Why Bill Burr Stopped Drinking | Wild Ride! Clips

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i uh my tour bus um is a piece of [ __ ] rv like oh yeah you know you know what i wanted to buy the one from stripes that gmc made with the six wheels i always wanted to redo one of those and there's one that's the the it's the palm desert package or something and it's like two total ron burgundy it's that [ __ ] 70s green with the floral like captain's chairs and a green shag rug and i was just thinking man if i ever [ __ ] redid one of those put a humidor in there with some cigars and [ __ ] moving cigar lounge oh my god oh my god mobile cigar lounge yeah sick i know but then you gotta watch because then then all your demons are just right there yeah yeah that's another thing too i learned that's when my drinking got out of control was when i brought it home to the house and then i could oh there's a i don't have to go out too bar cause before like i always had it under control because i had to go out you know if i felt like getting a drink but i was at home and i was watching a game in your sweatpants it's like dude i don't want to [ __ ] take a shower and [ __ ] go out and do all of that [ __ ] so then you just wouldn't drink and then it wouldn't get a hold of you but when i had it at home yeah i had this thing where um part of conspiracy theory you know you get massively overwhelmed and depressed when you're reading that [ __ ] um so how i i then i after i got out of the conspiracy theory [ __ ] i went the other way and i started watching like me tv and all these old [ __ ] shows from when i was a kid and everybody on those shows drank and smoked so i would just sit there they were drinking i was just i was drinking with like ephram zimblis jr like every [ __ ] night watching 77 sunset strip and uh and you know it was started off with this then it became that then my wife started getting on me like jesus christ through the signs and i started i go it's a home poor you go out to a bar they take out the eye droplet it's just like that's not a [ __ ] drink and then i remember one night i came i told this story before i came down the stairs because she goes don't have another one when you have three you start snoring like your dog here so i was like all right all right and then i was like i just have two i can just have two right and then i was just like you know there's still you know eight minutes left in the show pour another one so i poured the other one it was over and i was walking down the stairs to our bedroom and i didn't know if she was still up or not i literally was hiding it on the side of my leg trying to make sure the ice cube wasn't gonna clink against the side of the glass and i was just like i am like this close away from having a bottle on the back of the toilet let me let me just step away from this [ __ ] so um i'm not like an alcoholic you know what i mean but i do think that addiction is like is more of a spectrum than you either are you aren't and i think that if you're a habit guy like me no different than sugar and salt like i never craved mcdonald's unless i was in a jam and i ate it and then for like the next three days like i see the golden arches everywhere like dude i'm gonna get a [ __ ] another double cheeseburger man so yeah i smoked a cigar and then i was like man are these bad for you then i looked up i was like how many cigars did george burns smoke a day and it was like 10 to 15 i'm like great i can do two a day you know it's like it's so easy there's no way there's no way he smoked 10 to 15 a day why google told me that i don't know i know and if you know who put that information out there a cigar smoker that's trying to get his wife off his back he smoked 15 a day christ i'm a lightweight i'm only smoking seven america if you thought jackass forever was crazy oh boy do i have a show for you it's a multimedia comedy show called the bucket list tour and the stuff i filmed for this show is way too hot for jackass like the general anesthesia bike ride the vasectomy olympics and sky jacking the footage is so intense we have full grown men passing out at almost every city this bus goes to so if you think you can handle it get your tickets right now at stevo.com [Applause]
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Clips
Views: 1,033,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7aU3zkVR7rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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