Why Are These Illegal Games on Steam?

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there are many reasons why steam is objectively the best platform for PC games it has the biggest library the best sales custom profile picks the community tab reviews from actual customers and peorn but easily the best feature of steam has to be the Steam Workshop the Steam Workshop is basically easy to install mods for certain games not every game that has mods uses the Steam Workshop but for the ones that do you're only one click away from experiencing cursed Halo [Music] 3on it's a beautiful thing some of the best workshops includes Rivals of ether which has an entire Community making custom characters golf with friends lets you experience the 13th circle of hell oh and the possibilities are endless with tear down oh no but easily the best Steam Workshop is the Sega Genesis collection for some games in the collection there's simple mods like unlimited lives but for games like Streets of Rage 2 you have a huge selection of custom characters for being able to play as enemies bosses Sprites from other games even custommade Sprites you ever wanted to see diglet in Streets of Rage 2 well here you go you sick [ __ ] there are also the many different Sonic fan mods that have been made over the years so if you got the games before they got delisted thanks Sonic Origins you can experience a lot of cool [ __ ] my favorite mod is Sonic 2XL which replaces the rings with onion rings and the more you collect the fatter you get the fat guy physics are surprisingly good so you actually have to avoid the onion rings or else Sonic can't move and dies of a heart attack it's hilarious obesity is not a joke 300,000 Americans die every year of obesity it's a shame the Sonic Trilogy got delisted but if you are somehow able to put the correct files into the correct folder you can enjoy these fan mods through Steam however what makes this Workshop the best is that people have modded entire Genesis games into the other games because the files are so small you can access full Genesis games within the mod menus of other games a huge portion of the Genesis library is available right on Steam and if you buy the collection on sale you essentially have hundreds of games you can play for like eight bucks I wasn't sure if I should even make a video about this but this Workshop has been publicly available for years if Sega or any other company had a problem with this they would have done something by now I could have called this video had to get hundreds of games on Steam for $8 but that's not what this video is about you see buried in the collection of Genesis games people have uploaded bootleg games yes there are bootleg games that you can play directly through Steam I went through the thousands of Workshop items to find every single bootleg I could played them all and I'm only covering the ones that are actually funny these ROMs have been passed around in bootleg carts and Brazilian plug-in plays throughout the decades but now a good chunk of them you can play through an official steam game are these games any good why do you keep asking stupid questions to start off we have Plants versus Zombies oh Crazy Dave wasn't crazy this whole time he was just speaking Chinese this game is actually a pretty good Recreation of Plants versus Zombies minus any animation or menus you just have to scroll through every single plant you have with the a button there's no real indication of how much sun power you're getting so you just have to wait for the number to go up but other than that it's Plants versus Zombies surprisingly there's no save feature so you have to do the entire game in one go I didn't get far in this game but I imagine it's going to just use the yard map for everything they didn't even color the Sprites Brown so it's confusing why you can't move during the first few levels oh and all the instructions are in Russian the Sprites kind of look like they've been reposted on I Funny 40 times can you imagine Ninja playing this in Time Square Plants versus Zombies was probably one of the more simple games they could make a bootleg out of and they honestly stripped it down to its Essentials for a somewhat faithful Recreation so if you somehow can't Fork over the $5 for Plants versus Zombies on Steam dear God get your [ __ ] together man here we have Despicable Me too or however you say it in Russian yeah pretty much all these bootlegs are in Russian that's just how it is no Allegiance I swear one thing I noticed with these games is that if it looks kind of good then it was probably a different game and they just changed the character sprites this game is confusing at first I started to collect these gems but then I saw these ramps and I didn't know how to use them then I found out you can make Kevin follow you where is it Stewart I'm actually not sure because the tall one doesn't have one eye so they already [ __ ] up the minions lore I figured out you can kick Stewart which is what the ramps are for after that it's pretty easy but Kevin's AI is absolutely atrocious come on Dimitri I expected better programming from you so I thought you had to collect all the gems but it turns out the game will just take you to the next level anyway or a bonus stage I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on all I know is that there is no one piloting this submarine and it explodes when touched oh I guess they're they're fine it's a bad game but brother it's going to get so much worse all right now this is the [ __ ] I'm talking about Bean tin all right we got the story told in Russian good we got off-color screenshots nice and we have a poorly placed cursor over Ben's 10 iner all right now this is a [ __ ] bootle and it's the worst beat him up I've ever played in my life you fight the same three enemies all of them have the same attack and Ben only has one combo he doesn't even have a jump attack I played this game for 15 goddamn minutes and Ben doesn't transform into an alien once finally I've always wanted to fight as normal human Ben you think since there's one combo they were saving the animation for another alien but no this is it the enemies can hurt you even if you have them stuck in a combo which is [ __ ] but all I have to do is hit them a couple times and then move slightly and you'll never get hurt and I don't know if they [ __ ] up the sound mixing but your hits have the most minimal sound effects ever punching someone sounds like dropping a paper clip why do we go from the forest into a church and why is the church playing the moon theme from DuckTales this bootleg is just boring I mean at least Le give me a horrifying game over screen H Ben 10 with blood in a slightly off art style all right I'll take it oh and everyone's a zombie now I gar next up is a very ambitious port for the Genesis Duke Nukem 3D this was actually distributed by Tech toy a Brazilian toy company that releases Sega Master System and Genesis games as plug-and plays and they still release them to this day they supposed got the rights to make this port although 3D Realms never officially gave them permission this port was in legal limbo for decades but was still released on other tech toy consoles like the Zebo it's funny that there was so much legal drama over such a terrible Port this is Duke Nukem 3D stripped down to just walking and shooting no sprawling levels or the interactivity that made Duke Nukem 3D such a hit just shooting things in a linear hallway now how does an FPS work on a three button Genesis controller well Duke operates on tank controls which the game is not balanced for a interacts and C shoots if you want a strafe you have to hold B while pressing right or left it's not good and I couldn't get past the second room on normal difficulty you can't even tell what the enemies are let alone actually hit them the only redeeming quality of this game are those highly compressed classic Duke quotes my dopamine receptors are fried from constant pornography use Mortal Kombat 5 is a bootleg of MK mythology's Subzero the worst Mortal Kombat game you will fail so this is going to be great right off the bat they just picked whatever font they wanted they spelled combat with a c this game is is kind of like a 2d beat him up use a to punch B to kick and you turn around with C press the C button rapidly and Subzero starts dancing the game immediately throws you into a fight and I found the best method is to just let them walk into your kicks could you please stop doing that you go into the next room and face your deadliest challenge drops of Mountain Dew I mean I shouldn't even get hit by something that's technically dropping in the foreground well that wasn't so bad the pillars are total [ __ ] half the time you can dodge them but even if you inch by trying to get them to go down you'll just get hit anyway then you don't have enough health for the fight in the Next Room another orange Kano I'm really just confused by this game like the Mortal Kombat Trilogy was on Genesis so why make a bootleg of the worst Mortal Kombat game and why skip to five I I guess technically there wasn't a game officially called Mortal Kombat 5 but you're just confusing little Pablo over here here we have Tekken 3 special yeah it's special all right so obviously they couldn't make a 3D fighter on the Genesis but you could have at least given the characters mouths Nina doesn't even have a chin You Can Punch Kick Dodge and that's it also the health bars are reversed the green actually goes up as you get hit just how do you make a health bar confusing oh [ __ ] Paul you all right this game is slow unresponsive and oh yeah not fun how could Tekken 3 Russian bootleg for the Genesis be one of the worst fighting games I've ever played I am flabbergasted here we have SpongeBob SquarePants or perhaps I should say goop Kabab goop Kabab what the [ __ ] is this language ah yes there's the sponge we all know and love with his trademark gloves I mean just look at that face this is a reskin of the game cool spot with the only difference being the SpongeBob Sprite I got to say cool spot is a pretty graphically impressive Genesis game so I'm surprised how much work they put into this reskin it looks nothing like SpongeBob but hey there was effort so the game is just cool spot a pretty decent platformer although this one starts you off in one of the later bathtub levels I guess they were just thinking bath water Sponge Bob it's honestly a really hard level to start out with there are tons of Bottomless Pits and leaps of Faith look at Spongebob in the corner thinking of all the damage he's done yeah just play cool spot or don't I'm not your dad here's a question when is something popular enough to get a bootleg because here's Open Season based on the Ashton Kutcher vehicle can you guess which Sprite doesn't fit this is clearly a rom hack of another game and you know what I'm not going to bother finding out which one each level you got to kill this guy so you can get the key to free your friends all while this deer keeps mouth breathing oh your biggest enemy is Hills because you go supersonic speed down these [ __ ] God damn it I just wanted the vacuum the only other notable thing is that you can control this bird on the world map and have him trapped in the shadow realm you know I have to wonder were the games that these bootlegs were based on already bad or did the bootleg actually make them worse Kung Fu Panda 2 has all your favorites from the movie we got rabbit Tigress tyong the thing from Ice Agee Balto and po who's po well I'll try Balto first why not oh no this is a reskin of one of the worst fighting games of all time brutal pause of Fury I only know about this game because I had a friend in high school who loved it he turned out to be a furry he's flying drones for the military now now I hope he's doing well so yeah they just changed the colors around for this game to kind of resemble the characters keep it mind half of them aren't from Kung Fu Panda I mean most of these they didn't even try like the sex wolf is a fox lady and this Chester Cheetah is supposed to be Tigress oh and the game's terrible here we have pocket monsters a bootleg that another popular YouTuber has played I think his name was John Hitler or something you play is Pikachu who's gotten really good at walking with two legs and apparently is filled with lead because every time he jumps it sounds like a toolbox being dropped the game has a mixture of non-pokemon and actual Pokemon in glorious bootleg form I don't want to see Porygon with a mouth ever again the platforming is really weird it feels like the game can't keep up with you properly so you have to keep waiting for the camera to readjust in a 2d game well there's nothing else too special oh my God that pincer is huge how the [ __ ] do I beat him oh yeah that makes sense jump on top of the giant spiked pincers on his head beautiful Pocket Monsters 2 a sequel I guess to the previous Pokemon bootleg look at that adorable bootleg Pikachu shut up well we got another slightly deformed Pikachu you're getting close Chinese sweat shop developers there's a few obvious non-pokemon but at least the actual Pokémon this time look like themselves except for the Lost shiny Oddish with a nose platforming here is a little better I think here's a comparison next is Pokemon 2 not to be confused with Pocket Monsters 2 this is a sequel to Pokémon come to think that there's never been a game that's just been called Pokemon dude I don't think we should have smoked that Oddish so this [ __ ] Acid trip is a maze game where you have to avoid classic Pokemon like Pharaoh US soldier and death this definitely feels like a reskin of another game but I have no no idea what that game is the only thing I recognize is the music from Cool Spot why is it always cool spot also what the hell is this place why are the drinks as big as the piano you just have to go around collecting these balls and if the enemy finds you they are not getting off your tail it's not like Pac-Man where you can actually kill them or outrun them you just have to be followed by death for the rest of the level like he does with all of [Music] us oh I guess the Pokeball ends the level man Togepi has seen some [ __ ] the second level looks like an AI generated image the only thing that's comprehensible is a tent let's move on so this isn't actually a bootleg but a fan-made project Silent Hill it's a retelling of the first Silent Hill game in the style of a visual novel unfortunately this copied doesn't have any music save for the occasional sound effect honestly this thing is pretty cool I haven't played the Silent Hill games but I think fans might get a kick out of it but I'm also not a big visual novel guy so time to speedrun this [ __ ] ah [ __ ] an actual puzzle well there goes my speedrunning career someday but not today let's take another slight detour and look at possibly the coolest thing on this Workshop the prototype for the unreleased Akira game it's eight levels or as the game calls them obviously these are all unfinished and early builds of each level first one is a motorcycle level where you can't actually hit anything at least you can hump your bike level two is a Dungeon Crawler or at least that's what I gathered from the brief flashes of gameplay that appear I don't know if this is how the game is or because of emulation but I can't see [ __ ] level three is a sid scroller in the sewers it's incredibly clunky and you can jump on literally everything level four is another Dungeon Crawler that I can't [ __ ] see anything level five is a thing with a ship nothing special although you can just push the other ships down instead of shooting them level six is a recreation of the iconic Bridge scene I don't know about you guys but this game works fine level seven is kind of a 2d beat him up and oh there he goes [ __ ] this I'm out of here level eight I assume was supposed to be like a fighting game but it's just a still image it's funny to see one of the most impressive animated films of all time represented like this the coolest thing about this prototype is that they have clips from the movie animated in pixel art and they actually look really good this prototype is a cool novelty for Akira fans but obviously it's far from playable let me ask you a question have you ever wanted to play Angry Birds without the physics well that's what this bootleg of Angry Birds Star Wars is you use this Arrow to aim and These Bars to control your speed nothing actually falls over so you have to hit the pigs perfectly yeah this isn't good I noticed some of these bootlegs use a playlist of the same Genesis remixes so the music is different each time something about this song though sounds [Music] familiar oh my [Music] God here we have the non-star Wars version of Angry Birds Angry Birds and hey it actually has the music [Music] still no physics though this Angry Birds lets you use the d-pad to control a cursor which you think would be better but you have to keep slowly dragging it all the way to the left of the screen every time you launch a bird this is honestly worse than the Star Wars version because it's actually harder to control where to launch the birds you know I never thought I'd say this but bootleg Genesis Angry Birds is way worse than bootleg Genesis Angry Birds Star Wars I really thought I would never say that Iron Man opens up with the Star Fox theme hey at least that's kind of appropriate you know they both fly it's a Mega Man ripoff where everything runs on cartoon Gears the first screen just immediately throws you into the [ __ ] you have an enemy that spawns right next to you and a Sentry firing missiles at you shooting or getting hit kills your momentum and the first Gap is barely wide enough to jump over these regular goons take five damn hits to take down and their invincibility lasts way too long you son of a [ __ ] don't walk slowly towards me you literally have to be right on the edge to get enough hits on this guy and when I did get enough hits I got scared and then he respawned all right enough of this oh my God that's kind of horrifying this is actually an illustration from matachi Maloney and they thought it would be a good death screen for this Funko Pop [ __ ] Lego Batman also starts with the Star Fox theme and Batman looking out into nothing that's not even the bat signal that's the bat DVD screen saver this game is an action platformer a platformer that stutters every time you jump you can punch goons but they couldn't even bother with a punching sound effect so you're just spazzing out until the goons disappear theer also the goons will just randomly hit you even even if you repeatedly punch them all the hit boxes are Jank I mean this Spike still hits me even though I land on the other platform Batman doesn't have an outline so sometimes your fist will just disappear into the background this game also has the same random playlist of music which makes it so on the same level it can go from a light-hearted romp to the most intense [ __ ] ever this is a tolerable bootleg which means I gave up because I was bored and not because I died moving on to another Lego game this time Pirates of the Caribbean oh man looks like Lego Johnny Depp during the Lego Amber herd trial look at Lego Jack Sparrow just grooving out it's a platformer where you have to collect all the coins in each level his default stance is him staring into your soul I like how he faces you during his Jump by The Game's logic he's jumping sideways a lot of the coins are hidden behind objects in the foreground so you just have to keep jumping around I swear I thought my coin counter was one of the coins I mean it Blends in perfectly in the menu you can also play this ship mini game wow this game is full of content you're just avoiding rocks and you can go either Turtle slow or [ __ ] mock five this is one of the least offensive bootlegs on the list if this was like a flash game on the Lego website and I was an even stupider six-year-old I'd probably play it for 10 minutes Felix the Cat is actually just a port of the NES game which is actually quite good it controls well but it uses the same Loop of bootleg Genesis music that just doesn't fit I mean the NES game is already good so there's not much to say about that Hercules mcmxcv I I is that a woman what is this woke [ __ ] so this isn't even a reskin they just put Hercules in the title screen for a completely different game which is another Trend you'll see with these bootlegs it's actually pretty cool it's a 2d hacking slash where he can ride monsters this game is actually a Japanese exclusive called Donna meami Tano and honestly it's worth checking out I've never been more delighted to be lied to except that one time up next is GTA 5 no kiden are these bootleg games like the Asylum films of games like are they made just to confuse grandma oh damn surprisingly this isn't GTA 5 but this is a pretty impressive looking Genesis game you got a pseudo 3D combat racing game that also has a rear view mirror and when the enemies get close it opens up a side window so you can blast them with a shotgun this game doesn't have the best controls it's one of those old 9s games where the developers were incredibly ambitious with the limited hardware and that's commendable when your car runs out of gas you can actually walk outside and blast enemies there the game is Outlander and while it's pretty clunky it's worth at least checking out zero out of 10 no Lamar surprisingly this was the only Shrek bootleg I could find Shrek 2 you remember when Shrek was 1 in tall and was trapped in a kid's bedroom oh God what is that mouth animation so I guess you can suck up and spit things either that or Shrek is a telepath oh and the floor kills you this one's called Rick Roll it can't be that obvious right I didn't know what I expected so this is probably one of the lowest quality Rick rolls in existence but I'm a little disappointed it's not using the Genesis sound font I found like five of them with one YouTube search how are you supposed to Rickroll somebody with this it's called Rick Roll on the workshop you have to intentionally downlo download it onto your computer and then you have to play it in the game is this like a momento situation except you're Rick Rolling yourself here's a Disney bootleg that Jun trun hasn't played yet The Lion King 3 Resurrection you can choose between young Simba or old Simba or as the game calls them and I'll go with it's a platformer that uses the same Sprites as the Genesis game the game starts you off off with this swinging section and it's the most [ __ ] thing I've ever seen in a first level I never figured out how it works anytime I swung it was by accident oh hello vulture from Donkey Kong Country you sure do blend in seamlessly what the hell is going on with Simba's face on the bottom right looks like his head is cracking open all right enough of this let's try young Simba it's the same [ __ ] level continuing the Disney bootlegs here's A Bug's Life which starts out with this beautifully animated cutscene ant Island what do they have there Apes but they're not so big this one is a port of the Game Boy Color game but they actually did a good job enhancing the graphics so it's one of the more impressive bootlegs it's a platformer with a very delayed jump it's like jumping in Shack Fu you have to be very precise with the jumps this game does not [ __ ] around you can throw grapes but you only have a limited Supply and they go in this weird Arc it's probably why the game is so enthusiastic when you actually hit something oh yeah there's actually a run button and holy [ __ ] he's blue and he runs fast he's just like Sonic he even does the foot tap thing honestly this game is slightly more fun than the others just because of how ridiculously fast you can go the levels aren't built for it though so you're going to die very quickly where's a bug little bug now he's dead Flappy Bird well you can't [ __ ] this up right oh my God they didn't [ __ ] it up it's Flappy Bird it was the most popular game in the world for literally one week the physics aren't exactly good as the mobile version but it works not much to say it's Flappy Bird so yeah Madagascar 3 just [ __ ] end it already oh look at that the Sprites Clash remember this guy from the movie wait I know you aren't you the villain from the movie Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted how is that climbing a ladder that's right folks we got fall damage in a platformer there's sort of a surreal quality to this one like everything just feels off especially the [Music] music really I died from that high up yeah this one's great uh this isn't Ice Age 4 it's a reskin of Scrambler blam blor oh the attack doesn't make sense oh there's too many enemies oh the level design sucks wait a minute that's not Peter Griffin all right almost done Harry Potter and the charm bur of Secrets is a reskin of Mick and Mac the global Gladiators as you can tell by the very appropriate menu [Music] music cool Mick and Mack was a tie-in game with McDonald's although besides the opening cut scene and the m in the corner the game has nothing to do with McDonald's so it's funny that this Harry Potter bootleg actually makes more sense than the McDonald's branding the biggest problem is that it takes too long to build up your run and it just makes the platforming more frustrating than it needs to be if you are dying to play McDonald's tie-in game on Genesis that was repurposed to be vaguely about Harry Potter then congratulations one person you need to make better goals finally we're on our last game I can see the light at the end of this tunnel Harry Potter and the Stein of wellson well spelling an inappropriate push start text aside at least they have a crappy bootleg rendition of the Harry Potter theme [Music] so maybe this one will be [Music] okay it's the goddamn Pokemon [ __ ] thing that are ripped off again you're collecting balls although this time Dobby is chasing you I think it's Dobby either that or an escaped fetus the game respawned me right next to the enemies with Nowhere to Run you're half the size of the cast castles the second level they just gave up pretending this is Harry Potter it's the same as the Pokémon game just with a different color filter one Dobby out of 10 dobbies well that was a waste of time but you know these bootlegs made me realize something not the actual games all of them are dog [ __ ] but I realize that piracy is awesome I think it's cool that countries that can't afford new games because of import taxes or poverty improvise and play huge collections of old games on retro systems alth I guess it's actually not considered retro over there still it shows how universally appealing the classics are and how we're all able to connect over video games no matter the circumstances so let's give it up for the true Gamers the Brazilians with their hacked ps2's the Russians with their modded PSPs that Turkish Game Boy multiart that my friend had here's to the emulators the legally obtained ROM dumps The Homebrew Channel the modded 3DS's the ever drives and the digital archist keeping these games alive even the shitty ones let's all give it up for piracy disclaimer this channel does not Advocate piracy hey stop all the downloading
Channel: Happy Town World
Views: 159,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pL0OzO7gVd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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