have stepped up to take some sort of responsibility to try and do something about it there's also of course the mystery as to why Jay and Lacy were fighting in the brief visuals that appear at the end of rabbit hole if I'm correct in my line of thinking when I say Lacy may be a parallel for Rosio then it would make sense as to why we'd see Jay strangling her the person technically responsible for her removal and subsequent death but then again who knows I could be completely wrong that's the beauty of interpretations if we want the truth behind the questions Left Behind we're just going to have to wait patiently for the answers I don't think any other piece of horror has ever been as thought-provoking for me as Lacy's has been the writing art Direction sound design every single aspect of the series just knocks it out of the Park huge massive Kudos over to ghost Tundra series Creator who makes some of the best art I've ever had the pleasure of watching and analizing Lacy's is truly horror Cinema I had a lot of fun putting together this video and I'd love to hear the theories you guys might have regarding the series and its future if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing it would be pretty cool anyways that's going to be all for me I hope you enjoyed the video until next time [Music]
Channel: minaxa
Views: 1,082,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minaxa, Lacey, Lacey's, Lacey's Games, Lacey Games, Lacey's Wardrobe, Lacey's Petshop, Lacey's Diner, Analog Horror, Digital Horror, Horror, ARG
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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