Will AI Replace Programmers?

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I came into this video convinced that I will be convincing you that your jobs in computer science in data science and software engineering data engineering are going to be safe from the developments of artificial intelligence I was wrong for those of you who don't know me hello hello my name is Tina I used to be a data scientist at meta I have a computer science degree and I've been coding for around like seven to eight years now okay so let's rewind I've been playing around with Chachi PT which was on gpd3 at that time for a while now I had been building data science project I had been learning JavaScript again um I'd be developing software engineering projects and it has been great like I was genuinely really excited about how much faster I was able to code how much faster I was able to learn languages that I had previously not learned where I had forgotten gone are the days now it seems where I have to pour over lots of stack Overflow and just like a lot of documentation to try to figure out specific technical problems but I was still pretty convinced that AI is just going to be a tool that programmers will now use in order to be more efficient and more productive and this is because although the apps that chat gbt would build is very helpful it still required me to have coding knowledge to understand the context of what I was is building and also to fix specific problems I'll be running into in particular there's like certain things that you would ask it to fix and it would not be able to fix and you would have to like intervene as a human to do so but when you guys ask me in the comments Tina what do you think about how the landscape of programming landscape of uh programming related jobs is going to be changing with artificial intelligence I wanted to answer that question objectively I want to answer it with evidence right so I did my research I watched a bunch of videos I looked at a lot of Articles like the sources of the Articles and I read papers that were done by professors in Elite universities predicting what was going to happen to the landscape of jobs and I was still pretty convinced that artificial intelligence is a great tool and over time naturally technology disrupts so there will be shifts in the way that programmers will be working at their jobs but it's not going to like replace their entire jobs it's not going to like dramatically disrupt and transform the nature of what programmers do until two things two things this thing was when GPT 4 was released now gbt4 is a lot better than gpd3 in a lot of different ways it has more context now so you're able to have conversations in which it remembers more things it's able to provide you with more accurate and nuanced answers the code that it writes is better it's able to communicate with multiple Medias now not just directly through text but what sent that chill down my spine isn't necessarily that gpt4 was so much better than gpt3 which it is it's more that it felt like the floodgates had opened with gbd4 coming out everything started coming out it was like a tsunami that was coming out Microsoft announced that Bing was already using gbt for mid-journey that's an AI program that generates images also had several announcements it's pretty similar to open their eyes Dolly and stable diffusion which also had announcements Microsoft also announced copilot which is an AI tool that integrates with all the Microsoft Suite of products I already massively adopted it's able to generate full of documents is able to derive insights from Microsoft excel's data it's able to take entire meetings and summarize them into notes Bart also came out which is Google's direct competitor to GPT and of course non-coincidentally this was also when Nvidia is hosting its GTC conference which is the biggest AI conference in the world the list goes on and on the speed and the amount of innovation competition and destruction that is happening is mind-blowing so you might be asking though like Tina why is that a bad thing though this is a video from a very popular YouTube channel called wired and the title of the video is AI tries 20 jobs I'm going to play a little bit of this music producer personal trainer software engineer DJ DJ I want to know do my job we're always trying to know where can I find you please generate the code for a website using HTML CSS and plus that tells me where there's scrapped for your community that that generates a website that we can look at and understand what it does does seem like a huge feat to me I'm a news anchor I want to know if AI can do my job a forest fire has blazed through a large part of the Southern mountain region of the country she didn't sound natural it sounded like a machine now let's see how it does with the Spanish newscast unfendi or peristal region she actually threw in some Spanglish there she definitely struggled there the AI cannot take my job for now honestly for this news anchor lady um I think she's in denial right now it did a pretty damn good job yeah we can work on the accent we can work on a lot of these different things AI at the speed that it's operating in is very much going to perfect that then it's going to be very soon where it's going to be hard to tell a difference well I asked chat gbt to write a review of the product that I've actually written about in the style of my own writing unfortunately I think it Stripped Away a lot of the personality in the original review yeah I cannot physically handle this product at that point can you really trust where the source is coming from I want to talk a little bit about the fact that you can't trust it that's like another separate issue but I feel like if you gave a little bit more prompting tell it to have more humor or anything like that yeah I think it's coming pretty damn close I'm an influencer and I want to know if AI can do my job I watch fgbt to help me with an IG caption that's a picture of me smiling standing at the top of my Mantra okay the view from here is breathtaking the soccer core in my back reminding me of the city's Rich history and culture really strong but it doesn't necessarily capture how I would speak my audience would know that this is not me your audience would know that it's not you um what if you gave it a little bit more of the captions that you previously used but they still know what if you were AI completely from the very beginning to do my job but it's very close oh at least you missed that it's very close give it some more um training about what tone you wanted to write and uh it's gonna be doing your job and probably generating those images of you as well if you like read the comments I really agree with what the comments are saying uh which is 20 humans try to justify their Worth to the machines when they rise up I love that AI clearly did half of the Jaws very well and most people were upset and just said I could not do their jobs influencer this is a good caption but my audience would know girl it can do your job in fact it can do your job better than anyone else's the AI for the influencer is better than the actual influencer emo the most with the software engineer like she was kind of excited for its capability of doing all those things and I think that's because she has a better understanding of how artificial intelligence works I think so that's why she can be more excited about something like that happening um but yeah in general like this really just made me realize that I was like pretty much these people in the lineup being in denial about AI doing my job so automation of these used to be the fear of like people who do blue collar jobs and the white collar job people they're like oh like we have creativity uh we're able to have critical thinking we're able to have abstract thought yeah like artificial intelligence is pretty much doing your job as well in fact it actually might be able to do your job better because all the data about how to do your job what is considered to be good or bad is stored as data that AI is being trained upon I think the speed at which AI could take over people's jobs is so much faster that we can even grasp at the moment the nature of a software engineer at some point it's not going to be writing code anymore it's going to be monitoring artificial intelligence to make sure that the code that's going to be outputting which is going to be getting better and better in quality over time is in fact what should be being produced it's going to be more of a managerial role a monetary role so then I had a nice little conversation which had GPT so switching to gpt4 I start off what are some examples of jobs that become obsolete with new technology and it gave me some of these examples like switchboard operators typists and cenographers film projectionists lamplighters Milkmen elevator operators I was then curious about like what is the general technology making a job obsolete so it says when technology makes a job obsolete it generally follows pattern of displacement and transformation this trend can be broken down to several stages introduction of new technology adoption and diffusion displacement of existing jobs job transformation and re-skilling so it this is okay but this is like a little bit vague still what are some signs in this that this pattern of displacement transformation is occurring and I wanted to be even more specific can you give me more specific signs in terms of behavior of the public so this is when it starts I it starts Dawning on me like what is actually happening right now certainly here are some specific science shifts in purchasing habits consumers may start to favor products or services that incorporate new technologies or offer greater convenience efficiency or cost Effectiveness this can lead to a decline in demanding for traditional products or services so we're seeing this happening right now people are using tools that incorporate artificial intelligence into it adoption of new technology a rapid increase in adoption of new technologies devices or applications by the public makes signal a shift towards more technologically advanced Solutions potentially impacting related job markets with Chachi BT being released I think it was over 100 million people or 100 million Americans that's like one third of Americans or something like that started using Chachi pity that is called massive adoption and the fact that the there's a lot of online presence and engagement and increase in online activity such as e-commerce social media interactions remote work manufacture shift towards digital Solutions can have implications for various Industries and jobs that's happening all over YouTube it's not just some like Theory anymore it's not like when it was blockchain or something like that which people were you know invested in it but the vast majority of people were not actually using blockchain the technology wasn't massively incorporated into consumer products but artificial intelligence it is and at lightning speed anyway so then I asked it is this how is this what's happening with artificial intelligence and pretty much you're saying yes this is what's happening with artificial intelligence as AI technology continues to develop new Industries and job rules related to AR research development implementation are emerging so this is interesting so I wanted to understand this pattern of displacement like what kind of specialized roles are going to be coming out of this yeah so it talks about like AI researchers AI Engineers data scientists machine learning Engineers so I think this conversation with Chachi BT really solidified my brain about the fact that chat GPT artificial intelligence tools all these different things are being widely adopted by consumers worldwide and the rate of everything that's coming out it's so fast right now and that terrifies me I do have some thoughts about what to do about such situations but there's one more thing that I think is even more terrifying to me a little bit of context first so some of you may know but most of you probably don't I worked as a data scientist at meta in the Integrity team Instagram Integrity specifically and what that means is that I saw Bad actors doing bad activities across meta's social media platform the amount of misinformation that's already curly there is is tremendous already it's a very difficult problem to solve just think about how much misinformation cannot be spread with generative artificial intelligence the content that can be produced it's not just written in text anymore it's images it's videos I don't think the world is ready for that there's a concept in artificial intelligence called hallucinations which is defined as a confident response by an artificial intelligence that does not seem to be justified by its trading data for example a hallucini Choppa with no knowledge of Tesla's Revenue might internally pick a random number such as 13.6 billion that the chatbot deemed plausible and then go on to falsely and repeatedly insist that Tesla's revenue is 13.6 billion with no sign of internal awareness that the figure was a product of its own imagination nice argument Senator why don't you back it up with a source my sources that I made it the up not only can Bad actors go and decide that they want to like create lots of content for misinformation but even well-meaning people could be generating documents generating things in which you will most likely be too lazy to validate and you would just believe it because that's just how people operate you know we tend to believe things at sight and we're too lazy and validate things in general and then that's just going to be spreading all over and this problem with Hallucination is not a problem that has been solved at some point there will be like certain things that you can't validate because you don't know individually anymore and there could be more misinformation that is based upon the misinformation the hallucinations that were already there it's like a chain of things that occur so that just false things after false things after false things and you don't even know what the truth is anymore it's like layers and layers of this at a massive global scale now that is why I got such an ominous feeling because this is such a big issue among other issues that artificial intelligence has and it's just being released into consumer products all over the world right now at lightning speed I'm sure that these researchers and people who do these products they're all very well intentioned but generally it's not a good idea to rely on people to regulate themselves because it's directly a conflict of interest in terms of generating more hype generating more Revenue as opposed to investing things into things like Integrity into regulations to make sure that things that they're being produced is actually at a safe enough level government regulations that's probably be not going to happen in like at least 10 years so we're not going to count on that a lot of the issues that we dealt with in Integrity are called unknown unknowns things that you don't know that you don't know how do you deal with something like that until it becomes a catastrophe until something bad happens and then you're like ah yes now I know now I fix it I don't know if we can risk that happening and for us to go like oopsies like let me try to fix that now you can see I'm probably I'm pretty passionate about it because it's just I don't have an answer to this at all and it's something that I'm going to be following very closely myself if you have any thoughts you have any research like please do let me know I'm genuinely very concerned and also very interested in this topic okay so done with that rant if announce talk a little bit about takeaways in terms of your programming job is it going to be safe um the answer is no I don't think it's going to be safe I think there will be a massive reduction of the number of programmers that are going to be required the number of jobs are going to be available that's going to dramatically reduce and I think it's going to be happening a lot faster than what people will be expecting the name nature of these jobs will also shift towards more monitoring artificial intelligence as opposed to just like coding um and generating code itself this is mean that you should like freak out and panic at this point and be like oh my God like what should I do everything is like I'm we could try to run away and try to get a job that's AI proof well no I don't think so especially if you're someone that already has technical skills uh where you're interested in technical skills I actually think this puts you at a better position than most people if that will be getting their jobs completely transformed by artificial intelligence which is like most people at this point and that's because you have that capacity to better understand how artificial intelligence is developing and how it's working over time and as Chachi PD itself says in the near future there's still going to be people who are required for AI related fields for code in some ways now is probably the best time that you should be learning how to code so that you can better understand how to use these these models that are coming up take advantage of everything that's happening right now you want to be someone that has agency and make choices yourself most of us are not going to be able to change what it's going to inevitably happen whatever that may be but it is advantageous for you to be in a position to make a choice as to how you're going to be reacting towards that when something is happening to you to be able to react preemptively and decide what's the best options the more that I learn about Ai and the more that I'm witnessing layoffs that are happening in Tech like it all started happening in all Industries right now the more convinced I am that it's so important to take control of your career instead of just like trying to get a job and just placing your trust on an employer and just getting a nine-to-five job you can do that right now I'm saying you shouldn't do that but you can do that but to put that in power into your own hands and realize that you also can be taking contract words we can be working multiple jobs you can be doing your own business there's like a lot of things that you can do a lot of jobs that you can do to make up the whole of your career you do not want to be dependent on a single employer a single stream up in come especially in the recession that's coming right now generally as a trend when there's a recession that occurs employers still need people to get work done right so what they do instead is that they start hiring contractors how do you become one of those people that have contract files for example how do you piece together your career so that you have more control over what's happening maybe you get laid off on one side maybe AI takes over your job for one of the things that you do but because of your ability to adopt because of how Diversified your income is that makes it a lot harder for you to be replaced anyways I can go on and on about this let me know your opinion seriously I'm I genuinely am very interested in your opinion recommendations were books or articles to read videos to watch I'm very interested in this topic but also let me know if you want me to make another video about how I feel like the world is developing now in terms of what you should be doing with your career how do you be more Diversified how do you adopt how do you like get yourself into a position where you have more control over your career in the long run so yeah I have a lot of thoughts on that as well I've been thinking about it for for a long time now as well so let me know if you want a video about that
Channel: Tina Huang
Views: 198,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 12lV1HWchNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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