Why Did People Hate Dane Cook?

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why do you think you were like easy to hate if that's an okay question well look i was like young and wearing [ __ ] cool jeans did you ever be honest dude have you ever worn fur i never wore fur not faux first hopefully i would assume being from massachusetts you go with real fur dude that's paul revere country you guys have earned the real fur uh but did you ever wear fur no i did not no no we didn't but my mom had some fur coats that's awesome so i probably did throw one of my mom's fur but not once you got it popular no once i once i made it i was it was like uh you know tight shirts and um you know the image that i was trying to create um steve martin the white suit the the the dichotomy of being like hey i'm dressed up really nice but i'm being like wacky and and then dice of course the element of uh of like badass and cool eddie murphy and the you know leather outfit i was figuring out hey you know what my thing is like i'm i'm coming up with this next generation and dudes are more fashionista in many ways than you know in the past so i just found my niech and i played up on that and then i i could understand years later looking back like oh my god i wouldn't have liked that guy either wow you know it's it's uh you know hindsight is an incredible incredibly prolific thing um and you don't know at the time you just think you're you know i don't know just you're doing the best you can to try to create an image that um that resonates yeah you know and you did a great job so at certain points because when you say like you know the jealous scene did it uh theo i wasn't i wasn't looking at that i was looking at 20 000 people i wasn't looking at the one guy in the comment section who was right of course yeah you know so look into the master square garden you're looking at the the proof that was in front of you yeah is that everything i'm doing is right yeah it was like i was just looking at um the love from the fans that i had uh found or who found me so it really didn't hit me until many many years later of like oh wow there's really some genuine animosity and it's just up to me to have conversations like this with my peers with the brotherhood of comedy to say i'm accessible and you know you know if you're a fan i'm accessible you could dm me i write everybody back sometimes people write me and say hey man i'm having a shitty day and i go here's what you need to do yeah cause i'm super sensitive and i'm empathetic to that so the perception of me very different than who i am um when i'm just you know at home kicking it yeah yeah it's interesting yeah because that's i mean yeah if i'm real candid it was just like yeah what is dan like dane seems like this i don't know yeah like this kind of like this pluto kind of like this thing where people don't know but for some reason people have felt rubbed the wrong way you know yeah but then also has probably had the ability to garner a huge amount of jealousy over time as well so yeah there's a lot of factors in there i bet it was probably hard to sift through some of that if you even wanted to look at it it was it was like uh because it it didn't it wasn't even though it wasn't affecting me directly in terms of like business it affected like my fans didn't like feeling like they were yeah then if you were a dane fan then it was like weird right there was a period where it's like people were like hey am i i say i like you and then i get attacked by other people yeah but we used to win a wheelchair because i was yeah your madison square garden 20 000 c show what you start to realize what's going on bro here's the here's the breakthrough breaking news in what everybody learns when you become successful and what you're learning you know right now you're in the pink cloud phase everything's you know everybody's finding you and discovering you and passing around um everything is mediocre everything every single thing is mediocre aerosmith i love him there's somebody going i don't that's not my thing you can't name a book a a magician nobody definitely can't name a magician you can't name magicians can we just admit magicians are comedians are arch nemesis i mean that should be who else is it yeah it should be a movie dude and it definitely should be a movie who else could our arch nemesis be um uh no that's it it has to win magicians no everything is you find out uh success introduces you to uh mediocrity because then everybody outside of your realm um is gonna tell you why you're not that great and and what sucks about you you know you can we we're watching careers right now of people let's just say in the last five years and what do they do they get white hot and then um you know and then it's like the spanking machine everybody's going to get tagged and we're going to find things out that we don't like about them and then what happens is your your fan base the bottom of the v right here they're still you know pretty much rock solid in place most of them and then everybody out here is in the business of telling you yeah we don't care right and they want to tell you and they're going to reach out to tell you all we can do just come up with the next set next joke get up on stage try to have a few more laughs with our friends family and then um do one more show that's that's what i'm doing yeah we definitely seem to be really fearless you know that's for sure like just because like you grew up in fear to continue to keep your head down and keep going grew up in fear when you grew up in fear based which i was then man just you know once i once i found this um conduit comedy once i had that it was like the dilithium crystal i had [ __ ] superpowers i had this ability to actually be um present and important to people when i didn't even feel important to myself right it took a long time for all those things to equate um a well-rounded healthy lifestyle both on and off stage you know to be able to have great conversations like this yeah you know do you um did you have an idea what you thought like being a star was or something like that before you like hit like a level of stardom popularity oh what a great question man that that um i remember um rob you know seeing guys like robin williams playing uh like garp and like a world of heart nagar yeah oh dude that's one of my favorite books of all time love it book amazing the film you know awesome he was awesome and i was looking at a lot of comedic actors um and admiring that they could tell different kinds of story they could make you laugh maybe they could make you cry to me that was like uh an interesting um route for a career so what i did and where it plays into the question is like i i took my foot off the gas of what i knew people had um discovered me as and was like i'm gonna downshift and try to go in that direction so i could have some more credibility and outside of comedy um deconstructed myself really in the mid you know 2000 here like with films and stuff like that with that kind of work yeah because then i started getting some opportunity to do things that were very different from stand-up based on my stand-up kevin costner was a fan of my stand-up and then said do you want to play a serial killer in this movie with me and it was like suddenly that was when i felt a certain level of stardom when i was um not so much from the comedy ever but from the um being received and this all comes back to inclusion and feeling isolated as a kid you know kevin costner's and demi moore's and juliette benosh and steve carell people that i i loved to watch them do things that were so drastically different we're now saying hey you you know right yeah you're then you're only one of us yeah so that's when i started to feel a bit of um oh wow i i'm i'm in a i'm in a different uh circle right an inner circle and do you do you feel like then you start treating people differently like like was there was there a point you felt like like looking back like oh i was an [ __ ] you know i never felt like i was an [ __ ] i never felt like uh i had never gotten to a place where i like i had seen some other comedians in some other behaviors um you know there was eddie griffin [Laughter] um there were some magicians out there actually who were [ __ ] [ __ ] um siegfried and tiger face whatever that guy's name was i saw that uh i saw some behavior in other um not even just comedians but just in other celebrities you know having been in la for bed and i thought it was really deplorable and i wanted to be a person that uh if if you could approach me if you felt like i was approachable that uh you know there was something to be gleaned from both my success and failure so i i never felt like an [ __ ] i i would listen to people talk about me you know joan rivers i'd never met and she called me an [ __ ] on stern i never met her i never made a joan rivers joke i respected that woman yeah she you know she was cool built it in and cool and funny and always funny she used all the racial slurs once on tmz and it's still one of my favorite clips i'll watch it at night sometimes before bed what's your bedtime regimen it is like you put on some creams and then you watch jones he's like somebody said this and somebody's at this and somebody's at this and somebody's of this and people just need to get used to it well joan you know called me an [ __ ] and i remember i was you never met her never met her never met her and i was uh man i was like mortified why did you think that oh either a i'm such an [ __ ] that it's reached joan rivers like the rumor of it no that what is going on that people think this or just that i've become a name that people for some reason associate with this you know what if i was gonna get really um if i was gonna go deep into like the the the human element the id super id what's going on with this i would say i the one thing i didn't realize how to do was um reach out early in my career when i broke through to to celebrate some of the comedians that came before me if i met you i would i would i met dice at the pizza place um and and i can only i'm guess i'm guessing but maybe it maybe it hurt her that i had arrived and maybe didn't shout her out right you know cause we're all so [ __ ] sensitive yeah and what i've learned about her from other people was hey man she was she was very sensitive too see we're we're all that um and so the having people call you an [ __ ] from time to time is uh it was actually kind of um it was confusing was it uplifting in a weird way though was there part of your ego or part of you i mean part of any of our ego or like at least they're talking about me well the the part that you because you've had and i ask you this because you've had so i mean you know there's not anybody else that i could think of that's had the same story that you've had the best part about being being considered uh you know being ostracized in a way where people think you're like the bad guy or an [ __ ] or whatever is for me i can only talk about my experience but for me it was like good this is an armor to keep the people that have hurt me my whole life away because they're a little scared of me because they think i'm something beyond just a regular guy which i'm just a regular dude i'm just funny for an hour and a half on stage and otherwise i i'm pretty basic you know i'm jeans and t-shirt kind of guy and uh you know so that to that extent i didn't mind uh uh i didn't mind everybody uh having an opinion on me and i didn't really mind if it was harsh it just started to hurt when my fans were really included in my family you know even my family like why'd this tabloid say this about you or um that's when it started to get a little confusing yeah cause i was like oh i'm just here to make people laugh and you know i get it nobody loves everything right people don't love you but um it was a little weird you know even looking back and talking about it now it's still like what did i ever do to anybody except just try to get laughs the greatest thing that we can do is try to get laughs you know yeah i'm trying to it wasn't like i'd get laughs and people would be withering and dying and it's like give me all the power of laughs right where it's like you would leave an empty [ __ ] theater of just corpses and you're like i'm an [ __ ] i steal souls it was just like no i just want to make you forget about your [ __ ] hardship for a little bit and if people take issue with that then that's what other people think of you is none of your business yeah you know i try to i try to implement that yeah i don't know why i wonder why that thing why that thing surrounded you so much then that it was like i remember the first time um yeah i just wonder why that surrounded you so but but it doesn't now which is kind of funny because if you talk to people now uh or even somebody talks to you it's like no once you talk to me and once you hang with me be like oh man he's he's pretty level-headed you know i'm not a person that has a lot of foibles otherwise man i'm right i'm pretty i you know i'm a i'm a boston kid and we say it like it is and wear our heart on our sleeves and i'm not into playing a character i'm into my journey for the next many years of my life is like how can i be more present how can i be more real how can i be more um uh authentic yeah you know organic that's that's my journey now wow yeah it's interesting man it's such a yeah because after we hung out i was like i was like i don't know what i don't know if you know i didn't know what thing i was like dane seemed so like normal and and and it had i had never and i told you my preconceived notion of you yeah i was very honest with you about saying hey man i prejudged you as well i thought like oh this is a guy that's like trying to make it out of some other career and yeah is he really uh a purist and and i was uh you know i i wrongly did the same thing yeah i took that card you left my house that day and i was like i could grab a lunch with that guy yeah i like him you know you're really uh you're deep you're a deep guy and you're [ __ ] funny you know you're you're you're funny you deliver on stage everybody knows it everybody's chatting about it um so i admire that but i like that you can do this right you know i wish in some ways i had more of this maybe around that time right where the [ __ ] were you theo you could have helped yeah i don't know dude i was probably doing cocaine come on crispy von dogs let's go hashtag crispyvontans well thanks for watching that video right there that was a beautiful little segment i think but of course i'm partisan to myself but you can move on to another video right now you can check on this video or on this video that's two different options and you can also subscribe to the channel check on our new video subscribe to the channel check subscribe check check subscribe
Channel: Theo Von Clips
Views: 1,761,305
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Keywords: theo von, this past weekend, tpw, the fighter and the kid, steebee weebee, bryan callen, brendan schaub, khalyla, bobby lee, tfatk, tfatk army, joe rogan, jre, joey diaz, lee syatt, church of whats happening now, theo von podcast, guest of the year, this past weekend theo von, this past weekend podcast, chris delia, congrats pod, chris delia podcast, congratulations podcast, tigerbelly, dane cook, the comedy store
Id: IJ3NoIWL1ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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