Why Diablo 4 Players Hate Last Epoch | Let's react!

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so this is what is this video why Diablo 4 players hate last Epoch all right Diablo 4 super fans be warned on February 21st last Epoch will officially launch and you are going to hate it this video is for us Diablo V enthusiasts who believe Diablo V is the perfect arpg in every way absolutely no issues if you are not one of these people and actually like last Epoch I suggest you stop stop watching this video right now as it may trigger you okay now that those people are gone and it's just us Diablo purus we can finally get into why we're going to hate last Epoch my first of many reasons you're going to hate last Epoch is its price it's only $35 for the full game what a stupid number am I right all right so he's got a point right it's only $35 so it's cheap which means it it's cheaply made and they don't value the game at a high quality like Diablo 4 does literally half the price of Diablo I which means it's half as good of a game yep I know I'm not going to enjoy myself unless the game is at least $70 and there's no $100 Early Access version like come on guys are you even trying here and get this they're going to keep updating the game and won't charge for DLC and expansions this is awful and such a bad hey to be fair Diablo hasn't charged any extra for DLC yet bad idea Diablo I is going to have an expansion every year and I know after this year's experience playing this absolute Gem of a game I can't wait to dish out another $70 for the expansion the next thing I absolutely despise about last Epoch is it skill trees yes I said skill trees meaning more than one they have a passive skill tree then all right bro this is just way too compc licated okay they're doing too much right now all right they're doing way too much okay and a whole complete skill tree for every single skill in the game again what an absolutely stupid idea and a waste of time let me show you an example side by side using Fireball on the left we have the gigachad Diablo 4's Fireball and it skill tree section so freaking clean and let's look at our here we can either do more damage with Fireball or over here we can do more crit damage with Fireball thank you blizzard for giving us what we want meaningful game-changing choices in a skill tree exactly now let's look over here at this abomination of a skill tree for last eox Fireball the options we have to augment Fireball here are turning it into an ability where we can shoot multiple Fireballs in a cone or turn it into a plasma ball that does more damage or adds an explosion or homing feature or turning it into a flamethrower and we can even combine these together and have a plasma flamethrower that explodes too much I got to stop I'm getting too overwhelmed from all these options I think you can all see what a major waste of time all these options are they could have use that time to create something we actually want in an arpg like having a system that locks skill points behind finding over 150 Ram statues or having a world boss but make sure it's on a 3-hour timer so we can all make sure we're there to kill you need to pick up an idol but you need three of them to open the door but can't hold more than one so you got to backrack ah yes the good old days speaking of being overwhelmed let's talk stash tabs again Diablo 4 has the perfect amount of them five I may maybe six okay I really don't know whoever uses that many tabs right guys this is where I almost threw up in my mouth when I heard why do you need that many tabs anyway over 100 stash tabs the even is that do you think we're stupid and don't know how to manage our stash well I think you're stupid last deck for not even making these purchasable with real money you just buy them with in-game gold again they're not even charging for stash tabs like this just shows that they don't they don't value their own content right and stash Tabs are content come on you got to have at least some pay for convenience or pay for power but you said you won't how stupid can you be okay okay before I keep going down this path let's get back to stash tabs in Diablo 4 we have five classes all we need is five tabs one for each class blizzard believes and trusts us to make meaningful choices on what items we can keep sometimes I spend hours just going through all the items deciding what I need to remove some of the most meaningful moments I've ever had in Diablo where just me staring at my items in my stash or even inventory deciding if I should keep a weapon with more it's just like in real life you got to make meaningful choices with the stuff that you keep in your house like you can't just keep everything you always find then you turn into a hoarder right you got to pick and choose or damage to healthy enemies or another weapon with more damage to slowed enemies I love realism in my video games BR to my next point on Why Us Diablo 4 super fans will absolutely hate last Epoch and that's because they have a loot filter why would you want to pick up less Loot and why would I want to only see items I need do they think we're not smart enough to make loot decisions on our own no that Dia purus are the smartest out of any arpg player out there we don't need to be able to filter out white and blue items we don't need to be able to color grade gear that drops based on having stats like plus minion D yeah exactly what do they think we're stupid and we need a [ __ ] loot filter I can filter my own loot with my eyes damage they don't even know how much fun we have spending countless minutes sorting through a whole inventory of items carefully looking at all the stats to see what may be an upgrade after every dungeon run oh my God I'm getting Nancy all this talk about a full inventory of yellow items is really make me want to stop making this video right now and get back to my perfect Diablo 4 but before I do I have two more reasons why you're going to hate last Epoch one of which is the crap in system in our Exquisite game Diablo I we can choose one stat to roll where it gives you a random new stat last Epoch has so many crafting options I'm only going to tell you a few of my favorites I I mean least favorites least favorites able to put the exact stat you want onto a p able to put it was Whirlwind look the first is being able to put the exact stat you want onto a piece of gear you want fire damage you can add fire damage you can transform an item into a unique or set item yes there are sets in the game how ridiculous this last part about crafting I'm sure you will all hate and that's the ability to craft a powerful weapon on your highle character and give it to your low-level character to make them completely overpowered and able to Breeze through their early game destroying everything in a wire how silly don't they know killing hordes of enemies super fast is not fun at all give me my four damage Diablo 4 druid we are real Gamers now for my final and possibly most despised reason us Diablo 4 devotees will hate last Epoch and its endgame they have three endgame activities the first being dungeons where you'll be able to Target Farm rewards and have varying levels of difficulty then they have the monolith of Fate which has so much depth to it but I'm going to keep things short cuz I really got to get to my inventory full of yellows it consists of a huge branching mapping system with endgame rewards modifiers and bosses with the challenge and rewards increasing with its difficulty the further you go there's a whole lot more to that just sounds like night over the end game systems to that extent I do and I'll probably make another video about this soon then finally we have the arena there are two modes one is the arena of Champions with a set number of waves followed by a boss each wave you can increase the difficulty with a modifier which inre increases your reward at the end then there is the endless Arena and here's where I feel the developers of last Epoch are either aliens or working for the Illuminati because this endless Arena has a ladder system a fully functional active ladder system wait what last Epoch is a small company so considering it is taking blizzard months to launch a ladder system and this game will have it on launch I am sure there is either some Supernatural or future technology at play here and we should just not trust it no clearly like last Epoch ladder system is already done because it's poorly designed it's not going to be as clean and Polished as Diablo 4's ladder system duh okay so for those of you still here and are sure you will hate last Epoch stop watching now you have a full inventory of yellow to sip through go get to it okay so those of you who are still here I assume you actually are playing or will play last Epoch on February 21st if so then subscribe to my channel because I am too and I do plan wow great h
Channel: dacoletrain
Views: 1,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kKfbWs8rpFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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