I've waited so long for this... - Thor Zone Mjolnir

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today's an exciting day it's an exciting day because we've got an exciting new case to build a computer in and more importantly all the hardware that we're going to put in it is available for less than two times the msrp that's right ladies and gentlemen custom pc building is do you know how long i've waited for this yeah you do because you've waited exactly as long we are going to put a crazy powerful machine in this tiny little unique case and at the end i'm going to stuff the whole thing in my backpack and we're going to put a 30 80 in there and we're going to put freaking 12 processing cores and the whole thing is going to cost like what this gpu would have cost six months ago for just the gpu so let's get started and the whole thing is brought to you by ridge wallet we've rehearsed this we rehearsed it jake hit my hand wow that was actually really good good work jake you get to be the one true jake that's what you get out of jake classic if only i had had the talking points up ridge wallet has redefined the wallet with its compact frame and rfid blocking plates keep your wallet bulge down maybe we could switch to david's camera so they could get a close look at jake's ridge wallet of different styles all right oh that was a bad throw let's get this started right away you guys might have noticed something a little funky here and that's that we've gone x570 in spite of the fact that intel has really come storming back in terms of gaming performance that's because the theme today is not just gaming we want this machine to be an absolute do all but without compromising on size or cooling let's go ahead and decide yes no in fact there is nothing in there that we need we're going to use our motherboard box as our sick static safe test bench and naturally we've gone with the rog strix x570i gaming from asus when you're building a no compromises small form factor machine this thing is pretty much the cream of a crop you got your five volt addressable rgb your 12 volt rgb you've got yes that's right not one not two but three fan headers on this thing in spite of the size basically the entire thing is taken up by all the juicy goodness that you're gonna attach to it i actually love that when asus ran out of space on their itx boards on the x and y axes they just started building up on the z if you got this like parkade of storage going on here so we can put an m.2 here and then i believe on the bottom is it another m.2 or is it the wi-fi module or no the wi-fi module's around at the back here that's fine we'll sort that out we'll get that popped off is there an m.2 on the back does this oh yeah yeah there's your second m.2 all right cool now i do have some notes to talk about you want me to open the case first jake yeah i mean that's the interesting part is that right okay you know what we're gonna get straight into the mjolnir this is a case from a company that we have never actually featured before at all four zone and this puppy stood out to us because it's expensive yes but absolutely not outlandish for one of these small production run cases this is their very first attempt so it's 300 bucks it's got a base price uh that's a base price without accessories and they are presently sold out but they do have a notification for the next drop just like you can get notified when the ltt store screwdriver gets in stock we've had some people saying the ltt store screwdriver is just like anything you could get at princess auto or what what's that other one harbor freight or whatever you know it's the american prison yeah those those kinds of places whoops and the reality of it is that is just not true but we're just going to have to wait for the independent reviews to roll in you guys are going to love it super ergonomic great bit storage quality ratchet really high quality finish and plastics all right let's take a closer look at this guy anyway you can sign up for a notification when that's going to come in stock over at lttstore.com there's also a more detailed video this thing looks freaking awesome wow did you see the note have you seen this thing yet oh no sorry i missed the note oh hi linus and team thank you so much for reviewing our case whatever the outcome may be it's truly an honor absolutely mind-blowing small swedish startup hey this is great i love it alex and denise below are the user manuals for the mjolnir and booster cell wow we've included an unreleased four zone aio do we even have that it's in the case it's in the case oh genius planned improvements for the next batch eight magnets for each panel instead of four nobody should worry about the panels falling off that's right man we need these guys running tesla decrease panel gaps better gluing better packaging fantastic all right oh man have you seen this thing yet oh yeah i had to build something in it just to make sure it would work oh really yeah holy crap man i mean we've seen 300 small run cases that are literally a quarter the thickness of the metal that this bad boy is made of this is freaking incredible david get in here get in here look at this look at how thick this cnc aluminum is it's like one it's one linus finger in width and the anodizing on it is actually great did they say who oem'd this for them they did not they did not it comes in three colors though three different colors okay you got your black you got your silver you got your presumably some other color i don't know my notes are very long uh steel dark and stealth and how does this work so it's compatible with oh interesting dual slot cooler designs only you're not going to be going all the way to a triple slot so if you have something like a founder's edition that should be fine asus asus's tough 30 90 fits although apparently it is very very tight you can get an amd rx 6800 xt in here uh presumably that's referring to a reference card and i am still trying to figure out how to get the darn thing oh it's slidy okay i figured out how to get it open no no it's sliding it slides well inside slides out it came right up oh the inside's like oh oh that's so cool okay man i'm having fun with this thing already i absolutely love it look at this so there's a little locking piece here right so just do a little rant right there okay and then whoa uh okay how are we doing here huh oh ow pinch my thing it's okay that's on me that's on me okay wait okay what are all these extra parts parts just keep falling off the case i don't even know what's going on here all right closer look at this bad boy i cannot believe how heavy and thick this thing is look at oh man is that alex check this out alex get over here get over here no no you're going to like it you're going to like it look at this thing do though is that sick right is this thing sick or what it's really thick i told you you were gonna like it did they extrude it i mean i don't know you're the you you know more about this stuff than i do it looks extruded but i don't know why they do it like that i don't know but don't you look at it and go damn boy damn boy uh it says five five millimeter thick walls machined out of a solid blocks of aluminum what that's so stupid machined out of a solid block of aluminum that's so wasteful how expensive is this it's 300 us dollars starting price starting price why would they do it like that i don't know maybe they just get the scraps and re-melt it back down and make more make more blocks of illumination no it's really hard to do that because you get the the oil and stuff it says solid blocks of aluminum is there any seam uh jake there does not appear to be a seam on this bad boy i mean this piece at the front does slip in here so maybe it's slightly less crazy than it seemed maybe maybe the center part is extruded i don't know man there's no way they took just a block look like we can just look it up like let's just see here okay all right well while alex is working on that um i'm gonna go ahead and start working on building this computer there's a lot of pieces here we got a lot of things to figure out oh i was actually i was going to interact with chad a little bit but alex is using my computer chase do you want to read me a curated merch message guys just so you know the best way to send a message into the show head over to lttstore.com find something that tickles your fancy go ahead place an order and you'll be prompted in the cart to send a merch message you can have your message appear on stream or jake might answer it in text and then it might appear on stream or if it's very on topic and really you know contributes to the content then i might read it out and talk to you about it we figure this is just a better way to for you guys to use your money than just giving half of it to twitch or youtube by just sending notice me senpai messages because that way at least if we don't acknowledge your message because it slips through the cracks or whatever the case may be you'll still get your order in a while depending on where in the world you live sometimes it can take a while this is so cool look at this front panel oh they did a custom this appears to be like a soft like a ribbon style pcb and it seems like holy crap it seems like the rgb control i mean this looks like a fan header so how's the rgb control handled where does this even there's a there's these cool little contact spring loaded push pins here oh okay i guess rgb is handled by this lead wow this build is going to take a while hopefully you guys are excited to that front panel is an optional accessory front panel is an optional accessory it looks like it's going to be sick because if these these are all rgb leds and then you got this mesh here oh okay i'm into it all right tell me tell me about aluminum yeah so this is a piece that i found out from mastercard mastercard has really bad prices but it lets us get a basic idea this is four by six by three i think this is a little bit larger than this is a bit bigger than that yeah but uh that's eight hundred and thirty dollars eight hundred thirty dollars you say so there's no way that they just take a hunk of aluminum and machine it they said pieces of aluminum yeah so this must be this must be uh this must be machined we can see the marks but then yeah maybe you're right maybe because yeah there's no there's no machine marks here so it must be extruded i think you're right it's so weird i i love it i absolutely love it it's like all right thanks alex love that guy good people good people all right he hijacked he hijacked the crap out of my browser though oh yes i took it home for my kids to play with are you bringing back what i guess are you kidding me back tomorrow no i'm not kidding i didn't take like 20 000 us dollars i took the thermal camera home to play with with my kids we got cat videos though we got thermal cat videos okay that i'm okay with it now he's okay with just a correction so the 300 price was the kickstarter pre-price oh their msrp is 349. okay 300 was the kickstarter like early price it's 349 now and if you want it with both the performance panels and the tempered glass it's 400 so it's an extra 50 bucks okay wait you're mic'd so they can hear you yes okay perfect now this is called the thor zone god rays i imagine it's a lighting product uh uh i think they're already installed in the case they're already installed i see thor zone god rays oh yes okay so these are hard pcb rgb strips down both sides man this thing is going to light up like a christmas tree and they are screwed in so as long as you have exactly these strips on exactly this case it'll secure like this and you'll never have to worry about the adhesive coming off or anything stupid like that all right support slim 120 240 millimeter radiators i think we're gonna have to move on and just kind of kind of get going here i have made a bit of a mess i have no idea uh where to even begin at this point so want to hit me with a merch message or two while i get my bearings i've already kind of talked about why we went with this board i mean it's it's rog it's itx eight plus two phase power gigabit ethernet dual gen four m.2 slots we've gone with a ryzen 9 5900 x because we want 12 flippin cores in this tiny little thing because why the flip knot we didn't go intel for this one because i mean we could have actually yeah i guess we could have um ddr5 is still a little hard to come by and really the theme of the build was celebrating the end of pc hardware scalping maybe not quite the end but certainly coming to the end of it and right now hey man ryzen 5000 series it's msrp af if anything amd's been discounting lately in order to respond to intel's alder lake threat the 5900x is only you can get for 400 bucks now yeah this bad boy is 400 bucks that's a lot of money but it's a 12 core cpu all right so we're putting in some trident z neo i'm sure you went 32 gig right jake 32 gigs 3600 mega transfer cl16 love it that's exactly exactly the right spec for a machine like this that's what we want it's like top performance pretty much but i don't feel like we're blowing a bunch of extra money right we're not just we're not just throwing money at the wall and hoping that it sticks i don't think that's how the expression goes all right chase hit me there's there's no real exciting merch messages there's no good one there's one that said linus you haven't fired colton on air in a while don't you think it's past time you did that i'm surprised you know what the truth is i can't really fire colton anymore because he's sort of integral now um he wasn't before he's like actually a very very important member of the team and so you know the last thing i need is for colton to get all get all upset and feel bad and run away to chilliwack okay i got one for you here all right hit me uh you mentioned making a leather holster for the screwdriver is this a plan still in the works yes all right now we haven't actually gotten as far as prototyping anything we we do have ways to to carry it there's a screwdriver holder in the backpack obviously and uh the shop jacket is coming as well that'll have like lots of pockets you know we'll have ways to hold the screwdriver but i just thought it would be thick if we had a screwdriver holster now i'm really on the fence about using genuine leather to be perfectly blunt with you guys i just feel like the world has kind of moved on from cow's hide leather to a degree the good news is that our backpack supplier our backpack supplier is super into alternate leathers and like i was blown away actually by how cool some of them are arthur can you wait are you off probation yet uh probationary employee number three would you mind terribly running over to creator warehouse and asking for some of the like mushroom and pineapple leathers and stuff that they have over there yeah just bring them over because i wanna i wanna show the people they're kinda crazy so as we explore some of these alternate leathers i think we're gonna find something that will be suitable for uh for like a a screwdriver holster the way i'm imagining it is it's gonna be like cringe right like i want it to be just like those old cell phone holsters from the late 90s early 2000s like i want like a snap on it you know like a nice a nice like snap down clasp like yeah it's gonna be like you need a pc built yeah i'm i'm stoked the same person also was wondering what your thoughts are on right to repair in relation to the footwear industry my thoughts on right to repair in relation to footwear you know as someone who has never spent more than a hundred bucks on a pair of shoes i can't say that's something that i had ever thought about before but that is actually legitimately a great question i mean now that people have shoes that legitimately cost as much as a car you know well no i mean you laugh but what did what did you pay for your last five-speed beater uh it was a thousand bucks well okay there's always been luxury shoes well of course there's always been luxury shoes but the difference is that the kinds of people who are buying luxury shoes like i'll show up at i remember i remember it like vividly the day that i learned about yeezys okay the day i learned about yeezys i was at one of my one of my badminton group nights and what the hell oh uh this motherboard io shield goes in the other way by the way fit and finish of the i o shield mount is amazing it's like it snaps in but it's easy you know you just pop it in and it's like oh man i love it um so i'm at one of my one of my badminton nights someone sorry did you put the m.2 in oh no ah i can actually put it in after the fact on this board this is great yeah yeah i got this someone of fairly modest means like it's not i don't mean it as like a dis or whatever it's just you know it just is what it is someone a fairly modest means is showing someone else they're like 750 shoes and this is this is someone that is kind of talking about them like yeah i i got these second hand for hundreds of dollars and i'm sitting there this was one of those moments in my life um where i just i couldn't contain myself it's the kind of laughter that i feel like even if it's not malicious is so genuinely just out of control that i probably made them feel bad i didn't mean to but discovering for the first time in my life that somebody spent hundreds of dollars on secondhand sneakers i just i couldn't right and then after i finally calmed down a little bit they they walked me through the logic of why you might spend that kind of money on sneakers and i was like okay i get it because he was like yeah these are actually a great deal and i'm like okay because i can turn around and i can sell these for twelve hundred dollars because the guy that i got them for blah blah blah so i'm just gonna wear them for like a couple of weeks make sure that i keep them in absolutely the same condition or better and then i'm gonna resell them and i'm like okay fair enough actually that reminds me of the time that when i was in high school i bought myself two 7 800 gtxs i put them in sli i got a great deal on them from this guy that was literally selling them so that he could try out crossfire you know whatever i don't know i've been you know on nvidia for a long time i want to i want to try crossfire and i was like oh okay cool how about i get to try sli and you give me like a sick deal i ran i was so worried that some new hot gpu would hit the hardware news the next day and those things would plummet in value i think i ended up running them for about a week i just played some of my favorite games at the highest possible quality on my p95 f b monitor and i sold them i got rid of them and so it was totally relatable even though obviously i i don't give very many hoots about shoes compared to graphics cards but i don't remember how this story started how did we get on the subject of shoes uh right to repair right to repair yes right to repair for shoes i think as any product starts to reach a certain level of of cost yeah right to repair becomes incredibly important however however i would also make the argument that shoes are meant to be worn right is everyone kind of on the same page shoes are to be worn yes and it's right in the word isn't it worn to in my mind shoes are a consumable and i feel like i i feel like to to fundamentally alter the shoe to make it repairable they used to be repairable i mean that's true that's true what's that what's that called a cobbler yeah the shoe repair toddler's a shoe repair repair person like my mom has a pair of blunt stones that's like 20 years old and they're still they look great that's fair but we also build shoes out of modern materials that are not as conducive to unstitching them and sewing them back to get literally nailing they're conducive to being consumable yeah they're so hmm i'm on i'm on the fence on that one i i like the sentiment but i don't know what the practicality of that would be we've got our motherboard in the case though we managed to make that much progress now i'm gonna show you guys i'm gonna show you guys some vegan leathers here that might actually blow your mind because i was initially opposed to doing a holster in anything other than like a cow's high what's the good one full grain or whatever that's the that's the like premium one okay some of them not too impressive honestly this feels more like a like a felt than an actual leather this is oh crud did she tell you what any of them are actually oh yeah these are mushroom these are mushroom leathers okay so this one feels more like a felt this one though man it's like okay the really impressive part is how freaking strong these things are like i cannot i cannot break it you know it's like it's kind of crazy it doesn't feel like i've never met a mushroom that i couldn't tear limb from limb you know no matter what you do to it it doesn't come apart like my mind was absolutely blown and then you've got um what's this cactus leather cactus leather these ones check this out this one is actually stretchy right it's stretchy but it springs back it's like crazy this one we really liked uh it doesn't have that same stretch but boy does it ever feel like uh like like like leather and then this one this one's crazy this is pineapple pineapple i mean who looks at a pineapple and goes yeah that seems like something i'd want to make bags and clothing so i got some more merch messages for you yeah i was really impressed by how strong they were thanks so much unnamed employee whose name we definitely haven't given away on stream appreciate you somebody's uh looking for new monitors planning on dual ultrawides one above the other any suggestions my suggestion if you're doing dual ultrawides like that is that you just do a 48 inch lg c2 i mean it's it's not curved and honestly when you're sitting that close to a screen that big i do appreciate the curve i mean when you see a 24-inch curved monitor that's just kind of silly to me but when you're talking something that's really sizable and you're sitting that close to it i do prefer the curve however going from dual ultra wides one on top of the other to the i have a 48 inch c do i have i think i have a c10 on my desk upstairs right yeah i think yeah i think it's a c10 the c10 is just plain a better experience what about the qdo lit ultra simple okay the qd oled ultra wide is a different story but i think that if you're talking too stacked one on top of the other you're thinking productivity you're not thinking gaming and from my point of view if you want productivity you don't need qdo led and if you want gaming and you really want that gigantic screen area then you don't want a bezel down the middle of it it's right at your eye line and to be clear i really liked that setup i enjoyed that setup it was fantastic but it wasn't perfect so no i i think that you should go for a 48 inch or you know what i haven't actually tried yet lg has 42 inch oled panels now that might be a more a more happy medium size for a lot of people and that's i think it's worth i should daily drive it for a while and just see if maybe there's a little less neck strain but still the vast majority of the productivity that i get out of the 48 inch man i'm 48 inch at both home and work now and i just don't know how i'm gonna go back but at home boy am i ever gonna try with that uh that alienware qd oled has everyone in the room like seen it you've seen it now david right nice it's pretty nice i should really focus and try to actually build a computer here at some point i see how the i see how the power supply goes in so we can do that uh let's see how do they want my goodness this is hmm uh let's put the fan on the radiator real quick here i think i'm gonna take this off yeah a little something like that um we're going to take this off okay do you want to go ahead and read me a message while i actually work on the computer for a change sure um i'm a cyber security major at school how important is cyber security for you uh extremely i mean you know linus media group um because we don't we don't really store customer information uh because we because we don't uh we don't work on anything you know like government defense confidential or anything like that you know obviously in the event of a serious breach the stakes are a little lower you know we don't have the we don't have the biological weapons cash secured by our by our cyber security procedures but in the cases of some of our other companies like uh creator warehouse like floatplane where we're actually storing customer information you know obviously we take privacy extremely seriously so uh yes extremely important in that context and extremely important in any context i mean even just personally man i there's a there's a there's a video up on lmg clips from what was it a couple weeks ago i guess where i talked about how i was defrauded and technically i don't think it was a cyber security attack in the sense that you might be thinking of but wire fraud um you know absolutely takes place digitally and even though it was more of a social engineering attack and that is your biggest surface area yeah social engineering is pretty much one of the biggest exposures these days i mean i remember i was reading about a little while uh about how how attackers are circumventing two-factor authentication i was like but i thought that's the whole point of two-factor authentication that you even if you have the credentials you can't get in and it's man it's devious right you know they'll do things like spam you with 2fa authorizations in the middle of the night when you're not thinking clearly and i was like oh you don't even have to fool them you just have to convince them that you know oh i don't know maybe someone else is trying to get into that and they didn't want to call me because it's too late okay you know whatever right like i could totally see stuff like that happening and that's why it's so important to educate yourself because the the type of fraud that we fell victim to where the email the email accounts of a of a business we were dealing with were compromised to the degree that they were able to email us as that company receive our replies as that company and correspond with us over a course of days right i didn't think that was i i just never seen it before i mean obviously it's it it's possible you know especially with so much mail being cloud-based now there's if someone was just in my inbox how would i know right seriously right and so it was just something that i i thought about for myself you know i've got i've got my 2fa i got locked down boys right so it's easy to get complacent someone else didn't have their 2fa they sent a wire transfer request that sounded feasible enough and we sent it by the way i have an update on that situation we got it back really so how did that happen i am now i am now i cannot tell the story of how we got it back unfortunately [Music] it's done it's done though we got it back and i am i think ready to disclose um how much it was it was uh it was our pool so they told us hey if you pay the whole thing up front we'll offer you a 10 discount on the job uh we we have we need to do some cash flow things right now and we were like oh 10 off that that actually sounds pretty good right i mean we're obviously not financing it through the pool company so what difference does it make to us if they have the money you know three months early as long as they're gonna do it we've done some work with these people before so we were pretty confident that they were going to do the work and the quality was going to be right there and so we sent a 90 000 wire and now we have new procedures in place so that wires of that magnitude or really any wires will go through a new a different type of two-factor authentication right like uh like uh uh i don't want to give too many details but you guys can you guys can do your own reading on how you can prevent i forget what it's called what this kind of email fraud is called uh so do some of your own reading figure out a strategy that works for you but yeah we we did some reading up we found something that we feel like works so we've added another factor to those kinds of transactions we are confident that you know we're going to be more vigilant in the future but man it was that was really scary that's uh yeah that was really interesting not an insignificant amount of money right now a lot of money uh you can actually get this custom cables for sf series corsair power supplies for this case from thor zone borzone has their own custom corsair cables they didn't send any for this one oh that's awesome yeah and then of course our our often sponsor cable mod also makes custom cables for any case you could desire any power supply you could desire you can get them in i think it's 10 centimeter increments or something like that those guys are absolute mad labs and there's a piece of masking tape there's a piece of masking tape that's from the stuff that was mounted in there that's my bed that's bothering me a lot i need it to i need it to come off but i can't did you put the uh put the riser in uh i have not put the riser put the riser in before you put the gpu in i will put the riser in and don't put it in at the top like in the motherboard slot before you screw it in is there not a pair of needle nose pliers here you know i used to keep a pair in my backpack because oh oh oh oh there's an ifixit kit here uh do you want to hit me with another message yeah um oh just a quick update on the right to repair a lot of shoe companies will not provide replacement parts even to qualified repair companies forcing companies to replace them with third-party stuff yeah yeah i can see that and you know what i see their perspective because a shoe to me is more of a collectible i guess in that uh in that echelon and i can see them i think dude the reason is just to make to manufacture a consumable thing it's to manufacture scarcity yeah yeah 100 but would you pay let's say four times the price so you know average pair of shoes 200 bucks would you pay a thousand bucks for a pair of shoes that would last you 10 years here's the problem no i don't think i would i don't i don't think i would and here's the problem for me is that the kind of people who are spending that kind of money on shoes i think have an expectation that it is not you're not going to be able to just assemble a new pair of this limited edition shoe in oh i'm not even thinking of the context of limited edition i'm thinking like just kind of luxury heavy duty nicely built stuff like like blunt stones for example you know i just never really thought about it a shoe is just man it just really isn't something that i uh well i it makes sense the way that the industry is because people like to change their styles yeah and styles change so yeah yeah it's a perfect storm now tell me something is this shiftable thing here so you can do sfx or sfxl yeah you can't do sfxl with a aio in there though ah so we're gonna go with the aio we're gonna try and get full performance out of this bad boy that is gonna cost us a little bit of noise stepping down to a 92 millimeter fan instead of the 120 that you can get on an sfxl but i think when we're going for maximum compactness that's that's probably okay all right i got my piece of tape out that was bothering me let's go ahead and install our pcie riser i'm going to go ahead and assume on a product this premium that this is going to be a gen 4 riser can you confirm yeah gen 4 custom made for this case put in plug it into the motherboard pcie slot before you screw it in on the bottom uh there we go oh yeah okay feels quality feels good feels real good all right cool i mean it's it's a riser it's a riser so that's fine all right so that's going to go in a little something like oh okay yeah no like that perfect david you want to get us a good look at that hey when do you want to do the integration linus oh yeah yeah we could do that we could do that sponsor integration for sure okay why don't we get this riser in and then we'll go ahead and do that now let's figure out where the devil the riser goes oh i see it so we're going to run this boy through here there we go and then this guy is going to go oh wow you kind of got a oh wow you kind of got to stretch it tight there that is man you know on the one hand it's kind of scary but on the other hand boy does it ever make this thing feel in purpose built yeah yeah exactly exactly another merch message for you could you recommend a case for rack mounting a gaming pc oh man that is such a good question and i understand why you asked me because i've done it i do it with my daily driver machine the truth is that at that time i couldn't find a good solution for it which is why we designed our own case and had it manufactured through protocase from what i can tell there's not really a great one but if you're looking to do it somewhat reasonably priced there's a few like rose will cases you can get on amazon that are okay okay tell me this jake crazy pitch crazy pitch one of the reasons that we've never explored doing a case for merch is that you know i felt like one of my biggest passions i still remember this meeting that i had with a bloke by the name of nate who used to work for cooler master and we were like in the back room of some boring ces party not not really into parties and uh i would much rather spend my time talking shop and so he and i made our way into the back room where we could actually hear ourselves think and we pretty much came up with the paradigm of small form factor compact builds that exists today like we basically i was like okay radical idea no hard drive mounts no optical drive we strip everything out and we mount it all in a flat plane and i wanted to basically get close to the slimness of something like a playstation 4 which was the current console at the time and he's like man i don't think it'll take off uh but i wanted them to make this case and i wanted to do it as like a collab and i you know i understand if you guys don't believe me i'm not trying to say i came up with it because honestly products like that started to reach the market in such a time frame that clearly people thought of it before i did it's not about that but nate would back me up on this i'm sure of it and he was just like yeah you know what i love it but i don't know how i could possibly get this by management this is so unproven and then now here we are the cost of risers is just like oh yeah like that's a thing that for certain types of builds it's just it's part of the deal and and like all those things that we talked about as not being feasible they're not mainstream now but they're they're considered feasible now which i just think is so it tickles me it tickles me i think it's really funny so one of the reasons that i have never gone down the path of creating a case is that the thing that i wanted now exists and honestly enough in forms that are better than what i had come up with so why why do i need to do this is my question but then i guess i've been really um i've been really narrow-minded then because here is someone asking for a thing that i created because i wanted it and that's where so many of our merch ideas come from i wanted a better screwdriver not a better one i wanted a perfect screwdriver and so we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and over two years making one so how crazy is it then if i wanted a rack mount gaming case well we're already gonna make a v2 right yeah we're gonna do a v2 when we uh when we update at the new house so why don't we just try to make it actually manufacturable find an oem and freaking do it we could just make it so you could order it through protocols yeah it would really make it so expensive why don't we make 10 no no let's mass produce it why don't we make like 10 000 freaking cases like do you guys want a rack mount gaming case oh god do you want to rack mount all your stuff i shouldn't have read this question well jake do you think it's okay would you consider a rack mount gaming chassis hold on let me finish the pitch if i had my own house let me finish the pitch what if there was a little bit more modularity to it like what if what if you didn't want radiators in the front and there was an option to just mount fans and you could stack it up with hard drives and it could be like a silent nas like designed for desktop components instead of having mounting at the back for those redundant style ones that are super loud or okay now i'm getting real excited what if we approached an oem about now see this is basically what our merch meetings look like i'm just having it live you got to finish building i got to bring nick over here i got to bring nick over here we got to talk about this what if we did a quiet redundant power supply right oh like 800 850 watts twin power yeah yeah yeah oh actually i oh yeah we could just use that the twins yeah okay yeah that was a lot of merch messages in the queue all right all right all right that same person was also wondering how your long distance thunderbolt is going uh long distance thunderbolt is good the problem is just that it is not perfect i haven't had any issues with it lately it's been great but i you know i don't i'm the answer to this question is we're switching to optical usb and optical displayport that's the answer yes thank you jake that's a good answer not because i haven't had an issue with thunderbolt in months i just haven't where i really run into problems is at times that i'm not expecting to run into a problem i'll do something as simple as i will i'll reinstall windows and all of a sudden even though it's supposed to just work it won't and i'll have to fight with it and i'll have to go find some weird stupid driver package on dell's website instead of off of the motherboard website and there'll be some bios parameter that's extremely poorly documented that i have to change asrock's been way better about it than asus in terms of their own motherboard thunderbolt implementations but it's just it's just frustrating right you can't trust it and it's not just me the wife does not like it when her computer doesn't work because i'm tinkering with instead of just doing it like like a normal person right she's not into it and i get it because it's been a pattern in our relationship okay that her stuff never works so i understand why it kind of gets you going a little more than some of the other frustrating stuff that i do i mean that's another factor there's there's plenty of things that are frustrating about being married to me i don't need to add more of them that if that makes sense to you all okay next one um if you had to choose between a top tier amd or top tier intel for gaming and adobe applications which would you choose today gaming and which applications gaming and adobe oh man i think i gotta go oh shoot is power a concern all right or cooling is power or cooling a concern i mean today cooling was a concern now we could have gone with a non-k sku from intel some of them killer like honestly i wish they were putting more marketing behind their their non-k skus this generation they have some great cpus right now but if you want a top-tier cpu that is not going to overheat in something like a compact machine i think amd is still out ahead right now so yeah maybe it's not the cut and dried straightforward answer that you that you crave but in that situation i think i'd want to go amd in any other situation man intel's a great choice right now i man do i ever love it when they're both a great choice when i have to hum and haw and think about it and people can you know get into flame wars on on forums or whatever because because it's actually debatable i mean how boring is the pc space when everyone is just building the same computer because there's only one computer that makes any sense at all that sucks i love the debate i love the i love the drag racing it's like i've completely stopped watching drag racing videos jake because what's the point they just put they put some ice something up against a plaid or whatever you've never watched drag racing videos yeah i don't know they're just it's just a spectacle of it oh wow i don't know it's just yeah it's just it's just fun there was an awesome awesome one recently uh actually i'm yeah this is two-car stuff for you you won't even understand look the point is that it just got kind of it's boring when everybody already knows the outcome like yeah the the electric one is gonna have a faster zero to sixty time but it's gonna be heavier so the driving dynamics might not be as good i don't wanna see the same conclusion over and over again that sucks well sometimes it's different sometimes it's the tesla went around the track a few times and then overheated yeah but like we already we've known that for so long now for so long so yeah i love i love competition that's what i get excited about that's what gets me up in the morning i love debating things that's i think where a lot of my spicy takes come from the sponsor oh oh yeah yeah i love telling you about our sponsor that's a good that's a good segue where is it i guess freshbooks this dream is brought to you by freshbooks when you're building a business that you're passionate about it's easy to feel like there aren't enough hours in the day boy do i ever feel like that a lot of the time and if you're doing all the invoicing and accounting on your own you're probably spending time on work that you don't love i know that i don't love doing invoicing and accounting which is why i make my wife do it for 10 years um um yeah hey if you're super into invoicing and accounting by the way i think we still have job postings up linusmediagroup.com go check that out anyway the point is freshbooks is built for business owners like you it's the all-in-one accounting software that saves entrepreneurs and freelancers up to 11 hours a week i mean i have changed my commute route to save two minutes a day 11 hours a week that is enormous you can spend that time nailing a client pitch serving your customers honing your craft or maybe even maybe even just like having floor time oh no you forgot the fan dude you could just you could just have some floor time you know what i'm saying just relax a little bit i find that sometimes the blood flow it just flows a little easier during floor time i know you're enjoying your floor time but you forgot the fan and the computer oh i didn't put the fan in you put any fans in that's okay well we'll put the fans in honestly i'm just enjoying hanging out with you guys and not building a computer that's just generating an endless stream of who cares no one can build pcs anymore anyway man intel arc is coming we've got rumors flying left and right for nvidia are they going to call it 4000 series are they going to call it 5000 series we don't even know amd is apparently like crazy bullish on our dna 3 like oh man i can't say anything but cpu competition in the next generation i'm stoked i'm stoked we got we got freaking zen four we got what what is it rocket lake is the next one can't remember i think it's rocket lake it's gonna be good okay we gotta get more questions good all right all right hit me with some questions any solar projects plan for lmghq i want to do this i think jake can answer that question you don't even need to answer that question the answer is the answer is yes i don't know what it's going to be or how crazy it's gonna be but we're gonna we're gonna do it right i wanna i mean we might as well i totally wanna do it yeah i'd be super into it like seeing seeing how awesome it was doing it at my house like how much money it saved how relatively not painful the whole thing was it it works really well yeah i'm i'm honestly i'm just kind of jazzed i'm just stoked on it right so i would love to do like a sick solar install here at the office because we have a lot of electricity consuming devices that just need to run all the time even things like our workstations we leave them running quite often because people remote in and they don't always know if they're going to call in a remote workday for example for one of the editors or you know the business team doesn't know if they're going to need to remote in and get access to something that they need to work on on a client pitch that absolutely must be done during overtime on the weekend or something like that you know you know what i mean so we don't we don't know so a lot of the time we just have like dozens and dozens of computers sitting idle around our office which is one of the reasons that i and apparently only i was so excited about the uh 12 volt only standard from intel seeing those crazy idle power consumption drops because for me personally at home it doesn't make much of a difference but from a business standpoint just thinking about the amount of energy that that's going to save over a year five years 10 years whatever i was i was really jazzed on it i was really bullish on it we'll see if the industry adopts it i'm i'm rooting for it but obviously that's not the kind of thing that that i can impact so i'm just gonna sit i'm just gonna sit and hope for the best and i'm gonna sit and hope for um a way to install this fan now that i have put so much stuff in here already why don't you hit me with another message while i figure out how to fight this uh noctua nf a12 man if you're gonna have one fan in your computer it's this one i just just just watch this look at this bearing quality okay the craziest part is just with that little flick you can feel the air i know it actually pushes like a noticeable amount of air just spinning at that kind of rpm these guys are wizards i don't know how they do it next question um are you going or how's it going using the steam deck as your daily driver okay i have an update i gave up it's it's not it's not that i gave up because i didn't like it i gave up because it just didn't really end up making any sense like yes i've done pretty much all of my gaming since then on the steam deck and it's been great the steam deck is freaking awesome but i have done almost no general computer use since i said that i was going to switch to just the steam deck except for work and i told myself when i made the switch like look this i can't have this effect work this time the linux challenge was really impactful on my ability to get work done it was it was not a good thing for for my productivity it was a good thing for i think the community i think it was a good thing for linux i think it was a good thing as a learning experience for myself but from a productivity standpoint it was not good and so i uh so i told myself i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let it hurt my productivity this time and i just haven't really done anything but work on my computer even at home so i just haven't really had a ton to meaningfully add to the conversation and whenever we're not adding to the conversation i don't like to make a video so either i'm not gonna do the video or i'm just gonna wait until like maybe when i move into the new house i i will do the challenge then like i won't even set up my my old computer or something like that but i i basically haven't really done it in a nutshell you got anything uh you got anything right in four more here come out a little better here um sorry guys i was looking at getting the qd oled monitor for working home home and gaming monitor and i've seen issues with text clarity based on the subpixel layout did you notice any issues with productivity work on it all right that's a great question and it's something that i absolutely need to spend a little bit more time looking at it's not something that i noticed immediately but i'm not in a position right now to say you will not notice it or anything like that because the reality of it is that everyone's tolerance for little blemishes or anomalies is gonna be different for example you're gonna see this in a in a video that's coming pretty soon i treated myself to one of the best gaming crts of all time the sony fw 900 a little while ago and we made a video about you know a why crts are amazing for gamers and still still actually better than other displays in some ways um and one of the things that i talked about in that video is that i used to have a crt that used a similar not the same but a similar technology that some people found had a blemish or an anomaly that was very bothersome but for me it wasn't bothersome and it was an aperture grill type crt and what an aperture girl crt will have is this hold on a second let me just get this fan plugged in there we go uh wait is there an aio oh interesting you know what i want to actually switch spots so the pump is going to go there and the fan is going to go there boom there we go were you planning on putting the front fan thing on reach across front fan thing i mean i don't know cell i'm i'm doing stuff i'm doing stuff um what was i talking about right so the aperture grille helps with uh it helps with geometry it helps drive the resolution higher basically it helps make the electron gun that is blasting the the phosphor coated screen in the front uh more accurate which is which is good right but the issue is that there's actually like a visible uh there's like two visible lines right through the display and they're especially visible on white backgrounds and the first time i brought mine home i i knew about it i knew about the issue but i was like ah probably won't bother me it drove me absolutely crazy for two hours and then i completely forgot about it so what i need to do is i need to actually sit down and spend some time with one of these qdo leds take one home use it and see if it's the kind of thing that i can say with confidence hey yeah it's guys it's going to bother you for two hours and then you're going to forget about it or if it's the kind of thing where i go shoot we need to see another generation of this technology or maybe you should stick with lg even though the color volume and the and the peak brightness are not as good yet or or whatever the case may be all right hit me again uh you should add another fan uh add another fan yes under the motherboard you can fit a slim fan there there's some fans to your right over on the counter slim fans noctua slim fans uh uh is there two for a reason uh well if you wanted to use the booster cell thing on the front booster cell all right that's the rgb ring thing that goes on that needs a slim fan too sue back of the motherboard you say i uh hmm i will figure it out underneath the motherboard okay yes next to the ao underneath the motherboard do you want another question uh yeah i'd love to have another question i'm just gonna slip this slim fan in right here oh this is great i don't even really need i don't even really need grills on these fans just because i can use the uh oh man where'd that other one go ah yes i can just use these what would you what would you call these spokes or like the the fixed pieces there braces whatever the thing holds the hub yeah i can i can use those to keep see that keep all the cables out of the blades so you got no problem with it spinning all right hit me uh heather m says please say hi to my son quinn he's watching right now and he's a big fan sup quinn how you doing and she bought him a water bottle nice enjoy your water bottle quinn what color what color did quinn get oh gosh oh i i did i got rid of it you got rid of it already gosh darn it jake i need some fan screws says style default style atlantic blue atlantic blue very nice love it all right uh okay i'm gonna get very next question any chance of ltt pet merch yes oh absolutely we're working on it yeah matter of time got lots of good ideas for pet merch okay crazy pitch super premium cat teaser okay replaceable end pieces called linus cat tips you pitched this like three years ago i know and they we don't have enough engineers to build it i want i want more engineers so that we can build more cool products there's uh two people that have said they would buy the rack mound case the rack mount case two people have paid money to tell you there are literally ones of us oh man see i don't know if it's a good idea i honestly have no idea what the minimum order quantities of something like a case look like i have no idea you know who i bet does know actually i don't think this one's going to fit i think maybe thor's i bet steve from gamers nexus would know because he did some serious investigation like he pulled his community and stuff and steve doesn't like he he does research when he you know tries to make a business decision right so i feel like i feel like he's probably done a little bit you don't know what that's like hey to no no we do research i just mean that instead of reinventing the wheel i could go to him and ask him what he learned about it and if there's anything useful that he could tell me because we're colleagues sort of well we're not colleagues in the strictest sense but we're collaborators we're collaborators um you know i've i've shared knowledge with him he shared knowledge with me it's good i think it's good for the whole space that you know we don't treat each other like bitter rivals none of us in the tech space i feel like are like that all right now this looks like it goes kind of like that cool and then i'm assuming that these fans are these rather these screws are for this yep that looks pretty good to me so i happen to have this size hex as part of our default loadout i actually do not think so and i get to be right today fortunately we will have i am wrong i do have it okay well uh yeah yeah um fortunately but it doesn't matter we will have other uh other bit packs and they will be available at launch with all different kinds of like fu bits and but the fu set is actually going to be a specific one i think we settled on not actually calling it that do you know about the fu set no what's that it's when the manufacturer says fu and uses these screw heads so that you can't repair your stuff so maybe we should call it the fu back what what kind of things would be that like like a tri-wing security torx tri-wings no security torques all of our torxes are just security torxes there's no reason for our normal torques to exist as far as i can tell i was working on a car a few weeks ago and somebody had put aftermarket torx bolts and they were security torques not regular torques but it's security like t30 i didn't have a security t-30 like geez ours man even with all the legislation that exists to protect consumers from car manufacturers they still find ways to fu um for those of you who are wondering how these messages are coming in they are from the uh from the checkout on lttstore.com all you gotta do is fill in your message as you're checking out and it'll either pop up in the top of the stream or jake will write you a little write you a little note as an answer or we might talk about it on the stream they're called merch messages and they're way better than super chats because just sending money into a void and giving a bunch of it to twitch which is amazon or google is dumb so all right my thing looks bent whoa there we go yeah it's just because there's a bunch of stuff in there it'll it'll slide in don't worry people it'll be fine there is that better we good it's very thin light aluminum uh somebody's wondering what's a good entry-level job for someone who recently found interesting computer hardware wants to pursue a career in the industry hmm wow that's a that's a good question i mean you can't go wrong with just trying to get some you know get some real life tech support work under your belt i think that's where a lot of us you know really started yeah there's there's nothing there's no i don't think there's anything that you can do that anyone would actually let you do like obviously you're not going to get a senior help desk position or something like that if you have no experience so you know right out of the gate with no experience i don't think there's anything that you can do that is going to get you more hands-on real-world experience just encountering problems and your mind is going to be blown by the sheer volume and variety of problems that you were gonna find like i remember i would spend when i was in sales basically anytime i didn't have to be out on the floor i was hanging out with the techs in the tech room because that's just my jam right um and i'd be like hey we get any two of any of the same thing today and that was just kind of a joke because no you would almost never get two of the same thing i mean even if somebody's even if somebody's computer is all gunked up with viruses or something it would be totally different it would be a unique loadout of bs right oh yeah no on this one we can't we not only can't open the browser we can't install a different browser because whatever's hijacked this computer is smart enough to watch for the exe of any browser setup and terminate it so that you can't get around its adware nonsense because it clearly hasn't figured out how to infect that one yet and so what we had to do was we had to download it on a different computer because it blocks us from even downloading it we had to change the name of the executable then bring it over and run it so that we could actually get this other uh this like in browser thing to run something something that like just learning to work around a problem that's what you need and that's what that'll teach you so that's where i think probably you know what i did a lot of us started i uh i posted a thing on craigslist free free computer help i would just like help people that's genius have like with viruses or like i needed a new hard drive or something like that i love it yeah and then i ended up charging people later on that's the way to go yeah yeah you graduate to hey i am actually good enough at this that i i think i have a a good degree of confidence that i'm not going to screw up their stuff because when you when you think there's a strong chance you could screw up their stuff then it might just be better not to charge for it yeah it's hard for them to complain if you do it for free and mess up yeah exactly right i might have screwed something up jake what you can't put that front thing on i think i can't put the front thing on because i didn't put it on ahead of time and you know i did ask you a few times yeah you did you did ask and i i didn't listen yeah um i'm actually a little confused overall right now it seems like you can't have the two and a half inch ssd mount if you have no you got to take it off ah well then we're good everything is fine perfect you want to hit me with another message yeah another person said they'd be down to buy the rack case okay um all right quick question about the offices you guys own how feasible would it be to hook up solar panels on there oh yeah well we want to do that we want to do it very feasible as long as we get strata approval i'm pretty sure we'd be able to do it without too much trouble we do have a membrane roof so like hiking around up there is not good for it we'd want to you know try to do it in as non-destructive a way as possible but like i honestly jake i kind of think we'd want it to be sort of modular-ish so that in the event that we had to do a roof replacement which we will have to do at some point basically we'd be able to kind of take units of it like off yeah for the roofing project and then put them back on and wire them back up obviously it's not just as simple as plugging them together like an electrician would be involved in the semi-disassembly and semi-reassembly but i feel like that's got to be a product that exists for commercial buildings for like flat uh membrane style roofs he also wants to know the 2-liter water bottles when are they coming out the 2-liter water bottles are coming soon actually that should be quite soon i'm sorry i don't have a more exact answer for you it's possible that nick light would have something a little bit more precise but he's not here right now because they actually work out of a separate office now so it's a little bit tougher for him to just casually drop by when we're streaming it's a whole 30 second walk from their building to ours those things are so chungus though it's crazy like you could you could damage something by putting down your water bottle too hard you know what i mean it's like the size of that computer they're hilarious now this is interesting this front piece here all right it seems to have a fan header yeah the fan gets passed through on the little contacts did you look at it at all you know there's like a contact thing you have to put on the case and then so it can still slide out that is super cool in that case i put the fan on upside down fortunately thanks to my ltt storage screwdriver it's really fast to change stuff like that gotta love the knurled ratcheting shaft all right hit me with another one that's it that's it you finally got through them all all right we got through them all that's great ask more questions people yeah if you guys have questions that's the best way to send one i'll look in twitch or floatplane yeah i mean love our floatplane peeps uh any chance that we'll be getting a vegan leather ltt wallet now a vegan leather ltg wallet that would be kind of cool wouldn't it honestly i don't need a wallet right now i'm i'm like oh man see i that's something that i'm not confident that i would be able to do a good job of guiding the development process of like obviously we have a super talented team i don't have to i don't have to tell them you know how to make something they're they're great but a lot of the time they do try to make stuff for me because believe it or not um if i'm if i really love it you know i'm going to be way more passionate when i tell you guys how much i love it for one thing which is obviously better for business and number two is that there tends to be a lot of overlap go figure between things that i like and things that you guys like because i mean you subscribed right so it's one of those things where a lot of the philosophy behind our product development is i want one of those surely there are a thousand other me's out there who would also want one and i also have to want it enough to not only buy it right because i do actually have to pay for you know all of them but i have to want it enough to buy lots of them and so far it's been a great product development strategy so when it comes to wallets i'm a simple man you know i just want this was actually made for me by my wife uh so it's it's hand hand made and it's just two pockets right here for my cards there's a little slip pocket behind my id pocket where i can put my costco card and my my aaa card it's called bcaa here but aaa for our american friends it's got an id thing with a window here that i can quickly and easily slide out and that's all i really that's all i really need i don't really carry cash anymore since the whole covid thing and everything just going contactless i actually switched to a wallet that doesn't have a place for cash yeah it's been a problem okay i mean i can carry a little bit of an emergency just like my old one i can triple fold like a like you know a 20 or something threaded we got another person saying they'd take the rack mount case more rack mount case peeps oh man look at this this sucks this is like not quite gonna make it so now i have to put an extension on it no maybe i can find a shorter extension hold on give me a sec give me a sec here all right jake hit me oh you know what i could do hey what do you think of this david i'll just use a low noise adapter okay yeah i'm just gonna do that and then that front one will just be like super quiet and then we can dig back in and we can fix it by default it might already be pretty quiet well i need a shorter extension so i'm using this as it we'll see how it goes you could use a splitter too that would work that's true i could use a splint and it's plugged in already too late all right we've got another vote for rack case that's got to be like five or six another rack case yeah we're almost at 10. i'd buy it if you make it a streamer case where there's two pcs in it two pcs in it this is going to have like 18 different modules that we can put no how cool would that oh i refuse it'd be really cool though i don't know jake it sounds pretty cool somebody's asking for an update on the data recovery i can give you an update yeah why don't we flip around to jake while i plug in this the old vault as of like two or three days ago is a hundred percent recovered we didn't lose a thing new vault we've lost around 6 000 files i think maybe it's maybe it's 4 000. that sounds like a lot but in the uh it's not that many it's like talking one and a half to two million files so it's really not that and that includes like some of them just being like nonsense metadata and stuff like that right uh yeah not a lot of them oh never mind um i think there's around 30 to 50 full projects that are completely inaccessible which kind of sucks but overall not bad yeah hmm why have i run out of fan headers one for the pump sounds like you need a splitter one for this well i have a splitter that's what i'm trying to figure out what's playing i believe there's one at the bottom of the board because i already ran an extension okay there we go you still haven't installed the m.2 the m.2 oh right right right right yeah yeah i'll get the storage in there don't worry don't worry jake thanks uh merch message i'll get the storage in there there we go all right there's nine messages ltg sandals when okay sandals are one of those things where come on guys like real talk would you expect anything but the finest possible sandals from us would you accept anything other than the best no so with that in mind there's a lot of development to do it's not that's not going to be trivial and there's so much cost involved in releasing a shoe because for nearly every size you are basically redoing your plastic and rubber molds many of them which can be tens of thousands of dollars each per size and that's before you've even ordered any actual shoes that anyone can actually wear like it's the scale of that project would be bigger than anything we've ever done by uh by a country mile so yeah it's something that we intend to do someday but i'm not going to go on the record and provide any kind of timeline for it whatsoever right now i'm wiring up the front panel power connector i guess yeah so in that case yeah why don't i make this front one power and then there's actually a rear switch on this case this is super cool there's a rear switch here and then that i guess is going to be your reset i really like that oh you know what maybe this front one is an led hold on no no it's a button there's your uh there's your button right there cool i have no idea how many people are watching right now jake do you want to give me an update do you have one or chase or someone on twitch oh wow that's really strong for twitch thanks twitch maybe you guys aren't so bad i think youtube's 11 000 on youtube well i said 18 000 before i think youtube's metrics are just broken oh yeah they might be a little broken yeah oh there it says 19 000. holy smokes all right hey thanks for tuning in guys it's nice that y'all are y'all are excited about pc building not sucking for a change too it's great it's terrific i'm so happy okay front panel stuff's all hooked up we got the fan ready i guess i'm gonna no that goes clearly it's not right no no i figured it out i figured it out i figured i promise do you know is there ever gonna be a straw adapter i will put in the ssd a straw adapter okay i actually had a really good chat with the the engineering team last week where basically we have we have gotten samples of pretty much every lid on this green earth and the reality of it is we chose our first our v1 lid because it was reliable we didn't want to take any chances we didn't want to screw around we wanted to make sure that returns were basically not going to be a thing and we wanted to go with the thing that we trusted first and foremost all right with v2 we heard your guys's feedback and we found what we felt was the best uh this style lid nice solid handle thing if you want to hang it from something and like a good um like a wide threading so that you're not spinning it forever like we it's rubberized here like we were it's good but it's not perfect so the meeting that i had with the engineering team last week is guys i think it's time to reinvent the wheel here i want us to have the best lids period the absolute best lids and if that means you know 30 grand in tooling costs or whatever then so be it but the goal is for us to get it to the point where the ordering process for water bottles is gonna be like uh like a builder almost so you pick your size you pick your color you pick your lid you know you pick any accessories maybe we want to start doing like cool koozy things or something like that that's the kind of long-term vision that is very dangerous to share with your community because the last thing you want is for people to stop ordering in hopes that they can just wait for the the better experience but i'm okay sharing it with you guys because i know we're so far away from delivering that but i'm not worried about it right now but in a nutshell yes we do intend to do a straw lid but i i hate pretty much every straw lid that's out there and the reason is that i simply haven't found one that is convenient leak proof sanitary straw lids are freaking disgusting like honestly they're gross have you like a straw lid that you've been using okay especially you put anything other than water in that thing astralis you've been using for a year go look at that thing it's nasty so you know we would want ours to be you know talking about right to repair right we want our straw lid to be something that you can you could like replace a a piece of or or something that could be easily disassembled and cleaned and put back together like i don't want someone getting sick drinking from our water bottle that's not acceptable so that's where i'm at on it because i'm not happy with any straw lids on the market right now and i want us to do better and we will but it's going to take time all right all right okay i got lots of questions you want to speed do a few yeah yeah let's do let's see um what feedback from ltx 2019 is being incorporated into the next event oh man a ton honestly do a rapid fire like three things okay uh shorter lines um we're definitely gonna increase the total bandwidth of events so that we can process lines faster uh much bigger merch booth that was actually a huge complaint from the event last time that we we didn't have enough tills enough checkouts so people had to wait forever to buy stuff and more creators i want even more creators that actually wasn't negative feedback there was a ton of positive feedback about how many creators we had there i've got one but boy am i ever going to blow a ton of money flying in every tech creator that we can to ltx 20 whatever the crap it ends up being there my one feedback is ltt staff just being able to mingle and not having to like have a booth i think that would be an excellent idea i think there might be situations where it makes sense to have ltt staff at the booth but they shouldn't be running it yeah they should just be like stationed there hey yeah jake is going to be at the vrc car experience from three to four today if you want to if you want to hang with him or you know chat about the project but there's someone else just like processing the line and troubleshooting cars that aren't working or whatever yep somebody's mentioning that you should get a tican wagon i agree i sent my order confirmation today really you didn't even tell me i showed it to you i know so that one you did it i am going to fly to saskatchewan when uh we're gonna book a flight and yvonne and i are going to electric road trip back together that sounds awful it's what really yeah have you been on an electric road trip before uh it'll be okay i mean it's going to be with her so i don't know tycan's ranges is it's okay i'm okay all right with it all right i'm i hope you don't have any charging issues i'm excited but it'll be good you can make a video about it i'm not going to make a video or a short i want to enjoy it that's that's where i'm at on that this front thing here honestly um is kind of confusing i don't see how it's supposed to not interfere with anything so the pcb comes up this way oh so that means i can't tuck it on the top and i can't really i can't really fit it in the bottom here david do you see the problem here nope oh okay here let me let me try and get you a better angle here here here yep that'll work okay i need this out of the way so that there's enough clearance for it to plug into this right yep um and i i just kind of wish there was a bit of a longer lead on this is there an adapter in the box or something ah that's a good question not that i'm aware of maybe it's supposed to just come up through these little holes in the hold down thing so let's let's try that let's try something like that here how about this comes apparently uh sweetwater makes rackmount pcs sweetwater with standard hardware and to you and for use size never heard of them might be it sweetwater like they they're like one of the biggest uh av music retailers in the states oh okay oh really oh that's a that's a sensible thing for them to get into that's pretty cool they're an affiliate oh i think you i think if you saw their logo you would know uh probably not really i i i don't think i've ever heard of sweetwater before in my life oh okay sorry sorry sweetwater i'll let you down i'll let you down somebody's wondering if we would ever make a physical store um if we made a physical store which i'm not saying will do but if we did it would be called lttstore.com and we would use it as a way to not only just you know have a physical place to buy ltt merch but also as a place to get rid of all the gear that we're going to end up having to buy as part of our lab endeavor so if we were to do that which there isn't a plan for that would be the plan i don't know if i would actually call it lttstore.com i just think it's really funny what's the one tech problem you've encountered that was so painful that you'll never forget it there's got to be a few do you have one though like the ultimate tech problem so painful that i will never get it okay yeah yeah i've got a really good one actually i remember this one system that i had back in the p4 days i had this kind of sketchy power supply and you know in theory it should have been fine but every time i tried to install windows it would blue screen every time no matter what windows xp 32-bit 64-bit off of a thumb drive off of a cd it didn't matter what i did it just it would blue screen every time i tried to install windows and if one of the things that i've learned over the years and this was part of that learning process this particular encounter is that anything that you cannot otherwise explain is ram or power supply because i had no explanation for it i had swapped out everything but here's the kicker that power supply i had put it in another system and i was able to install windows and prime95 and whatever the aqua mark or whatever was our gpu test back then right so every component had been validated individually all right oh right and the other thing that was driving me crazy was the power supply was already in the system running when i went to reinstall windows it was a working computer but with blue screen every time i tried to reinstall windows it wouldn't with a different power supply it was working with that blue screen power supply and with that power supply in a separate computer i was able to install windows and torture test okay so my solution ended up being that i put in a a sacrificial power supply i just put in some random one installed windows took it out put the one that it was blue screening with every time in and that computer i believe is still running like 11 years later okay and it was just i spent so many hours you know when you know that every piece is good then the whole should be good but that's what that's what power supply funkery will do to you it's a hell after of a drug um the power supply kept tripping the circuit breaker i put in a different computer worked fine put it back in my computer kept tricking tripping the circuit breaker decided to get a different point oh that's hilarious that's called being in just the wrong spot of the efficiency curve [Laughter] that's rough i had an issue with my home nasa it actually took me a year to get a configuration where every single one of the ram slots actually worked didn't i tell you about this i had like a mix of single and dual rank which is supposed to be fine actually um i had slightly different manufacturers ram i think it's just because it was a xeon w it was just super awful i haven't experienced ram difficulty like that since ddr2 was pretty bad yeah early ddr2 was i think the worst i've seen oh that's so funny i love it i spent a hundred dollars buying another four gigs of ram you know that ocz the gold stuff that stuff was looks so cool spent like a hundred dollars buying another stick to put in my computer turns out my motherboard slots were so close together that it wouldn't fit so i had to tear the heat spreaders off oh that's such a shame that stuff is so classic looking now especially man have you seen the old uh el platinum you should you should google that ocz like el platinum 3500 or something like that that'll bring it up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's thick it looks like server like non-volatile dimms yeah and like the chrome plating on it oh man that stuff was the shiz back in the day i mean we didn't know that ocz just like didn't care about quality at all um so that was the thing we figured out eventually got another question for you as an alternative to not com have you explored selling ltt items at existing retailers like micro center yeah we have the problem that we've run into with that is that nobody seems to really be interested which is kind of crazy to me we've never had a conversation like okay our our book for example the abcs of gaming uh written by me illustrated by the one and only sarah butt we have sold tens of thousands of copies through lttstore.com it's a successful product and like i was i've even done some reading up on you know how to get your how to get your book you know in a store and you you know you email them and you know they sometimes they might show preference for local authors and blah blah blah absolutely nobody has expressed any interest in carrying it pretty much whatsoever even though compared to a lot of other books it just has a proven track record already like it it's pretty much a no-brainer to just bring a few of them in but we've never even gotten as far as someone asking us you know what the cost would be on it i thought we looked into micro center we did look into micro center and they never placed an order i don't think we even got as far as a cost conversation but they are the one that we did talk to because if i recall correctly was micro center the one that carried the original hoodie no no they weren't um but yeah yeah they're they're they're a good partner to be clear like i'm not not this in micro center or anything like that they just haven't taken an interest theta wants an update on your house oh man the house is it's getting close it's getting so close that it's actually starting to be kind of painful i i went there last night because yvonne and i needed to look at um okay the yard is way more sloped than we realized so our intention was to have the back like walk out onto the pool deck but if that's the case the dirt at the back of the yard was gonna have to be like this high compared to where it is now and we did not realize that so what that would mean is that our fence would be like buried under two feet of dirt and rot pretty much like if we if we actually leveled out the yard and we have enough phil to do it because they're digging a pool but that's a big problem so i think what we're going to do is we're going to do a step down to the pool and then level out from there so that it's not completely ridiculous um what else is what else is there to update the floors are done except for the wall-to-wall carpet on the upstairs the painting is probably going to be done this week the finishes like the moldings and stuff like that i am expecting to happen over the next couple of weeks and we may they are happening right now we may yeah yeah they're they're they're working on it we may be moved in the master bathroom is pretty much done i think we maybe moved in in like four weeks five weeks yeah i'm i'm pretty i'm pretty excited and i'm having a really hard time figuring out how to plug in this rgb i figured out to use their adapter to plug into the header on the motherboard but i cannot for the life of me determine where the crap this goes so this is oh on the front there's headers running between these two on these okay hold on i just want to see the labels so this says out and this says in so this guy has rgb already and this one needs to be plugged in here ah yes okay i get it so this comes off the header on the motherboard perfect wow this thing is just really well thought out uh any other messages and then this guy nine nine in the queue this guy right here is gonna come right here and plug into this one so that'll actually be the third there we go third member of our daisy chain boom okay so who's your favorite employee and why who's my favorite employee like all parents i love all of my children equally i know who your favorite employee is you know who my favorite well okay my favorite employee the cop-out answer is yvonne no you me yeah you're your favorite employee oh no no i'm a pain in the ass i'm like late all the time and like i'm i i get all i can be all frenetic he was talking about how he's saving two minutes on his drive to work today and today he was like an hour and a half late bouncing all over the place and like yeah no i'm a hot mess man oh dog you want you want reliability you want you want yvonne somebody's asking about an ltt torque driver rather than just a regular screwdriver no time soon that would require such extensive redesigning of things that have been a lot of work and complicated that i am not willing to make any kind of commitment i think you'd be more likely to see a precision kit from us than a torque driver all right whoa that is packed tight look at that ladies and gentlemen is that crazy or what got your motherboard i did install the storage got your rgb power supply cooling boy is there ever not a lot of room for airflow around that bad boy um also some of these wires seem to be kind of sticky somebody's asking uh how our video on emulation on the steam deck was coming emulation on the steam deck we have an emulation video coming soon it's not really that focused on the steam deck and the thing about emulation on steam deck is boy is that ever a fast developing area right now it's funny i saw an article that was like this amazing app combines all your game stores and you do them and it said it's lucrative like oh okay yeah that's that's a thing that's linux it's it's really funny having some exp having enough experience with linux to know like linux did it when i see like more mainstream uh more mainstream reporting on new amazing innovations in in gaming or whatever so i'm just saying linux peeps i get it i get it all right okay we freed up a little bit of space around that i got lots more questions if you get uh for sure i got some time i just want to start getting the gpu and are we at the gpu stage now oh this is amazing you know what in spite of how distracted i've been today like how far into this stream are we an hour 30. man if i wasn't talking to you guys the whole time i probably could have built this like half an hour i agree it's actually very easy to build them that's awesome mind you you did have parts cherry picked for you and checked that's true okay so you fit jake validated that the parts were all going to fit and all that so that's an advantage a lot of time yesterday trying to figure out what would fit and then i found out there is a list of validated things on their website but it's like behind a plus mark that just looks like it's part of the page of course it is yeah way to go thorazon um it's just somebody's asking if ltt will be getting more into written work now that the labs is becoming a thing that is our intention yes i think that um the state of of written tech media is um could be better and i think that there's room for us to come in and be disruptive by funding the expensive written journalism through video which is much more profitable than written so the problem is that the situation for written has just become untenable there's a reason that there's been an exodus of top writing talent from the written tech media and it's because the business model is just not sustainable anymore we're using an rtx 3080 uh 12 gigs gddr6 x it's fast i think that's a 10 gig one is it is it 10 gig shut up i thought it's 12 gig pretty sure they're 10. are they 10. they might be 12 now um because that's an original one it's gotta be 10 games no i'm done it's 10. yeah what am i talking about sorry 10 gigs ram it's going to go in a little something like oh how the heck is this thing going to go in oh that's interesting okay it just sits there whoa hey how you doing buddy somebody's wondering the current notification numbers for the screwdriver in the backpack uh yeah i can get you that just give me a minute and someone is also wondering um the same person is wondering if the original water bottle lid will be available as an accessory ever uh it is our intention to make that available yes and are you into watching any sports you know i used to be super into hockey and i just after the last lockout and that was man that was quite a while ago i just got sick of it i just i i had this kind of i had this aha moment where i realized that you know none of these the the vancouver canucks contained no players you know from vancouver um as soon as their careers are over they just leave like there's nothing actually vancouver about it um and it's all just like billionaires versus millionaires trying to extract as much money as possible through catchy slogans and and chants and i just i don't mind businesses but i just feel like they're really disingenuous about how they're just a business and you know they try to i don't like uh the the canucks did this particular branding what was it like seventh man or something like that where you the fans are the you're the seventh contributor you're so important like no we're a warm body in a seat to you don't don't pretend it's anything other than that like i always love i love you know like sports heroics i love you know regs to riches stories and i love you know overcoming adversity stories i love the story lines and uh the ones that are genuinely good role models you know i have a ton of respect for athletes like that like if there are if there are two if there are two vancouver athletes that i respect more than any others it's got to be the sedene twins those guys just they're blue collar you know superstars absolutely but blue-collar men did they ever work hard um not arrogant a long time too not arrogant as far as i could they show up day in day out uh you know they're just so respectful to everyone as far as i can tell i mean maybe something has developed over the last couple of years but as far as i could tell they didn't have a single like whisper of a scandal their entire careers they just seemed like super stand-up folks and you know with a lot of athletes i feel like they fulfilled the minimum contractual obligation for like community involvement whereas with those guys as far as i could tell every story i heard about them was they stayed longer than they had to they did more than they had to and i just i have so much respect for them i've heard similar things actually they they just seem like and again these are people i haven't met that's another thing is i'm i'm uncomfortable with the idea of fandom you know it comes from the word fanatic right like you shouldn't be a fanatic of anything but i so i won't call myself a fan but i will say that those two particular gentlemen i respect a ton based on everything that i know about them so you know when they retired that was also a big blow to my interest in following hockey um they were just totally in a league of their of their own vancouver's had other superstars not many mind you but we've had other superstars but i i don't think we've really had other people oh i wanted to just quickly mention nothing anyway you can invert this case in like seconds oh you can invert it you can just put the like the top on either way oh that's kind of cool maybe not with the front fan thing yeah hard to say if that's reversible so we've got the front fan in which oh really did i not secure this properly um maybe i think the computer being in there puts pressure on maybe yeah maybe that oh are there are there pads maybe uh you know what let's find out only one way to wow it's a little bowed um this is a bit of a struggle we might have wanted the the cables wanna hit me with another oh yeah there's a question for me um oh crap i'll let you do your thing this is not even close uh oh what did you do uh the power supply isn't jammed down tight enough and i can't get over the power connector wait jammed down there's like a bracket for it don't worry about it i got this you don't even don't even stress dude okay i'll answer the question for me um question for jake a question for jacob however much detail you feel comfortable with how did you get into system administration and stuff like that well like i said before i started off helping people with their computers on craigslist for free um but honestly a lot of it was just learning on the go and making lots of mistakes on the way oh yeah lots of mistakes oh yeah unfortunately i had somebody to to look at that made a lot of mistakes before me that i could just watch someone over there i also have run like a web site thing on the side for like several years and that's been a great learning experience so yeah just you ran a lot like minecraft servers and stuff as a kid too did you minecraft servers we had a cs go server for a couple big streamers um yeah lots of trial and error and playing video games honestly i actually started with roblox i'll say that's like the first game that really got me into like servers and like messing around with uh messing around with games and computers i was like nine years old playing roblox it's a good story jake's origin story it's gonna be part of phase five the lmg cinematic universe somebody's wondering if we use home assistant at the office we do but we don't really use it for really anything it's mostly just to test for linus house i use home assistant at home though okay um this is really tight what did you mess up nothing is it just too much cable it's a lot of cable could you stuff some of it maybe in front of the motherboard oh oh wow you did it okay are you gonna be able to fit the panels on hold on hold on i got this i get it oh god oh that hurt what did you do did you pinch yourself yeah it bit me it looks sick look at that though can you tell it like almost cut all the way through through my wrist can you see that holy crap ow those tight tolerances man i know right okay jeez i'm fine uh any other questions yeah yeah yeah um do you think that there will be a time that apple and google move away from renting fabs from others like tsmc and samsung man so the biggest bottleneck in the chip fab industry right now is ah crap what's that company called the one that makes the only uh the only top-tier lithography machines they're in like uh the the nordic regions somewhere i can't remember what they're called asml yeah yeah that one even if they wanted to get into that industry there's no lithography machines how are they gonna what are they gonna do um that's a big challenge so i don't know maybe they want to it's pure speculation from my part i don't know anything about that but i think it would be extremely challenging to get into it you basically have to convince asml that they should supply to you instead of an intel or a tsmc speaking of asl somebody said that they noticed you uh using american sign language in a video and they're wondering where you learned that and why um my mom was a teacher of the deaf when i was growing up and she wanted us to learn some american sign language and so we did i was never fluent but i oh crap you know what i can work with this i was never fluent but i would describe my proficiency as functional i bit this cable a little bit too i didn't sever it fortunately and i only stripped the insulation off of one of them so it shouldn't short timothy is asking about an ltt store flashlight oh damn it bit my thumb this time okay ltt store flashlight a flashlight flashlight oh a flashlight okay um okay an ltt store flashlight so that's another one of those ones where if we did it i would want it to be like awesome and there's a whole flashlight enthusiast community out there that i feel like we'd have to do a lot of consulting with i'm not saying no i'm just not saying now about a flashlight uh with the new house being painted are you comfortable with others doing it or would you rather do it considering you used to work as a painter okay did you bring that one up because you know how pissed off i am about the paint job they've done oh the i knew you were pissed off about the uh all of the stupid little tapes that's one of the things i didn't know there was more are you guys ready for linus story time our painters who i will not name because it is not my intention to drive any business to them have done a great job of applying product fantastic job straight lines smooth wall finish i want to give them i want to give credit where credit is due but they have taken the most ass backwards frankly i don't know any word to describe it other than moronic approach to painting our house that i have ever seen in my life they painted about 40 of the house okay about 40 of the house are you wearing nail polish yeah oh cool okay they painted 40 of the house and managed to put the wrong product on every single surface what okay so originally we were planning to do touch-ups on the ceiling because we were only going to take a little bit of a little square of drywall here a little square drywall there so what we did was ceiling paint fades right particularly on popcorn sealing because you have to use oil and oil paint fades to a much greater degree than latex paint okay so what we did was we grabbed a little slice of the existing ceiling and we color matched it okay but the plan changed when they ripped out half the freaking ceiling drywall we were like okay well we should just do a fresh coat of paint and once you do a fresh coat of ceiling paint somewhere a ceiling will look white to you until you put new paint on it you're like holy crap it was not white before so what they did was even though that changed and they were supposed to know this they applied color matched faded faded color to the entire ceiling oh no of two floors of the house okay now let's talk about the walls so they put the wrong color on the ceiling now let's talk about the walls for the walls i was explicit the number of times that i said i want my swear button i want my the number of times i said eggshell we don't have a swear button eggshell finish okay for walls you use eggshell do you know why you use eggshell because it's a good balance between a more flat finish which hides surface defects okay and a gloss finish okay which is scrubbable because in paint okay you can only suspend so many particles in the solvent all right so you've got your you've got your stain blocking pigments okay you've got your color pigments all right you've got your you've got your um you've got your resin okay so that's what gives you that hardness that's what gives you that scrub ability eggshell is the standard on walls because while it might look great to put a satin finish or a flat finish on your walls it will look great until the second someone washes their hands in the bathroom goes out into the hallway and kind of goes like this and a little droplet of water gets on the wall and you go to wipe it and you're like destroyed immediately destroyed so use eggshell on walls the number of times that i said eggshell to the uh to the contractors to the designers it's in the it's in the documents is and it was it was like a meme it was it was hilarious every time we talked to the head contractor i'd be like and it's eggshell right he's like yes yes of course yes sexual okay they put satin finish on the walls how much of them i looked up the specific prod oh many walls many walls i looked at the specific product the first two reviews it's not scrubbable at all the painters come back to me they're like this is actually within the same range of the master painters association blah blah blah i send them back their own stupid documentation i go hey couldn't help noticing that the range okay the range of of uh of like resin content is enormous yes the one you used happens to fall in the range but eggshell is at the way other end of the range and there's a reason that i asked for it there's a reason i specifically said and you know what's the best part is when i saw the satin paint cans on the job site before they painted anything i said hey those aren't for the walls please double check eggshell on the walls and they were like yes yes yes yes yes and they put satin paint on the walls look i'm not trying to be like a little uh a little house renovation zilla here that's not the point the point is that i was very specific because there's a very specific reason that we don't think about it fine think about it from another perspective think about it from an environmental impact perspective okay the amount of toxic freaking paint that we are producing the finish of which will be immediately destroyed the second anybody touches it why are we doing this why don't we use something durable why don't we do it properly so are they repainting your whole house they're they're repainting everything they did incorrectly because it was all in the work documents it was all in there and you've corrected them on site and oh best part is that in the work documents it also said because i'm particular about paint the house that we live in now the reason that the siding is peeling is because the well i'm just gonna say it dumbass previous owner applied a stain over top of a paint it was a good it was okay so latex stain and latex paint are not as different as oil paint and oil stain okay a latex stain like a quality latex stain has a lot of paint like properties it's designed to soak into the wood like a stain but it also because it's latex um it has a bit of a rubbery film to the top so unlike if you had put a latex paint over say um uh actually no you can paint over painting over stain is fine so unlike if you put say an oil stain like a like a semi-transparent stain over over a paint or something like that it would immediately flake off it didn't immediately flake off but i told them i told my realtor and i told them i was like hey it would have been really nice if you guys had like it's a high quality stain they used good product but it would be really nice if you guys use the right product it's it's amazing how many professional painters and how many homeowners get all get all caught up in little accessories like little sponges for cutting the lines or whatever else and apply the wrong damn product to the wall um so yeah so our paint has failed on our house twice in the 10 years that we've been there and it should have been more like once um and the reason is that once you've got a layer that's not adhering really properly it's not going to be a problem for a couple of seasons but once you go through those heating and those cooling cycles a few times and the uv that adhesion is not going to be well once you've layered on top of it it'll protect it from a lot of the uv but that adhesion is not going to be strong enough and so what's going to happen is over time what you want is you want an impermeable perfect barrier right like that's the point of paint you've got this moisture and this sunlight protecting barrier okay and when all the layers underneath are adhering correctly that barrier should be the one to flake off right because it's getting all the direct sun it's getting the water the moisture the rain right but when you've got one two or three layers down that is going to be failing for a different reason all of a sudden you're going to go to scrape this like every year you're going to look at it you're going to have new failures you're going to have new cracking because you've got that one weakest link layer in there somewhere so it's very frustrating for me when people use the wrong the wrong product because you're basically destroying that wall you are destroying that so much sorry i said i feel like i just learned so much yeah so i'm i'm very i'm very passionate about doing things properly when it comes to painting and so i was very frustrated that even after they applied the satin they were trying to tell me that it was the right thing and i so i went on i forget who they were using sherwin-williams i think so i went on shirley william's site i'm like hey couldn't help noticing that they have a product that is eggshell so my conspiracy theory is you know why i think they wanted to use satin is because it's easier it's faster remember how i said that flat paints and that includes satin hide imperfections well they hide imperfections in your wall but they also hide imperfections in your paint job they make it easier for you to roll on a nice smooth looking surface oh oh oh it gets better right i forgot so jake couldn't help noticing when he was at the house that some of the walls had literally like how many jake how many little pieces are probably like 80. yeah okay there were walls one wall yeah yeah there were literally hundreds all over the house of these little bits of masking tape for all the little the little surface divots and pinholes from pictures the previous owners had on or little imperfections from the drywallers patching things except they went around and did it after they already primed and put a coat of paint on why would you do that because you know what happens okay you put your primer on okay you put your coat of paint you go and notice there's a hole in the wall you put a little piece of tape on there okay now you have to go get your putty you got to putty it then you got to prime it because you can't just paint right over putty that's the other thing that stupid satin product was a primer paint combo so it was another laziness factor okay so you got to take that you got to now prime it because if you paint over top of putty the absorption rate is different on paint and putty so now you've got to prime it then you got to do not one but two coats of paint over top of that imperfection that you fixed then you've got to feather your work so that you're hiding this change also unless you're rolling it right you're going to have brush strokes so you're going to have to roll it which means you're going to have to paint for every one of those little spots you're going to have to paint an area this big you're going to prime paint and paint again an area this big so on a wall freaking jake that wall maybe this size with the 80 tape marks on it yeah i was trying to think of a parallel you know like cobblestone road that's what it looks like that's how many paint why would you do that you're just i mean they're they're billing by the job right they're not even billing me hourly so why patch it first the justification that was given to me for it was that it's easier to spot the imperfections when you've painted it already but like jake did it look did it look not obvious i mean at least do some of it so you're not you're not oh yeah you gotta wait for the putty to dry so you gotta putty it wait sand wait prime paint paint it's a five-step process and you wanna do that as few times as possible and even after that it still won't look perfect because you should have done it in the first place you want as few it's like it's like making a tire by filling it with holes and then patching it after instead of just making a tire that's complete hoping you didn't miss anything and if you did fixing the one thing i kind of have a photo of it sort of you have a photo okay from the solar video go check out jake you can kind of see this is the electrical panel i mean just in the shot there's one there one there one there you can see there's one there one there one there but on the wall over on this side there was literally probably 50 or 80 like crazy now i'm getting worked up i know right these guys to be clear what they did do and i want to give them full credit for it is they did an outstanding job of applying the wrong product to the surface like really they actually did a great job not just good great and so it just just makes me want to use the glass panel we need the so angry we need the airflow well it's just magnetic well what i'm actually doing is i'm testing to see if the panel will even fit uh because i might have some problems with the uh water cooling tubing as well as a zip tie or this 24 cable tie i think it's uh i don't know if a zip tie is the solution i think just given her might be the solution here uh you're using a flow x13 right is your laptop uh yeah my framework got borrowed for a video concept that hasn't come too late or hasn't materialized yet have you played with the z13 much i haven't played with the z13 uh somebody was wondering if you could make a video opening up and checking it out but i guess too late for that yeah sorry i haven't uh yeah i have uh yeah there's no bleep button linus yeah i know there's no bleep button i'm just i get i get really passionate about not wasting you know just it's frustrating to me i mean david do you like waste jake do you like waste look all i'm thinking out about after this paint story is how i'm gonna paint your tie can with a roller and pink paint no you won't i'm gonna get it wrapped i'm sure dbrand oh we're gonna wrap it pink for sure yeah dbrand you're in right i'm sure i'm gonna get a message afterwards i don't think that's the right type of vinyl for a car but yeah um well no they even if they just like sponsor it being wrapped by something else oh yeah yeah i'm sure you could get them to do a funny uh design for it i'm sure they're super down so um man this is boy is this ever really freaking tight don't you wish we had those custom cables hey yeah i kind of wish we did this is this is a challenge jakku should you see if it works before uh i mean it's not an awful idea spending all this time did you put the m.2 in yet i did okay yes i did put the drive in eventually okay now what is this that's rgb and a fan okay that's fine i can deal with that later ah sorry guys i'm not really giving you a very good look at it do you want to hit me with a couple more merch messages while we fight with this there aren't any right now you got through all of them so oh there's no ltg store.com send some merch messages lptstore.com if you guys need any of our fantastic merchandise then you can also send a merch message and it'll pop up on the stream or [Music] um or i'll talk about it or jake will reply to it and text and it'll pop up on the screen with his answer it's pretty cool cool feature the floatplane peeps built for us it's pretty nice having our own like dev house like kind of amazing actually if any other youtubers are watching a strong strong recommend um oh man okay i think i just have to completely reimagine how this cable management is done i'm also looking at flow plane chat flip plane chat so cool you see i called them flow plane chat crazy okay so here's the 8 pin 24 pin is down enough that one's fine i think i can get this rgb connector in here oh wow that got ripped off at a bit of an angle that bent the pin a bit sorry i can't get you a good look at it but it's uh it'll be fine she'll be okay somebody's wondering when we're gonna have eggshell shirts excel shirts no time soon i'm not you know i don't paint anymore you know some of my knowledge might be out of date but some things are just basic like you know more resin equals more glossy more durable less resin equals you know the opposite of that phil from iowa wants a shout out what's up phil from iowa how's iowa treating you good i hope you like potatoes uh somebody wants an update on the 1 million rack project uh it's assembled we're just waiting for the new power extension and new pdu to arrive so maybe in a week or two you guys will see another video yeah that's going to be awesome i'm super jacked on that okay um there we go okay all right i think i have i think i have done it i think okay we're gonna grab an ltt store cable tie you know gotta gotta get that in there we have so many options for cable tie colors now guys it's awesome sarah picked all the colors and everything they're so much better now and you can get a 50 pack for what used to be the price of a 20 pack i think it was what uh somebody's wondering what the most frivolous thing you would buy with an intel xtreme upgrade if you had one yourself lens frivolous hmm man braveless i mean i will it would be a lie if i said i wasn't tempted by some of the really cool like rgb mechanical keyboards these days and i would describe that as pretty frivolous especially when i know that both my gaming and typing performance will probably be better on a g915 um what else would i describe as frivolous that which has frivolity man frivolous see i'm going straight to things like you know a better chair and stuff i don't even know if that really qualifies as frivolous um you know ergonomics is important oh man this like doesn't quite go apparently these are being upgraded to eight instead of four magnets which might actually be the difference here come on use the mesh side panel we don't want we need more air flow dude get in there let me i just i want to get this tube in there i just want to i just want to see it close you know i want to oh somebody still wants or they still want an update on the backpack screwdriver numbers oh yes yes i will sorry sorry i will get you the update on the backpack screwdriver numbers i can do that now i'm going to ask nick and no no i i have it okay i'm always logged into shopify so i can creep how things are going um blah blah blah somebody said you should get a 4 000 starbucks card with your intel upgrade oh wow you guys are amazing you guys have picked up a ton of water bottles cable ties death pads mystery t-shirts appreciate you guys wow actually a ton of you have ordered stuff i just i haven't yeah obviously i've been building a computer i haven't been looking at it so we have an app called back in stock updated numbers are 37 474 notifications for the backpack and uh i'm gonna have to you know i'm not gonna add them together i'll just give you the two separate numbers 32 622 for the black and orange and 28 908 for the all black so we're over 60 000 now for the screwdriver and coming in at 40 000 like approaching 40 000 for the backpack i am deeply worried that our first couple of runs of both of them are just going to be immediately gone um it's like it's such it's been such a pain point for the community over the last couple of years that i really did not want to put ourselves in a position where we had to have something out of stock like that but i just don't think there's anything we can do about it we've already stretched ourselves to our absolute limit in terms of how much cash we have to order this stuff like i don't i don't have more money right now at all so um it's a good problem to have thank you so much for your support you guys it just means that i think it's going to be a little bit challenging to keep these things in stock so if you do want one make sure you do get a notification figured out and we will get it to you as soon as humanly possible lots of people are asking about pre-orders and deposits we are not going to do pre-orders or deposits the the truth is i said i wouldn't do it so we're not going to do it we're going to uh i want you guys to have the benefit of reading real user reviews before you order something that's what about for a second round though or second or third round for second or third round oh that's an interesting uh i had not thought of it that way before that's kind of a good idea isn't it well that's what i was thinking is you could put like a 10 deposit to secure your place on like the second or third round the problem with doing a ten dollar deposit is that now i pre-order two credit card two credit card transactions so we're just making visa and mastercard rich like no i i just it doesn't sit well with me giving them any more money than they absolutely need to take okay well pre-order um yeah you know what i think i'd be a lot more comfortable taking back orders on them if like the product is out there and people have third party reviews to rely on because that's the big thing is our stance has been so publicly anti-pre-order it would feel extremely hypocritical of us to go never pre-order never pre-order never pre-order pre-order our stuff right and so that was why i ultimately laid down the law and laid down the law laid down the line that we wouldn't take pre-orders but i think i'd be okay with it if um yeah if they're not ordering sight unseen are you guys are you guys down are you guys down for that all right philly cheesesteak or meatball sub oh meatball please are we doing lunch no oh wait that was a merch message oh that was a merch message oh i thought we were doing lunch hey you want to do that mucho what mucho like mucho oh after this yeah i maybe i might have to go see my dog so oh okay all right what's your what's your favorite project that we designed and fabricated specifically for a video specifically for video oh man i think it might have to be the uh the creeper pc for pewdiepie that was so cool wait no we didn't design and fab uh 16k gaming that was done by a third party we were going to we're kind of sketchy uh well we didn't though yeah that's true so that was my that's my favorite like overall project that was an incredible just incredible project i can't believe all the pieces came together to make 16k gaming a thing um yeah creeper pc's right up there i love my desk my thin desk yeah the new desk is nice yeah desk pc v2 is amazing do we have a monitor to fire this thing up on oh look at that someone the the keyboard and mouse fairies came before we started thanks jake yeah i was just just grab a monitor there's lots there yeah for sure uh well obviously we're gonna go we're gonna okay are we gonna go 360 hertz 1080 are we going to go 4k okay come on obviously all right all right all right all right i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm going 4k 120 g uh what genre of games are the favorites that you and your staff enjoy the most is there a specific game that keeps sucking you back in um for me every time i sit down to play final fantasy tactics to evaluate playstation 1 emulation i play the whole game so that's a big problem for me i really need to play triangle strategy or project triangle strategy um i do love me some old school rts fps is always just my go-to if i sit down on my computer and just like ah yeah i'm bored i've been i've been really enjoying halo infinite since launch mostly they cut out my favorite map because apparently nobody else liked it um i hate not being able to specify what game modes i want to play like yeah i'd really just rather play some capture the flag right now slayer slayer put slayer put the uh mesh panels on dang it i will i'll put the mesh panels on i want to see how it does i want to see how it does with the with the glass panels and i want to show the different configs so let's have a look at this david come check this out this thing looks sick these are tempered glass panels obviously these are an add-on item uh they're magnetic when you buy it you can pick which one you want or you can get both for 50 bucks more um check this out now i haven't done the world's most perfect job of cable management it's not the worst either but that's what it'll look like this year let's just give that a little shovel of the glass side panel damn well whatever i think it looks amazing and i really hope that i hit the switch on the power supply before i installed it uh oh uh oh did you not you can take the top off though nice nice okay here we go we ready i did put the panels on before starting it up and that is bad jeebies oh boy mm-hmm did i have the power switch up to the wrong thing uh oh there is two buttons now that you put that front thing on yes uh-oh uh-oh okay just a sec um oh what's going on it's bad jeebies man what's shake-a-lake bad jeebies it's bad chibis that's the worst gbs did i plug these into the wrong headers it's possible it's possible i missed uh oh um okay well here's something we can do we can try jump ring it and see if it's the switch being hooked up wrong did you just not hook up the switch i had it hooked oh is the front fan spinning um maybe the connection is just oh yeah i wonder if i mangled that uh that little pcb oh the wire i'm sure that they have instruction in fact i know they have instructions because they sent me a qr code with them um so i'm sure that you will do a much better job than me of hooking up that front doo-dad and not breaking it but i think that's what happened ultimately oh that's unfortunate it might not be broken broken it might just be a matter of like kind of unkinking it or something like that but those rgb strips look sick yeah this looks amazing so apparently sherman williams sells a washable flat paint called sherman williams duration yeah i've called bs on it i've seen a lot of claims from a lot of paint companies and if i had to rate paint companies honesty on a scale of um and who's a company with a lot of integrity uh who who what what company do you think has like a lot of integrity knock to knock to us okay so if i had to rate paint companies and i'm not saying this specifically about sherman williams i don't know anything about them from noctua to big connect i would say they're closer to here oh uh what's the worst merch item ltg ever made sales and quality wise i don't think any of them are bad quality wise but yeah nothing's ever been bad quality um we've certainly had things that didn't meet our expectations like we had that long sleeve that ended up having sleeves that were like really long which ended up being a huge advantage because all the lanky boys were super into it so we're that inspired us to create a whole lineup of like lanky boy products so it turned into it turned into a w uh beanie uh beanie oh oh yeah we had an issue with early uh early um twos where the stitching was coming out here but we uh we issued a recall so everyone got either uh i forget what they got oh yeah we got them a new one or we got them a full credit if they just kept their old one and didn't care and i think we dealt with that in a in a satisfactory manner i think that's pretty consuming somebody's asking for a stealth desk pad i am also asking for stealth desk pad we will do a stealth desk pad thank you the upcoming circuit design is going to have a color version and a stealth version if i recall correctly i just want all black it's oh just black yes black with an ltt logo simple riley would like it too this rgb looks amazing look at the top of this gpu david yeah looks sick that looks awesome aside from the the like fan well yeah we oh that fan's not on either gosh darn it is it is there stuff stuck in it ah there could be stuff stuck in it oh wow how are you supposed to get these glass panels off there's no thumb dummy thumb thing you can use your ifixit kit like a spudger or something uh oh maybe i could do this yes that will do um is this jam oh it's jammed it's completely jammed while you unjam favorite automation in your new house what's that i said while you unjam what's going to be the your favorite automation in the new house oh definitely the automated um hvac like being able to not cool a room when nobody's in it as a dad you know me like kids don't touch that thermostat but for real don't ever touch that thermostat because you're gonna screw up all of jake's work don't worry the thermostats will be locked yeah i'm i'm so stoked oh man this is okay you know how i was saying hey this goes together really easy and then it actually ended up being quite challenging when i had to push the power supply down into this fan in order to get enough clearance to actually slide it all together i would strongly recommend silverstone has some really nice like thin low profile power supply connectors or going cable mod getting custom length ones that are exactly the right length um yeah that would be an a plus recommend move at this point in time i think that some of this will be made easier by the the the revisions that they have planned to add more magnets to the side panels so you don't have to worry about having everything packed so tightly away from it but it's definitely clear that there's some level of challenge involved in getting a build done in this case i think i can solve this if we don't care too much about the cable management for now and we can at least get a quick thermal result you know what i should actually start a load on it as it is oh hello are you even on buddy um have you had any battery life issues with your x13 no the x13 battery life has been actually one of the high points for me i and i i actually was using it i i've used it for work extensively even most notably when i did the intel fab tour which is a little awkward but yeah it was it was man was it ever great favorite merch item of all time can be pre-released or already released favorite merch item i mean it's got to be the screwdriver no offense to all the other ones but there's just been so much tlc that has gone into that product blood sweat and tears within the background oh yeah i love the backpack but the backpack has actually had a much smoother development so in a way it's like um you know you're almost like biased towards the things you've worked the hardest on whether they're better or not completely separate conversation uh for an xps 15 would you go for the 11th gen at a discount or go for the 12 and would you recommend the oled screen option alex seems to not like them 12th gen's a lot better i don't know how much the discount is so i'm missing a critical piece of information i would say if you have to stretch your budget to go for the 12th gen don't yeah 11th gen is pretty solid too hey oh crapsicles at least it posted though yeah yeah posting is good that's a step in the right direction here uh if you had to choose between the alienware qd oled or a 42-inch lg c2 for video editing and gaming which would you pick for video editing i would go for the 42-inch c2 for sure not for the color performance but for the timeline performance because remember you said video editing you didn't say that you're a colorist so for video editing i want that additional vertical that's really important to me i want more more tracks right you bastard it's just one flippin little wire here get out which one is it come on come on all of you get out get out of there no it's just one that's low i just have to pull on every single one until i find the right one come on where are you where are you buddy oh you know what i might have enough of them okay okay come on okay are we gonna just just get in yeah okay what do you think will it close [Music] the negatory boys is it the what if you zip tied the tube to the fan ah it might help but there's no i don't have an anchor point on the fan the fan hole the top panel it's screwed in the top hand hole like you know the top part of the flange hold on no no it's covered okay i can see it right now it's definitely not covered like this the top flange yes like the hole you know the hole how there's like two holes yeah oh i see okay yeah never mind ignore me okay just tape the side panel down says conrad tape it down come on so the modular interface is actually kind of screwing me here because that's why this tube is stuck could you turn it off pull one of the um connectors out and then put the two in between them no because there's no clearance in between the connectors yeah it's a real that is a real tight fit boy will this ever take a bit of work to actually get closed permanently semi-permanently even man even this like fan cable right here has got to be down flat down flat all my fans are spinning right now though so that's progress okay is that tight enough hey look at that small form factor life be like uh yeah i can't sorry somebody's wondering how you still like your z-fold three do you think your next phone will be foldable as well oh that's a good question spending so much time with the z fold three there's a lot of things i love about it um i found that i end up using the front screen a lot more than i thought i would way way more than i thought i would and it's really not as good as a candy bar the only time i ever see you open it is like on camera oh no i open it okay if i'm reading an article that i'm really into or like i'm uh man it's great for like reading books to my kids so i have um i have kindle unlimited so i'll just like you know for for picture books for the kids obviously for adult books i'm just gonna i'll just read on a kindle because it's more comfortable for my eyes but for kids books where you want color and stuff yeah it's it's amazing and it's always in my pocket so we were where were we the other day um oh this wasn't the other day but we were we were at the ski hill and the girls finished their lessons before my son and we were just kind of sitting in the car waiting for him and looking for something to do wait wait don't don't exit the bios yet so dfcp on turn i'm thinking we turned pbo like precision boost overdrive off because we're you know kind of on the edge of thermals here sure oh it's just on auto oh let's see what happens oh god let's do that let's see what happens so i was with the girls and we they were finished up and we were waiting for my son and we were just like sitting in the car we hadn't brought anything to do and i was like oh i want me to read you a story and it's just like there boom unfold get them in the lap you know reading the stories it's great yeah yeah i love it i still don't think it's worth the price for the utility i think the technology is worth the price i think the innovation and development that has gone into this is absolutely worth the cost of admission compared to you can buy phones for 1500 that don't have a flip and foldable display on them come on you got to give them some credit here been there done that you know um but from a utility standpoint two grand is a lot of freaking money especially when you look at what was that phone we unboxed a little while ago on short circuit where we were like really this is like 300 one uh was it the xiaomi one redmi yeah the redmi one that we did recently that is that video up man iphones are so expensive now is that supposed to be oh gosh oh the other one with the fast charging the one with the fast charging yes yeah it's up it's up it's all good um somebody said uh they recently saw you say on the stream that you have adhd i was recently diagnosed how does it affect you on the day to day um so i was diagnosed with it when i was a kid i haven't really i probably should but i haven't sought treatment for it as an adult i learned a lot of my coping strategies when i was younger basically just um i was on ritalin for a while and what i had found about ritalin was that it changed who i was it changed my not just my behavior but my thinking in such a way that i wanted to try to see if i could get by without it and i have found strategies that help me things like making sure i write everything down one of the things that drives me off the deep end is having a thought because sometimes my thoughts are just going like all over the place right and so i'll have a thought that i'm like oh that's a really great idea for a video or like uh a craft to do with the kids or something right and then if i don't immediately write it down it's gone so i have like i have things like i have this gigantic scratch page that is a i think it's like 37 pages in google docs of just like things from my brain you know so that's one of my coping strategies um i often i often take brain breaks so i'll uh like i don't call people in the office i just get up and walk to their desk because a i don't find it actually saves a ton of time to call or message them because people are kind of slower to respond and b it gives me a chance to kind of shake my sillies out a little bit so that's one of the things that i do uh i don't think this drive has an os on it it does it has windows on it that's my bench drive is it not booting in like the right mode might be one thing that i found to help um i sent myself a lot of reminder or like uh remind me at 6 00 p.m like when i get home to look up this thing oh man that's the fact that google treats their g suite customers like second-class citizens drives me so crazy remind me at 6 p.m to grab my racket sure i'll remind you wait what have they added reminders back for g suite it won't remind me why does every reminder set up just suck yeah it's kind of amazing okay yeah here yeah this one does not do anything every week on wednesday um i never got notifications for either of these so so actually my issue now is that the reminders just suck so i use alarms because i want to have and then the problem is that set an alarm for friday at 6 pm to grab my racket sorry i can't set alarms on your phone more than 24 hours before they're supposed to go off the only thing you can do is set it to repeat on that day but you can't do it with siri why not google or or make your reminders not just like a um could you do that please so it's this super manual process where i either have to go into my calendar and set myself like four notifications 15 minutes 10 minutes five minutes and on time to make sure because a lot of the time it's stuff that i actually do need to do but like i'm busy and i don't always pay attention ever i can't pay attention every single time my phone buzzes it's not realistic for me so um yeah i need i need something that goes off like an alarm but the reminder app doesn't let you do that i'm sure there's third-party apps yeah i want to but i still want to be able to tell my like phone assistant to do it it's so much easier than going and typing in a time and like picking a day on a calendar like remind me at the end of the month like frustrating oh shoot my friend came by with like someone who wanted to like check out the place apparently yvonne showed them around oh i whoops i screwed that up um oh sorry i need to enter a password hi how's it going i hope you're having a wonderful day and um that you've learned some things about paint yes because i've learned some things about paint do we have any other merch messages no there's none really oh okay all right off you oh what's that we good apparently the fan isn't spinning no the front fan i know oh hell you said all your fans were spinning but no the bottom ones the front fan i don't know what happened to that connector that power button doesn't work either so i hooked the rear button up to power i i i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be able to solve that live that's the kind of thing that we would solve for a vod check this out that's like pretty good ouch it's like swollen did you break the computer yeah it like bit me real good ah it's a good question by the way i would not run the glass panel in this configuration because you can see here my fan is not getting any fresh air i think you could probably get away with doing it the other way but sucking in hot air from the gpu would not be a real good time for your power supply so i think i would say i just do not recommend a glass panel on this side they have a new accessory coming out called like borg and it's an attachment to let it sit vertically so you can get better air flow okay yeah that might work well um hello i'm just going to give it a quick reboot here just it got a little confused it hurt itself in its confusion maybe i'll check out floatplane chat here oops i don't want to unplug my thing um does anyone know if it's possible to only get audio from videos or streams on floatplane i don't think so oh i'm not getting i don't think i'm getting recent messages in floatplane chat that's interesting okay are you wait did this kick in again trey's in tarasand have you considered getting a european distributor for cheaper and faster shipping to the eu and uk yes the tax implications are extremely complicated like we would need a whole accounting firm just to handle our european business it's just not something that's feasible for us at this time i mean something that you guys might not remember sometimes we even forget is that we're still a really small company we're we're big you know for like a youtuber or whatever but in the grand scheme of things we are small fries and so you know just like having an international you know office it's not it's just not reasonable for us at this stage in the game um i mean it's something we absolutely recognize as a problem and it's something that we want to solve but it's should you pull it pull the uh thing out of the shell not a today thing i'm just gonna i'm gonna pop all the panels off because that whoops well that one came off real easily which is a feature i guess there was a little bit of pressure on it oh man will there be a thermal engineer in ltt lottery well i don't know anything about lottery but we will definitely be uh working on finding someone for the lab uh who is a thermals expert yes um hello from the uk what car would you most like to try driving what would i like to try rimac oh it probably wouldn't be a car i i would i would love to ride just like a ridiculous like you know 1.2 liter like juiced up super bike what's the craziest bike you've been on i i've never been on anything crazier than my sv oh i mean i know a buddy that has like 20 bikes if you ever wanted to try yeah i would uh well the thing is i wouldn't want it to be someone else's because i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want that stress oh well he's like you know a bike dude yeah still you'd be like yo take it go no i don't think this is going to fire up for us right now it was on before yeah i don't oh is this this is a gen 4 riser right yes it is um is it plugged in all the way on both sides yeah yeah it's in it's it's locked it's loaded yeah okay sometimes you can have issues where you go to install your gpu driver and like oh you've got a bit of a pcie gen4 negotiation issue and it's it's causing problems but i think we might just have to call it here it's not the fault of the case i can tell you that much for sure this thing is absolutely sick i would recommend following their guide when you actually assemble yours they've got lots of cool different options so this is the uh what is it the something mjolnir thor sweat thor zone four zone the four zone mjolnir super cool case strongly recommend a black knock to a fan for your build though uh will we have all the parts listed below if people want to replicate this build yeah okay just make sure you get shorter especially that 24 pin that's been a bit of a nightmare you're going to want to get a shorter 24 pin and you may even want to consider a non-modular power supply as counter-intuitive as that might be you could tuck some of your extra cables back here they actually got a nice little spot for them here and if you went non-modular then you don't have to worry about any interference issues between these tubes and the modular interface so you might actually have a bit of an easier time with it
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,098,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: Il556YxkdhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 16sec (9556 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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