Why Did Kalluto Join The Phantom Troupe? | Hunter X Hunter Discussion | New World Review

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hello and welcome to the new world of your source for everything anime and manga and today i would like to tackle an intriguing hunter hunter question that has yet to be answered within the story or by togashi which is why did kalato join the phantom troupe hmm oh and also another question that has yet to be answered which is why haven't you yet subscribed to the new world review in order to receive regular hunt onto content uploaded straight into your youtube feed so let's hit that button join the association and we'll live happily ever after oh and if you're a pokemon fan i also have a pokemon channel now it's fun link in the description subscribe to that as well because why not anyway enough shilling i want to get into today's topic because i feel like color toe is a very forgotten about factor of huntante amongst a sea of many forgotten factors but carla took quite possibly for very good reason because when he joined the troop well that coincided with that whole time when they were pushed into the background during greed island and yeah they got a sliver of time during the chimera antarctic but they really would not be truly active again until the whole succession war business however this is one of the more intriguing and lingering questions of hunt hunter and quite deceptively so because oddly enough we do have an answer from kaluto himself in regards to why he joined the troop which was presented to us in chapter 229 and for some context this took place during the troops invasion of zazan's hive in meteor city and kalato is taken aback by the sheer power of the other troop members and then he goes on to say this i underestimated them i thought i'd rise quickly in their ranks i'm far inferior almost helpless but i won't give up i'm used to waiting it out no matter how many years it takes i want to get my brother back so that right there is our opening answer as to why kalato has joined the phantom troupe and very intriguingly it expresses not only a desire to climb to the apex of their ranks but also this whole business about getting his brother back and the brother part is obviously what we're going to be focusing on for the majority of this video because there are a wide array of ideas concerning this however to be perfectly honest with you none of them fit particularly neatly and it's just so strange because you would think that the word brother kind of gives away the game here because due to our understanding of the zoldic family in theory we should already know and be able to identify who said brother is and so let's take a look at carloto's siblings right now and of course we have illumi milikey kilwa and alaka and initially we are looking at four options right off the bat two of which i believe we can immediately remove firstly illumi zaldik is incredibly unlikely to be this candidate because he is very much the ideal zaldik family heir he's a perfect assassin with some crazy desires but illumi isn't a character who really fits the idea of needing to be brought back either physically or emotionally and i make that distinction because kalato's words are not clear not clear at all and he could be talking about something deeper like restoring his brother back to what he once was or something along those lines furthermore illimi and kalato are the most removed of the zoldic siblings with ill me being the oldest and colour to being the youngest so it's highly unlikely that these two have developed the kind of bonds that kalato seems to be displaying here and the other candidate i think we can rule out immediately is milike because while more of a misfit than illumi milikey is generally a good zoltic boy who also has not exhibited any need of you know being brought back milikey spends most of his time physically at the estate and he has never shown any significant personal growth or change so i really do not see kalato doing something like joining the phantom troupe simply for the sake of milikey so that leaves us with killua and alaka both of whom i believe have some real merit in being the focus of kalato's desire and we're going to take some time to explore their cases individually but i also want to say right here and now that there is in fact a third option a character who is not part of the zoltik family that we are aware of but does have admittedly an alright chunk of evidence going in his favor so look forward to that reveal but to start this discussion off let's look at who many would consider the obvious candidate mr killua and on a surface level killua makes a lot of sense as he has not only physically distanced himself from his orderic family but he has also made something of an effort to cut ties with them in general he is in no way interested in pursuing the family business much less running it and his personality has undergone rapid growth over the course of the series which in the eyes of kalato would probably seem like a distant removal of what killua once was plus killer being the middle child in carloto being the youngest it becomes much more likely that the two of them were able to develop some sort of strong sibling relationship although to be fair the series itself gives us next to nothing to confirm this in hunter hunter we explore a lot of killerworth's relationship with ilmi milikey and alka pretty much to the point where there is no room left for misconception we understand the nature of all three of those relationships very clearly on the other hand we haven't really seen kalato interact with killua although kalato did take an intrigued interest in the events of the zaldik family arc so with that in mind yet it is somewhat plausible to see kilowatt's return being kalato's goal but the question would then become why join the phantom troop to accomplish that because following the events of york knew the troop no longer had any interest in killua and they start to go down a very separate path furthermore and this is something that we'll come back to with alaka as well but in the modern day events kalato is currently with the troop aboard the black whale one headed to the dark continent which is pretty counterproductive in getting killer back because he is currently still in the realm of humanity so yeah kalatok could just be following orders getting stronger and hoping to rise high enough within the troop to do to do what though how does koloto plan on using his position within the troop to get killer back there's a pretty big disconnect of ideas happening here with the eventual goal not really fitting the plotted course of action which does force us to consider other ideas and one of those ideas is alaka now something interesting to remember is that kalato is actually younger than alaka which means that they may have a similar relationship to that of alaka and kilauea albeit probably not one with op wish granting benefits furthermore alika is a character who does genuinely fit the bill of someone you would want to get back because even though she for most of her life was kept safely within the zoldic family estate she was segregated from the rest of her family following the discovery of nanika within her so there is a potential motivation for kalito here in terms of rescuing alaka from this effective imprisonment and also given that naninka may not have always existed within alika or at least it may not have shown itself in her initial years that is also something that could be viewed as needing rescuing from you know this overwhelmingly powerful presence which could seem like a possession from the perspective of those who aren't familiar with nanika and yes i should also note that alaka is now free and travelling with gila but alaka may not necessarily know that depending on what illumi has chosen to inform him off and even if kalato did then there's still the idea of needing to save alakar from nanika which is one possible way in which you may want to focus your efforts on the phantom troop you know rise to the top of their ranks and then use their power in some way to combat that presence within alaka and yeah i'm sure it really wouldn't work out that way but kalato is very young and may not know any better furthermore it may be even more simple than that because it has been established that the zelda children are given fairly outrageous tasks at very young age such as killer being sent to heaven's arena and being told not to return until he had reached the 200th floor so perhaps carlito was given a similar task to infiltrate the phantom troop and not return home until he had effectively reached second in command of the organization and i actually think that's a very likely explanation for why kalito joined but it also might come with the added bonus of silva or xeno promising to release alaka upon the completion of that task now so just to briefly address a comment i know is bound to come up regarding alaka's gender even if kalato had the kind of relationship with alika the killer does it is conceivable that kalato would still refer to alika as his brother because that's just how the rest of the family operate so the whole getting back of a brother very much applies to alika here as well as for just how likely this is to be the case as opposed to killer well to be fair i should say that the phantom troop task argument could apply to killer as well and upon completing of becoming the number two of the organization silva could have some plan to take back killer into their household or i know something along those lines both kilauea and alaka are very shaky thoughts still there is one more theory i'd like to go over and it involves our mystery candidate who many of you probably have guessed by now but for those of you who haven't may i present to you mr feitan now for far longer than i've been a hunter hunt fan it has been speculated that feitan is in fact a zoldick and through a variety of circumstances he left the family one interesting one of which is that alaka may have accidentally exiled him and erased his memory through one of her unreasonable requests and feitan does bear a lot of coincidental similarities to soldier youth with a small slender stature sneaky assassin eyes and some trademark zoldick's spiky hair now this is a long shot obviously and there's a ton of evidence stacked against it like the fact that feitan's name doesn't fit into the zoldik family naming scheme and also the fact that he does have an actual last name which is porter but at the same time this could easily be an alias faetan's age is also unknown meaning that he could possibly be even older than illumi although that would make kikio a very very young mummy but the reason why this whole phaeton zodiac idea takes off is because when you solely consider the context of carlto's actions the idea of him wanting to take feitan back is almost the most plausible of the bunch so first up remember that initial quote i had for you from chapter 229 where kalato makes his brother saving statement well it's actually very important to give you a bit more context than that because kalito actually said that whilst he was watching feitan fight against azan now it might be easy to dismiss this as a coincidental juxtaposition but feitan is a huge focus of kaluto's attention here and very very interestingly at one stage in both the anime and the manga a family photo of the zoldicks is shown when carlotto makes a statement about getting his brother back and initially you may think this removes feitan from all contention whatsoever because he's obviously not present in the picture all zeldik children are accounted for at the same time though on that very page right after the photo is a focused panel of feitan which is balanced more or less equally to the panel that this photo takes up and here is where the artsy wanker within me is going to take over because i think there is a fantastic argument to be made that this is togashi clearly connecting feitan to the zoldik family primarily by giving them equal visual balance his family absence in the picture was intentional and only serves to highlight what color tone may be fighting for to get feiten back into the family that he is missing from when this picture was taken and yes i know it's a crackpot idea but the juxtaposition of these two panels is so powerful because it does link feitan to the zodiks under the right context and it goes on to frame kalato's actions as making perfect sense the phantom troupe isn't some random organization that was chosen for him the phantom troupe is actually directly connected to kalato's goal because it contains feitan but now i do also have to address the plethora of problems with this theory which range from simple things like the fact that phaeton is a transmuter which is fine many zoltics are but only when they have white hair only whitehead zodic family members are transmuters whilst every member with black hair is a manipulator so feiten being a transmute with black hair doesn't quite fit the bill furthermore there are even some glaring questions like why doesn't killua recognize feitan when he encounters him and the only possible counter-argument against such evidence is some sort of shenaniganory that has gone down featuring alika you know like alaka somehow exiling feitan as well as removing the memories from the rest of the zodiac family members with the exception of kalato for some reason and maybe there is some merit to this like the idea that alaka and nanika plonked themselves into the zoldic family in feitan's place but it's getting to the point of pretty crazy speculation here there's a lot of mental gymnastics to engage in to make this idea truly plausible regardless of how much raw sense it makes into the soul context of kalato's actions but there you have it for now it could be something as simple as killer something more left field like calico or something completely insane like the phaeton zodic theory and that is why this one simple statement from kalato is one of the most enduring mysteries in hunter hunter but what do you guys think please do leave your thoughts in the comments below or even join my discord server and if you're keen for some more hunt hunter content then please to go and check out some of my other videos or even subscribe to the channel for regular hunt hunter glory delivered straight into your youtube feed but for now this has been the new world review and i'll see you next time
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 141,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, hxh, hunter x hunter, kalluto, zoldyck, which brother is kalluto, why did kalluto join the phantom troupe?, phantom troupe, feitan, feitan zoldyck, theory, chimera ant, zazan, feitan vs zazan, kalluto nen abilities, kalluto zoldyck, kalluto zoldyck joins phantom troupe episode, when did kalluto join the phantom troupe, kalluto and killua, kalluto vs chimera ant
Id: Wflv95dWLoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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