Late Game ADVANCED (RED) CIRCUITS with Modules and Beacons | Factorio Tutorial/Guide/How-to

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welcome to factorio masterclass my name is nila so this is the series of tutorials and guides here on youtube covering all aspects of the game and aims to provide insights and resources to help you improve your game as an engineer in our favorite game factorio in this episode we are going to dive into another late game build and one thing that you'll never have enough of when you each end game that's red circuits you build and build and build and then you still don't have enough with it so that's what we're gonna be solving today each episode starts out as a workshop session streamed live on my twitch channel this is over at twitch tv slash nilos and you're very welcome to drop by i'm streaming factorio tuesday thursdays and sundays and the occasional additional day this is at 8 pm central european time and you just drop on by and say hi it's great to see new people coming in there if you like these kind of tutorial videos then be sure to hit the like button let me know in the comment section below with more ideas or errors should there be any or improvements and other ideas either in here in the comment section on my discord server or on twitch let's dive in so let's start building red circuits or advanced circuits as they are officially called well we're going to start by having one of these and just to start out i'm using two mods i'm using i'm working in sandbox mode because it's easier and and i'm using too much i am using for sort of easy infinity loaders and that kind of thing i'm using a mod called editor extensions and i'm using a one called max rate calculator to get sort of the maximum rate of calculation so this is what we have and obviously we are going to be fully moduling and fully beaconing everything in this build because that's kind of how things go isn't it and let me see i think i want to do it like this and let's make sure we get the right one not the some td modules that will not help us there so this is the basic format of what we uh what we want to do and i think i actually want to build it like this i don't know it doesn't make a difference this is affected by you can see over on the right hand side 12 number of effect sources the way it's counted is one for each module and one for each beacon even though there are two modules in the beacon so that's why it's twelve eight plus four and if we use a math max rate calculator we're going to look at this one and get a sense of how much this can be consumed now the way i always design late game builds is i start by sort of building this is a layout i want an 8 beacon build and then i try to figure out if it's going to be input constraint or output constraint in this case we're going to have a lot of inputs and very little outputs so i think i want one column to be constrained by the amount of red amount of copper wire we can have on one blue belt so that's going to be our constraint for this build and if we do that and you can actually do in this one this is really weird number of express belts so give us some sort of an idea of how many extra spells would need to be built here but that's that would be too simple so i'm gonna just uh build it out here and get some numbers and just get some kind of sense of it and how many we got this is 0.65 so this is a two-thirds of what we have and oops i'm just clicking around the buttons now i wanted to see how many we got we got eight so let's go with 12 and see if that's going to be somewhere along the lines let's have a look this one will be 0.98 and if i go over to items per second 44.0 hmm that does not sound so bad doesn't does it so this is probably going to be pretty close remember the blue belt is 45 so now the next part is can we support it well that means we're gonna get one belt in here this is only going to be the copper wire and on the other side we're gonna have we're gonna have both an input and output and there's this clever way that i like to do this and here and i'll do and that means we have an inbound on this one this is preventing doing any belt weaving because i don't like belt weaving and for things that are so low quantity that they only insert on one side then by doing this we can grab grab output output so that's going to be a more holistic view and on the side so that's going to be basically the unit should we let's uh start this is what i've been promising to do so that it can be easier to take a look at it the thing is if we look at the constraints here all of this 22 is a pretty damn perfect number that is less than half a belt so we can actually take half a belt of green tin and half a belt of plastic in and over here we're gonna have half of two half belts like that and you can see once this is going they will be output all of them and you can see up here they will all be output on the outside belt so this is uh this is a good start i'm gonna just drag it all the way up take these two out and this will be our output location there i'm going to go bring it up here and then i'm going to make an infinite thing here that just consumes everything so now we have something that's working basically we're happy or except that there are a couple of things that are we're not happy about first of all we don't have power second of all and more importantly we don't need this one and we do not have any uh the way to build this so if i need to build 45 copper coils per second now wouldn't that be cool if i could do that let's uh build it sort of completely different place so that we can kind of see oops let's do the absolute maximum this is the absolute maximum number of beacons you can have you cannot have more than 12 beacons without having mods so this is the very fastest you can have one of these let's have a look at how fast that is this is producing 44.8 per second so that's actually enough that actually oh someone deleted this and 44.8 hmm let me uh let me just uh take a look at something what if i do that one and then add this one and this one and then take the whole thing would that get closer to 45 that would be a lot closer to 45 for sure eight three three and this one alone can produce forty four point eight i'm just gonna say that's the same number there so that means what if we could take this one out and probably for now ignore this one actually i could just put it here and i think i'll do it the other way around for some reason i'd prefer this way i don't know why for that okay so we'll just uh forget this and i'm gonna build this here yeah and build this build this and build this right so we are now at a position where this is fast enough yep 44.8 i think i want to build it like this so we can take this one in and curve it here if we look at this one again it's only using 16 so 16 that means i need two inserters and then i want and this must be able to up output on both sides so that's not possible but it's actually possible if you just move it up here it becomes less symmetric but at the expense of just making it look so much nicer and this one though i'm gonna get this one in here and then that comes in there so we now have the two inputs and then we can refresh those this one will now be copper we actually only need it on one side because it's only the 16 so i'm only gonna highlight it with one side just so that we are clear oh that's definitely not what i wanted oops uh let's consume all the way up there i think that emptied all the erroneous stuff all right let's uh look at this again fourteen point forty four point eight and we're going to look at this one consistently it is never input constrained it is never output consider well it is output constraint that's good but it this one never drops so it's always able to output it's a bit weird that one that it blinks sometime but that's okay that's simply because it's not able to output fast enough that kind of indicates to me that there's there might be an issue but at this point if these are not being able to output fast enough you can see there are actually gaps here so do we know the trick we have previously if we do these ones set them to eight then they should be able to be filling up the belts exactly and then it will also be because it's very important that this belt is fully saturated and only by setting them to eight can you guarantee that they become saturated as long as this one is here and now you will see it's running much smoother this belt is always always always full super important that this is always full and this one is also yeah very important that we get that done no blinking here and what we're also seeing is that the top one is now fully operational and it's actually producing what we need great however we're not done yet because we don't have power and we kind of need the power to be here which isn't gonna be that big of a deal that should still be working let's look at this and if i go up as far as we can we can't build there but i think it's just looking better to have it here and how far up do we need to go there that's great and we just obviously need some lights here what if we build it right below for all of them that should be somewhere we can build it yes indeed and there right so we have inputs we have outputs we have lights we have power we have confirmation that things are working this lane is always full and these are working and that outputs we didn't even see how much it was it was 15.15.6 up here it's a very nice number and what we can then do is well the reason why i'm saying it's good is because 15 is an excellent number to uh to it's used because 3 times 15 is 45 so we just need three of these units uh if i wanted to call this a unit and uh if you want bigger than this because this unit is now constrained by the amount of copper coils you can transport on one belt copper wire it's not coils of wild build three of them then they suddenly become output constraint with the constraint being the output of a full blue belt so let's uh let's see if we can make that and make it look nice as well before moving on into making the scaled up build for a full output belt of red circuits on a blue belt i'd like just to take a moment to thank all the patreon supporters who are supporting the channel and the work i do here it means the world to me that so many of you are choosing to support and it is what is makes it possible for me to keep doing this and deliver these videos to you both let's plays and streams and all that stuff so thank you very much if you want to of course no application but if you want to then there is a link in the description below thank you very much let's take a look at the next build the interesting thing is that if we look at the amounts coming in here if we look at this it's actually going to overproduce and we really don't want to over produce things not by a lot we want to overproof by very very small margin but not a big margin the other thing here is that this is 16 and if this was 15 we could say that it was designed towards consuming a full red belt consuming a full copper belt but i don't think that's actually possible so the first thing we're going to do is going to be very simple build and just simply say i want three of these because that's what we said give me three of those now we're gonna just take the whole thing again and then look at it so we're all the way up to 47 that's not a it's not a great number actually to to have there so we're actually going to start stripping things off of here until we get a theoretical maximum we like more this is still 46 i think that's too high still so what if you take those up and look at this now we're at 45.6 i think that makes a lot more sense and yeah i think this is where we that we could start taking out stuff like this one and this one that but then we drop below the 45 so that's a that's actually pretty good that we can confidently say that it is not possible to go below this one and i don't want to take one of them out because that will just make it un symmetric so this is gonna be our target it's gonna be consuming 48 so it is actually more than a full more than a single full belt of of red belts it's a bit unfortunate but it's pretty good this one it's 45 it's one full belt plus 20 so that's a basically one and a half belts for this which means that if you want two of these you can get two output red belts and that would cost you what are they that would cost us three input belts of green circuits and plastic which is a good build and you might recognize these builds because this is what i've been using both in my twitch series and on my death world series on youtube here so what we need to do here is actually we need to get this into a clever way to balance it the way what i want to do is you would normally just go all right these two things merge in here now how would i then do the next well do that one but i wanted to i must get it in on the inside belt here here and now what we're seeing is that there is a gigantic overproduction and why is there an over production over-action is obviously that there is going to be a bit of an overproduction here but we should be able to see things sort of scaling in here this one up here will never be consumed i think you will what we want to see is that all of these are working and all of these are working and most of these are working maybe with the exception of this one only working sometimes in this one working once in a while it's going to take a while to get all of this hashed out and i really don't like that doing this one on top there now of course we're going to build up a reserve in here that will need to be output as well and that works as a buffer here so we can see here this one is now emptying this is emptying and emptying but we're also seeing that at this point in time we have 45.6 so it is supposed to be slightly overbuilding you can do some tweaks and turns and maybe remove one of these and but at the end of the day i really like having just slight over production so this belt will be nice and crisp this one will make sure that they are balanced so that these will these two out here will always produce and the middle one will just chop up whichever ones have gaps in it and that's gonna work from there on the input side well you can do a bit pretty much whatever you want in terms of input size but you're probably going to take like two inputs of copper two inputs of plastic and two inputs of greens and i would probably take the copper out separately and then make basically since this one is going to be one and then you match it with something on the other side that will be on this side here something along those lines and the next one oops here boom it's getting a bit too close uh nope it actually doesn't need to be it needs to just be running in and that one runs in here and goes up and the last one goes over here something along these lines would be a way of do it and i i think this is going to be like as smooth as you can make it probably make it smoother if you really insisted these two are going to be the plastic plastic and over on the side we'll have the greens and greens and that's much easier to come in either from two different train stations or from a from a bus build depending on how you want to build it and that just works really smoothly and getting it in the last part is also super easy we don't really have time to have room to build it here but the designs could be the same [Applause] this is a lot less vulnerable because it it only takes and that's totally not needed there yep and these two gonna get some copper inbound inbound and there just to give you a kind of an indication of how you could build it now these only take like 16 plus 16 plus 16 so it's only barely more than a full belt in here and this is still gonna work there and everything will be saturated so that's just an indication of how you could build it in a nice way and of course we've been stalling up here so it's going to take a bit of time for it to catch up again and then it will be more stable and you can see how it stabilizes here and we are now in a position where we should not be getting any gaps on the belt anymore there looking good so there you have it that is uh basically the build we i'm going to propose for you to build your in-game red circuits and you can either build one column if you just want to build melody columns and then it's constrained by this uh this part here or you can build a full one like this and then it's constrained on the outside outbound belt to one full belt the the reason why i'm always constraining things towards having full belts is because full belts are less resources so you don't have to build with try twice as many half full builds but you have only one belt that's fully saturated also from an update perspective in terms of of calculations it's much more beneficial to have fewer uh fewer for to have compressed belts because they are easier on the calculation than having uh belts that look like this so that's gonna be it thank you very much for watching if you're still awake then hit the like button hit the comment section and if you want to see more factorio well i have let's plays here on my youtube channel i have a let's play over on twitch so do drop on by on twitch also if you just want to say hi and coming out and shout at me in real time then it's over at twitch tv slash neil house and you're very welcome to drop by by for factorio and for other content as well and i'll also have other content here on this on the youtube channel as well so with that thank you very much for watching and as always stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 67,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, nilaus, nilhaus, speedrun, tutorial, guide, 0.18, 0.17, 0.16, 1.0, megabase, howto, how-to, master, class, masterclass, PL-FACTORIO-S41, main, bus, mainbus, science, lab, layout, design, oil, processing, refinery, beacon, module, speed, refining, hub, mall, red, green, circuit, coal, liquefaction, liquifaction, petroleum, plastic, city, block, blueprint, grid, map, settings, generation, rocket, control, fuel, unit, low, density, structure, silo, space, train, rail, signal, chain, schedule
Id: vNJ4HDcmC2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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