Why Catholics Have a Pope

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how many ins father may know it start again okay here we go hammer names father Mike Schmitz and this is Ascension presents so um the Pope right now like our current Pope I like the idea of the Pope is a the reality of the Pope is the thing that a lot of times people don't understand whether they're not Catholic and they're like what the heck what's the Pope I don't think he's very important or they're our Catholic and they're like what the heck what's with the Pope I don't understand this whole thing because I'll think a lot of people buy into the idea that the papacy is the way you say it the the Pope the idea the role of the Pope is a thing that like the church invented false actually was invented by God himself in the same way that God invented the universe here's a long story I'll start way back in the big one at the beginning but orally enough in the beginning to give you kind of a context for how it's very very clear that Jesus establishes Peter as the first pope and that he expects not only Peter but all subsequent subsequent successors of Peter to be that role of the the Pope the Pope the Pope role so it all actually kind of starts in many ways with the Kingdom of Israel it's go way way way way back you have Abraham and has a son Isaac who has a son Jacob Jacob his name it's changed by God to Israel okay so Jacob / Israel has twelve sons and one of them is digital Joseph with his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat but then you have the whole rest right and so at one point after years and years nears these twelve sons end up having being that the names of the twelve tribes right so so the the tribes of Israel so Israel / Jacob who has his twelve sons those sons become like tribes so the twelve tribes of Israel because it based off of twelve sons of Israel / Jacob right okay so this family you know this all these tribes coming together they're made into a royal Kingdom under one guy his name is David David brings all twelve tribes into one royal Kingdom why because David is the Anointed One right remember Samuel the Prophet goes to David as Jesse his father Jesse it says where are your sons and he shows me all these sons now not that one not that one not that one Oh David anoint him he's the Anointed One he is the Christos right mashiac is the is the word right Christ Messiah means The Anointed One he's the Anointed One that brings all twelve tribes into one royal Kingdom David establishes the kingdom you have Solomon who was David's son still the king does pretty good does pretty bad the next the next son basically kind of breaks the kingdom because he's not a very good King and so the kingdom of twelve tribes splits into ten tribes in the north and two tribes in the south and okay that's how it is that's how it is for a while and then Assyria comes in from the north and destroys those ten tribes in the north and that fact they're lost to history we have no remnant of them there's no there's there never read they're gone obliterated those ten tribes gone the only true tribes are left are the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and then you have some leap you know people descendants of Levites of course years and years and years pass and then here comes Jesus okay so okay I just did a lot of history in a very mana sort showed him on time but when Jesus comes on the scene what's important for us to understand that he didn't just come to UM heathens come to save us I mean if you come to save us but not just to come to save us came to save us through a particular means yes through the cross uh-huh but also through the kingdom by reestablishing the kingdom why how do I know this well because think about this every time in Matthew's Gospel almost I mean gosh in a lot of the Gospels been in Matthew's Gospel in particular is very very important because Jesus his first words in Matthew chapter is 4 what does he say it says after he gets baptized by John in the Jordan he goes out and does some battle with Satan in the wilderness and he comes back to the north to the Sea of Galilee and his first words I'll repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now we hear that leggo the kingdom of heaven as they have yeah because that's just kind of a code word for like I'm here everyone which shirt fine but no because Jesus came as the Christ right he's anointed a Holy Spirit comes upon him baptized by John in the Jordan holy spirit was upon him because the wilderness I was back to the north the kingdom is here why because the Anointed One the Messiah the Christo's is going to reconstitute the twelve tribes of Israel he's there to bring them back together he's dead he's there to establish the kingdom that's what everyone was waiting for when it came to the Messiah and where does he did this is so incredible he begins this in the north what about the north in the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali the first two tribes of those ten in the north that got obliterated he starts right there with his first public ministry in what's he do in the land of Zebulun land of Naphtali he starts calling to people he says okay uh Andrew and Simon you come follow me and then James and John you come follow me and how many people does he come call to come follow him like that there's many disciples but there are how many Apostles twelve of them why because Jesus is very clearly reconstituting at the twelve tribes of Israel he's there to clearly establish a new kingdom so in the old kingdom there was a king in the new kingdom there's a king his name is Jesus and the old kingdom there were the 12 tribes a new kingdom there are the Twelve Apostles in the Old Kingdom there was a prime minister and the new kingdom there is a prime minister if you flip ahead to Matthew chapter 16 you see what you see is Jesus do he goes up to Caesarea Philippi when he gets up to Caesarea Philippi it's placed about 29 30 miles north of Capernaum which is on the north of the Sea of Galilee he asked his disciples he says who do people say that I am and they say well sums like Jeremiah one of the prophets Elijah they're all wrong and he says but who do you say that I am and Simon stands up and he says you're the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus looks at Simon and says flesh and blood has not revealed this to my heavenly father revealed this to you therefore I say to you you are Kepha you are rock and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it now there's a whole thing about going to Caesarea and Philippi and calling renaming Simon Rock and saying upon you all build my church because if you ever go to see some real Philippi it's pretty amazing there is this massive rock upon which are built temples a pagan temples and so Jesus has even a power point back then he had to bring them 29 miles north of Capernaum to have this visual demonstration for them of here's what when I say Peter your assignment now you are rock Peter and upon this rock I'll build my church in case you might be mistaken enough to think that I'm saying hey Peter you're a chip off the old block false because right behind him is a massive rock upon which our built temples upon which our built churches so it's very very clear to all the Apostles that Jesus is saying I'll build my church upon you Peter used to be Simon some of us would call you Simon Peter still he goes on to say though it's phenomenal why's this have to do with Kingdom he goes on to say he says I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven remember that word kingdom give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven what you bind under should be bound in heaven when you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now if we're listening to it like wow that's really cool that's a lot of power that's really interesting neat got the keys like the keys of the city well done hometown boy no no if you were one of the other disciples one of the other apostles were listening to Jesus speak to your buddy used to be named salmon Simon now his name is Kevin aim is Peter you'd be like oh my gosh Jesus who's the Messiah he's the Anointed One he's the King to re-establish the Kingdom of Israel he just made Simon Peter the prime minister what do you mean because in the Old Kingdom there was the role of the all haba I got this from my friend Jeff Cavins who has as little he's a channel on this on this little channel - um Jeff Cavins talks about this the Alpha by which means over the house the prime minister so the role of the Alpha bite over the house the Prime Minister was when the king was away the AL Hawaii the Prime Minister had the authority of the king and you can see this in Isaiah chapter 22 with this whole story about this guy named Sheba and he like em if you read Isaiah chapter 22 shebna was the previous al Xavier he was a previous prime minister and he did some not great things and so the Lord said now I'm taking your role away from you shebna I'm giving it to a guy named I like him and here's how he describes the role of the Alpha bait he says this on that day I will clothe him with your robe hurt him with your sash and give over to him your authority because this is the thing the world the Alpha beat is not a figurehead thing it's not a prime minister who's just like stands there and doesn't have any power he has authority that sash is a sign of authority the robe is a sign of authority and the word of Thor a sign of authority goes on to say he will be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem into the house of Judah and I love this Jeff gave him points points this out cave-ins points us out he says he could be a father to inhabitants of Jerusalem in the house of Judah what we call the Pope come the Holy Father in fact even the word Pope comes from the Italian Papa and then he says I will place the key of the house of David on his shoulder when he opens no one shall shut when he shuts no one shall open so here's Jesus at Caesarea Philippi and he says Peter I'll give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven what you bound an Earthbound in heaven what you open on earth is open in heaven you loose on earth let's open it loosed in heaven every one of those disciples were like oh my gosh Jesus just made Peter the Alpha bite he just made Peter the prime minister peter now is in charge when Jesus will be gone because he gave him that role why because this is not just about Jesus coming to save every one of us yes that is about that he came to establish a kingdom eqing establish a church and in that church it has a structure in that structure there is the role of the prime minister who has real authority when he buys on earth is bound in heaven when he loses on earth is loosed in heaven it goes on to say I will on him shall hang all the glory of his family he'll be a bit like a peg in a sure spot to be a place of honor for his family that's the role of the Holy Father he's a peg in a sure spot you know there's so much confusion there's so many different beliefs people have her like I think of this budges I think that about Jesus but the role of the al-hadith the role the prime minister the role of the Pope that Jesus himself established is a pagan assure spot it's what unites all Christians it's what United all Christians for a long long time until recently why see recently i means v 500 years for some 1,000 years for others but this is not something that the church made up this is something that jesus himself established and did not on a whim in matthew 16 but as part of his massive program to re-establish the kingdom of heaven on earth because the church is not some invisible intangible kind of a thing the church has a structure Jesus is the head he's the head of the church and the body is not just this kind of wispy amorphous nothing it has a structure as well and part of that structure is the Apostles meaning current bishops and the AHA bate meaning the current Pope and part of the structure are are the bishops the successors of the Apostles and the Pope who is the successor of Peter that first Prime Minister that first al Hobbit the great news is missus not actually meant to be a divisive thing so for all my friends who are non Catholic Christians for all my Orthodox friends who are who were separated this is not meant to be divisive in fact it's the opposite this was meant to be by God it meant to be a sign of our unity the role of the Holy Father the role of the Alpha by their all the prime minister was meant to be that peg in a sure spot that United the holdout he says upon him the whole glory of his father will rest the whole glory of the kingdom would rest the whole family would be united with this prime minister by the Pope so the role the Pope is meant to be a role at the unity so my invitation is if you've never thought of this if you're Catholic II never thought about the fact that the Pope is meant to be a sign of unity think about this if you if you're non Catholic and realized wait second so the role of the Pope is that was by Jesus not by some medieval church but established by Jesus it's meant to be a sign of unity then what's my relationship with the Pope is it possible that God is calling me let's take another look at what I might have written off as being just in another invention you know what I wouldn't think of another invention of the Catholic Church or is it possible that God is inviting me to say wait a second maybe the Pope is meant to be a sign of unity for me too I think it's something worth praying about something worth considering for almost a distance from all of us here the center presents my name's father Mike god bless you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 130,952
Rating: 4.866241 out of 5
Keywords: tribes of Israel, royal kingdom, King David, the anointed one, divided kingdom, tribe of Judah, tribe of benjamin, the messiah, Jeff Cavins, the papacy, kingdom of heaven, al bayit, al ha-bayit, pope francis, saint peter, tribes of israel explained, fr. mike on the pope, why catholics have a pope, why do we have a pope, fr mike on why we have a pope, fr mike on the papacy, catholic priest, vicar of christ, vicar of christ meaning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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