Peacock's Megamind TV SERIES Is Literally Unfinished...

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you used to be better than this pathetic I sure am glad that Mega m 2 is behind us I certainly would hate if there was another 4our stint to go through oh my God yes cuz after Mega mine versus the Doom syndicut apparently peacock wanted more so there is still another 4 hours of this terrible Mega mine content to go through and the last one already put me into a fever for 5 days why are they doing this to us what did we do to deserve this and look at it all this is just shuffled footage from the entire series we'll get into specifics in a minute it just looks the bloody same doesn't it it's just the exact same minuscule budget and you're going to notice a lot of recurring things from the mainline movie which is so just a 90minut extended episode if you haven't checked out our breakdown of the original Mega Mine 2 I'd certainly say go watch it there's some important law to learn there's a supermarket set a child exists and also a post credit scene that leads into a super new villain thankfully it's not for Mega mine 3 it's for this this is a sequel to Mega Mine 2 and oh my God wait till you get to the ending it is it is something else but first we have episode one Mega mine versus Dude monkey that's what it's called that's what one of the characters is they're introducing new characters to extend the mega mind universe so now we've got more supers you've already got the perfect Superman parody with metroman obviously you got Mega mine you got how the human with a nice nuanced element of the nice guy who's actually bad and then of course you've got the terribly CGI Doom Syndicate but now on top of all that you've got a dude in a monkey suit not just any dude he's a dude who looks like you'll get rabies if he sneezes in your food this this whole episode is meant to be the classic rivalry episode you know how there's kind of loads of these terrible low budgeted TV series and they all have the same plots it's just what if the psychic was a protagonist what if people bodies swapped what if there was a new rival that's exactly what this is and you know what it feels like it's one big Mega Mine 2 homage because it's just the exact same design we go right back to Mega mine's crappy rendition of his building without the big astronomy dome and then when we come to meet Dude monkey it's inside the supermarket that they montaged into that one time clearly peacock made eight sets so we're just going to find an extension for all of them also there's an intro sequence now it's like three shots and one of them is 20 seconds long for some reason but yes the weird timeline of where this series is meant to sit in the world continues to be confusing because immediately right out the gate Mega mine brings out the idea to be more popular by asking the question it's do I need to exercise what about flossing sir immediately it's a 2016 movie we're still talking about the bloody floss dance and it's 2024 see the whole thing is that Mega mine wants to be popular he now wants to be an influencer that is actually the plot that they were murmuring about in the rumors building up to this and now here it is Kao is this child Gremlin thing that seems to know the knowledge of God and she has Tik Tok she's influencing the way of Mega M's appearance and he wants to get the crowd on his side as the new hero all the while dude monkeys now made an appearance flip-flopping around do Gooding against Crime and he has his own social media bit so you know yeah it's just lowest common denominator a classic Trope of the Rival villain mixed with influences and take it from me and actual influencer what a Scourge on society this episode is trying to be on the other side of things as well roxan is May now that was a thing they established in the film because her being a journalist is far too weak for her and she comes to the news that immediately the Doom syndicut have escaped again so the whole movie kind of a waste of time the Doom syndicut are intertwined with this TV series fully they're just out and about doing things some episodes will have them they're just fodder I mean peacock spent all of their budget producing Behemoth and they're not having enough money to fire the guy and get a second design so I guess they're going to keep reusing them there's also now another character that's been upgraded as a main character it's the assistant to the May fascinating I know and she is now meant to be the bickering sibling to mega mind they just never agree they fight over a piece of paper and rip it in half wow storytelling never heard that one before and then to keep things even more confusing mega mind doesn't know what the internet is at all maybe that vaguely makes sense cuz he spent all of his time in prison but but then they go on to Define what the word trolling means what's with this troll business trolling means he's trying to humiliate you online and like does anyone ever say you've been trolled anymore this is like a 2010 reference whilst at the same time they also reference fidget Spinners so again we're in 2016 but there's Tik Tok on the phone is 2024 the rest of this episode is just kind of your standard schmuck dude monkeys out here doing a good job mega mind it's jealous and trailing behind they keep Chum over here who was minion but they've just permanently actually changed his name and they're not going to address it any further than that he just comes out making incredibly archaic references to the internet sir have you seen this unusual fellow who sings about rain I don't think that's endearing it's just dated H and like and really what you're just watching unfold for 23 minutes at a time is just a complete bastard Iz ation of mega mind as a world and mega mind as a character look at what they do to our boy he radical dudo mega mind here crimes are popping dead this is so embarrassing to the character of Megamind and is so dising genuinely slapped together Mega mine then comes to find that his bloopers are successful and go viral on the internet and then dude monkey is exposed as a fraud who staged all of his things Wahoo 99 is there vaguely attached to a post credit scene oh and Chum made a meme of his own pretty chill homeboy I think you've gone viral and this folks is just an appetizer for things to come for just the abhorrent design everything is in the next 3 and 1 half hours strap [Applause] in even the credit are just bloody blow horns This Time episode 2 brings back an old new character from Mega mine versus the doom syndicut and elevates him some more it's all about the origins of Mr donut so of course we're at the donut place again who have thought we we ended in the aquarium last episode now we're in the dut place as well they have a whole thing about they love the donut place now Mr donut wants to show them the backstage of the donut he's invented a new mega mind head donut that Mega mind's not allowed to eat for some reason and then Mr donut fold into a vat of donuts it's your classic super villain origins story and to be fair they kind of play off of that that's the gag So eventually they pull him out and it it it's just so poorly animated but now he is permanently sticky stuck inside his costume and everything attaches to him with Mr donut saying all these suspicious lines like Mr donut will take over the world because he really enjoys his business mega mind is convinced he'll become a super villain after some H Jinks as well mega mind attaches a laser Gauntlet to his arm and he's practically set off and ready all the while a gang discover a sheet that Mr donut was putting together Opera pay Mega oh I found a clue are you serious do you think the audience have concave heads or something this is the stupidest most simple sheet code I could possibly put together anyway because of plot Mr donut now also has Amnesia classic I forgot how to write storytelling and the fish Trio dropped down onto Mr donut gush all about how they're honored to be with Metro City's newest bad guy all the pieces come together for him to completely forget himself and actually become that super villain now he even has a great super evil laugh incredible and roxan sees it all so the girls go and meet up in the donut place at all oh my God operation payback Megamind wow oh it's a genius bloody job roxan I love the part where you scribbled it in and then it came out scribbled in Reverse to how you scribbled it in and so as a climax to the episode mega mind is caught by Mr donut and the fish Trio he's ready to shoot him into a pool of sharks and then the girls blast in with Mr Donut's wife and kids I don't know why they were with him considering he was originally incredibly depressive and and a non character in mega M to don't worry about it and they're like your donut skills they're for good not for evil oh you're right my name is Mr donut not Dr Super Evil laser Robot Man or whatever he said his name was Mega mine does the whole calling out to him about decision what kind of person did I really want to be and then they they do a fight they get jailed they all eat donuts I'm only a quar way done but let's do it episode three this one's called roach Hard with a Vengeance this is all about cockroaches it doesn't involve rockan it doesn't involve the outside world at all I believe it's just entirely Mega mind's lab also a thing to note um what keeps recurring in this TV series is the child K here keeps repeating the old title for this TV show it wasn't always called Mega m rules it was called Mega min's rules for Defending Your City kind of awkward to have changed your title considering it is baked into almost every episode's dialogue and welcome to Mega mind's guide to Defending Your City I'm K so after more eye rolling Le boomo lines like how Mega M says live screaming instead of live streaming Chum here starts to clash with Kao because he has to clean up everything apparently Kao lives in the lair now whenever she's not at school so she's constantly chewing crisps and leaving crumbs on the floor all the while mega mind is trying to film stuff with Koo and Chum keeps interrupting by the ways of faulty equipment cuz of the dirt or other things you know is vaguely plot but anyway way where the real thing comes together is cockroaches appear oh my God and mega mind is apparently scared stiff of the damn thing so Mega mine runs to his door room which is just next to the lobby now I thought it was at a basement and Chum accidentally sprays it with intelligence booster why do they have that why have they used it before what is it all right and now the Cockroach Queen is a Super Genius just like Megamind and she's like I'm going to use the spray to make a Super Evil into ENT Army of roaches everywhere to which the recurring response to that is that's actually a pretty airtight evil plan no it's not use a Bloody brain cell please if everybody's smart then they're probably going to clash intellectually about what's the next best thing to do they're going to disagree on everything but no it's an it's an air tial plan cockroaches could take over the world if they had one stat in intelligence there's no issues about their size they're invulnerable right nuke them they're fine so so this cockroach Queen is now blackmailing mega mind in the Doom room in order to get them to give over the intelligence can saying like she's going to do terrible things like swim in his mug put her skin in his shoe and walk on his face oh God I hate this and so it all just becomes one big chase sequence of an army of cockroaches versus KO and chum there's a bunch of machines they could use none of them work out a particle collider could atomize the can Megamind is beaten by a cockroach they go for the time extrapolator but only put it 2 seconds into the future and then give up on that now the parakeet robot from the climax of the movie version that flies away with a can and then hits the glass ceiling and then the Cockroach even goes as far as to override the controls of chum suit which apparently is a thing it could do and mega mine doesn't have the power to fight the one intelligent cockroach in his room because there's a backstory to be had thankfully this one does not entirely tarnish the legacy of the original movie it takes place within the prison that he lived for his entire life except making friends with the Doom syndicut creating a team of super villains and having a mentor but we'll get there later as it turns out Mega mine go ahead and tell us attracted every roach in the prisons using my face as a dining hle cockroach has walked on his face once brilliant so anyway the action continues Koo stops the suit override almost Falls to her death they are now rekindled Wahoo the Cockroaches do get the can spray all of the Cockroaches and then there's no problems with that they talk maths and then listen to their leader blindly I don't think this show understands what intelligence is the next sequence is then all of the roaches walking towards the city exit they just walk there's no need to run that would require anything other than brain cells apparently but also the whole time where everyone's trying to stop them from moving we never actually see them really really moving on the floor not it's mostly them looking down and stepping out of camera and to save the day there's the great sucket machine or whatever they turn it on everybody gets sucked in the Cockroach Queen shuts it down and so then they keep walking completely nonchalant repeating the walk cycle from before as if they weren't just inhaled by an entire sucket machine thing then Mega mine finally has the strength to swap the queen away from the circuit breaker doing so by turning on the final Mega Mine video he just recorded to inspire himself wow what a narcissist and then it turns on and all the Cockroaches are gone so then they rocket them into the sky give us one more incredibly lame catchphrase granola more like rla Koo now gets their own desk and a trash can so they don't make a mess and the Cockroaches end up on another planet H what a plotline episode 4 is the halfway mark and it's called called Mega mayor you know the episodes where the two main characters inevitably swap bodies it's that this time lady Doppler is around for the sake of showing off the Doom Syndicate I guess and mega M's like how hard is it being mayor of Metro City because this guy has bloody zero brain cells inside of his giant gaping forehead so it becomes a montage of both of them screwing it up mega mind as roxan as the mayor of Metro city is saying yes to absolutely everything you need to find a new place to park your cars park in the park that's why it's called a park that's that's as far as the writing really gets on that but because he's getting a lot of satisfaction he's like I'm going to make roxand the most popular mayor in history meanwhile roxand is Mega Min the hero of Metro cities out here and Koo the child just immediately works out its rockand because of course she does in mega m 2 you know the movie version of this whole Fiasco she just knows everything all the time ultim God powers that knows the entire plot it's exactly the same in this TV series mega mind under Rock Sand's rule is much nicer now saying they appreciate Chum and enjoying the music that's going on not very good at shooting a robber but hey you know whatever actually in doing so she ends up destroying the streets but that's that's pretty on point for mega mind anyway so like that being said rockand mega mind is such a people pleaser to the people around her that they that it enables the damn song composer to stitch together this damn music track that they play on Loop throughout this episode why are you putting us through this please stop and so one Montage later and everything's gone to crap in both directions lady Doppler is vaguely appearing zapping televisions in that one Supermarket set Mega M's image has been going down and saying yes to everything as the mayor has made everything go awful from parking to driving to to a snow globe in the middle of the street you know vague plot there's a bit about how there wants to be a dog rally at some stadium and then there was wants to be a cat rally at the stadium and she said yes to both it's very stupid incredibly basic as well and then like mega mind as roxan has to give a speech and and this is the writing he comes up with I think you're all marvelous and really cool and stuff it's it's like Beyond tropy doesn't me mind like presentations is he how can he not construct a sentence this is so bad both from mega mind as a character and from whoever wrote this schmuck I generally don't have an actual problem with the team behind this series you know they're clearly just animators with no budget and no time this is mostly a peacock executive thing but also where does peacock hire these writers there is no intention here this isn't an underrated writer with an undercooked prompt the animator a fine though it's just the resources and the leaders I tell you anyway lady Doppler makes a scene you used to be better than this pathetic and then we loop around one last time with mega mind Rock sand speech about how if we could imagine being in the other person's shoes oh we can love each other cat dog person it's just so babyish all that Nuance from the first movie a deep Point that's actually going to require a good bit of like emotional intelligence to understand and process gone we then start to get to a vague climax of the episode whereby Doppler has tied up mega mind as roxan still not really getting weather right which is just the stupidest gimmick why does she point to rain and say it's Sunshine what's wrong with her that's not even really funny and then it's solved almost immediately by Chum throwing the snow globe onto her now Metro City loves both of us again ah and then they revert perfectly timed it was a wearing off thing anyway well done rabit together we're beyond the halfway mark of this damn stupid show no don't play the bloody song again what even are these lyrics episode five is called extra credit and this one's probably the most Progressive of the bunch because there is practically recreational drugs in this episode ch here is calming himself down by zapping his circuits with this electro ball game all the while roxan is trying to be British Old English synonyms You couldn't possibly know I'm no Yorkshire raggedy fish one what the hell was that and really this is all about mega mind and rock Sand's relationship you know the one they kind of tarnished from the first movie and just completely reset and put into this weird limbo as the other plot line Koo has to create a robot that can throw a tennis ball I don't know what kind of super school she's going to but that's apparently a thing kind of would have been helpful at the end of Mega 2 to be honest considering mega mind invented a tennis ball throwing machine which was a classic tennis propulsion machine is it because they just wanted to use the tennis ball asset again from the movie they literally built nothing else and then on another front roxan knows koo's teacher and so those two instantly meet I can't believe it with their horrendous looking hands the whole thing is about Mega mine being jealous of a potential other romantic rival you know it's another one of those cliche TV plot lines you've seen these all before in fact what could some boring norming normon have to offer friendship wise over M this is literally the how plotline how do you put mega mind through this nice guy rival Trope and then turn him into the bloody nice Sky Nory Trope tell me you do not understand the original movie without telling me you don't understand the original movie my God so then they go to that damn donut place again because there is no other place to have a romantic experience here because there is no other set that exists here and mega mind has adjusted Kiko's science experiment to create the pal 3000 to throw tennis balls and be the perfect good super friend like roxan has with the teacher so roxan is embarrassed by this whole example and then goes on to say I'd say he's not normally like this but my nose would start growing and that should really be the end of that quote right like a boring line to mention probably not really that interesting why did I show it off what I'll tell you why I showed it off it's because of the next line following that whereby apparently the teacher here has something to say about it I wonder what profound thing he has to say about the oh man Mega's always like this he he haha I my nose would start growing if I said that he says like but Pinocchio because you'd be lying are you advertising this show for people that just came out of the womb why are you explaining that Pinocchio means lying how stupid is the audience demographic meant to be and then the real plot line comes together when pal is sad that the friendship with mega mine has to end in order to become the science project that Koo wanted so it goes on a Mad Dash for everything trying to find a new Mega M to be best friends with throwing everything that's not mega mind to which Mega mine then tries to s the situation it grabs mega mind and goes to climb a skyscraper with mega mind with him I don't know it could drive up walls but apparently it can don't ask about it and then it all loops around with Chum's orb thing being thrown up not by Chum the gorilla suit robot thing no by roxan the mayor throwing it up the entire height of the skyscraper for Mega mine to catch to Short Circuit the robot oh my God they save Mega mine from the fall Koo does a demonstration in the hallway the robot makes friends with another robot and then roxan says they didn't really have that much in common with the teacher Jesus Christ okay welcome to the halfway mark of this video thank you for making it this far in you now know more of the Megamind Cinematic Universe than the entire movie already established congratulations it only gets worse from here the ending is something else but we'll get there soon enough do check below if you've subscribed or not if you want to keep up with future terrible TV series and movies I might do a marathon of other lowbudget TV series at this point so give me a suggestion for them but in the meantime I hope you enjoyed this breather into the rest of this God awful show mega mind rules for Defending Your City the title they cancelled and then changed after they baked it into the dialogue what a great decision peacock really ask submitting themselves as the absolute worst let's get back to the video episode 6 is too much Chum you know how there's always an episode that focuses on the Sid cick here it is after a montage of dealing with the Doom Syndicate in an Alleyway for 6 hours I guess mega mind is exhausted the next day and instead of taking a nap or going to sleep at any point he refuses to and continues to work ah yes of course thank you chum this isn't even funny or smart it's don't even anything we learned that Mega mine uses a binky and that now everyone else is going to take charge in order to make things better Ko's leaving for school rockan has to do some Mera things so it's all up to Chum with this mega mind that's hallucinating butterflies apparently and really just going through the five stages of grief because he's tired Chum says he could use an assistant for his assisting at a clone machine already exists okay choosing to trade intelligence for persistence Chum 2 accidentally flings Mega mine in his his chair but with this now Chum can go to the but with this now Chum can go and get tickets to a show that Mega mine would totally want to see in his deprived state or something so then the episode all about Chum Chum's not really helping the plot instead what he's doing is he's bickering with the assistant May thing who's also trying to get tickets for Mega mine for this show that's apparently going to wake him up he clearly just needs a nap so then the Clone version of chum makes another clone version of chum but this one's a perfectionist who's always clean cleaning up and mega M says I need a passionate Chum so then Chum three clones a Chum four that's only passionate overactive and insensitive so then Chum four clones a Chum five who's now a sensitive Chum who cries about hurting toast you know what you know you know I think even a cloning episode is a classically done TV Trope that just repeats itself through every IP imaginable and so it just becomes one big cacophony now that there's I think five different Chum clones running around meanwhile the main Cham is trying to get more lottery tickets by doing good deeds assisting the people in the queue waiting for these tickets cuz it's a lottery system and then they they do they give away their Show tickets for iguana food that they were going to go shopping for later why would you give away show tickets for food you can have both spend your money wisely and so then they will hoard up all of the lottery tickets somehow homeless guy makes a reappearance very very briefly because they model the character they're going to use it and Koo now returns at the end of the day despite the lighting not changing at all it's permanently Sunset it feels like through Mega M's Lair windows and KO having just walked in immediately immediately was worked out what's happened again knows that Chum needed help and so cloned a Chum who then cloned a Chum who then cloned a Chum and then had mega mind do a mega meltdown how why do you know everything you child and you know what Cham says in response to all that Chum five I imagine no well actually yes where are the jokes a 40ft behemoth is here now don't know why he's 40 ft just is Ko's running around trying to stop all four Chums from assisting even though there were five Chums don't worry about it the Clone the persistent one the passionate one the sensitive one and the happy one and one Chum gets loose or is this the secret fifth one I can't follow happy Chum suggests they sneak up on Behemoth in the invisible car and they say that's not a bad idea for some reason and the four other Chums that were inside the lair decide to combine themselves to create a super Chum a giant Chum faces giant Behemoth and then in more like egregious storytelling that I don't get why they keep doing this Mega mine finally falls asleep after dozing about how this is all a dream and he has laser eyes and all this you know stupid plotline stuff Chum then defeats Behemoth and then they all turn around and say mega mine did it Mega mine's asleep in the road right now and then to even more turn the plot line around Mega mine says this city will be the death of me so giant Chum now decides to destroy the city before it destroys sir meanwhile the main Chum wins the lottery tickets to the show gives it to the assistant because Mega mine needs assisting right now and he'll rather lose to another assistant like what I don't know they wake up Mega mine because there is no rest for the wicked and they saved a day by going with this thing about how Chum cannot ignore instructions from lyrics this was a running gag through the episode that wasn't even worth reshowing to be honest and so what follows next oh God I haven't even been talking about the animation errors throughout this entire TV series right you've seen it I would hope it's all it's it's in this video but this one's like so egregious they're inside of the car Chums sticks his head out to shout out lyrics and you can just why did they think they would get away with this this is a proper Jimmy Neutron of a TV show anyway they improv some lyrics your hands like a crazy mut be mellow don't crush Mr donut and then the assistant gives Chum the lottery tickets back it doesn't matter they're both going to mega mind either way saying us assistants have to stick together or whatever and then the Doom synda are here with a hairbrush whereby the mentor Maia villain from the end of Mega m 2 says the binky is integral to the entire plan and you'll have to get someone else to do it yourself the child he's targeting the child for some reason yes there is a lingering story arc going on in the background of this the Doom Syndicate are doing nefarious things in the background is that good storytelling no episode 7 is a cake for C they they really pulled out all the stops to work out the pun on that one once again their name dro welcome to Mega M's rules for Defending Your City uh but also talking about name dropping they just outright start naming the Big Bad final villain randomly Mega mind's completely unprovoked in talking about his mentor but suddenly he goes out here to say airbrush was missing Mar a villain's golden hairbrush okay what all right they then go on to explain that that belonged to his great evil School Master the greatest bad guy who ever lived had long hair and a great voice wicked schemes power cords and presentation he says that's vaguely interesting the fact that they could actually show off that his mentor was all into presentation as well great show us some of that you know and also Mega mine defeated him when finishing his training as a villain whenever the hell that was meanwhile also the main plotline is that it's koo's birthday today given a drone by rockan and mega mine completely forgot to which KO says that's fine I already know what my present should be the thing you said from the movie that you that we had before that our audience has already watched for sure they're proper making like a cinematic univer you have to watch 2 hours of content and then 3 hours to lead up to this point to know what's going on but it's for this line here you help me I'll train you to be a crime fighter to which meind completely rejects despite the fact that it's this child's birthday and he's meant to be the good guy he's like no I'm not going to train you get out of here self teaching is the best teacher you get out of here I had a teacher I don't want it goodbye oh all right instead he's going to make a cake for cakeo the entire half of his episode is making a cake first it's too hard then it's too soft then it's too salty plotline the real meat and potatoes of this story comes from Koo getting revenge she decides to infiltrate the doom syndicut and find out what's going on disguising herself as nighty Knight cuz now she has Mega mind's watch for some reason and so then that means there's no point for Makia villain to be aiming after the child like we just established in the last episode because she's going to him so Koo in her Godly child ways immediately knows where their secret hideout is in some office why not help mega mind at this point why not tell him here I guess because they've broken up briefly I don't know at the same time the old May is here because once again they've modeled a character might as well use him again and and it it's really just crappy Bad plot lines again they start laughing and bullying the May because don't put a bully his feet are D what is this Koo as 9 is almost called out for not bringing sandwiches now that he's back from prison what and then there's other beats like how Behemoth is struggling with the computer and wants to print out his favorite Comics out of the printer that being said I do like this next line that Behemoth says good completely out of left field and way more mature than the rest of this whole series patient or behemoth crush and melt your bones whoa calm down there buddy anyway KO reveals herself to the mayor as their secret identity he's like I do taxes food delivery and glass figurines which is actually somehow vaguely attached to the plot meanwhile lady Doppler is crazed about this new nighty night because yes one of us finally learned how to type again what bloody decade is this is it meant to be like early days computers that we don't know how things are they trying to get on to or is this a comment about iPad kids not knowing how to use keyboards efficiently cuz they're used to buttons and apps now what is going on anyway and then the other nighty Knight appears and the Doom Syndicate prefer the new nighty Knight and think they're real because they know how to type all the while Maia villain also makes an appearance oh we have an impostor in our midst and he immediately sniffs out that it's the one wearing the mega mind disguise generator wow this villain is serious cuz it has a third brain cell so then KO isn't immediately burnt to a crisp instead maky villain says to prove her loyalty by stealing Mega mine's baby Binky as it's the power source to everything to which Koo does running into the mega mine lab using her drone to lead all the Bots away running to his bedroom that old set again from Mega m 2 that they for some reason built like for for two 30C scenes she grabs the Bing key and takes it over to the ex May of all people to get an exact copy which he can just do in 15 minutes what what is this plotline are we even try in here no we're not because on the other side of things roxan is just tickle torturing a mega mine for information about the mentor because I don't want to put Koo through what I went through so what we come to learn is this Binky has needed to restore Makia villain's main body he's not meant to be a floating brain head he's not another Minion like I first thought or something no and so instead what they do is they combine all the artifacts from across the past episodes because they've been doing some of the fairest things in the background we have the snow globe from that one episode there was a moment about a genetic starfish I didn't tell you about the French guy got an isotope during that late night Alleyway scene and Mackie Ellen's evil hairbrush gets his DNA back and with the power of the binky all together but I just gave you a fake Binky dude and I got the real one right here what is ah why would you say that it ruins all tension and buildup and payoff you know the most basic thing in writing to keep things impactful is see it dysfunction don't just say I gave you the fake Binky by so then the child just runs away from them the entire time running running down an Alleyway running between the entire Doom syndicut Kao gets Pierre pressure to hypnotize himself by recording and playing back his own thing and the Doom Syndicate are defeated by a child again to which the brain says that actually they took the real one using the monologue to swap Binkies cuz this villain is serious Kao then goes to confess to Mega about the big bad that's just happened he wants to reveal the birthday surprise saying you deserve every crumb here's a cake and a hero costume let's begin your training and then after all this buildup of I have something to say no I do you know that classic Trope because these writers haven't actually written anything original the entire time she then just turns around and says my mom has a thing for me at home so I got to go nothing she goes home does nothing confession deleted as we come to the Cliffhanger that Makia villain has reappeared time for the final episode episode 8 who wants to save the city the final episode it's the fin final boss and it's all about presentation key to Super villainy is presentation he's an elf twink I thought he was going to be like this big kind of brutish Wide shouldered guy this does not match the voice at all why is his brain not visible did his brain just come out of his shell how none of this connects at all but it's time for Makia villain's major plan it's not to destroy mega mind it's to destroy who he thinks he's become now suddenly there's a comet it happens every 100 days 100 days that's three times a year meanwhile now finally Koo confesses about the binky to Chum and about Makia a villain and he keeps freaking out despite supposedly having to be quiet at this moment and mega m is meant to be out there doing a big display that everyone's there to see for the comet Festival but he overslept rushing out meaning Koo can't confess to him he's too late he won't listen you know it's that damn plotline again to which Maria villain appears on the TV finally nothing B the plot line is finally here 5 hours into this Cinematic Universe and you know it's vaguely almost okay it's a back and forth scene between mega mind and Makia villain on the screen if fa to win it doesn't matter if you win or lose it's how well you play the game it's vaguely trying to follow the tropes of of him talking to metroman which is great it's not done that great but it it's vaguely there soaky villain says return to villainy or be faced with the ultimate Challenge because this show is written for literal three-year-olds and Mary villain goes to put mega mind onto a giant evil game show who wants to save the city you know the name of the damn thing mega mind has 1 hour to pass three heroic challenges if you stop all three I will leave in peace why why isn't he looking at the camera this is going to Megamind and he's looking off screen like he's at a press conference so anyway it then becomes three very basic riddles the first takes them to the Dome telescope place whereby they see the Pierre pressure is there who's going to hypnotize all of Metro City at once so after duplicating himself multiple times I don't know I don't know how they did that the two of them fight Mega mine has rapid fire shots against them all and misses a bunch destroying the whole place and then they move to the next number two takes him to the power station where lady Doppler is there with a flash flood of lightning she says to which Koo literally just comes out walking to distract her as they then water hose her to zaap her down why is there a water hose next to a power station I don't know but now the power grid is fried as well and then the last location is at Mega min's Lair as because of the electric grid going down they manage to walk in not worry about security and then when security do come in cuz there's an emergency back backup generator that gave them time to go into the lair apparently Maria villain immediately presses a button to make all the brain Bots go to his side cuz there's a button for that apparently now the brain Bots are committing all of the crimes out in the streets so Mega M's like hey we can break the antenna to stop all of them at once so then there's a remote to the laser satellite in the sky that they have just in the car they press the button it shoots the antenna Wahoo except in reality what happens is the laser shoots the comet in the sky now it's heading towards Metro City it's the comet will destroy the town plotline and mega mind in his incredibly brainless way is just like mega mind will know what to do I have no idea what to do yeah he's like it's a hero problem way above my hero grade and then he goes on to reveal oh my God he never intentionally defeated Makia villain he accidentally left the gamma chamber on while heating a burrito and it burnt down his entire Fortress to ashes on that lie I went from being an ordinary villain to a super one when when when he was in prison Mega mine then goes on to Montage super dosing up his gun in order to shoot down the comet it it's a whole shebang thing vaguely and then hey Comet this one's for the dinosaurs it didn't work and instead what happens is Mak a villain makes an appearance using the binky super Superman flies up to the mega mine statue chest burns it so that it can also fly and that's right Mak villain steps in to be the new superhero coming down to the crowd saying Metro City's true hero has arrived there's only 3 minutes left of this episode how are they going to Loop this together without pacing issues KO then goes down and says it's all my fault I gave him the binky wow wow a w Mega's like the binky is the last thing I have from my home World he's immediately not upset about that because mcky villain tricked the both of them and then a final press conference comes out whereby we see all of Mega mine's actions recontextualized with maky villain saying he's returned to his old evil ways shooting the telescope destroying the power grid unleashing the brain Bots and detouring the comet towards us and roxan as the mayor with no time to really process it or understand any opinion despite clearly having emotional ties to make sense of this has to declare mega mind as Public Enemy Number One through and through Makia villain has won so how do you think they solve it in less than a minute would you say how do you think they're going to end this TV series I'll tell you how with one simple clip oh my God we still have one card left to play have to find metran and that is the fuing ending there is no conclusion to this episode there is no conclusion to this full story arc Makia villain has made an appearance he comes in one shots mega mind and wins and mega mind says hey let's go find metroman Cut to credits there are no more episodes of mega mind rules there are eight episodes and that is it no episode 9 they are coming for lowbudget CGI Markiplier no conclusion no payoff and I wouldn't be surprised if this series is dead in the water after this response wouldn't that be hilarious mega mind the peacock series is cancelled and it ends with mega mind just being bloody destroyed I've been saying throughout this series while I was watching it and in mega Mine 2 too where is metroman are they not going to touch him he's clearly going to be a character they're going to want to bring back from the dead yeah they're bringing him back for season 2 that's it this incredibly poorly designed super villain Mentor that shouldn't exist in the law Pops in does his thing doesn't get concluded this Cinematic Universe they've introduced is triple the length of the original it is a gigantic stain bigger than the Legacy at this point of the actual mega mind and that's where they end it mega mind rules is literally incomplete it is unfinished schmuck I have wasted 6 hours of my time watching these two projects together and that's not even including the hour and 16 minutes I spent talking about this one and then the editing I got to do afterwards this has been an absolute mind melting catastrophe it's so cheap every set is reused as much as possible and there is no originality in any line in any character in any plot it's just a TV series extension schmuck it's a Content Farm of Megamind an official content Farm I've seen the inner workings of how Minecraft content Farms function and I wouldn't be surprised if this TV series is just as much a disaster as that I detest Minecraft content farms and I test this oh my God we are so far gone from the original Mega mine now and I know if they do make another season of this I'm going to have to watch it they're going to make metroman low poly the last project Mega mine versus the Dooms zut put me into a fever for 5 days this is more than double the length of that so I guess I will see you in April when I'm done falling into the unconscious plane on that terrible note I'm going to end things off there my name's been Daz thank you for makinging it to the end of this God awful series honestly if I don't die in the next week I might consider doing other terrible lowbudget TV series cuz this this was a gold mine of something so let me know what you'd like to see and I will see you in a little bit oh good God you used to be better than this pathetic
Channel: DazzReviews
Views: 370,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dazz, reviews, dazzreviews, megamind 2, megamind sequel, megamind, megamind tv series, doom syndicate, megamind rules, megamind movie, megamind streaming, peacock, megamind peacock, dreamworks, dreamworks megamind, dreamworks megamind 2, review, megamind 2 review, megamins 2 terrible, dazzreviews megamind 2, dazzreviews terrible, dazzreviews terrible megamind, megamind tv show, megamind terrible tv, dazzreviews megamind rules, peacock megamind, dazzreviews terrible megamind rules
Id: r72cxqBFZtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 28sec (2788 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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