How These Three Hunters Broke The Entire System

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these three Hunters have gone above and beyond the impossible to achieve a mindboggling Triple Star license this fictional hunt content is sponsored by Squarespace and more about them later Triple Star Hunters are reserved for the rare few who have pursued the hunter profession to Perfection keeping in Minds that even a one-star license is already next to impossible to achieve and three is a much bigger number than one the criteria states that three stars are given to a hunter who fulfills the first six articles and produces remarkable achievements in multiple fields and just as a reminder the first six articles of the hunter bylaws are one Hunters must always be on the hunt for something two Hunters must have a minimal understanding of martial arts this includes learning n three once a hunter is licensed that license cannot be revoked for any reason however a license will not be reissued for any reason four Hunters shall not Target other Hunters unless they commit heinous crimes five one star is given to a hunter who produces remarkable achievements in a particular field and six two stars are given to a hunter who fulfills the first five articles holds an official position and has mentored a Junior Hunter who is awarded one star this is not an easy task honestly beating the Chimera ants may be a more achievable Mission no hyperbole but these three people have managed to do it starting with the 14th and current chairman of the hunter Association Triple Star disease Hunter cheel Yorkshire within the Zodiac she embodies the dog the most loyal of all of the creatures which makes sense because Cheeto was the figurehead of what was known as the pro netro faction during the hunter association's political Civil War I say that because it means that cheel is a step closer to Isaac nro's ideals than most meaning that she in no way should be underestimated in terms of strength although her general impression amongst the hunter Association is that she's not on the most powers some side of the zodiac Spectrum in fact during the chairman election pariston Hill made the argument that Cheetah wasn't powerful enough to lead the association which is very clever because anyone expecting to uphold neto's ideals would value that for first and foremost but cheel also gets heavily underestimated when it comes to intelligence this is mostly due to the fact that her character is sandwiched by pariston and Jing arguably the two most intelligent humans we've ever seen in the series but cheel is a force to be reckoned with as the world of diseases have found out and I don't think that it would be an exaggeration to state that Cheeto Yorkshire has probably impacted positively the world more so than any other Hunter because the Triple Star needs to have achieved multiple breakthroughs meaning that because of Cheeto this world has probably seen at least two prominent disease is cured or entirely eradicated however before making it to Triple Stars Che needs to cross some teas and Dot some eyes and all of that so double star Hunters firstly need to hold an official position within the association and this is the last time I'm going to mention that in this video because all three of our tripar Hunters are zodiac members so they've more than cleared that criteria but more importantly Cheeto needs to have mentored a Junior Hunter into achieving their single star license and I think the Cheeto student is very easy to pick out I would bet ever ever so many Quant quantities of cash money that cheel mented Sika Norton because they're in approximately the same field cheel is a disease Hunter whereas Sika is a virus Hunter they are an absolute perfect match there is no one better to Mentor than sanika and no one more appropriate to Mentor her than cheel however chedel does also have a new student at the moment a certain Leorio paradinight who we're all very familiar with and after his sudden election Fame The Zodiacs needed his backing to bolster the morale of hunters involved in the Dark Continent Expedition which he agreed to do Under the condition that he could study under Cheeto and with this Leorio is on the fast track to success he's already one of the most popular hunters in the association and he's studying under who may be the finest medical mind on the planet so provided he actually survives the Dark Continent Expedition this dude's going to have a single star in no time but who else has cheet their way into three stars well the second know candidate for this level of license is the dragon zodiac bab by Gigante who is a Triple Star terrorist Hunter meaning that he's very active on the front lines and in terms of combat probably inherits the mantle of most powerful Hunter alive after the death of Isaac netro something I also want noted is that babai is an absolutely colossal man and in the world of Hunter Hunter that's very unusual so I'm very used to the world of One Piece where people can be any size from dwarf to Giant but when you see images of Bayan Hunter Hunter it's very clear that he is just built differently and honestly he might not even be 100% human there could definitely be some magical Beast Within him which wouldn't even be first for the association because they also employ beans and we have no idea what the crap he is and to reinforce this idea bot's name Gigante is taken directly from a type of monster in the Dragon Quest games which author yoshihiro Togashi is notoriously obsessed with as for babay's achievements I think those are fairly straightforward he's likely played an integral role in matters of National Security all around the world and probably foiled some particularly nasty plots what's more Curious is who bab by could have mentored as far as start Hunters go bidor ambitious would be a prime candidate because they have similar Fields but I think it still makes more sense for him to have been mentored by the double star hunter terod day neutral given their relationship which make things slightly tricky because most of the other St Hunters are pretty obviously out of the question but there is one other it's very possible that botay was the mentor of moral maanasi because their fields don't match up at all but moral is exceptional when it comes to military style operations and tactics that would be incredibly prevalent in BB's field in fact I think it's one of the only ways to explain how a Sea Hunter was able to develop these skills moral and babay are both ideologically aligned as well as part of the fiercely loyal toeto faction so I would think that there is a great chance that moral is the product of babay's influence which is really cool because moral is now on his way to a well-deserved Triple Star license as well but something we have yet to cover in these videos is the concept of start Hunters who don't necessarily deserve their Accolade and this is because every Hunter we've examined in the one and two star categories are exemplary examples of of humanity they are all people who have a demonstrably strong moral compass and genuine desire to see Humanity progress in some way shape or form and you can progress in any way shape or form you'd like with the sponsor of today's video Squarespace and the way I personally wanted to progress was by opening a channel merch store I thought it would be easy and it it was not the internet is already complicated enough for an old man like me without adding all of the e-commerce on top of that it just wasn't what I was built to do and that's when thankfully I found Squarespace through Squarespace you can sell anything through an exceptionally easy to setup online store be it physical digital or service products in my case I sell physical shirts and I promise you that we'll get some New World review on soon but Squarespace offers an incredible amount of ready too website templates that are customizable to your heart's content through the fluid engine a Next Generation website design system to further unlock and cultivate your creativity so you can and should check out Squarespace through my link in the description because doing so will save you 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain and just genuinely thank you so much against Squarespace it sponsors like Squarespace that make producing regular fictional Hunter content possible so please do check them out but foun back to you me they're all people who have a demonstrably strong moral compass and genuine desire to see Humanity progress in some way shape or form with the exception of maybe cutie Beauty because she's a bit sketchy but not as sketchy as our third Triple Star Hunter pariston Hill so on paper he makes perfect sense to be recognized as one of the greatest Hunters to have ever lived he was a zodiac member occupying the position of rat he was also Vice chairman of the association and for all of like 10 seconds he actually was the 13th chairman of the association so if all you're looking out is that CV then pariston is more worthy of three stars than any other character in the series however stars are not based on CVS they're based on bylaws and I would actually argue that pariston has actively broken multiple bylaws which in and of itself leads to the breaking of more bylaws down the road because in the star system every new bylaw states that given to a hunter who has fulfilled the first EX amount of bylaws and if you haven't fulfilled the first then you've not fulfilled the laters but the first bylaw is that Hunters must always be on the hunt for something and honestly pariston may have already broken this one because he's one of the rare Hunters whose specialty has never been revealed which is quite questionable because the fields of every other zodiac member has been revealed now the association does give some leeway with this bylaw but only in the case of rookie Hunters which is the category that gon Kila and Loria fall into all Hunters are given a couple of years to decide what field they want special in unless they're particularly driven like say kurpa who chose his field before he even got his license and knew there was a field to choose this isn't to say that pariston isn't driven this whole time he's been working towards getting Beyond netro to the Dark Continent however more so than anything else hariston acts to cure his own boredom so his specialty might even be something as simple as being a personal entertainment Hunter although I shudder to think what remarkable achievement in that field awarded pariston his first star and if I had to guess I'd say that yoshihiro tagashi man who loves organizations labels and general admin decided not to reveal pariston specialty because it gives us too much information about the character and the whole point of Piston's existence to us is that he's an enigma the second bylaw states that Hunters must have a minimal understanding of martial arts and this includes learning nen but other than the basic application of Ren we've never seen pariston engage in any sort of combat let alone nen combat again though I think this is a strategic maneuver on tashi's part to keep as much of pariston in the shadows as possible and keep that Enigma alive and in the end I'm not going to question this area too much because it was a requirement of all Zodiacs to have the ability to spar with netro whenever he requested although it's definitely not out of the question that netro would choose pariston as a complete troll ignoring that criteria altogether but it's more likely that pariston can back up this bylaw better than the vast majority of hunters within the association thirdly once a hunter is license that license cannot be revoked for any reason however a license will not be issued for any reason this is by far the easiest by law to complete you don't even need to do anything even if you lose your license that's directly covered you're still adhering to it fourth Hunters shall not Target other Hunters unless they commit heinous crimes so this is the one bylaw that we know pretty much for a fact that pariston has broken the very first time we meet pariston his fellow zodiac misor States a number out of nowhere that number was 18 and misor goes on to state that that's the number of hunters who have gone missing in action in the 3 years since pariston became vice chairman prior to his sent to power the annual total of Mia Hunters was 0.6 so we've gone from approximately 1 every 2 years to six a year and whilst misom doesn't go so far as to officially accuse pariston of being responsible misom is a double star crime Hunter and I very much trust his deductions pariston is almost certainly responsible for the unal liement of not just one Hunter but up to 18 hunters and has very broken the fourth bylaw that's the conservative estimate by the way because pariston can also be accused of attempting schemes to remove people from existence in fact almost 100 chapters before he's introduced pariston is first mentioned by morn nov who accused him of sabotaging the extermination Mission by blocking approval to send a hunt named Lee who was significantly better equipped to handle this particular situation which was hypothesized to directly engineer the creation of more Chimera and victims as well as hinder the extermination efforts to make net look bad and compromise the lives of the entire team look basically pariston is a bad dude but assuming that fudged his way through the basic requirements of hunted him we now need to ask how pariston got his first star let alone the second and third because to be graced with a funky star he would have needed to produce a significant achievement in a particular field to advance humanity and I'm going to put this out there I don't think that pariston did what I suspect happened with pariston is that he commandeered someone else's achievement and then took credit for it you know putting all of the pieces together it might even have been an achievement of one of those many Hunters who disappeared perhaps someone who was onto something big that pariston caught windol and decided to claim for his own essentially I just don't think that pariston is capable of contributing to humanity he can only cause chaos now in order to achieve his second star pariston would have needed to Mentor a hunter who received a star of their own and I think there's only one possible candidate for this I mentioned her earlier but it has to be cutie Beauty there aren't any other single or double star Hunters that we know of who would affiliate themselves with pariston in fact the vast majority have actively taken stands against him as well as publicly announced that political distance from his ideals whereas when cutie Beauty got knocked out of the election she urged all of her Sims to funnel vote straight to pariston and you know with that in mind I would also come to question how cutie beauty rose to her single star status and whether or not pariston may have had a hand in that as well given that her success would directly benefit him but what's very telling about pariston is that the only two people he's ever shown even the facade of respect for are his fellow Triple Star hunters botay and cheel because goes in the private zodiac meeting discussing what to do after Ro's death pariston admitted that in terms of seniority babai should become the next chairman but in terms of actual leadership ability it should be cheetal it really makes you wonder how pariston would have treated Jing if he'd ever bothered to submit the paperwork for his triple starle license but deserved or not these are the only three people to have ever achieved a Triple Star license
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 308,585
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Keywords: newworldreview
Id: XbK0ZyVSd9c
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Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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