Why ChatGPT Won't Replace Developers

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in this video I'm going to talk about the problems I see with chat GPT and why it will never replace Developers now you may be asking yourself what is chat GPT now chat GPT is an artificial intelligence or AI chat bot and it allows you to enter in a text prompt and it gives you an answer back now this is built by a company called open Ai and how it can do this is it has another underlying technology called GPT 3.5 and this model was fed just a wealth of information across the web in addition it was fed billions of lines of source code now we have seen other products like this recently and one of those the more famous One is GitHub copy that allows you to predict the next line of code that you need to write now a chat GPT you can give it a coding prompt or build me a to-do list in JavaScript for example and it will actually generate the code to do that to-do list and on the surface it looks really impressive but when you start to think about all of the things that a developer or coder does you'll quickly realize that chat GPT will never replace developers let's talk about the first problem I see with chat gbt I believe it's always going to be a tool it will never replace developers and there's a good reason why because when you start looking at building websites it is way more complex than it looks like on the surface in fact we asked chat gbt to center a div on our last latest live shot let me show you that video and what we had to do to make this work Pacific and make it hold on let me go to clear out your page just delete it all um use everything but you can put your Styles in that tag yeah right how they did it there and then we'll just put in there get my uh there you go now write a div and say Hello World say div hello world in there and let's see what it does there goes it's Center to div there we go now as you can see from that video we had to do some actual coding to get the solution to work while it is true it knew how to use the flat Flex box to Center the div we had to actually put that on a web page make sure that the CSS was in an inline style and then actually write the div with the hello world now could we have asked it more questions and it generated more things it's possible and probably we could with some more effort but then it comes to the question of like how much time do I want to put into asking the GPT questions when I could have just coded it and either way I'm gonna have to integrate that into my solution so I'm never going to be a completely novice non-coder and be able to use chat gbt to build anything I'm always going to need to know how to code now once we move away from Center and I did horizontally and vertically on a page we go into real systems that have multiple files it has a domain that's kind of specific to the company that I'm working on we have data models and tables and we have different ways of building things and sometimes we've been using more than one technology to build a website and when you factor all of this in it becomes really clear that you can't just write a text prompt to anything and it builds something because it doesn't have enough context at all and so it will never get to the point to where it can replace the developer now what you see is really good it's really cool it's going to become a tool that really helps developers but when you say I'm going to replace the developer we're not even close to that yet because building software is simply too complex so let's talk about flying cars now you maybe ask yourself what does chat GPT have to do with flying cars well flying cars is the technology has been promised since the 40s and there's been many attempts to make these now one of the real problems with with building flying cars is this ability to land and be anywhere for example if you took your car out of the garage you want to fly it to work and that typically doesn't work and this is one of the drawbacks to it that you can't just land it anywhere at the at the parking lot and work and chat GPT is kind of similar in this Regard in that I can enter in a coding prompt and when I look at on the surface it's really cool except I've got to do a lot of work to massage it to make it work inside of my app and then it's like a 90 way there solution or maybe eighty percent of their solution and that's never going to take over and fully replace a developer just like a flying car will never replace your Honda Accord the biggest problem I see with chat GPT is that it's not always right its level of accuracy is not a hundred percent but its level of confidence is a hundred percent you'll get an answer from it it'll say that this is the answer to your query it doesn't give you multiple answers to choose from or things that you can browse around to see what's right and what this means is if you want chat GPT to replace developers and it gives you a solution that's broken and you don't know how to code how you fix it how you ever get your solution to work if you don't know how to code because chat GPT doesn't always produce the right thing now in many cases your code could compile it may look great on the surface but underneath it has a bug in it that won't be seen until you push something production what do you do and this is one of the reasons why chat GPT will never replace developers because you have to be able to refactor the code that this AI is generating the third problem I see with chat GPT is copyright now order to understand this let's talk a little about how these models are trained and what chat GPT is getting trained with is billions of lines of source code from companies or sites like GitHub and while these repos may be public the author of those reposts may not want their software included inside your software without attribution in fact this is a common thing that's requested if you use someone's source code is attribute where it comes from now on the surface it doesn't seem like chat GPT does any of this at all and so where did the source code come from did it come from One Source or multiple sources or did it could just completely copy it from one repo and give it to you and this becomes a problem so let's look at a common scenario like if you are a freelancer or a contractor and you're doing a work for hire Arrangement and now typically these Agreements are signed between you and a company and it says hey I'll pay you and you transfer the intellectual property to my company now here's the little known clause in all of those is that if the IP ever becomes in contest or the IP is is in doubt that you'll defend the company at your expense and this becomes very expensive so if you're using AI generated code you don't know where that code comes from and if the author at the end of this chain of writing software comes up and questions the IP for the company that could cost you as the contractor lots of money now let's also look at the company let's say that you built a startup and you hire a bunch of developers to build software for you but they use AI to generate it that company May no longer control that IP because we don't know where the software came from and if you say if your company makes a hundred million dollars or a billion dollars and the employee that you hired suddenly to decide you know what I'm going to start my own business and compete with you directly but the IP is in question because he didn't create it the company didn't create it some AI third-party AI tool created it and the IP is in question now I'm not a lawyer and I'm not an attorney and I don't know how this is going to play out but I do know this by fact is that when things become confusing people set in and lawsuits will happen in fact when you look at co-pilot from GitHub you have to send your code base into GitHub for it to train it to give you accurate predictions now Google and Tesla both don't allow copilot in their shops the reason is they're not going to transfer their IP to Microsoft because if your IP is transferred to an AI does it suddenly become public domain no one knows the answers to these questions so Google says this is our IP we're going to guard it Tesla says this is our IP we're going to take care of that we're not going to transfer that because we want to own all of the things that we create and I see this may be the biggest reason why chat GTP and AI generated software will never take off recently we had a live discussion about chat GPT and that we show you some examples of how this technology works and the power of this tool if that interests you click on the video right here
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 9,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, programming, software developer, coder foundry, chatgpt, ai, artificial intelligence, openai, openai chatbot, openai chatbot gpt, machine learning, web developer, developer, chat gpt, will gpt-chat replace programmers, chatgpt coding, will ai replace programmers, will chatgpt replace programmers, what is chatgpt, chat gpt coding
Id: tqN5NKHT7N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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