How Are My Roots? | Pastor Daniel Groves

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this week in the aftermath of easter said that the disciples were going around in acts 4 33 and they were bragging and boasting like hey we walked with jesus we were with him he died but then three days later he got up and he rose from the grave and it said the great grace was on them some translation said that great favor was on them and that it was evident to all that's one of those things when you walk into a room the atmosphere shifts because there's a residue on your life because you've been with jesus see we're never designed or called to just blend in we're designed to be distinctive that's what matthew 5 13 is to be salt and light is to be distinctive so i was at heb the other day i feel like i'm there a lot we have four kids and so my wife's always like i need some more bananas we eat so many bananas it's i think we're eating like six or seven a day i don't know what's happening we have lots of potassium in our family which is i guess a good thing you don't have a beard like this without potassium it's so i'm hdb and this lady walks up to me and she's like oh hey we're excited we're going to be coming to eastern my mom's over here she wants to meet you i was like okay so i walked over and this lady she looked a little feisty when i walked up and she was like nice to meet you and i was like nice to meet you and she goes he doesn't look that bad up close like what does that mean and i was like hey i'm pastor daniel from first second assembly who got and i invited her to another church i'm like you're not going to throw out insults like that no i invited them they showed up to katie give them a shout out too it's okay i don't know what that was if it was a compliment i'm not sure what happened but it hurt a little bit so in the aftermath though i believe god wants to get our attention whether you're a brand new believer whether you have fallen away from god and got caught up in the prodigal life and you're coming back maybe somebody invited you today told you there was going to be giveaways and free tvs and you showed up and you're like but you showed up and you're in the room you're watching online you're at kd you're in uganda and here's the truth i believe god is is is trying to get our attention and draw us in closer to his presence because easter is not a one and done you know easter statistically is the biggest invited day people show up they put on their best and they leave but listen we know that there is church and life and a movement and a revival that has taken place and it's not just a one and done and i believe that god wants to get our attention to build upon an even stronger foundation we have a pretty simple mission here at hope city we want people to know god come on if you know it find freedom discover their purpose and ultimately make a difference and we do this by developing strong roots come on somebody say roots so for this post easter weekend service if you're taking down notes the title of this week's sermon is how are my roots let's pray father thank you for ears to hear you a mind that's ready to understand and a heart that's postured and positioned to receive and absorb all that you have for us today in jesus name somebody said amen how are my roots the holy spirit john 14 26 the lord is always speaking by the way the holy spirit is always speaking thank you man don't speak to me what you must have some other things in your life distracting you from being able to hear him because he's always speaking some might call it intuition or a gut check or a nudge but the holy spirit is always speaking john 14 26 before jesus ascended to sit at the right hand of the father he left the holy spirit here as our comforter another translation says our helper who helps see as a as a as a husband a father and a leader i need the help of the holy spirit all the time say all the time i mean all the time you need it to not only navigate life not just survive life but to thrive and flourish and become who god has called you to become so we we pulled in the lows and uh i know a lot of you are not baffled by that because you assume i'm at lowe's a lot you're like you're like a modern day lumberjack of course you're at lowe's i was buying air filters okay super manly and so as we're pulling in there's these two guys trying to pull out a tree that had died from the from the big freeze that we had here a few weeks ago and and boy they were they were struggling i was like i've got to watch this is better than hulu and netflix we've watched everything everything has been watched and so i'm like i'm pulling around posting up and watching i'm like this is amazing and they were doing it all wrong they had a rope and a chain i think a bungee cord and the guy kept yelling bailey you're doing it all wrong billy it was like uh you ever seen the movie joe dirt it's like is this happening in real life this is amazing and it took them a while they were wrestling this tree grabbing it i was like that's you're doing it all wrong like you can google this youtube this but this is good for me this is entertaining i need this and so uh all of a sudden they were able to pull the tree out they underestimated and all of that wrestling they underestimated the roots so ask yourself that question again do a little self-checkup do a little self-examination and ask yourself how are my roots how is my foundation right now because healthy roots taken down notes you can write this down healthy roots produce healthy fruit healthy roots produce healthy fruit your life and your root system has to be built on the right thing that's why we can't stress enough that matthew 6 33 your daily intimate relationship is essential you have to spend quality time with the lord every day because this whole thing i don't know how you were raised up i don't know what kind of experience you have in church but hope city this is not built on religion this is built on relationship with the god who loves you so much that he doesn't call you damaged goods or fragile but he calls you by name fearfully and wonderfully made he wants a relationship with you so we can't stress it enough he wants an intimate daily relationship the second thing is he wants you to get connected there's two specific things in the bible one of them specifically is the church the heartbeat of heaven functions through the local church that's why we can't stress it enough get connected to the house thank you for your overwhelming enthusiasm go through growth track jump on the dream team y'all where's the dream team at come away and if you're like i want to be a part of that you can go through growth track be a part of the dream team be a part of something that's bigger than yourself that's reaching literally thousands of people we're big in the discipleship as well we want to walk with you so that you can grow and ultimately become who god has called you to become but this is what the bible says in psalms 92 verse 12 and 14. this is the amplified this is what the bible says about the house of god and being connected watch this so we're talking about foundation we're talking about roots the righteous will flourish like the date palm long-lived upright and useful they will grow like a cedar in lebanon majestic and stable planted say planted in the house of the lord they will flourish in the courts of our god now paul's right there real quick they say statistically the average full-time attender have you ever met that person you're like hey you should come to my church and like oh we i already got i already got a church you're like cuckoo what church you go to oh you would ask uh you would ask that brotherly love tabernacle of faith praise center tv that sounds fully made up i can't even find a website for that but who's the pastor there and they're like he would ask that one it's um it's uh you don't talk it's uh i think he's i think he swear they switched it up i'm not sure because here's the reality they say a full-time church attender full-time how many of y'all consider hope city your home church come a wave at me awesome they say statistically in americanized christianity the average full-time church attender goes 1.5 times a month see to get your roots down deep you got to get in the house of god it doesn't mean you have to be here every week like we're not taking attendance like linda good job but the truth is you got to get your roots down deep that's why connectivity and connection to the house that's why being a part of a connect group is huge do life together y'all we're better together look at the person actually say we're better together come on so planted in the house of the lord flourish to the courts of our god growing in grace they will thrive and bear fruit and prosper an old age that will flourish and be vital and fresh rich in trust love and contentment in order to be planted in order to have a healthy root system we have to have the right foundation so this second post-easter question i want you to ask yourself is my life built on the rock or is my life built on sand jesus walks us through this in matthew chapter 7 verse 24-27 i love the message translation the way it reads it says these words i speak to you are not incidental additions to your life homeowner improvements to your standard of living they are foundational words words to build a life upon if you work these words in your life you're like a smart carpenter who built his house on a solid rock rain poured the river flooded a tornado hit but nothing moved the house why because it was fixed to the rock goes on it says but if you just use my words and bible studies and you don't work them into your life you're like a foolish carpenter don't be that guy who built his house on a sandy beach when a storm rolled in the waves came up it collapsed like a house of cards psalms 18 verse 2 says the lord is my rock my fortress my savior my god is my rock and whom i find protection he's my shield and the power that saves me in my place of safety if you're taking down notes write this down a proper foundation is not optional it is a must write that down a proper foundation is not optional this building we're in we talk about foundation a lot here i talk about a lot pastor jeremy talks about a lot because it's essential it's not an option you have to have a strong foundation our next door neighbor i don't know what's going on but they're having to redo and restore and rebuild up their foundation from the moment that their house was built something was wrong with their foundation i talked to him and he was like man it's it's costing us a lot of money they're literally putting things underneath and braces and building it up i mean it's wild because this building we're in the walls the ceiling everything we see here is only as strong as the foundation it's built on my life my my my husband my husbanding my fathering that's not the right word me being a husband me being a father me being a leader is only as solid and strong as the foundation that it's built on and jesus gives us two options he said when you're building your foundation you've got two options middle on the rock amen or you can build one on the sand so i'm asking you again what is your life your family your assignment your purpose your destiny your future what does it build on the rock was it built on sand because the word of god is the rock our foundation is our personal relationship with jesus the glory is not in the house it's in the foundation upon which the house is built i was thinking about this the other day i had these moments periodically it happened to me this morning i was driving with my daughter finley she's 10. and i just got caught up with emotion it happens to me every time i have the opportunity to preach almost daily when i get up and look in the mirror two things happen i think devil you're gonna get tired before i do because i know who i am and whose i am and then the second one is instantly like god you have a sense of humor because you give and take away and he took my hair and gave me this beard if y'all don't think god has a sense of humor just go to the mall and watch people town just full entertainment just go watch people but i always have these moments because y'all have heard me preaching if you've not heard me preach before you're going to hear me say it if you keep coming back which by the way if you're looking for a good local church you don't have to look any further welcome home we're glad you're here today get your roots down deep be a part of what god's doing here but i always have this moment where i'm overwhelmed with gratitude because the only reason i've made it this far the only reason i've walked through struggles and issues and the only reason i'm still standing and able to take another breath is because the foundation of the rock that my life is built upon the only reason my wife and i are about to celebrate 17 years of marriage come on somebody and that every day we're thriving and not just roommates is because our marriage is built on the rock the reason our kids are thriving as worshipers and recognize that their praise is a weapon it's because our family is built upon the rock what is your life built on so build on the rock does it build on sand because when storms come they're no respecters of anybody the storm hits the saved and the unsafe so when all hell breaks loose and the shutters are rattling the rain is beating down does your house fall apart does your life fall apart when you're squeezed in life what comes out of you is what's hidden inside of you what's coming out of you is it built on the rock or is it built on sand that's why we give you guys weekly challenges how many guys have done the first 15 challenge awesome how many guys have no idea what i'm talking about okay cool cool so here's what we do we challenge our church every day say every day seven days a week every day you wake up five minutes in the word five minutes in worship five minutes in prayer just 15 minutes you set aside that time to spend time in his presence and i'm telling you what happens 15 minutes isn't long enough you're like 15 minutes went by like that i want to make it 30. i want to make it 60. i want to make it 90 premium minutes i want to get up every day and spend time in his presence so we've challenged our church for the past year and a half two years do the 15-minute challenge and watch god breathe in your life we're also a discipleship church we want to walk with you it's god's job to change you but it's our job to walk with you that's why i did a plug earlier to get connected one way to get connected and really build your foundation again go through growth track be a part of what god is doing here at hope city and allow god to unlock your gifts and unlock your assignment through the house we believe that you're necessary and needed in this house because there's things you do that i can't do like put in palm made in jail i can't do i don't do that now there's things that god wants to unlock in you and the reality is every day when you're spending time in his presence and you're building that foundation you want to get connected to the local church you want to lean into his presence and spend more and more time in his presence a few weeks ago i talked about it the more you get close to jesus and the closer you lean into his presence the more the things of the world are no longer enticing the things that used to draw you in like a matu a flame the opposite is happening and god is romancing you to his heart saying get close to me start looking more like me say the foundation the bible says here in james chapter 1 verse 22 but be doers of the word it's a big deal it's foundation be doers of the word not just hears it literally is telling us not to just go through the motions but to absorb and apply the word of god every day all right so we talked about foundation now i want to shift and i want to focus more on roots look at the person next to you and say how are your roots come on ask them say how are you reading okay like loki how many all looked at their hair roots but you know you did barbers beauticians hairdressers are like come see me girl eight inches of regrowth is not popular all right look at the other person next to you say how are your roots come on ask them colossians chapter 2 verse 6 and 7 says now just as you've accepted jesus as your lord you must continue to follow him let your roots say roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him that's the foundation that we were just talking about it goes on and keeps saying then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will over flow thankfulness jeremiah 17 7 and 8 says blessed is the man or woman whose trust is in the lord who trusts in the lord he's like a tree planted by the water and he sends out its roots say roots by the stream it does not fear when heat comes for its leaves remain green it's not anxious in the year of drought for it does not cease to bear fruit exodus all right sorry ezekiel 31 verse 7. a lot of bible today come on world bible church we're bible foundational based church we don't want you to think this is our opinion ezekiel 31 7. it was strong and beautiful with wide spreading branches for its roots come on say it again roots went deep into abundant water if you're taking down notes you can write this down the strength and the beauty of your life that is evident above the ground is a result of the unseen roots beneath the ground the beauty and the strength that's evident to everyone above the ground is only because of the roots that are beneath the ground so when you walk into a room and the atmosphere shifts and you walk into a room and peace just follows you and the goodness and mercy of god just follows you the evidence of that strength and that fight and that boldness and that perseverance and that joy everything you walk in that's evident above the ground is because of the roots that are underneath the ground so house your roots ask yourself that again how's my roots i remember uh growing up so i grew up a farm kid um my my family literally thousands of acres corn soybean wheat i mean just all over the midwest and specifically ohio and i remember my grandpa taking me out on some some outings and and i'm like we're like i'm like a suburban farm kid so i'm like rocking jays but i'm out on the combine and i'm like are these gonna get dirty well these get creased and he's like i don't know what you're talking about and so he started telling me okay we're gonna plow the ground we're gonna do this and then he opened up his hand and he had a handful of seed he starts talking about the seed and he's like when i put this in the ground you watch over a period of time there's gonna be a huge harvest that comes and i remember thinking this is incredible if he's planting that and getting corn i'm gonna plant legos right like why not like we dug a hole in the ground i buried the legos come on somebody i packed it down i watered it i even used some of my mom's good soil and she was like where's my bag of soil and i was using it with the fertilizer and all that stuff and over a period of time my grandpa's fields man they were flourishing and nothing was coming of my legos some of y'all are like yeah that's ridiculous why because they both look the same they look exactly the same the process is exactly the same but here's the massive missing link one was alive because it was a seed and one was very much dead because here's the reality sometimes in life we feel like dirt is getting thrown on us we feel covered up we feel almost hidden and i want you to know today that you're not buried but you're planted say it out loud i'm planted not buried come on say it out loud with boldness i'm planted not buried christine kane says sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried you've actually been planted sometimes we wonder why things don't happen in the exact time that we were hoping for and i've also learned in my life and my wife and i have walked through this we've also learned in our lives that sometimes in god's redirection or almost his silence there's actually a protection in that sometimes in that hidden place that place where you feel like you're hidden and buried it's actually a seed that's been planted and you're about to bloom come on somebody you're about to come alive because we begin to see that soil break through and the crop begin to come through you're planted you're not buried learning throughout this journey specifically 2020 into 21 to focus more on a life that's seed not speed if things aren't happening exactly like i'm hoping i stop i pause pray i'm patient and i pray because on the other side of that is a supernatural harvest come on look at the person next to you and say your harvest is on its way let them know because god would not have breathed his life into you god would not have shaped and molded you into his image if he didn't believe that you were a good seed i want you to close your eyes and i want you to receive that i want you to say i am a good seed he wouldn't have chosen you if you didn't have a purpose a destiny a powerful assignment on your life yes we've all made mistakes but those downfalls don't define us or disqualify us there's plenty of mercy for that there's someone that's standing with you i said it earlier that's stronger than the one who's been against you and you may have a broken past you may have a situation where you haven't been able to shake the things that you've walked through or the decisions you've made maybe you have a ton of dysfunction in your life or your family it does not disqualify you maybe the enemy has been trying to convince you that you don't have a purpose but i'm here to tell you today that you're a good seed and that you're fearfully and you're wonderfully made and no matter how broken your past is god will show up and heal and restore say it again i'm good seed come on because in life you'll realize and i said this a moment ago you realize that dirt gets thrown at you and thrown on you recognize in the middle of that that i'm not buried not buried unplanted let me pray for you really quickly we're not done but i just felt really i just felt led in my spirit to pray for somebody right now that's just you can't even hear anything that's happening in today's sermon because you feel buried father right now i pray that the supernatural breath of life from only you holy spirit would begin to fix heal and restore to my friends in uganda to our friends at katy to our friends watching online even the archive message and that's in this room today god i pray that they would begin to shake off the dirt they would begin to rise up in bloom god they would begin to rise up and recognize that everything that's happened the things that they feel like disqualified them the things that feel like are heavy and weighing on them even generational struggles god i pray right now that the things that felt like it was burying them they recognized today god that your hand has planted them and they are good seed somebody say amen and whether it's a mountaintop moment whether you're deep in the soil whichever place you're at i want you to recognize who you are i want you to recognize that you're a seed every single day i thought about along the way over i was talking to my daughter because she was like she was like what are you talking about i talked about roots i was like babe i'm talking about foundation and developing roots and i said you know you're a good seed and she's like yeah and you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of water baptism she's ten and i said you preach girl and then she got done and she was like nah i need to take up an offering i'm like okay all right let's see what you've done here just like your mom it was her birthday this week and we went on a little shopping spree and i was like okay i think we're good she's like you said i could get whatever i was like okay at the dollar tree it's ridiculous but my daughter said reminds me of water baptism you go in and you it's the civilization of being buried you go in dead but like a seed you come back alive and you come out stronger and you come out better and you come out on the other side of all your past and all of your struggle i thought that was good i said girl you need to preach that ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 and 19 says then christ will make his home in your hearts see you'll you'll begin to realize that your foundation and your roots you'll begin to realize when you recognize who you are as daughters and sons and you recognize that you've been shaped and molded in his image you'll recognize the importance of putting your full dependency and trust and hope in him christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him your roots come on somebody say roots will grow down into god's love and keep you strong that you would have the power to understand as all god's people should how wide how long how hide how deep his love is may you experience the love of christ though it is too great to understand fully you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from god john 15 verse 4 i love this translation it says stay joined to me that means connected that means stay close to me we say this all the time at hope city the promises of god don't break when you lean on them so lean on his promises says stay joint stay connected lean into me and on me and i will stay joined connected close to you this is jesus speaking just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays close connected joined to the vine you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me see then this transformation begins to really happen in your life where again you start looking more like jesus and then you start looking like the fruit of the spirit the fruit that god wants to unlock in our lives galatians chapter 5 verse 22 and 23 says this but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control so i want you to ask yourself another post-easter question how's my love walk what's the fruit look like do a little fruit check right now what's what's the fruit in your life look like because full-on transparency i'm trying to be a little bit more patient where's all my impatient people out my wife all the time is like baby you need to breathe like we're like in a rush you're constantly like we got to jump in the car we got to get there because i like to be on time and she wears a shirt that says sorry i was late i didn't want to okay come don't know that you want to be as on time as me but so patience i'm developing patience if i pull into a chick-fil-a drive-through i'm like how come there's so many people but then you eat that polynesian sauce and you're like okay i do understand i also want to unlock here's what i've been asking i've been i've been praying this galatians 5 22 and 23 over my life this whole week and i've been asking god lord help me in areas that i'm depleted in help me in aries that there's fruit that's kind of spoiling right now in my life show me and reveal the blind spots another one is i want to have more consistent joy like not like like i want it because you have to put on joy come on you have to remove the heaviness isaiah 61 3 and put on the garment of praise because nehemiah 8 10 says the joy the lord is your it's the joy from god to you and through you but you have to put it on see pastor jeremy says sometimes when he pulls in his driveway at home because the week or the day has been stressful he'll just look in the mirror and be like i have to do the same thing because when i walk into my house i can be a thermostat or a thermometer i can establish the temperature or just tell the temperature so when i walk in i smile real big i'm not saying i do it all perfect but joy's another area that i want to grow in another one based upon the story that pastor jeremy told and now my nickname is the enforcer is i want to be kinder come on i'm pretty kind i actually dismantled that whole moment i was like how big a fella are you if you didn't hear the sermon last week pastor jeremy and i almost got into a full-blown fight okay not with each other but against about a room of people okay just watch the sermon it's fine guys we're christians amen well what areas of your life do you feel like man that fruit's a little depleted in my life throw the verse back up one more time love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control this is all tied to the vine it's all tied to your foundation it's all tied to your roots i want to challenge you with this take this galatians 5 2 2 and 2 3 and read it over your life every day and say say it out loud when you read it say but the fruit of the spirit in my life is love in my life is joy and my life is peace oh you're one of those blabbit grab it no joke 22 28 says decree a thing and it will be established if you're weak in any of these areas start speaking it over you i am patient come on i am kind i have goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and for a bunch of you self-control let's go especially when you're driving in houston traffic start declaring it over you i uh had a friend send me this story about this this really cool place called um biosphere 2 in oracle arizona it's a scientific ecological system structure that was built to mimic the most perfect conditions from temperature to water to streams to dirt sand soil and they were going to grow flowers and and fruit trees and specifically big trees they were mimicking things that were happening outside of this structure and the scientists and engineers said we figured it out this is the future this scientific perfect condition ecological system we've figured it out it was flourishing everything in there was flourishing millions spent on research and analytics and one day they started noticing that the trees started having a droop at the top and over a period of time these trees that were once vibrant and thriving began to droop and the fruit trees were literally touching the ground and they looked outside of the structure at the trees and they said how come none of the other trees are doing this how come none of the other trees are are falling down and blowing out what's happening what what are we missing we have the perfect soil we have the perfect temperature we have the perfect conditions and literally like reverse osmosis filtered water like everything is perfect we've thought of it all we have the perfect controlled environment i think sometimes we can lose sight of life too because we try to create our own perfectly little controlled environment some of y'all are like how is this making any sense let me unpack this a little bit more they spent more money on research and analytics and this one scientist and one engineer started talking and they said oh my goodness we missed one one huge element we missed something and they started going back and they said yeah we we we missed it and it's it's i'm not so i'm not surprised because you can't you can't taste it you can't you can't capture it you can't even see it but what did we miss and this kai says with boldness the wind they started doing research and they discovered that a tree when the wind and storms begin to blow in life it exercises and strengthens the bark and it exercises and strengthens the tree and ultimately it exercises and strengthens the roots and so for a lot of us we don't want to deal with storms it's okay you can clap we don't want to deal with winds and waves we just dismiss them and think like oh why me why not you because what the enemy has thrown at you to break you god will shift it to shape you and mold you into everything that he's called you to be so that your roots can go stronger and your roots can get deeper your life can be bolder figured out the wind was essential to the strengthening of the foundation and the roots of these trees my wife my daughter finley and i yesterday we went to the silos we had a dream team celebration out there that's why you gotta be on the dream team so y'all can get that invite and the wind was whipping i mean it was wha there's a lot of wind and the wind was blowing and she said i took my breath away and i said baby stop and just hold my hand and face the wind for a minute because i knew i was going to preach this i said the wind can take your breath and sometimes it can be invigorating but i want you to say this out loud this wind's not going to break me the wind's going to shape me because i want her to know now storms and trials are going to happen in life john 16 33 says it jesus said in this life you're going to do a lot of things but be confident and have courage and boldness and know that i'm standing with you and i'm for you the very plan of the enemy to destroy and derail and mess you up i'm going to use it for my glory and shift it for your good and that messy situation could become your greatest message that messy situation that brokenness i can turn into a breakthrough the thing that feels like it's falling apart i can make it fall into place i want to challenge you the wind will shift the storms will shift your attention and your focus on him if you allow it i uh i was thinking about uh my mom she would uh she would tell me all the time when i was a kid and maybe you're a mom in the room and you're gonna be like why did you say that from the microphone but i want all of you to do this today i want you to roll down your windows and when you're driving and i want you to put your hand out the window have you ever done this you know the wind's blowing at you and you start doing this with your hand and i want you to say with boldness i'm good seed i'm planted i'm not buried my foundation and my roots are strong and devil the very thing that you designed you designed to break me god is turning and he's shaping me and i want you to take that today and lean against the wind and trust him with audacity and audacious faith and get your roots stronger come on somebody say amen could you stand your feet for just a moment [Music] i don't know why i got emotional about my little girl that moment slip your hands towards heaven god today i pray this is a room full of people here katie uganda watching online the god we want strong roots we want healthy roots because we know it will produce healthy fruit if there's any area of our life that has been muddying the waters or depleting the fruit in our life or keeping us from growing and becoming who we're called to be i pray right now god that your supernatural power would fix heal set free and deliver and that you would restore today everything that is broken nothing missing broken or incomplete we want to get stronger we want to be better we want to become who we're called to become you can put your hands down for just a moment if you're here and you say daniel i don't know jesus as my savior but i want to or maybe you're hearing you say i fell away but i want to rededicate my life today i want roots that are deep into the goodness and the love and the soil of god but the truth is i don't know him but today i want to here at hope city we don't pray prayers for symbolic reasons we pray because romans 10 verse 9 and says says confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus is lord nobody looking around for just a moment if you're watching online you can say type in the chat yes if you're watching at the house party in uganda our team is right there on site to help you you're at katie if you're in this room at west houston if you're in additional seating you want to know jesus i'm going to count to three and i want you to lift up your hand with boldness today is my day i want to give my life to jesus to rededicate one two three if that's you lift up your hand my hands are going up everywhere hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand all the way in the back hand hand hand come on hope city give him my hand come on ham hands are going up everywhere all right pray this prayer with me and then brad's going to come and close it out father it's me i've been living for me and it's not working from this day on i choose to live for you i give you my life i give you my world everything i do and everything i say from this moment forward is surrendered to you you are my lord you are my savior and you are my father in jesus name amen come on hope city give god a shout of praise
Channel: Hope City
Views: 8,205
Rating: 4.981132 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, pastor jeremy, jermy foster, jeramy foster, hope city church, hope city houston, local church, houston church, open church, church online, sermon, inspiring, inspiratational sermon, daniel groves, daneil grove, daniel grove, beard preacher, roots, root system, strong foundation, foundation, planted, plant, houston, texas church
Id: Mo7cU3syD2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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