Why Are You Making Me Talk To Him?

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who is the worst person you have been forced to work or hang out with i work with a girl who is a pathological liar and lazy as heck she tells everyone she's going to school to be a doctor but she can't make it past one task without walking away and letting someone else finish it she pretends to be in honors classes that i know don't exist at my local university she spouts bs opinions and tries to pass them off as facts talking to her for more than two minutes is enough to drive you crazy we are banquet servers everyone splits tips everyone does every job like set up for the event serving food making drinks bussing tables polishing glasses and silverware and breaking the event down after one night after everyone had gotten a break and chance to eat leftover buffet food we were all told to break down a 250 person wedding that was trickling out we have to carry trays in front of members and guests at all times this girl we'll call her amy does everything she can to not work but appear busy at least once a shifter everyone is asking where's amy you seen amy l she's hiding in the women's locker room on her phone went to take linens back but is sitting in the linen closet on her phone for a half hour any rate she gets told to do something grabs a tray and walks off i decide to follow her the way our club is set up it is a giant circle i follow her from the kitchen through the banquet hall to the bar through the service station and back to the kitchen twice i cut her off on the third loop to ask her where she's going and she says she's doing something important for our boss since i knew better i went to go tell him my observations he handled her like a pro told me to keep following her told another girl to follow me and let her know why then another and another the look of understanding that dawned on amy's face when she realized she had all nine servers following her for 10 minutes while she did nothing was priceless your boss is amazing that is some on the spot creative thinking when i worked at wendy's as a teenager i had a horrible manager that would throw crap berate everyone and was just an all-around but i ran into him again at a 12-step meeting years later and found out he had just quit drinking when i was working with him that explained a lot that's some adult crap right there he did you wrong that's for sure but even though he was definitely in the wrong you never know what someone's going through at work a narcissist boss who takes all the credit for our successes and none of the blame for our failures she rules by fear one minute and wants to be your best friend the next she's the worst i've worked for bosses like this pernicious is like the good silverware i only break it out for special occasions but these bosses are pernicious that is their presence gradually makes everything worse as heck i worked with a woman in her 40s that thought she was 16 she dressed like that behaved like that and would set people up to try and show the boss she was the best worker such as delete files from another's computers so only her would have it in case the boss asked pick up the phone and say that x person wasn't there at the moment when he actually was etc good thing is that truth came around at last and she got fired but it was hard working with her for so long sounds like a [ __ ] plan everyone's files mysteriously gets deleted but hers i used to work with a girl who seemed kind of shallow and not particularly bright but this was the restaurant industry so not unexpected she was friendly enough so we would chat here and there one day she told me that she was going to have to break things off with a guy she'd been seeing sorry to hear that i told her what went wrong he doesn't buy me presents anymore she began as i immediately started trying to think of ways to end this conversation and never speak to this woman again she went on to explain in far too much detail outlining stuff he had bought her previously in the kind of perfume she wanted him to buy for her i don't know why she thought this was relevant i'm a straight female and not looking to pick up shallow chicks or take up smelling like a whorehouse anytime soon anyway at this point i'm only making polite replies as this girl is a hostess and i don't want to alienate her completely in there by get accidentally skipped and seating rotation later but somehow these polite replies managed to elicit the information that she felt like this guy wasn't paying enough attention to her because he was too distracted by his sister dying of cancer my current boss i manage a physician's office and she is insufferable some points we have three physicians she's one of them both of the other two are under contract but both are looking to leave one already has a new contract lined up if you're unfamiliar with the healthcare world it's highly unusual for doctors to jump jobs after a year or two the turnover here is incredible no one stays for more than a year aside from one employee who sits quietly in her corner does exactly what is expected of her and no more just to get herself through school looking back through photos of staff parties birthdays etc you never see the same people twice due in diligence for a contracting company that wanted to work with us turned up about 400 k 500k in missing revenue per year money i believe she has embezzled for herself the company is coming up on its 10-year anniversary when i was brought on i was informed that in those 10 years there have been three other managers one stole one retired one screwed up the billing turns out the truth not sure why she'd lie about it since being the manager all personnel files past and present are in my office is they have had 11 managers in less than 10 years she guilts you if you don't work overtime but doesn't pay you for it she is horrifically inconsistent i cannot set standards policies and procedures in this office because she treats nearly everything on a case-by-case basis every attempt i've made to do so is shot down she is a pathological liar will tell a different story to every single person involved in order to get them on her side when it looks like she's going to actually be to blame for something she'll say she's stressed and start to cry working here has taken an extreme toll on my life my mental health and my well-being i am actively looking for another position until then i just have to weather the hurricane that is this woman note if anyone is in dfw and hiring a manager jack of all trades feel free to pm me she guilts you if you don't work overtime but doesn't pay you for it so it's illegal if you work overtime she's required by law to pay it period call the local doll office and let them know about this get her audited in elementary school i reluctantly agreed to her play date with a kid named brandon brandon's dad was a washed up rock star but was still living like he was in his prime long hair leather pants that sort of thing i think that might have been the reason for brandon's oddness so i ride the bus home with brandon that day we get to his house and head straight up to his playroom he puts in some single player lord of the rings game and i watch him play for about two hours every once in a while i interject and ask him if we could play something else or if i could have a turn but he declines finally we get a chance to go outside i notice a treehouse so i suggest we climb up into it he says it's infested with bees but i can try to get the beehive out if i want to again i decline and figure we should move on to something else brandon tells me he has go-karts perfect except he just has one he says we can play a game called drive-through i stand next to the track while he drives the go-kart around for several laps eventually he stops by me and then orders some sticks and leaves for a meal he makes me eat them this was perfect i laughed so hard before you even said drive through i knew it was coming i just imagine this sad butt kid on the side of a dirt road listening to the engine blasting and imagining himself in the driver's seat going over some sweet jumps thank you for your pain it sustains me my old housemate it was only a few months in before he got really creepy highlights include slapping me hard across the face and buzzed while high on ketamine telling someone he was going to wait until i broke up with a boyfriend so i would be emotionally vulnerable and fall into his arms and telling me he'd only have gone too far with a joke when he's torn through my cervix he'd then brag about how much of a feminist he was and what an awful person i was because i wasn't a vegetarian highlights include slapping me hard across the face and butt while high on ketamine in what order if it was simultaneously then i'm impressed had a co-worker for about a year and a half that panicked in the stupidest ways under pressure once a man who was working with our office to get help with an immigration issue threatened to shoot and kill the caseworker he was talking to and indicated he had a gun the caseworker calmly left found panic lady and asked her to call the police before returning to talk with the man and trying to defuse the situation instead panic lady starts calling all the other officers to freak out and tell them what was happening all the while ignoring the hold up emergency switch under her desk and not calling the police when she called my office we told her to hang up and call the cops immediately it took her a few minutes before she finally did and the cops showed up in about a minute flat sure enough the guy had a gun luckily no one was killed by her stupidity and not calling the cops right away she did this with smaller things too so in a sad way it was no surprise this happened she made inconsequential things a real problem by getting nervous and failing to do something like make a call or send an email please tell me she got fired immediately she almost got people killed i have a friend of a friend who complains about no one hanging out with him and so the mutual friend feels bad invites him along to places he appears to think that when he is in a group he needs to impress everyone so he tried to adjust to the group by insulting everyone he thinks he's being playful but he's really just obnoxious my friend gets a kick out of it because he's known the guy longer or something pity friends are always the worst kind of people you feel bad that they don't have any friends but whenever you see them you remember why they don't have any friends had a classmate in high school who lied cheated and was generally dishonest at every opportunity whenever there were group assignments to be done he cheated and plagiarized stuff often straight from wikipedia failing the whole group it didn't matter that he was pretty much always caught and given the verbal slapping of a lifetime from several teachers he just kept cheating and being a lying butthole throughout all of high school using all means available to put himself in front of others usually in clumsy ways that would get him caught not to mention he was one of the dumbest or rather most absent-minded people i've known doing things like buying an empty xbox 360 carton from ebay at the full price of the console despite it being clearly labeled as an empty box at several places in the description and asking the teachers questions like how can there be a risk of overpopulation when the land is growing and many others at an equal level of intelligence after high school he started playing poker making [ __ ] loads of money traveling the world and becoming more successful than anyone i know getting himself a massive apartment and a hot girlfriend and later bullshitting himself into a well-paying job despite having crappy grades from high school and no college education it really boggles my mind i used to work at a movie theater and had the displeasure of working with the stupidest rudest be most lacking in redeeming qualities her name is brianna and i'm not worried about her seeing this because she probably can't read some examples of her stupidity when she was 19 and i was 23 she insisted i was 5 years older and then used a calculator to check her math she asked if i was mexican because i look mexican even though i'm very pale with blonde hair and green eyes she thought that literally all mythical creatures are real because how else would we know about them some examples of her bitterness she used to steal my popcorn scoop from the concession stand so i couldn't serve customers which is also terrible business sense i found sunglasses in a theater that i wanted to keep and she snatched them out of my hand put them on her face and said what are you gonna do to which i reminded her that we're adults so i was gonna go on with my day rather that fight her especially at work she always greeted me hey ugly but she would say it in this sing sanji way that pretty girls think is cute but made me want to punch her till her face looked different my favorite brianna story happened after i quit my boyfriend at the time worked there and one day she found out we were dating she went on the longest rampage of you you're dating her omgy that's like if i were dating a homeless person and everyone would be like um why are you dating a homeless person he didn't take that well and slammed a fist on the counter telling her not to talk about me that way she ran to the back office crying trying to get him in trouble but when the manager talked to the staff and realized how it started she got suspended tldr fricked brianna i had to work with her technically no because guy you know the guy who also has some bulls thing to say and doesn't know it all frick that guy to infinity i'm a patient person and get along with everyone but i considered punching him in the face multiple times there was a period when my friends decided to be accepting really accepting specifically they decided to be accepting of a neo-nazi this dude was unbelievable a friend met him in an orgy then started dating him she was 17 he was 38 he made his living selling coconut and oh right he firmly beloved that hitler had the right idea when i complained i was accused of being closed-minded and unaccepting sort of like i thought how nazis were of the jews eventually one of his friends got really high and stole my friend's little sister's christian rock album collection i decided i was done with hanging out with this guy and his friends i told my friends i couldn't hang out with a guy with a swastika tattoo anymore and that if they really wanted to get in with that crowd they were going to have to do it without me they went with him tldr i am less likable than max's you can support hitler but you can't not take my creed albums my good friend got a divorce from a seemingly perfect marriage him and his wife were living with her parents and i had been to their house a few times and thought everyone was so happy besides slight difficulties with the two of them getting steady work which is why they lived with her parents he arrives at our myself and flatmates doorstep one night and says that his ex's parents had kicked him out because he couldn't provide for her we found this shocking as they seemed so nice he had barely enough time to collect his things and he to make matters worse on his way to our home he fell asleep on a bus and had his phone and laptop stolen we all felt so bad for him we told him he could stay at ours for as long as he needed and we all ignored his ex with anger one day she breaks through to my flatmate and begs him to meet turns out the real reason he had been kicked out was because he had stolen an accumulative 10 pounds k off her mother's credit card had stolen and pawned nearly 100 family heirlooms amounting to 50 pounds k including an antique diamond ring worth over 20 pounds k he had fabricated a job for himself and for his wife he had her employee doing at home design work where she sent her designs to her po address and received payment into her account by stolen funds from her family the laptop and phone that was stolen from him were also pawned and he used it as a sob story to gain sympathy when we found this out we had to think of the best way to get him out without robbing our entire home blind so we rushed home from work checked all our things a few randoms were missing including two tablets got ready to confront him but he didn't come home that night we got a call from him saying he tried to jump in front of a bus and end his life but was saved by a bystander his wife went to see him and was told he had actually checked himself into her impatient psychiatry we never saw or heard from him again we had a next-door neighbor that was absolutely bizarre but we carpooled and therefore forced to interact but one day my parents had the bright idea of trying to kickstart a friendship between the two of us so he was invited along to a mariners baseball game with my dad and i let's just say he didn't share the same love or respect for the game that we had before the first pitch he started this weird wailing screaming then crawled across people in the stands like he was scaling some type of unfamiliar terrain my dad did his best to corral him but didn't want to be too physical since you know it wasn't his kid and we were in public after an inning or two of pure embarrassment he began licking sucking on my dad's forearm basically using it as his own pacifier french kiss make out kick this was unfortunately the lesser of two evils and because it kept this nightmare in place my dad just let it happen for the next 30 minutes i watched as this kid turned his very hairy forearms into something resembling a doppler weather pattern of a hurricane some massive swirls some smaller ones i really believe that he got further with my dad's arm that day that he has with a girl or guy in the 18 years since the event we left in the third there was this one guy in my dorm in university who was obsessed with smash brothers no he didn't just like it or really like it he was obsessed problem was he didn't have anyone to play with as he was pretty socially inept you could tell he never bathed as he smelled faintly like cheese all the time and he talked in annoyed grunts well at that time i tried to be friendly to anyone i met i met this guy in the hall one day and struck up a conversation he invited me to play smash brothers in his room i thought why not i like that game so we go up to his room and there is trash everywhere i felt seriously terrible for his roommate anyway we play the game for an hour or so and job done also i thought from that day on every weekend saturday and sunday at 7 00 am i would hear a knock on my door i knock that wouldn't stop until i answered the door it was always him i always gave him the same answer no i can't play i have to sleep but every weekend until the end of that year when i moved out of dorms he would wake me up without fail even though i never took him up on his offer the guy just couldn't pick up on social cues aww that's sad oh i have an absolute gem of a woman lucy i'm going to apologize in advance because there's a rant coming here's some highlights a college's wife had a miscarriage after three years of trying very sad for all involved and naturally we all understood when he took some time off to be with his wife lucy couldn't get a day off she wanted pitched an absolute fit and screamed it's only a freaking bit of blood it wasn't even a baby he's just been a see cause he knew i wanted the weekend off i was out sick for a number of weeks after i was diagnosed with miz after spending two weeks in hospital at this time i was a carer for my grandfather so still had to ferry him around as he's in a wheelchair she saw me in the car with him told my manager i was a fake see who has nothing wrong with her if she can drive and i got a phone call and summoned to come and for a talk apparently i'm that good at lying that i can fake an mri and protein and csf the compulsive liar who hears whatever random obscure story you tell but tries to one-up you so far she has a down syndrome niece a doctor nephew a number of dead infant relatives including her own miscarried children and has had her house shot at buyer at neighbours i work with kids a lot with two different organizations i was telling a story about a child who had behavioral problems and of course she has one better when her son was three a child bit him so what would any rational adult do why you'd proceed to bite the offending child obviously i don't believe she did this for a second but i absolutely lost my crap at her she had a german shepherd that wouldn't stop crapping out her back garden she had the dog for four years reached her breaking point with the bastard and got her son to dump it in a field miles away we didn't accidentally find this out she told us freely she is honestly the worst human being i have had the misfortune to know she is a complete piece of crap who belittles everyone carries on like she is the world's greatest mother despite having two kids one of whom is wanted by the police in ireland and has been hiding out in the uk for six years and the other who is so freaking simple-minded he can't wipe his own ass i hate you lucy i worked at target in college and had all kinds of problems with them scheduling me outside of my approved availability i told the hr woman several times that i am not going to miss classes because they cannot keep my available hours straight and she always said it won't happen again after the third time in as many weeks that i skipped a scheduled shift because of this i got a call from the backroom manager up to the break room while i was on break and he ripped into me for it and i explained to him that he personally signed my availability sheet at the beginning of that semester and that i would not miss school for their mistake he replied you need to get your priorities straight to which i replied school as my priority and hung up the phone the next morning i showed up for my shift at 4am and left at about 4 10 they called me into a little office with the kid they were grooming to be a manager who was younger than i was and he told me that i was being fired for no call no show on three different occasions he was so nervous he was shaking i said something about how the cowards can't even look me in the eye and do it themselves and then i assured him he did a fine job firing me and patted him on the shoulder and left a few years after graduating and getting a job as a firmware engineer i saw my old manager again in target in uniform and i said still here how well at least you've got your priorities straight living well with a side order of mockery lovely if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 31,231
Rating: 4.9207397 out of 5
Keywords: worst person in the world, worst person, bad persons, bad people, worst coworkers, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 7NdNy4NNTas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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