Why Beacons and Modules? - Factorio - Tips and Tricks in 10 minutes

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get a mate and welcome back to factorial a little tips and tricks sessions try get these done in 10 minutes or less but we'll see how we go so today I want to cover furnaces compression a little bit mainly modules and beacons because around a couple people ask you know why don't you just put down more buildings with more modules and forget about the beacons because you've got productivity modules but you don't have beacons and we're gonna hopefully cover that this episode so first things first we've got creative mode installed so I can just spawn in or and get rid of all the plate at the same time we have max rack hit rate calculator which is a lovely mod let me select this 70 furnaces to say what the hell are they doing they're sucking in per second 40 iron or copper or rubber and outputting 40 copper plate so we're familiar with these we've all built these at least once in our life hopefully otherwise you're probably watching the wrong wrong video and yeah they work in theory in theory you will and you're gonna watch for the duration of video it'll happen eventually it's very rare because it's a perfect system it brings in 4000 which is a max a blue belt can carry per second and takes out 40 plate in theory which is the max a blue belt can carry the catch is occasionally just occasionally one of these inserters will swing wrong either are taking or too slowly or these gaps from previous and inserters will be too large or it can't swing out fast enough and will just get a little gap that passes through which means straight away our belts are not fully compressed which is yeah part of them in maxing of the game but it's frustrating when you're trying to calculate things and going okay I've got a full belt and then you find out your belts quite full all the time so we've got wandering copper wandering iron nice and simple 70 furnaces gives you a full belts worth they were coming into modules yeah the first thing we really need to check is this uses matter one minute we're gonna say 14 ish megawatts cuz bouncing up and down a little bit with the inserter plate this one here has productivity modules so straightaway it's 20% extra productivity for 30% less crafting space so it's slightly longer at the same time it takes in thirty three or four forty point three plate down so we got a slight bonus on our plate out more importantly we're using less or in power wise this is the real big one we're using 40 megawatts with a power so a lot more power because we're is a Productivity module practice module plus 10 productivity plus 10 pollution minus fifteen speed plus eighty percent power a lot of power for free stuff and you can't ever argue with free stuff Kenya so the other thing is because this is more than 48 that's the key thing is 40.3 eventually the last two furnaces and you can see them right here they're backed up every other furnace before them has no plate sitting in it it's just to the last two because they can only output 0.3% of them appointment three times per second each no between the two of them so every one point blah blah blah blah blah they can go they can put in point one plate per second so once every 10 seconds they get one plate out and they can obviously produce point four plates per se so yeah they back up and that's fine that's fine it means we have more than 40 coming through here which is blatantly obvious by you know the fact that these outside belts are backed up yeah not eating a chance I'm not this guy beat him to it to it it's like it's a very very rare that these guys actually output and in fact I think that inserted just down put it just a little just one or two plates anyway it means this is guaranteed to be compressed at all times cash is a lot of energy consumption yeah remember we're looking at 40 megawatts this is the same builders here also outputting well the same size bill same tire to build we got productivity modules we've got 30 ish 33 ish or in because there's 20% productivity for 40 or more than 40 played out except now we've added speed beacons an hour speed beacons as you can see have a 480 kilowatt energy consumption plus they have a plus 70% energy consumption for every item they touch and these are referred to as an eight eight built so each be ken touches each pair of beacon so this one in this one touch four machines each in theory if you put another on machines up here these beacons near touch know correctly JD so this beacon near touches four machines here four machines here big eight eight eight so this touches eight and this has where is it number of effects sources it says 10 because it's got 2 protomans modules in it itself so number of effects sources 8 this is a very very efficient way to use beacons and like I said before by know that's one of the things you can overlap them very very easily repeating the beacons in so I have it nope let's blueprint it and we can show how it overlap so we'd overlap it like this which means each beacon we're gonna get twice the usage out as it 8x8 built yeah again 33 34 ish iron ore in 41 played out all these have no spare iron plate - it's Alaska now the last guy is out putting both on the far side of this belt and the inside of this bill he's filling in all these little gaps and we can see there are quite a number of gaps here because everybody else is doing 38 iron plate and this guy is just filling up the last little bit now power usage is a really big consideration when we start adding productivity modules and speed beakers now we covered this guys usually 40 this one's using 33 34 okay so we actually got less parent power usage for technically 41.8 compared to 40 point 3 so technically more iron out now that's that build that's at 8 8 the next big build is what you call a 12 beacon built so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 beacons one machine you can see he's number of fixed losses is 12 and Haddie's productivity modules in brings it up to 14 now these guys got a crafting speed of 9.4 being three hundred seventy percent these guys have a crafting speed of 13 point four five hundred and seventy percent speed increase caches the build is actually bigger we're still in that same situation where we're putting out we're bringing in 30 ish near 33 34 iron ore for 40 plus 41 plate down the cauchy's power consumption so we had 40 megawatts 35 megawatts cuz all these are on their empower network and 55 megawatts big power usage on this one it is because we're using machines yeah it's for a number of reasons right the biggest one is for stuff like iron plate it has a crafting speed of 3.5 seconds in an electric furnace which already has a crafting spirit too but if we will do get rid of you for half a second let's put a assembly machine down set the recipe to something long like blue seconds we all need lots and lots of blue circuits give me some more modules now easy the crafting speed for this one it's graphics bit of a plate means this one machine only puts out one per second so we Nina I build that it's 40 machines long hmm 35 35 36 36 36 machines long so 36 groups of these to get a full blue belt of our blue circuits out so this this build really lends itself not for high craft a high speed craft items like plates but for slow craft items like blue blue circuits another one comes to mind is rocket fuel 30 seconds legend see structures rocket control units even a lot of you-you-you're uranium from refinery and kovacs enrichment process all those sorts of things which have a really long craft time really benefit from this build nowhere near it's gonna be energy efficient but we are the big thing between build to build to build which we didn't really come on which we should cover before I call it for this one is this once 140 stacking service now insert is a really bad for UPA which is updates per second it's what affects the game speed this one has 168 because obviously it's more machines this one we've cut it down to 27 and this one we're down to 19 so it's 19 stack incentives the reason we got an odd number is this is outputting again to both sides this one does a lot better job of not backing up this at 36 we're the last one Bruce up 41 one of these that's four-and-a-half by itself its first test lesson service and inserted and and technically it's less furnaces as well it's less calculations the game has to do for a catch of energy consumption and as you in sumption is what's that an extra two three solar blueprints which the bots put down automatically without you having to do anything so um for really big bases this is the design that tends to get used more often there's so much easier design and it's much more it's sometimes easier to get belts in and out of this one that is with this one at all depends and this one you're really limited at Underground belts only this one you can use some straight belts so you can do some weaving they've got lots of lots more options and of course if you're really really bored and you just want a high power usage with lots of machines you just write down product to many modules as they are so that's it for this quick little one I do love having fully compressed belts in my base and I also love the advantage that speed beacons and modules give us just just to have more output for less important it's one of the beautiful parts of factorio so I'm gonna call it here for this one if you liked the video if you learn something along the way hit the like button if you'd like to stay tuned watch the next tutorial it comes out which will probably be your oil oil because I've had a lot of questions about oil by all means click the subscribe button and I'll see the next one thanks for watching boy
Channel: JD Plays
Views: 17,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JD, JD-plays, JD-play5, JD plays, Factorio, 0.16, tutorial, alpha, beta, guide, howto, how-to, how, to, walkthrough, playthrough, through, walk, comedy, funny, review, preview, steam, space, simulation, strategy, factorio beacons, factorio beacon smelting, factorio beacons guide, factorio tutorial, factorio tips and tricks, factorio tips and tricks 2020, factorio 0.18, productivity modules
Id: k9oM9pjOmtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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