Do All Good People go to Heaven?

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hi my name's father Mike Schmidt and this is essential presents so I cut I don't know it's the holidays why not talk about heaven and hell here's why you know there's a scripture where the disciples come to Jesus and they say Lord will many be saved this is the big question actually this is the question not just for back then this is the question even for now Lord will many be saved we live in a world right now that says yeah duh you just kind of like just don't be jerky and you know don't be Hitler and yeah of course but Jesus says something very different than that he says his hard word I'm sorry I just want to say this right now this is actually a I might be all like hey guys let's talk about heaven and hell but this is like a serious thing and here's what Jesus says he says why does the road that leads to destruction and narrows the gate that leads to eternal life that the wide road is the one most people go down and just kind of drift drift their life that left to our own left on our own left on our own our natural born trajectory is not towards God is away from God now we have a something in us that is that that is made for God obviously we're made for God but we also broke in and so actually to enter Heaven you have to have to choose you have to enter the narrow gate Jesus says why does the road that leads to destruction and many are on it that's a hard hard word especially in our modern day and age there's Manny's name's Christian his name is Christian Smith he's a sociologist out of Notre Dame now used to be out of the University of North Carolina and he did this nationwide study on the spiritual lives of American adolescents maybe a decade ago or so and what he found was regardless of whether how someone was raised whether they were mainline Protestant evangelical Catholic Jewish or atheist almost all American adolescents and now I guess young adults believe they have the same Creed essentially and this Creed has five points he called it moralistic therapeutic deism moralistic because it's like hey do good don't be don't do bad therapeutic in the sense that God is kind of like your cosmic Butler therapist you know he's kind of like just call upon him and there is and deistic in the sense that God's not really involved in our day-to-day lives more distant from us but one of the five points in the Creed of the moralistic therapeutic deism which is basically that our cultural our cultural beliefs like this is what we kind of distilled down we might say I believe in one God Father Almighty created her in Earth etc but what krishna smith's found was that most of us just believe this and one of the five points that most people in America believe is good people go to heaven when they die like that that's it that's a good people go to heaven to die and we don't even define good good just basically means you're not Hitler you're not Stalin you're not Mao you're not like you know you you weren't a serial killer so other than that though you're probably a good person why cuz you know I mean you don't kick dogs when you walk by them back that kind of idea right you're generous with your time to the people that you like good people go to heaven when they die but the scripture points out that that's actually not which Christianity teaches that's not what Jesus taught he said why does the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the road that leads to eternal life in fact the Bible and the church teach that there are amazing use if for for almost conditions you might even say that are necessary to go to heaven one one is Jesus in John chapter 3 says unless you're born again of water in the spirit so baptism is one in John you won't have to enter eternal life in John chapter 6 Jesus says that unless you eat the flesh of the son of Ana drink his blood you not have eternal life so the Eucharist is one trip sure says that and if you profess with your lips and believe in your heart Jesus is Lord you'll be saved so faith is critical but then also Jesus in response to his disciples who say you know Lord Lord we knew you we ate and drank with you he says unless you do the will of my father in heaven you should not have eternal life so there's at least four things you know in in the scripture that point out that are like you need to have these in order to have eternal life and none of them are you need to be a good person none of them are hey don't be a serial killer none of them have anything to do will not have anything to do there I guess ancillary but none of them say hey just naturally grow into heaven because that's what we think right we think we're just left to ourselves left on our own we're the kind of people just would naturally grow to the people be able to step into heaven when we died but scripture says no baptism Eucharist faith doing the Father's will so where does that leave us well it could leave us pretty sad and that's okay like that's okay we have to come to terms with this this is so important for us we have to come to terms with the reality that heaven is not like a prize for those who are good when they die heaven is if I've reread or Ian tonight - Jesus ivory oriented my life by His grace ivory orchard reoriented myself to do the Father's will as I know it then that's where I'm headed but if I don't rearrange my life then that's where I'm headed because here's the thing we're created good right in God's image and likeness but we're broken so what that means is we're born with a certain trajectory that trajectory is if left on our own we would not go to God we would go away from God here's the Phenom that's the bad news that's the bad news but that's the reality that's the real news we don't like to think about it but it's true the good news is were not left on our own that's the crazy thing the good news is we are not left on our own in fact the Catechism teaches this it says basing itself on Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the father's like you know the first Christians oh why not there is no one who's ever lived whoever is living who or whoever will live for whom Christ did not suffer and die there's no one that God doesn't want there's no one that God isn't actively calling think about this just imagine this at this moment if you're watching this video you are someone that God is actively calling to be in relationship with him there's no one who ever has lived is living or ever will live her own price did not suffer and die what we have to do is cooperate with that we have to answer the response answer them we have to give a response to invitation think of it in terms of I don't know I think you were invited in think of it in terms of invitation say you were invited to someone's wedding there's actually it's biblical there you're invited to someone's wedding unless you you're invited there's a place for you there you might even RSVP and say I'm coming but unless you actually go there you don't just end up unless you make the decisions that get you to the wedding feast you're not at the wedding that's actually dial it back here you are wanted by the bridegroom you're what he wants you at his wedding he wants you just he wants to celebrate with you so he's extended the invitation to you know you and I might be someone who was like ah okay maybe I'll decide later maybe you didn't know you had an invitation maybe you checked yes but haven't put it back your RSVP back in the in the in the mail maybe you check yest and it's mailed it back but now you have to get ready you have to make other arrangements in your life if to change your schedule in order to get to the wedding because if you don't do those things the wedding will still happen you'll still be someone who's wanted there you'll still be invited there but unless you make the decision you won't be there so here's the big question is like what about those people who don't know what about those people who never had a chance get baptized for every Holy Communion or what about the people who I they've never heard of Christ or his church you know the Catechism actually says something about this as well it says we hold out hope that church we as Christians we hold out hope that those who through no fault of their own do not know of Jesus or of his church may by God's grace working in their lives if they respond to the good they choose the good that they do know we hold out hope that they too may be saved through Jesus Christ right so so we don't never judge anyone to say you're going to hell or you're going to have any kind of thing it's like we there are those who think we hold our hope that those through no fault of their own don't know they just don't know of Jesus or of his church but but here's the important thing by God's grace they're continuing invited and God can use pour out as a grace they choose the good that they do know why can we hope this well from many reasons but one of those reasons it will two reasons one is the character of God we know he loves every human being there's no one whom for whom Christ did not suffer and die but also the Good Thief who didn't get baptized who didn't receive Holy Communion he kind of sort of professed faith in Jesus saying Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom but he had no other opportunity to do the Father's will and Jesus said this day will be with me in paradise say okay we can hope if the good thief can help then we can hope if if think about this if the mom of the good thief could hope that her boy would make it to heaven then you mom's and you dad's can hope that your kids can make it to heaven too this is not let us off the hook why because jesus said the road is wide that leads to destruction and many are on it and narrow the gate at least we turn a life but then he says this key word he says so you strive so you strive what about those people what if they don't go to heaven I don't that's not it's important but the question you and I have to answer is what am i doing now what are they doing what am i doing what about those people over there and then you strive to enter the narrow gate we can hold out hope that many are saved we should we should pray for that but Jesus says you strive like what all those other people what about this person and know that they're important God loves them but you strive can we hope that many are saved absolutely we should hope that we should pray for that can we hope that were saved absolutely we should hope for that we should pray for that we should make choices we should strive for that we can pray that many many people are saved that many many many many people go to heaven and chemi experienced that wedding feast they've been invited to but no one gets there by drifting no one gets there just by naturally growing there we only get there by God's grace am i choosing him with our whole hearts something to pray for it's heavy but it's hopeful for all of us here to essentia presents my name's brother Mike god bless hey like comment subscribe do all the things share it pray for people don't give up hope strive strive
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 906,563
Rating: 4.8943634 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Smith, wide is the road, the narrow way, requirements for salvation, the Eucharist, doing the Father’s Will, what young adults believe, faith among millennials, what’s needed for salvation, how can i be saved?, Ascension Presents videos, Fr. Mike Schmitz, father michael schmitz, salvation through Christ, faith alone, solo fide, salvation through the Church, Catholic teaching on salvation, John 3, John 6, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25, Matthew 25:31-46
Id: TT4JAxfhgcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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