Why Coraline Should NOT Trust the Cat

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“Coraline” is filled with unsettling monsters and  creations. The Other Mother is so scary because   she crafts a fine web of false security for her  victims. Her creations (the Other Father, Spink,   Forcible and the rats) are so terrifying because  they are her eyes and spies and are forced to do   her bidding. And then, of course, there’s the  TUNNEL, or CORRIDOR, which I believe is the   most terrifying entity between the Real world  and the Other world, and even the Other Mother   is afraid of it - she will only send her rats  or a part of her body, the hand, in there! But,   then there’s another entity, one that is NOT  bound by the door on EITHER end of the Corridor.   I’m of course talking about the Cat… the portal  hopping, nameless, mysterious, and “comforting”   being that seems to know everything that goes  on in both the Real and Other worlds… There   is absolutely more to this Cat, Cosmic Horror  Corridor-level stuff, and we’re going to find it! For this video, I’m diving into the Movie,  Book, and even Graphic Novel to make sure we   cover all our catastic bases. Just like  the cat is everywhere between worlds,   they're everywhere across these mediums. I’m  considering the books as ‘primary” lore sources,   and letting you know when the movie differs  from them. I’m also pulling in info from my   tunnel and rat theory videos, but I’ll try to  recap them as we go. Anyway, let’s dive in! Out of the three Coraline stories, the cat is  introduced first in the Graphic Novel. Now,   I don’t mean like that was released first,  I mean cat appears on the first page,   before the story even begins, whereas in the book  and movie we meet them a bit later in the story.   (a cat appears WITH CORALINE on the first page  of the novel, but it’s not alone.) This graphic   novel order sorta sets up that the cat is ‘pretty  important’ or ‘always there’ - a feeling that the   cat themself gives when talking about their  extensive knowledge of the other world. (or,   it could just be a cute way to start off a  graphic novel… which, I mean, it is). However,   the cat appearing solo before we even meet our  heroine Coraline has the same feel as the Movie,   where at the very END the cat disappears into  what I assume is yet another portal behind the   Pink Palace sign. They are shown independently  of Coraline, whose story at the end of the movie   we assume is now “happily ever after.” (lol  sweet summer child)Coraline’s story is over,   but the cat's story continues… this is PRETTY  SIGNIFICANT, especially when you think back   to HOW MUCH KNOWLEDGE of the Other Mother and  Other World and Other Victims they have, like:   how small the world is, how it existed before the  Other Mother found it, and how they know all about   “creatures like that.” This fur baby has a LOT  of knowledge of this realm and its inhabitants. And, yeah the cat would absolutely cringe at that  endearing term. (Sorry buddy!) The cat belongs to   themself, and is a fur baby to no one! Even  Wybie, because, of course there IS no Wybie   in the books. The cat resents names, saying:  “Cats don’t have names… Now YOU people have   names because you don’t know who you are. WE know  who we are, so we don’t need names.” That’s deep,   cat. It might not be, or it COULD be extremely  deep lore, like the cat is a cosmic entity   beyond our mortal brains’ comprehension. When Coralne encounters them again the cat says:   “See? It wasn’t so hard to recognize me, was  it? Even without names.” and furthermore:   “Calling cats is an overrated activity.  Might as well call a whirlwind.” Which,   is that an admission of your true cosmic storm  form cat? I know I know probably not…. but? But there’s more to support this “Cosmic” or  “Beyond” nature. When Coraline first interacts   with the cat in the Other World she says: “I  saw a cat like you in the garden at home. You   must be the other cat.” The cat shook its head.  “No. I’m not the OTHER anything. I’m me.” It   tipped its head to one side; green eyes glinted.  “You people are spread all over the place. Cats,   on the other hand, keep ourselves together, if you  see what I mean.” Now, is the cat talking about   ALL cats, or their SPECIFIC TYPE of cat. A cosmic  entity, perchance? Able to survive the corridor,   pass between worlds, and into others we may  not yet know about, because they are extremely   self-contained? Or just so all-encompassing  that they are everything and everywhere all the   time? Haha that’s cute and terrifying. The movie  cat is very self assured and even cocky, like they   are a carefree trickster god entity. In the books  they are more reserved, but no less unnerving! And here’s another thing: Only in the Other  World can Coraline have a “conversation” with   the cat. (She also talks to the theater dogs  as well, although NOT in the movie) This makes   me think that the rules of the Other realm let  her speak with EVERY creature - she can hear the   rats’ creepy poem song too. (well, that’s in both  worlds) Maybe it’s a dream-wish-superpower thing,   or maybe it’s a hive mind scenario. (or it’s a  literary and audio device to let us know that   she is for sure in the Other World when  she talks with creatures.) Regardless,   The Cat seems unfazed by it, even used to it. But  here’s the thing - in the movie and graphic novel,   it seems as though the cat is TALKING WITH  Coraline. Like out loud, verbally. Even   moving it’s mouth in the film, and with direction  speech bubbles in the Graphic novel. In the book,   this is NOT the case. “Good afternoon,” said  the cat. Its voice sounded like the voice at   the back of Coraline’s head, the voice  she thought words in, but a man’s voice,   not a girls.” So, the cat’s voice is not  OUT LOUD. It’s like an internal monologue?   Or a conscience. Haha the cat acting like a  Jiminy Cricket is laughable somehow. But yeah,   this to me means that the cat communicates  telepathically. I can’t say that I think the   OTHER creatures in the other world communicate  this way, because the book ONLY calls out THIS   CAT’s dialogue sounding like the voice in  Coraline’s head. The others she just seems   to hear normally. This cat seems special - like  it’s IN HER MIND. It’s beyond the other creations   to me. I guess “We cats have far superior  senses to humans,” could mean mind melding? Now the cat’s BODY language is the same in both  worlds - Coraline just gets to have a back and   forth verbal/mental conversion with them when  she’s in the Other world. I think she eventually   understands how to communicate with the Cat in  the real world, and that’s something the movie   and graphic novel show us really well! There’s  the time the cat wakes her with cold beans to   show her the foggy mirror with her parents  in it, “Coraline could imagine its voice,   dry as a dead fly on a windowsill in winter,  saying “well, where do you think they are?”   This whole exchange is silent on the part of  the cat, but Coraline is becoming versed in   cat body language. And the movie cat does seem  genuinely worried about Coraline going back   into the Other World. Also, by the end of the  story, the cat tolerates belly rubs from her,   which while I think it’s supposed to show trust  between the two, just makes my brain scream:   WHAT KIND OF CAT ENCOURAGES BELLY RUBS FROM A NEW  ACQUAINTANCE! Surely this cat is an anomaly! haha. The cat’s familiar body language and  appearance is what also makes them   disarming - just like the Other Mother herself -  where at first she looks like Coraline’s mother,   but then as her power slips she becomes  more and more decrepit, or as in the movie:   spiderlike, as the story goes on. Her  facade of pleasant and comforting slips…   The Cat’s doesn't. The Cat is always the  Cat. Thinking back to that earlier quote:   “No. I’m not the OTHER anything. I’m me. You  people are spread all over the place. Cats,   on the other hand, keep ourselves together. If  you see what I mean.) This makes me think that   they always have control of their power. Much like  the ancient and mighty CORRIDOR that scares the   Other Mother so. The Cat retains their appearance  between worlds - everything in the Other World   is twisted and has buttons for eyes - a sign  that they belong to the Other Mother or were   created by her. The Cat does not have button  eyes. They do not belong to the Other Mother. But, now this could be kind of a twist on the  whole witch’s familiar trope, right? The Beldam,   a witch of sorts, has her creations, specifically  the RATS, as her familiars we could say. She   considers the cat “vermin.” Most people would  consider rats the vermin and CATS the familiars.   Maybe everything is just backwards in the  Other world, but there’s a line the cat says   that almost. ALMOST. Makes me think they could be  working FOR (or at least towards a similar PURPOSE   as) the Other Mother too. That is “MM… there  are those who have suggested that the tendency   of a cat to play with its prey is a merciful one.  Afterall, it permits the occasional funny little   running snack to escape from time to time. How  often does your dinner get to escape?” … And then   the cat picks up the rat in its mouth and carries  it off into the woods, behind a tree. So the cat’s   dinner never gets to escape it seems. Cool. We  know better now, but at this point in the story,   this would seem like foreshadowing  Coraline's fate with the Other Mother! AND Wouldn’t you know it, it’s the CAT who  encourages Coraline to play a game with the   Other Mother… maybe Coraline will be a prey that  actually escapes. “Challenge her. There’s no   guarantee she’ll play fair, but her kind of thing  loves games and challenges.” And we know that the   Other Mother, like the cat, will NEVER permit her  prey snack to escape, even if they’ve won. Hmm.   Additionally, it feels like the cat is ENCOURAGING  Coraline to play a bit into the Other Mother’s   hand. For context: book Coraline has just decided  that she is uncomfortable sleeping in the Other   Mother’s house (as she should be - when she wakes  up the next morning the Other Mother looks more   full of energy… like she sucked it out of Coraline  yikes!) So, then the cat’s advice is for Coraline   to “Get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of  you.” Knowing it will invigorate the Other Mother   and also make Coraline even more uncomfortable, it  feels like the cat is cajoling her into this trap. But, of course, there’s more working against  this theory than for it: for one, the cat   says that it “doesn't like rats  at the best of times,” which,   sure, not getting along with your coworkers  isn’t unusual, but ahh EATING them sure is! Now, of course the cat travels between and  within worlds via the portals. Exactly how   many worlds and portals there are is unknown - I  know there is at least one other to the Fae realm,   as one of the children victims was a fairy.  Maybe that’s through the Mushroom Circle around   the well? (Hold on to this fairy notion for a bit  later in the video.) No other being can do this.   Coraline has to walk through the  corridor to get to the other realm,   but the cat just walks “like this: It walked  behind a tree, but didn’t come out the other   side. Coraline went over to the tree and looked  behind it. The cat was gone. She walked back   toward the house. There was another polite  noise from behind her. It was the cat.” So   essentially the cat’s showing off their trick,  which potentially enables them to escape danger   in ANY given world by portaling out of it  to another, or around the danger within it. AND, of course, there is ANOTHER cat that seems  elusive in this same way, also from a Henry Selick   film: The Nightmare Before Christmas. These  two stop motion cats do appear similar - the   NBC cat especially looks like how the Book  Coraline cat is “supposed” to with green eyes   etc. This Nightmare stray one kinda feels  like it could be Sally's feline familiar. AND,   in the new Nightmare Before Christmas book,  “Long Live the Pumpkin Queen,” when the main   danger in that novel engulfs literally the Whole  World and all the holiday towns, it’s ONLY Sally,   zero, AND THIS STRAY BLACK CAT who are safe in  Halloween Town. Sally’s immune to the danger   because of BIG SPOILER, but the cat?, hmmmm…  MAYBE they are safe because THEY PORTALED AWAY   FROM THE THREAT?! Is this the same cat  in both stories? That’d be wild! Or is   it a family group of cats that has this portal  power, and keeps showing up in creepy fantasy? The cat is doubtful when told the Other  Mother is trying to block its means of travel:   “She may TRY. There are ways in and out even  SHE doesn’t know about.” And, in the movie,   the cat gives a speech that they have  “been coming here for a while” (what,   like eons? hmm) and the other mother have  a “game” where the cat sneaks in and she   tries to block them. This sounds like  they’re BOTH playing with their food,   doesn't it? But the cat comes and goes as they  please. (Also, bye the bye, The movie cat says   a LOT more about the Other Mother than they do  in the books, and the movie gives her powers to   close portals and build worlds that she DOES NOT  APPEAR to have in the originals to that degree) The time the Cat is truly scared is when all the  portals to the other realms are closed. The Cat   no longer has a means of escape. Their power  is lost. They freak out and rely on Coraline   to save them as well as herself. The cat’s  fur was on end, and its tail was bristling   like a chimney sweep’s brush. “What’s wrong?’  asked Coraline. “They've gone,” said the cat.   “They aren’t there anymore. The ways in and out of  this place. They just went flat.” The cat growls,   lowers its tail, and Coraline “could feel how  hard its heart was beating. It was trembling   like a dead leaf in a storm.” … “but the cat  stayed where it was, looking miserable and,   oddly, much smaller.” Interesting. With  their ability to traverse gone, did they   also diminish in size? DID THEY LOSE POWER?  When the Other Mother’s power is weak,   her creations melt. Is something similar  going on with the cat, or are they just   scared?! Coraline picks the cat up: “The  cat was heavy but not too heavy to carry.” So the cat seems smaller… this is interesting,   especially when we put it next to some  other incidents of… shapeshifting?! Coraline has entered the Other Flat (where she  encounters the doughy other Father), “in the tub   was a dead spider the size of a small cat.” Now,  yes gross, but what does it mean? Just a gnarly   oversized spider, or perhaps, now hang on, if  could be another shapeshifting cat. Or this   cat, or not, but what I want to point out is the  potential shapeshiftitng and scaling of things. Because this isn’t the only time the cat  seems out of proportion. When Coraline is   in the white emptiness, “She thought it might  be some kind of Lion, at first, some distance   away from her. And then she knew what it was.  Its fur stood straight out from its body and   its eyes were wide, while its tail was down and  between its legs. It did not look a happy cat.”   SHAPESHIFTING?! Or literary tension? (Hold this  shapeshifting notion next to the fairy notion). Here too is another thing I want to talk about:  There are a few other places where the cat is   absolutely uncomfortable and not in their power:  one is the empty space. “Bad place,” said the cat.   “If you want to call it a place, which I don’t.  Nothing to find here. This is just the outside,   the part of the place SHE hasn’t bothered to  create” (referring to the Other Mother) I should   note that in the movie, the cat is cocky as all  get out during this scene, not so in the books,   where they’re on edge and scared. To me this  empty space is the pre-Other Mother space. A   space and place more ancient than she. Like the  Corridor, which ALSO happens to terrify the cat:   At first the cat seems fine, well, confidently  aloof as they and Coraline stroll down it. But as   they get further along in the corridor, the cat  gets noticeably scared “its fur was bristling,   and its brush of a tail stuck up in the air.”  … “when the candle went out as suddenly as if   it had been snuffed by someone’s hand.”  Clearly not smug and powerful anymore.   Like it’s a sneaky lesser god, or trickster  trying to escape notice of more ancient and   creepier things and beings, but being  caught. And honestly I’d be freaking out   about the corridor too - to me that’s the  single most terrifying entity in Coraline! AND, I think the time that the cat is the MOST  TERRIFIED is when the portals are closed. Now   here's the thing: in the book it's UNCLEAR who  or WHAT closed the portals - “They've gone,”   said the cat. “They aren’t there anymore. The  ways in and out of this place. They just went   flat.” In the movie the cat says "SHE" closed  the exits, leading us to believe it's the Other   Mother. Because the book doesn't distinguish  this, and it also hints at the corridor and   door itself being some sort of ancient entity  that “watches Coraline,” I think that THIS   could be one of the cat’s true fears. Rightly  so, right? They are scared in the corridor,   and they are scared when whatever is in control  of the ways in and out decides to trap the cat   AND CORALINE in the other realm. Leaving their  only exit THROUGH THE CORRIDOR. That corridor   needs to eat, too! And this fits with the cat  not so much being SCARED of the Other Mother,   but more they like to antagonize her, and  play games with her. They are her equal in   some sense. But both the Other Mother and the cat  are afraid of this gatekeeper entity! If there   were a power hierarchy, this ancient power  is above both the cat and the Other Mother. But back to the fairy portals,  potential shapeshifting, and… MIST. You know, the eerie mist that settles around the  Pink Palace? In the book, the MIST that surrounds   the house starts the day after Coraline follows  the Rats to the Other Door, (so within the first   few pages) but before we meet the cat. Mr. Bobo  warns her that the mice also do not like the mist.   You know what else mice don’t like? Cats. Perhaps  it’s possible that the CAT is responsible for the   mist? Now, in the Graphic Novel, we officially  meet the black cat riiight BEFORE the mist,   before the corridor, the day Coraline finds the  well. I mean the timing on that is just… pretty   suspicious. Coraline also seems to think that the  cat comes from the mist. After thanking for it’s   help with the rat she says “so you go off into the  mist or wherever you go…” To her, the cat seems   tied to the mist in some way. THIS IS DIFFERENT  in the movie, where the mist happens a lot later,   and we’ve got Wybie (who’s not in the book) to  break it up commedically with slugs. I love him. Now there is a literary reason for the mist,  that could also be translated into the visuals   of the Graphic Novel and Movie - mist often means  “disorientation, confusion, dreaming, NEAR DEATH,   blurring of reality with fantasy”... all of which  seem to apply to Coraline’s current situation,   right? There’s also Celtic Folklore.  Specifically the magical cloaking mist   that hides the ancient Tuatha De Danann (the  people of the goddess Dana) from human sight.   Supernatural powers. They have gone into  hiding from mortals (hence the mist) and in   their place are now the Sidth, or fairies  of sorts, who can emerge from said mist. Which, of course, leads me to the Cat Sith, which  is a witch that can switch from her human form   to a cat form 9 times, and on that 9th time, she  remains a cat for the rest of time. Our mysterious   black cat could be a 9-transformation cat sith!  This is a soul-stealing fae creature from celtic   folklore, which, coupled with the portals to the  real world, other world, and likely FAE REALM,   the knowledge of this Other world that seems  like it’s been gained over many lifetimes   (perhaps 9? heh?), the maybe-shapeshifting and  telepathy, and the MIST which hides the Tuatha   de Danna (fae creatures), really makes sense. The  soul-stealing bit and trickster nature also seem   to align with how it ALMOST seemed that the cat  had a similar goal to the Other Mother - her’s   would be to drain their essence, the cat cat  sith’s would be to steal their soul. However,   cat siths usually have a mark of white on their  chest, which our cat appears not to have. Also,   as mentioned before, the Book cat’s voice  is stated to be male, and the movie’s   cat follows that. That’s not to say that a  cat sith couldn’t be fluid I guess though! Maybe the cat is so creepy because they are  SO elusive and undefinable. And they are very   different between the books and movie. When I  started this, I fully expected to be in love   with the cat even more by the end, being  the obsessive cat lady that I am. However,   the proof is in the pudding, well in  this case the book, graphic novel,   and movie. I’m so intrigued. So, just WHAT is  the cat? An inter-world freeloader? An ancient   cosmic portal hopper? A fairy creature  that gets a kick out of deadly tricks?   A deceptive beldam familiar? Or just a regular  mischievous cat? The fact that they are in the   “Coraline” cinema logo has to mean SOMETHING,  right? Let me know in the comments below! Thank you, friends and fiends, for  overanalyzing more Coraline lore   with me! Do subscribe so you won’t miss the  next video and I’ll see you soooon! Good bye!
Channel: abitfrank
Views: 1,017,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abitfrank, Coraline, coraline the movie, how coraline could have been creepier, henry selick, neil gaiman, book vs movie, coraline animation, coraline creepy, coraline 2, coraline theory, laika, other mother, coraline movie, coraline book, coraline tunnel, coraline well, coraline portal, coraline corridor, coraline jones, coraline ending, coraline cat, coraline cat theory, cat theory, the cat theory, coraline other father, coraline other mother, coraline cat portal
Id: y2d1XYcMTDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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