Why Angel Number 222 - Your Angels are CALLING YOU and Here's What it Means TODAY! Michael Sandler

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are meditating and getting ready oh oh hello bright and shiny beacons of light that this used to be Michael sandley the host of the Inspire Nation but now it is hona bear host of the world who just happens to be guest starring tonight on Inspire Nation do you have things that you want to say to people hanaar anything you want to share no oh my screen just stopped and and hopefully people can still see me because I just lost what I was looking at but tonight we are going to be talking about angel numbers and why they've been coming up a lot lately and if you're like me why you've been getting 222 in particular have you been getting 2 two two 2 two two 2 two two 2 two two why you've been getting that in particular at this time and it's super important because we have a very special day coming up which is 422 or on other parts of the World 224 and so there's a lot we get to do to prepare for this day which is a portal of sorts but not not the kind that we had with the eclipse this is a portal where our angels are waiting to hear from us so it's a very very special day coming up and it's part of uh Mercury dare I say quietly a Mercury retrograde are you eating the stone right now is that that my prayer Stone Does that taste good to you Yum Yum Yum so uh yes we have the Mercury retrograde coming up and that will be no the Mercury retrograde is always very special but the 422 and the 224 is very special so Huna bear is there anything that you want to share with people before I dive into the teaching have you been having fun this week are you having fun you want to take the mic go for it here you go what do you want to say to people happy you're happy you're very quiet nothing nothing okay well Daddy you start oh oh you almost wanted to say something what is it and then we'll start into the teaching well while she's doing that um I went swimming earlier today and that'll have to do with a talk and I'm in Northern Florida and I went swimming in a uh hi Dad oh what is it you're saying yeah did you say hi Dad yeah yeah yeah yeah is this fun no fun fun this oh this is fun fun being on the microphone and you like talking with people yeah I don't know what that means but I'm sure it's good stuff is that like light code you're speaking or light language oh she said water I do have water here that's not light language that's just good stuff yeah there's water there so why don't I start the teaching cuz I was talking about swimming in the water swimming in the water oh is that so anything else that you want to share before we begin a yeah fun yeah yeah this yeah so before we started we were getting her ready for bed and she opened or she pointed to the studio door and she said door door open open we came in here and it was still half an hour before we were going on air and she wanted she already knew and she wanted up to speak to people yeah this is why it's your show not daddy's daddy is daddy show still yeah show ston yep that's the stone yep and then that's the water over there yeah and the people everybody you're talking to is over here do you want to wave at everybody can you wave let's see if I can get you up higher there do you want to wave and say hi can you say hi to everybody can you say hello hello everybody put your hands in the air waving around like you just don't care and who's your favorite s singer to do uh trampoline work a rebound or two more she said more D D D D her favorite musician or group to do uh rebound or indoor trampoline to is Frog Crazy Frog you love crazy frog don't you FR but yeah yeah you like bouncing on it's a crazy frog don't you B yeah maybe we me to make a video one of these days or you and I bouncing together more buttons more buttons uh down okay let's get you down and then I'm going to do the show with everybody so good night byebye by okay night I love you so much all right can everybody still hear me the microphone is orange can people hear me bobic can you hear me can anybody hear me I don't know I'm going to check in with my producer here because I am getting a red alert here that uh I don't know if it's actually picking up or not if somebody in the chat room can tell me whether you are hearing me or not because the microphone doesn't appear that you are uh bobic are people able to hear me anybody hear me hun bear can only see mommy she's adorable there seems to be a lag on this so I don't know if anybody can hear me or not night night Hana so I've got one Christine saying yes okay and you want back up all right and then we got to get you to bed because I got to share about angel number 222 and I've got to share about yeah last chance on the mic and then we got to get you to bed okay you got more to say you got more to say people people yes all the people are right here so what do you want to share with the people your mommy mommy yeah Mommy's here with a toothbrush Daddy yeah do you want to show people how you get your teeth brushed yeah yeah she said yeah I don't know about this I don't know about showing the toothbrush on [Music] air she's just off camera but she's sliding because I got the pillow [Music] down so people can hear me somebody just said Hana for president I couldn't agree more down down are you good or do you want to keep staying here cuz I really do want to start talking about angel numbers what do you think should we keep you up here oh she's pretending to be on the stone phone who are you speaking to people you're speaking to people on the stone phone yeah are they saying hi yeah yeah what do they say do you send them love yeah yeah do you love everybody lovebody you love everybody that's great everybody loves you what do you think of that uh-oh we lost the stone phone do you want to here I'm going to have you do one more thing while I get things started do you want to go and get everybody that your new camera and do you want to show everybody your new camera why don't you go and show get everybody the camera and I'm going to start talking about angel numbers thank you so mommy bear is going to help you find the camera and uh uh then we're going to talk about angel numbers all right first things first she may be back she may not be back with her uh dinosaur camera All Right Where Do We Begin if you're like me you are getting a lot of numbers recently so this morning and we're going to talk all about uh all sorts of angel numbers but particularly 222 422 224 and I want to start off with one that I got this morning which was 656 and that not may not necess necessarily be the most exciting number but I woke up what was late this morning it was late for me and it was 656 I love digits that are sandwiches that are 1 121 313 656 because they have such an important message behind them particularly when you sandwich something in the middle six is the number of love family friends and love of one self Five is the number of manifestation and so what did that mean well it meant that today I get to stay in a state of love I get to stay in a state where I drop down into my heart and that's actually I Channel every day I Channel many times a day in fact I can teach you how to channel tomorrow night we've got a live class uh coming up with the school of Mystics tomorrow night uh excuse me not the school of Mystics we have a live automatic right class tomorrow night how does it get any better than this where I'll teach you how to channel a little behind the scenes thing uh I was swimming earlier today in uh the inner side of the ocean here uh we're on kind of a long strip of Island and you have the ocean side and you have the inter Coastal side and I was swimming along and I was near the shore at one point and some guy yelled out to me and so I swam closer and and I said uh um I don't even know what I said but I said hi I think I said good morning even though it was little in the afternoon and he said uh did you know you have a nickname and I said no and he goes well the guys up there they've been calling you the channel guy because you swim in the channel every day and I was like wow that's actually pretty cool name they're like yeah you're a really good swimmer so we call you the channel guy and I got home and I told Jessica I'm the channel guy and she goes you know what that really means I'm like what and she goes well you teach people how to channel I'm like oo that's a goodie and yeah I've got a live class tomorrow night I would love to teach you how to channel two how to hear from your angels and guides on the other side and I'll probably tell you more about it and we we'll put coupon codes all good that good stuff in the uh in the chat there and people who have taken automatic writing who can share about it I know uh bellart said woke this morning at 333 333 is a creative time between you and the universe what do you wish to create Bart is what you are being called to 656 is saying how we can drop down into our hearts and create from that special sacred place and it was out of that that I began channeling for today's talk which is all angel numbers but really about 222 and why 222 so 222 if you're like me particularly over the last few weeks if not month or so it's been coming up more and more and more and more and more part of that reason is because we have a very special day coming up next Monday which here in the states we would call it 422 April 22nd and Europe and maybe places down under or particularly Asia you would call it 224 which is the same number in a sense as well so we are being prepared for this time why is this important we're going to dive more into the date in a little bit because we're in a Mercury retrograde now people say you know I don't do um uh I don't do astrology I don't do any of this stuff I get what you're saying however astrology is in the pyramids of Egypt astrology has been around for at least half a procession maybe a full procession maybe it's been on Earth for 25,000 years probably before that and it didn't come from Earth so to me it's a blueprint or a map that can teach us so much about what's going on on the inside so right now per Mercury is in retrograde meaning going backwards relative to the Earth Mercury is about relationships Mercury is about our relationship in the world Mercury is also about in a sense the details what do I mean about the details well right now with Mercury going backwards it's like looking into a Looking Glass backwards you don't see the present very clearly in act it's like trying to drive a car through the rearview mirror uh it's a little bit dangerous to say the least and uh those have been following we're going out on tour how does it get any better than this about six weeks we test drove a uh Jeep a few days ago to see about taking that behind the RV as a vehicle to to get us to people to say hi to people and all that stuff um and it was really fun but wasn't quite what we wanted in particularly it's really big and heavy and take a lot of fuel to tow it behind us and so we're taking look at a a mini um a mini on Thursday which I I wouldn't be surprised if hona bear starts calling it Minnie Mouse uh so we will see if Minnie Mouse is our vehicle if you're driving a Jeep or a Minnie Mouse you don't want to drive by looking through the rear view mirror why ugly stuff will probably happen but on top of that Mercury retrograde is looking through that rearview mirror because it is a time where old ideas are Revisited old ideas old thoughts old wishes old hopes old dreams so I used to be a prev bike racer raced in Europe and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and it was fun got Mighty hurt at one point but it was fun and and then I came back and I raced on the track and I raced this and I raced that and I got back to uh at least a national level and that was fun too now I've been doing triathlons I uh qualifi for the World Championships a couple years ago uh on uh traditional triathlons actually that was Aquaman which is very little running and more swimming and riding and this past year in the race that I did National Championships there are a lot of people drafting even though drafting isn't legal what does this have to do with anything well I used to love riding in a pack and today I was telling Jessica there is a triathlon coming up a national championship event where everybody gets to ride in the pack and she said but Michael why are your lips curling up like you're in pain Michael why are your lips curling up like you're in pain because that's the past was riding in a pack right now I'm really enjoying the exterra events which is off-road Triathlon she's like yeah we get to watch for the traps and trappings of the past right now what are the traps and trappings of the past it's old programming that kind of grabs us again and pulls Us in as if we are living in the past living in our Glory Days and the things that we want to 102 or 30 or 40 or however many years ago we suddenly want again it's not that we actually want it it's that Mercury retrograde has drawn Us in so that we can investigate things and get clear about what it is that we want and do not want this is a Clearing House time this is a time where we get to we will be revisiting old ideas old thought old wishes old hopes old dreams Old Flames all of this stuff comes back right now and there is nothing wrong with it by Design it's here to help get us light and at the same time watch for old patterns and see if you start to get stuck in any if so step back breathe deep deep and take note of it wait a second this is what I wanted to do way back when do I really want to do it now now if so there's nothing wrong with it when Jessica and I got together that was oh my gosh 2000 May of 2009 we wanted to go take an RV tour this is the first time we're going to get to take an RV tour um we um wanted a mini early on and in fact we got one mini that didn't work out many years ago and now we may have a second chance at a mini and we lived in Colorado when we met and we're going back to Colorado all of these comings back these are signs and symptoms of a Mercury retrograde they're not bad they may actually be exceptionally good but we get to be awake and aware of about them and at the same time we get to watch and this will have everything to do with 222 we get to watch for what's lurking in our closet what are the Old Wounds that come up to play what are the old patterns that don't serve us what are the old skeletons in the closet that we had tamped down or stuffed away that are coming back like here's Johnny and not in a good way we get to face all of this out of love and I can see in the chat people talking about we've got an automatic writing class tomorrow night this is and and I will do several Shameless plugs for this tonight because it's the one tool that changed my life changed our lives that allowed us to have Hana bear literally allowed us to have Hana bear without automatic writing we wouldn't have her but a process where you go quiet you breathe deep you put pen to paper you write to the angels and they write back and anybody can do it you know Channel guy I never could Channel and now I can almost almost nobody most people who take automatic writing couldn't Channel beforehand now they can some have gone on to professional careers in it so we're going to be teaching that to you live tomorrow night links there so we get to look for what's looking in our closet and yes is part of automatic writing I'm going to teach you how to go to the angels so that they can tell you what's lurking in your closet but we get to look what's lurking in our wasn't get it out that's what this time period is all about 656 we get to do it out of love why is this so important I don't know about you but people are no I won't use that expression again sensitive not in that way people are very sensitive right now I'm sensitive Jessica's sensitive H bear sensitive you're sensitive Bob's on the earpiece he might be sensitive IAB bear I know she's sensitive an bear I know she's sensitive too we are all exceptionally sensitive why it makes us more receptive if you're not sensitive well I'm going to go to my old barefoot running days I still do run a bunch of running Barefoot and those who are following the adventure of me in the national championships in 2 weeks I think people have been saying a lot of prayers for me because I went for a run yesterday and all of a sudden things felt great and I'll get to go for a run tomorrow and I imagine things are going to feel even better so thank you for your hopes and prayers when it comes to being sensitive and we go back to barefoot running if you're sensitive if you feel everything on the ground beneath you you don't step on Sharp Stones you don't step on twigs and branches you're very careful with your steps and you pay close attention If instead you are a honking giant Soul on the bottom of your foot you step on everything you may even twist an ankle without knowing that you've been stepping on all sorts of stuff sensitivity is here to serve us particularly used wisely so it is very easy to get upset during this time as I do with Hana bear it's very easy to get upset during this time bring it back to the heart bring it back to love it's okay it's okay it's okay I mean that you're going to be weird you're going to be wonky things are going to seem really really weird at the moment or people are just going to piss you off all of it okay what's happening is your emotions are raw your equilibrium is off Everything feels off balance just about everyone feels off balance except for Hana bear this is the week where what's today Monday I don't know maybe it was Thursday might have been Thursday morning or Friday morning uh she rolled out of bed hopped on her uh bicycle and uh scooted first time ever scooted across the kitchen the living room and all the way to the front door uh put down the bicycle hopped on her scooter hadn't done this before took one leg and started pushing off and started scooting down down the hall as well her equilibrium balance is even better during this time but for everyone else we feel off balance by Design what happens if you're off balance you pay even more careful attention to things so you don't fall and this is a huge huge gift right now now as I see the chat going on I haven't mentioned this next YouTube live is going to be Sunday night mark your calendar Sunday night instead of Monday night why first off I want to give you one last preparation between before 422 or 224 secondly we're taking an RV we're going up to New York New Jersey border uh we're going to meet with uh Jessica's Family uh Grandma and Grandpa uh for uh Huna bear and I've got my national championships coming up how does it get any better than this to me it's a spiritual experience it's a physical Journey We Are Spiritual Divine beings in human form uh but it's a spiritual journey and I'll be sharing more about that coming up as well so I just wanted to mention Sunday night mark your calendars Sunday night mark your calendars and then we'll have it set up here in a day or two so you can actually um click on it and be reminded so everything feels off right now by Design what in the world does that have to do with angel numbers Michael I didn't know this was a show on Mercury retrograde I thought this was a show on 222 and on the angel numbers so what does it have to do with that well everything actually you see angels are trying to get your attention now and Angels speak in multiple languages signs symbols synchronicities images words and and a lot of you know words that's the hardest part to discern till you learn something like automatic writing and they speak in numbers all of this is important because they're trying to get your attention in numbers right now specifically they come to you with repeating digits and repeating patterns repeating digits and repeating patterns why is this so important because it cuts through the heart of the Matrix or cuts through the simulation in other words numbers are stamped into the coding of our DNA basically our DNA this is this I'm going to call it eighth dimensional but this multi-dimensional would appear appears to be a double helix but it's so much more than that and there's so many arms going out with all of these different codes and codexes on it the DNA is a receiver of information and particularly repeating patterns and digits it is a super sleuth for them so and you can certainly say it is also a super sleuth for sacred geometry in numerical form repeating digits are just that and a lot lot of digits you got four five six that's a certain type of triangle all of your breeding digits show up in Geometry as well what does this have to do with the DNA to your DNA these repeating digits and these patterns are bright and shiny candy like red candy you know little toddler is going to go gimme gimme gimme when we see a repeating digit we go gimme gimme gimme even if we don't know what they mean it wakes us up I want to go it wakes us up it gets us out of a fog it gets us out of a funk or at least it's uh forgive me a spok in the wheel that stops you from the mundane it stops you cold in your tracks so that you pay attention to what's going on so right now if you've been getting a lot of repeating digits a lot of angel numbers and getting that ooh Factor you see that bright and shiny candy oo when Hana bear got her first camera which was earlier today oo and yeah she was saying many days maybe even a few weeks camera camera camera and uh we got her a camera today and she knows how to take pictures now 23 months old oh it is 844 right now 8 is four and four 44 so we've got 44 44 it's the time we just passed through what does that mean time to call on your angels and angels are by your side and we're going to be talking more about that in just a little bit so we're all getting the oh Factor right now and it's very important it's interesting in the past if we got the repeating digits and didn't recognize them like uh in high school I would look at my watch and would say 12323 or say uh 42222 or I don't know any number and it would just double it in the second count at the end and I kept going what in the world is going on here this is weird this is strange I didn't have a guide book I didn't have a handbook I didn't had a channel I didn't know anything but the angels and guides were trying to get my attention and I don't know if they eventually they gave up or if eventually I'm like ah because I didn't know what it meant in the old days in the recent old days you would get a lot of repeating digits and if you didn't do something about it the repeating digits would stop or they kind of Fade Into the background not in 2024 and certainly not since the eclipse numbers start coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and I know there are people writing down I keep seeing this I keep seeing that they keep coming back and back and back and back and back and back and back why because they're trying to get your attention Shannon 222 is saying 222 means I love you I love it Shannon I love it I love it I love it they're trying to get your attention at this time now there is nothing scary there is nothing to be concerned about in the least but there may be something your angels want you to act upon particularly this year and so they're going to be throwing you numbers more and more and more it's why we put together an angel numbers course we we underestimated how long it would take to get everything together and so a few weeks ago we said two or three weeks before it's out I think it's probably at least another two or three weeks uh we're going to offer a um like an early bird discount for the first Bunch that show up so we can get some momentum going if you want to be on the list to get that or to find out more go to angel11 ang11 one.com and sign up to get the early bird special when our angel numbers program comes out how does it get any better than this we put this together because angel numbers are coming up so much more now than ever it's like the easiest way it cuts to the heart of our DNA we can be doing anything we can be reading toll sty we can be where' that come from we can be in a heated argument we could be watching something on YouTube we could be doing whatever we could be driving down the road and you see 111 on the clock or 222 or you see a license plate I saw 2222 QQ didn't have a chance to C get out my camera I Saw 2 two22 42s QQ uh last week after I had chosen to make this the 222 show and I was like wow isn't that interesting they're bringing you the numbers over and over and over again to help you on your way to help you to Pivot to help you make great change and to help get you light so this week coming up on 422 they're trying to G grab your Tut toot Tut two two edness attention say that word 10 times fast your two two two withness attention why two key things that the number two means and and here's a little um little secret behind angel numbers every added digit adds a 10 degree increase in amplification or a 10-fold increase in amplification two uh 2 two is 10 times more powerful than two 2 two two is 100 times more powerful than two 2 two22 is a thousand times more powerful and on and on and on it goes what does two mean two is a number of co-creation we can call that love co-creation between you and the universe what's the dance that you want to do together because it comes in twos and two means do I go left do I go right is it a yes is it a no is it black is it white it is very binary is it a zero is it a one it is a very binary number that represents great decisions or another word that we can use is discern M two is the number of discernment if you're getting twos it means you've got a big decision to make and I see we've got here Natasha saying I do see 222 but only 111 1155 and 5555 five is manifestation one is alignment two is saying what do we need to get rid of where do we need to get light what's the big decision we get to make or why am I feeling such heaviness at this time so it's creativity it's discernment and its decisions another way that you can look at two is it's the number you build with the angels you build things with the angels and you're directed by the Angels but the angels are telling you with two to look both ways before you cross the road 2 two two means look both ways make a discerned decision in other words step back get to a higher level and look at things from there so there are numbers that I would say are easy numbers and there are numbers that I would say are more challenging numbers 111 444 beautiful positive easy numbers when you get these numbers it means hey what kind of assistance you need we're here by your side that's specifically what 444 is 111 is you're in alignment we're opening a portal for for you now please share how can we help you more challenging numbers are number like 999 which means Big Life Path decisions to make and 222 222 says testing two3 um do I have your attention now did you know you have a really big decision to make and then you get to make it now that that's what 222 is all about that's what's coming up next Monday it's a good reason we have the YouTube live on Sunday night because you've got 422 your angels are saying okay we're listening another way you can call the four is to divide it in two and you've got a date of 2222 coming up Monday it's a big deal it's a day where you get to make huge decisions chances are you know what these decisions are or what this decision is even if you don't want to face it but Mercury retrograde will have it no other way Mercury Mercury retrograde is going to demand that you flip things around and take a look now we got the four there that means we call on the angels for this entire week and we starting to call on the angels for Monday because this is the month of angel now we have a big decision to make you have a big decision to make I have a big decision to make or many of them and you're in a Mercury retrograde usually these two things don't go hand inand you may hear from an astrologer you don't want to make big decisions during a Mercury retrograde historically that's true but not this time around for this time is about getting out with the old 222 energy is about letting go of an idea letting go of a way of being that doesn't serve you anymore and dropping it cold so it means this week we watch for patterns we watch for triggers we watch for um desires of things the way they were whether the way that we would like them to be and we look for triggers triggers are good triggers are gold what are triggers well triggers are like nightmares if you get a nightmare this week woohoo write it down because that is a huge massive guide for you write down your nightmare it is a huge massive guide for you and if you do know automatic writing take the dream to automatic writing and ask your angels and guides what it means if not put it out there go in journal and ask what does this mean and see what comes to you nightmares dreams and triggers are powerful seeds at this time they're like a seed planted from your higher self from your energetic Essence that if watered will grow during this time and will help carry you to a higher level so we look at these triggers and you know what a trigger is you're energetically sensitive and something really suddenly bothers you that's okay happens to me too happens to the best of us it's supposed to happen during this time we are supposed to be so somebody said trigger was Lone Rangers horse could have been we're supposed to be triggered during this time but not the Lone Ranger's horse I think his horse was beautiful white if I get that right so there's nothing wrong with this seed there's nothing wrong with this energetic impulse but it's something growing inside of you that's demanding great change that's what this period is about that's what 222 is all about so we get to ask particularly if we're triggered particularly if 222 comes up oh my God yes if 2222 comes up if 222 QQ comes up yeah 2222 QQ it means question everything because that's like Q squared question everything what's not serving me anymore why am I being triggered during this time what doesn't work for me anymore or simply what have I been holding on to Bing that I get to let go of what am I holding on to that I get to let go of it can be an idea it could be a job it could be a relationship can be a thing it can be anything you don't have to look for something radical if you feel into it you will know what it is what do I mean by that well certainly we can go into automatic writing automatic writing tomorrow night I'll be teaching you how to go to your angels and guides and find out what gets to be cleared what gets to be let go of this week and it's huge when you can talk to your angels about that even simpler than that there are things that are on your heart that I am sure you don't want to disclose to yourself that you know you get to face I'd made a list I can't believe I did this no I can't believe I did this I can't believe I'm sharing this no it's all good so I have this list of things that get to be done uh before for the national championships before we go on tour in about 6 weeks and I'm in the middle of writing a beautiful book and we have our angel numbers course coming out how does it get any better than this so there are lots of of doings or goings on and so um I was in my uh what I call my get to-do list earlier today not my to-do but my get Todo because I'm honored to do this work even though some of it can drive me a little baddy um and I noticed there were certain things not getting done which is typical during Mercury retrograde we tend to put off the things that matter most in Mercury retrograde we tend to put off the very things that matter most so I went to the top of my get Todo list and I said procrastinations and I made a list of the things that I was putting off and then I went I asked I called for help with angels and guides I went right for the very things that I was putting off that's a key piece right now you got the 222 look at what you've been putting off look what you've been pushing to the side look what you've been pushing away and turn around that's the Mercury retrograde and face it yes Q it is leading to our paradig shift and it is so good to see you here tonight all my love Q all all all all all my love this is the time where we Face things it's a time of Bravery it's a time of knowing your angels and guides are by your side and as Q is saying we go through this paradigm shift and we live a different way now it doesn't have to be radical doesn't have to be well I'm going to throw away my relationship I'm going to throw away my job I'm going to move from one Coast to the other it doesn't have to be radical though it may be so it could be that you get to get rid of a relationship or it could be that you get to re rid of a pattern or a habit or a hindrance or a lack of communication that's harming the relationship the key is for almost every single one of us there is something that gets to go and this week all week oh week now every night Channel 222 we get to look for what it is that's why I'm holding this specific event tonight because this is the week we get to get ourselves extra extra light and we get to couple it to the energy of Mercury retrograde which ends on the 24th and it's why I'll do an event on Sunday night before Monday because it is that 224 or that 422 that is is the time where we really get to let things go yes of course I would love to teach you automatic writing tomorrow another reason to have this tonight I'd love to teach you automatic writing tomorrow because your angels and guides will tell you what you get to get rid of your angels and guides will tell you how you get to get rid of it and your angels and guides will literally help you see what's on the other side of this time for you you can literally go to your angels and guides and say why isn't this working what doesn't serve me can you be more specific and I'll I'll let people put the the things in the chat there if you want to come join me tomorrow I would love to teach you particularly at this time when 222 comes up we get to stop we get to pause we get to ask the big questions biggest what doesn't serve me now one more time what doesn't serve me now be honest with yourself these are often pretty big things you see a pattern so we're going to Colorado this summer I don't know when we're going to land we've been this is this one's been a little bit challenging for us maybe it means we're supposed to be on the road more I believe so maybe it means we get to spend even more time with our friends in Canada that may be you if so that may be so maybe it means maybe it means we get get to look at these things rather than to try to fit a square peg through a round hole or round pole at this point at this time what doesn't serve me it's part one 222 comes up ask what doesn't serve me and then Griselda you were crean of procrastination and it is good for you to hold to to hand over the crown at this point what doesn't serve me and then what's the decision I get to make what's the decision I get to make now if you don't hear a decision and and and in automatic writing you do get those words but if you don't hear something in your head forgive me look for the the sucker punch in the gut the twisting of the gut or even the fluttering the fluttering of the gut that's a good thing the that's much better than the Mercury retrograde 222 huge energy huge energy speaks to you not just through the heart but speaks to you through the gut there's an energy behind it so you may be saying I wonder what the decision is that I need to make and you know what the huge decision is in fact you already know the answer but you're going well anything but that anything but that and you go what's the decision I get to make what doesn't serve me oh yeah Now's the Time and thankfully you have a day of assistance 422 or 224 to put it out there and ask for help you know what the decision is you know what the answer already is but help in stepping forward through this time period or through this portal to we're going to call this through this paradigm shift to a new reality to a new timeline that is you on the other side of of the two two tws now again automatic writing simplest easiest way to hear from your angels on this another way you can go though because I'm not saying you have to learn automatic writing another way you can go is you know what this decision is maybe you don't feel you know what the answer is it didn't hit you in the gut put it out there before you go to sleep and ask for the answers to come to you as clear as day you can write that down as clear as day and in your dreams you may get the answers as clear as day of course nothing beats automatic writing for the simplest way but your dreams mean so much they mean so much to you keep a notepad handy during this time write down everything that comes up in your dreams and write down every single time here's another hint when you get 222 and thank you a for putting the the link down there in the coupon code because nothing beats automatic writing I'm sorry if I'm if I'm I'm beating the horse oh I love you hores but it's a simplest way to get guidance however another way when 222 comes up ask yourself what was I thinking what was I thinking about right now what was I doing right now where was my mind right now chances are that will give you a clue CU When there's a big decision to make it tends to come back and come back and come back and come back when there's a trigger it tends to come back and come back and come back and come back and come back and when 2 two comes about the angels are trying to get your attention at that very moment to bookmark it so that comes up at 222 comes up in front of you ask what was I thinking and then without thought if you don't know what you're thinking say what doesn't serve me now what doesn't deserve me now what decision do I get to make now listen really fast not with the head but with the heart this is certainly like the old school SATs or other big tests where your first answer is usually the best why because it ain't coming from the thinking mind isn't that interesting that in all these academic tests that were supposed to be so linear so non spiritual that I probably every test adviser Under the Sun has said go with your first gut reaction hello that's coming from your higher self that's coming from your team what your first gut reaction listen from the heart listen from your gut don't listen from the head and and this is a key point then we're going to get the questions a little bit earlier tonight this is a key point remember we started with 6 5 6 six is the number of Love five is the number of manifestation and when we get manifestation through the heart manifestation through the heart is six 5 six realize this everything comes from the heart the way we get light is through the heart the way we get anything we desire is through the heart the heart isn't just a language of love oh you know I had this feeling in my heart no it is your antenna to your higher self your higher self speaks to you the you that is everywhere see there's a you that pretends to be here that thinks that is here that gets lost is here now you're just the Mr or Miss Pac-Man on the video game but the player of the game is your higher self that is everywhere and right here and your higher self is getting to you through these numbers it's not just coming from your angels it's as if there's a boardroom on the other side it's your higher self it's your team it's your angels it's your guardian angel It's the works there going hm how do we get anent and uh how do we get the attention of Mark winham or Eminem or Jennifer or the astral guide or bellart or gisala or Q how do we get their attention right now I know we'll throw them a number and this week we will throw them two two two oh yeah it's coming from the all knowing all Divine allseeing side of yourself working with the angels to get your attention why this is so important to understand everything and everyone on the other side of the veil they're not just giving you fuu goodness goodness it's not just that all of life becomes puppies and Roses kind of be kind of cool maybe I don't know if I want puppies falling from the Sky roses might be kind of cool though however what they're doing you is giving you the highest level guidance and Direction these are the greatest gifts guidance and direction to help you to expand to help you to grow to help you to ascend to help you to become more of who you are meant to be that divine all knowing being that you are you are a Divine all- knowing being even having an amnesic expense experience in human form so they throw down numbers two two two one one one they throw down numbers to bring you answers through your heart so your job is to look for the clues when the numbers come up so some people are saying I keep getting this in a Jennifer I see 3 3 3 44 41111 all these numbers every time the numbers come up it means the veil is super thin you can communicate with the other side and you can hear from the other side the easiest for you right now right here right in this very moment 222 comes up ask for help ask for guidance ask why it's coming up and listen most carefully and put out your request um I know that I need to do X Y or Z but I'm going to need some assistance here it's where the veil is thinnest it's the easiest to hear what it is you get to let go of and it's the easiest to put out your request and 222 does not mean just a prayer uh request yeah prayer request for help 222 means what's the big decision I get to make put it out there often times this is why automatic writing is so powerful too because not only can you put the question out there and you hear from the Angels right away but often times we know the answer we just want the understanding behind it oh crap I know I need to move oh my God I need to let go of this I just know I need to leave this job whatever ever it is I just know but you don't know why and that in a nutshell is 2 two two energy put it out there and ask the why ask how is this here to serve me ask how is this here to guide me ask to get the clarity you need because 222 isn't random it's not that all of a sudden you trip across 222 it's an angel or guide or your higher self who's there by your side going microphone check one two do I have your attention hello so put out the ask why is this happening how is this here to serve me what can I learn from this what in the world do I get to do at this time how do I be more Discerning oo somebody said follow the White Rabbit who said follow the White Rabbit ask guy follow the White Rabbit I don't know if you're going to see this I got this in channeling after Huna Bear's um twin sister uh uh passed away in Udo a couple years ago I heard uh uh take off your uh ring your wedding ring and uh get a ring with a I don't know if you guys can see it can can you focus can can you see that oh there it is the White Rabbit yes I am always wearing a white rabbit we all get to follow a white rabbit what does q have here because I I haven't jumped into a question answer yes yet but I'm curious what Q said Michael could you talk about adopting a number another another a number a number another word it's like a name change AKA changing your name or changing your number that's fascinating q and and certainly we can choose another number that is our theme that is our guidepost that is what works for us best at this time and it is that paradigm shift for me for the longest time um it was 444 actually it's gone from 444 to 111 and then when I was on Maui it became 911 for the longest time and most recently it's 777 which means luck and blessings um you can have your own number you can even have your own sacred geometry and I would encourage people to start to grab a protractor to grab a ruler to grab any of the devices you can use to do some sacred geometry and come up with a pattern that represents themselves you don't have to know what the numbers mean behind the pattern but that geometric representation becomes a portal that opens things up for you having your own number can do the same thing it is a geometric pattern as well numbers are not numbers alone each number represents an angle which builds something beyond the three-dimensional plane every single number repeating digit has a geometric shape that is built beyond the physical plane beyond the three dimensions that it represents that is expressed by you for you and about you so the more that you play with numbers the more that you play with geometry the better and that's actually something I've been diving back into this week and I'm going to do a lot more of is doodling and drawing with the numbers it opens portals can you get a different number at this time yes so 222 is coming up a lot right now but if you lean forward if you look into it and if you let go then another number is sure to follow now you can also choose the numbers Q is absolutely right you can go both ways with this because numbers are door openers so if you're saying I need more assistance well you don't have to just wait to hear 911 911 911 which means assistance from your angels start writing 911 if you're saying I want more blessings you don't have to wait for 777 start writing more 777 all of these things are by Design all of them so you'll see for ourselves we use numbers all over the place we've got 44 fours we've got one one ones not so much the 2 two tws we had lots of fives in the past we chose the numbers that best represented where we were in life and what we wanted to bring about so you can certainly do this key point I'm going to say happy 422 but I want you to understand the numbers are here right now my mouse just did my mouse just die I don't know it's coming back the life 422 and 224 mean h huge time of change huge time of shift huge time of uplift huge time of discernment huge time of Letting Go and huge time of getting a gelic assistance but you don't have to wait for that date to begin it's coming up now because you can put out your requests now here in this moment and on top of it a last last last note before we go to Q&A and then we'll go to a meditation and I see uh Karen needs to leave early I'm going to call it early a little bit early here tonight as well doing my best to get some extra rest with our big travels and with the big race coming up um not to mention there's so many beautiful things going on at this time but if you're like me and um if you have a pulse which you probably do you may be a little tired right now you may be a lot tired right now that is the energy here right now Raw confused off-balance dizzy and as I like to joke tie red you are tie red during this time and being tie red is perfectly all right why it draws you Inward and drawing you inward helps you to get these answers if this is time you had so much energy and you're ready to play and you're ready to do this and you're ready to do that you can't stop pause and hear but if you're exhausted if you're tired if you just want to lay down that's not a bad thing Natasha that ain't a bad thing at all it's here to serve you tiredness and exhaustion are here to serve you it's to help you it's to help you to shift as well honor that and respect and give yourself the rest you need or something even better so I'm going to take a sip of water before I do that again tomorrow night automatic writing class the fastest easiest way to learn how to channel from your angels and guides I was I can remember uh one of my groomsmen at my wedding Hendrick moo and he said dude you were nowhere before I met Jessica and he was right but dude I was nowhere where before I learned how to communicate with my angels and guides from nowhere to now here and I didn't have any channeling ability I didn't have any mediumship I didn't have any of that stuff I did write a bestseller on it years later after my angels and guides uh forced coerced um dragged me along Kicking and Screaming but now they speak to me left and right they speak to me all the time and they will speak to you too and I can teach you the easiest way you don't need any Talent you don't need to be able to write in fact if you're a great writer sometimes we' got to shut down the thinking mind a little bit more very easy to do though um but you don't have to have any of these abilities but I want to teach you how to speak with your angels and guides particularly now particularly in 2024 where your angels and guides are giving you more signs more symbols more synchronicities more numbers and on and on it goes to try to get your attention so that you would communicate more with the other side so please come join me tomorrow night I would love love love to teach you a bear will be there probably Ann bear will be there as well and it's a really really fun uplifting event and then come uh Wednesday morning you're going to start to be able to Channel with your angels and how does it get any better than this all right water questions and then we'll go into a meditation and let me just say I send so so so much love your way all right hold on and for all those who asked yes I did bring water and uh so we're getting uh Tatiana saying 919 uh nine is your life path number one means Al alignment and nine means life path which means whatever I'm saying right now has to do with the direction you're going in life pay attention not just to what I'm saying but where you desire to go and desire to go in most alignment with the universe that's why that number is coming up right now somebody was asking what's the best angel numbers book there are some brilliant beautiful books out there I'm putting out an angel numbers program in a few weeks you can go to angels1 111.com to be able to sign up to get the early bird special once that comes out and I believe that'll be in just a few weeks my guess is we will follow up with a book on it as well because what we're going to do is it's a living breathing program Angels 101.com is um we've put a whole bunch of videos in there uh codec to get you started so much information repeating digits sandwich digits Padres you name it on and on and we're going to just keep adding to it so uh I've been uh scripting out recordings for different specific dates of the year and when you get 11s hanging on at the beginning of each month like uh April 11th or May 11th what that means we've got the two twos as well all of these things I'm just going to keep adding to it uh until it becomes a living breathing book that's what we did with automatic writing and and then we will get that published as well I'm not not in a hurry with this because the Angels just keep giving me more and more and more uh plain Topo Chico and um and I know that sacred geometry is somehow going to find its way in there as well and I don't pretend to know much about it the angels have been starting to go in there with me I used to draw sacred geometry in high school and I didn't know what in the world I was doing and I think it's coming back as I'm writing a book on angel numbers right now for a reason all right one more sip plain Topo Chico um and oh with I I am not a uh this does not mean that you have to go out and buy too Chico I am not paid by Topo Chico I am not an influencer of Topo Chico but I do put uh Dr Carolyn Dean's uh remag remen and reison here uh to try to give me some extra uh magnesium uh minerals and uh calcium because because again all all right let's go into [Music] questions from string theories how can I overcome emotional creative blocks blockages that prevent me from sitting down at the computer for automatic writing in the first place ah String Theory a brilliant question when we have those blocks um the easiest way to get into automatic writing because really what you're saying is my ego doesn't want me doing automatic writing because it's an ego killer uh the ego loses is control of me if I do automatic writing so String Theory what I want you to do is crank up the music even more put on some fun music first if you want to but then crank up the music it comes with Theta brain entrainment music or we've got this whole program you get with the live classes and I just want you to write jibber jabber to begin with the thing about a blockage whatever the blockage is in life there's an answer to the blockage we step forward we step forward even with the blockage because what happens is when you get your foot in the door the blockage is no longer a blockage it's a leak in your direction so we don't have to be perfect about it another way to describe it and and I wrote Oh I haven't even mentioned we've got a daily Attunement newsletter it brings your energy up each and every day daily woohoo. comom daily w.com I do it in my automatic writing it helps bring your energy up and what I wrote about in uh my daily woohoo I wrote about it um maybe a month month and a half ago maybe it was longer than that is um I talked about writing ugly and what does it mean to write ugly well if you're working on a book chances are your first draft is a mess so it is okay Anna is writing a question as I'll get to the water in a minute is it okay to write a mess for your first draft in a book yes absolutely because you get something on paper it gets you over the hump thank you a it gets you past that blockage so sting string the it's okay just to get writing no matter what it gets the energy flowing so I've got more questions on my water tonight Topo Chico is a mineral water source in Mexico that was bought by Coca-Cola I pray they take good care of the people down there I pray they take great care of the community I should probably look into that I get to look into that um it's supposedly um oh I should have the story on the top of my head um how it saved the daughter of a leader that we've all heard his name it is a mineral water I don't know that it has that many minerals in it that's why I add to it um I prefer what I call live water and that's closer to live water than something that's come to us from filtration or something that's come to us through the tap and so I go for the most live water that I can technically there are filtered sources there are Springs around us but having tasted that water it didn't feel quite right to me and so I stick with my Topo Chico Bellow heart oh what does being born at 222 in the a.m. in the morning mean do the angel numbers we see have to do with frequency absolutely everything is about frequency everything is about a vibration that something holds 222 Bellow heart is extremely significant if that's when you're born excuse me it means that you are going to be a co-creator with the universe throughout your entire life and it means you will continuously be faced with big decisions and get to stay on that good path meaning you will be enticed to go this direction but you know you need to go this way you'll be enticed to go that direction you'll know you'll go this way this is your life path's Journey it is the life path of a creative who continuously needs to check in with herself and check in with her big heart Charlie how do I stay clear in my hood thoughts how do I stay clear in my hood thoughts I'm not sure if Hood thoughts means good thoughts so Charlie I could use a little more guidance as to what hood mean in this case so I'm going to make sure that I double back around see if you can put that in the chat and I want to come back to you Donna I've been dreaming of 846 eight eight is the number of infinity if you think about it infinity or eight on its side is the infinite symbol it is a symbol of the or something better meaning something even greater is coming for you four is the number of angels so if we've got something even better is coming from you and four it means go to your angels and ask for something even more than what you want so if you think I want a better job and I think I know what that is say Angels I'm wanting a better job but I would like it to be this or something even better that's what I did when I put out my menu list for uh Jessica like 20 years ago here's what I'd like or something even better and then sex means bring it back to love bring it back to the state of Love in Your Heart fill yourself with heart love exude love and then what seees what see what comes to you from that place jacalin I see the repeating digits all the time but lately it's been one 3 2 3 4 3 45 567 Etc do they still have a meaning or significance Jackin a slow down B take tiny little baby steps forward slow down and take tiny little the mind is racing I need your mind to slow down jacalan I need your mind to slow way way down and then take baby steps forward Kathy what if you don't see any numbers put it out there to the universe sometimes we have a blockage to being able to see what the angels are bringing to us as soon as we ask that blockage to be clear as as soon as we set that intention uh they start showing up a a good B because that's where our awareness is so uh before this week we thought um because we've tried Towing the Tesla before and and that was a whole big ordeal in fact the trailer that we used when we tried to tow the Tesla last time blew a tire uh damaged the Tesla damaged the bikes on the back as well and we said we don't want to go that way this time and so we thought about a Jeep all of a sudden we start seeing Jeeps all around us and um then we start said well maybe it's a mini all of a sudden we've started to see minis all around us it's where you place your intention your attention and your awareness that things will show up so if it's your intention your attention or if it's your intention to see more numbers your attention attention will shift your awareness will change and you'll suddenly be tuning in more numbers hot rodus what if a person keeps coming back into your life sometime in unreal situations is this symbolic absolutely and it is supposed to happen during Mercury retrograde if ever somebody's going to come back who you didn't want to come back didn't expect to come back or never expected to see again it'sit during Mercury retrograde it's the best time it's the easiest time it's the time to help you heal so is there a symbolism behind it yes where am I not taking care of myself for instance where am I not setting boundaries for myself what is it that I get to do for myself it's never about the person so a great example of this uh because I like to say and I'm not the I'm sure I am not the first to say it I used to think it was car young and somebody said we haven't heard that he said that but that's who I thought it was I say the waking world is the dream world the dream world is the waking world what does that mean it means that this world that we see around us which is filled with signs and symbols and synchronicities and messages and numbers and all of these things it is a dream think about the song I think it was the end of one of Wayne Dyer's last books too row row row your boat life is but a dream it is a dream all these signs and symbols are for a reason now if we go to the dream world what do we find we see signs and symbols and synchronicities in the dream world as well what does that have to do with anything well if you saw a particular person come to you in a dream oh my God I saw my ex or oh my God this person murdered who knows who or I can't believe this person did this or whomever you saw in your dream understand dream interpretation 101 chances are that person wasn't the dream was not about that person it was an element of yourself that came through symbolically masquerading is that person so if you know that somebody is uh I don't know if somebody is um H I don't know why the word stingy keeps coming up if you see somebody who's stingy keep coming up in a dream then you get to ask yourself is there an element of myself that is stingy if you see somebody coming up who is unfair is there an element of myself that's unfair these are just kind of random examples it can mean so many different things when somebody shows up in a dream but it's not necessarily them that you're seeing it's an element of yourself because life is but a dream when somebody keeps coming back and back and back hot rodus we get to ask what symbolically is the meaning behind their reappearance and then what do I get to do for myself as well all right Aaron wler happy past your birthday my brother why do I keep seeing the number 26 well two means you got a big decision to make six means you get to make it out of love it could also mean you get to do something creative out of love but I'm convinced it means there's a big decision that you get to make you get to be very Discerning and you get to make it out of love Faith wow will we have Direction to know what to do I don't want to make a mistake I'm afraid Faith okay this is a biggie a yes we will get direction that's also why I'm teaching automatic writing but even if you don't do get do automatic writing there are ways we can get direction at this time B most importantly faith and and I I got to go to your number here 5883 5883 five we've got manifestation eight we've got or something better eight we've got or something better three we've got creativity how does it get any better than this what does this this mean it means you're a creative too there are brilliant things that you can make Beyond Your Wildest Dreams once we let go Faith that's what this is all about for you you can't make a mistake no matter how much you try even if you try to make a mistake you can't make a mistake what in the world do you mean by this Michael even if you try to make a mistake you can't make a mistake you can't make a mistake in life because life is here to serve you life is here to guide you life is here for you to learn from there are no mistakes there certainly Faith are easier ways and harder ways there are ways that are a little more challenging and ways that are ah none of them are mistakes the biggest mistake and even that's not a mistake is to get so wrapped up in the game to think we can make mistakes that's where the fear comes from what if and you're talking to the the the ultimate master of he who used to think he would screw things up he who would think he would mess things up I come from a a long line ayage of both sides of my family people who are afraid they're going to blow things they're going to screw things up they're going to ruin things it ain't true mom I've shared the story way too many times and I love her so so dearly until recent years mom would hide in the other room during a Patriots game particularly during the playoffs because she was afraid if she came out that they uh somehow they would lose because of her I love my mom so so much but she was afraid she would ruin things just by her presence watching a game it ain't possible we're not here to get it right it's not like life is a god it's such a Judea judeo Christian concept and I'm not picking a religion specifically but it's such a concept of there is a wrath of God there is a father figure there is somebody watching from above and we either need to get it right or we're going to hell it just ain't so you got it right by being here you won the lottery you got it right by sharing your love you got it right by having a pulse you got it right by going to sleep you got it right by just being I can hear my dad saying I don't want to be a bum and he was taught that from his dad and his dad and his dad and his dad no it's not true you don't have to do anything you don't have to achieve anything you don't need to make the right decision on anything so Faith the biggest thing for you and I can see it right in the number the fear comes from being afraid that I have to make the perfect decision each time and I have to hold it all together geez Faith oh I want to give you the biggest hug oh it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay this goes for all of us we don't need to hold it all together we don't need to get it all right I like to think of and this is going to be a strange analogy to use at this time life is like riding a mountain bike at high speeds on twist and turns there's a chance you're going to go off the course there's a chance you're going to bounce off of things there's a chance you're going to skit out but it could be one hell of a ride and it might just be a lot more fun than sitting home and staying on the couch where you can't do anything wrong and you never go off course you didn't come here Faith none of us came here to play it small none of us came here to play it safe none of us came here to just stay on the couch and not put ourselves out there you know nobody has ever created anything without making a mistake nobody has ever created anything without making a mistake heck I can remember in business school they talked about uh uh 3M love them or not love them but we talk about sticky notes sticky notes came about because somebody spilled a beaker or a petri dish or not a petri dish spilled something in the lab and something stuck or so the story goes and now we have sticky notes nothing came about without a mistake so it's okay and we get a to do a lot of wound healing with you Faith a lot of wound healing but it's totally okay and I want everybody to get messy and make mistakes at this time is good for you and I mean that oh what a name theator what would be the best way to help my son he's having a very hard time with anxi anxiety and I had to pull him out of University and bring him home I don't know who to take him to because I don't want anyone to hurt him more he won't drive or leave the house this is actually quite common at this time and it is so so common with students that have gone through lockdown who've gone through Co have gone through the uh the zoom world and are now being thrust back out with others um and if particularly so if anybody is even slightly on the spectrum is even slightly sensitive is even slightly the new breed of child which is who and what your child is nature you've got to get them out to Nature there's a beautiful book that I want you to get for him it's an oldie but a goodie it's by Richard Lou uh and he's got he's got many my rubbing in my eyes tells me we're going to we're going to call it good here soon um he's got many beautiful books since then l u v called last child in the woods uh and he talks about they not being ADHD as much as what is it um what is his term for it uh I can't remember his term I'm going to call it lack of nature disorder uh the tiator if you can I want you to get out to Nature with them I want you to explore nature I want you to find a way if you can first off get them that book to get them outside in any way shape or form now certainly you can get them into Fun programs you don't need to get them to University so I wrote this book decades ago uh called College confidence with ADD and I talked about the hyper creative mind I talked about all the beautiful gifts that come with our minds and I talked about because I pulled the back book back right before it went to publish or went to print uh because I had my first nde and I had to write a new intro to the book and the new intro said that there's a time and a place for school and it may not be right for everybody and it may not be right at this time which is fascinating that here I was at that time a national featured speaker uh for students in College University saying that school may not be right for you it ain't right for him right now what's right for him is to find his heart and get himself grounded creative process great does he like to paint does he like to draw I understand it may be video games it is for so many what can we do to get them back into the real world what can we do to get them connected with the world outside of that that digital world and that digital world can be particularly cruel that's where I want you to play with him I sent all all all my love your way we're going to take one or two last questions and then we are going to go uh into a meditation these are beautiful questions let's see where we get uh gold tal my mother has been going through some uh things uh lately emotionally I was wondering if there is a possibility of something occurring for her of something occurring with her angels on her birthday well I mean her birthday uh uh 424 we've got an angel sandwich there we've also got creativity and decisions that get to be made 424 Four Angels two discernment Four Angels now 2024 is an interesting year for everybody because 2024 if you add it up that's two which is discernment and also uh creativity but we're going to go with discernment at this point zero means space we get to bring more space to this year to again we've been covering that four Angels add that up and what you have 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 is 8 the or something better what does that mean this is the year where we call on our Angels this is the year when we call on our guys this is the year when we don't go any of this alone and in her case so we've got a 24 here her birthday is the 24th of the Angel month 20 + 4 is 6 which is love her greatest gift is love your greatest gift you can give to her is love as well and certainly she can call on the Angels during this time and expect to bring and be and get more love during her birthday Katherine Bradway what does it mean if you see your birthday frequently Oh goodie it means we get to check in with the universe am I on path am I on track what do I need to know big picture because that number is a big number when it repeats what do I get to do or understand big picture about my life right now because that number was imprinted into you sort of like that number was imprinted into gold sound's M mother that number is imprinted into you for a reason it is the code it is the Codex it is the everything of what's coming in your life it is what we will call and I am not the first in fact there's there's a a a a brilliant couple who created this program it um but I'm going to use that term it is your human design your human design is printed in your number so when your birthday comes up ask what does this mean for me big picture what is going on in my life what do I need to understand about the trajectory of my life Natasha besides automatic writing is there another way to hear from your angels and guides Natasha there are an infinitude of ways um I tend to say um if you're a carpenter you like a hammer and nails I'm an automatic writing guy and and that's what I've taught thousands so I tend to go to automatic writing first what's interesting about automatic writing is the more that you do the writing the more you hear from your angels and guides and don't even necessarily need the writing though I do it like many times every day to hear from your angels and guides but your angels and guides will speak to you in the forest by the water at night as you go to sleep in the morning when you first rise in your paintings your drawings your artwork in your music and your numbers your signs your symbols your synchronicities they will get your attention any way they can it's just that certain processes like automatic writing help to bypass the thinking mind the most to make it the easiest to understand I'm shooting for easy because when I just hear things before I I got into this process how do I know it's not my ego how do I know I didn't just make things up how do I know I didn't just imagine things so a process like automatic writing and there are other people's processes out there I will never discount anybody else's process I want you to grab the process that pulls on your heart and go for it with all that you've got period there are no rules there's nothing that says Natasha you were born here and you attended Michael's thing because you need no there are no rules find what pulls on your heart and feels best to you and do that heck it can be playing music and just listening or quite literally getting out since I've got a a mountain bike race next week at the off-road uh uh Triathlon national championships get out in the woods get out on a bicycle get out in a swim get out on a hike and listen at those times as well they're always trying to speak to you it's just what vehicle makes it the easiest for you to hear back from May um and and somebody was mentioning yes we have uh daily woohoo is a way that you can and get a daily Attunement or vibrational alignment attunements help bring your energy up out of automatic writing without even doing automatic writing you don't get the answers but you get the energy behind it uh at Daily woohoo. comom uh May uh two times my kitties were risk of being attacked by a panther my kitty is a black Pat cat which means a mini Panther um a second dream two times okay so I'm guessing these two times are being attacked by a black by a panther we're in a dream is my guess uh a second dream my kitty was drowning and I caught her and got the water out of her two times PN by a panther well Panthers Panthers cross the bridge and I'm not going and looking at a at a dream guide here or a um we can look online and I bet we'll get a interest more interesting interpretation but what I get is is Panthers cross the bridge between this world and the other world they're seen for a moment they disappear they hide behind a tree they're in they're they're uh they're they're hidden in the shadows and then you see them and they slink away and they disappear and then you see them and they slink away and disappear uh a second dream my kitty was drowning and I caught her and got water out of here so what I'm hearing is um both that we get to plug in with the other side more but also that there's something slinking into and out of your life that gets to be addressed and maybe gets to get be addressed before you feel like you're drowning yourself so there's this connection Panther is always the connection to Spirit so I would certainly go to Spirit on this but the panther is also something living in the Underworld living in the belly living beneath the surface that gets to become up before you drown in it so may I would look for what is pulling you down or dragging you down down or what keeps on coming out of the Shadows that gets to be addressed and then I would go to the other side of the veil and plug in to get the assistance you need to do this don't you don't uh don't feel the need to go this on your own uh uh from Al last question of the evening and yes astral guide is saying drowning Kitty emotionally vulnerable water in dreams is always about emotions always always always uh one of the things that I seem to have a ability to do in dreams is breathe underwater is breathe through the emotions or breathe through the emotion World um I believe everybody here tonight we are actually quite good at dealing with emotions it's just that we were taught we are too sensitive or shown we are too sensitive we get to learn how to work with that and if other people have more dream interpretations please put them down this is huge this is huge this is huge uh Elaine question last the question of the evening 10 10 Perfection 10 10 so you've got one you've got Unity with the unity with the world Unity with the angels Unity with Consciousness Unity uh with God's Source Union uh whatever you wish to call it that is your one zero peace Stillness nothingness everything you put that to together peace Stillness Oneness everything you have beautiful beautiful Perfection 10 10 and 10 10 10 oh goody ask what you've been thinking ask where you're going but know that things are perfect just as they are little secret elain you may already know this Jessica and I got married on 10 10 10 how does it get we've been doing the angel number thing for a very long time and that was the angels that that guided us to that number we had no plans we had no intention but we had been playing with the numbers and when that number came up in fact the place where we were going to be get married the only day that they had left before they were closing for the season because of the chance of bad weather and snow was 10 10 10 and we're like are you kidding of course that is perfect so um I there's some beautiful comments here I'm going to drink some water and again and then we are going to go into a meditation and again come join me for automatic writing tomorrow night where you can also bring your dreams to your angels and ask for an interpretation from your angels directly from your angels and from your gu guides that's what I do with all of my dreams I bring them to my automatic writing first thing in the morning and I let my angels and guides do the interpretation for me uh daily woohoo free way to get a a daily atone Attunement atonement no not an atonement uh different thing entirely daily Attunement to bring your energy up up up and way up and how does it get any better than this that's daily woohoo. comom and uh then our next YouTube live will not be Monday it will be Sunday so mark your calendar I believe that is 421 we will be and 21 certainly a lucky number cuz you've got seven times three in there seven is blessings three is creativity uh 2 plus 1 we've got three in there for creativity as well so on 4+ 1 and and 4 plus 2 plus 1 we've got seven again is a very blessed day so we will be having our next YouTube live on 421 and how does it get any better than this all right Grisel I love her interpretation that your magical cat wants to be involved of course and I love it all right hold on here and uh cats do cross over between Both Worlds they are always playing with one paw or more on the other side that's why they look at you they're like what yeah they see the big picture all right what I'm doing is just grounding for a moment and I'm seeing what we get to do for a beautiful short meditation okay what I'd like you to do is we're going to do a restful one I don't want you sitting up good and tall I want you slinking into your seat I want you to relax into your seat I want you to relax your arms and your armrest or on your thighs or on the couch and I want you to just become a couch puddle shall we say I want you and your couch or you and your chair to become one now as one I want you to take a nice gentle deep breath in through the nose down to the belly and out through the nose triggers a rest and relax response in through the nose and out through the nose in and out as you keep breathing in and out we're going to take a magical journey here together all of us together as one so I want you to imagine that we have a giant circle of everybody here tonight past future and present we're breathing in together and out together take hands with somebody to your right in together and out together and somebody to your left [Music] in and out now as we keep breathing in and out together you realize that you're forming a giant Circle but it's a circle not here not on your couch not at your computer but out on the Beach and it's the most perfect Beach can be a beach by your favorite well Beach ocean can be a beach by your favorite Pond by your favorite Lake by your favorite body of water no matter where that may be and now that Circle opens up and it's a chain all linking hand in hand as you sit at the water's edge the water is very gentle tranquil the tiniest waves only a few inches high come rolling in and out you just hear the lap of the water at the edge and the tiniest tiniest break of waves and so because it's so calm you kick off your shoes you extend your legs and you let your feet be lapped or kissed by the water it's so gentle it's so relaxing as you do this you notice the water is taking on magical qualities where Suddenly It's not bright like day out but it is bright like night there's an amazing glow all around and even though you don't see the moon you can see the sand you can see the water you can see everything before you but it's even more amazing than that you can see the reflection of the Stars up above in the wat down below how does it get any better than this in fact in this magical water you can see that the waves have stopped and the water has become nearly as still as ice or as still as glass and it reflects all the Stars before you now this isn't just any glass and this isn't just any mirror but this is a perfect Looking Glass to look into your life to look into your past to look into your future and it is mesmerizing and as you stare at these beautiful Waters and you stare at the stars before you you notice that something starts to take shape it's sort of like watching a TV channel or something that's fuzzy at first but starts to become clear and what starts to become clear is the very thing you get to change in your life maybe it's something you get to let go of maybe it's a person a pattern a habit an energy maybe it's something you get to build maybe it's the greatest decision of your life and time to come to fruition but as you stare at these magical Waters and image a person a future a something starts to take shape and take form before you and since it's not just a Looking Glass it's not just a mirror it's not just a reflection but it is also a projector of your new reality you begin to see a movie taking place of what's coming next and what beautifully you get to do this is a cool movie this is a fun movie this is a positive movie this is a movie with the most powerful profound happy ending what is it you see the hero of this movie doing in the water before you which isn't water anymore but is the most perfect flat screen TV you've ever seen in your life what is she or he doing what is she he they saying how is your life changing in the most magical and profound ways and what is the one decision your hero or heroine got to make or got to do that changed the very trajectory of everything can you see them make the decision can you see how positively it plays out now lastly I want you to understand this wasn't water after allall this wasn't a Looking Glass this wasn't a mirror this was a portal of you looking to a new reality or a new timeline of your life and just the act of watching this timeline has left you from where you were just moments ago to a new timeline and a new timeline and a new timeline still each one great greater and better than the last on and on and on it goes so I want you to watch silently for the next minute at the most beautiful unfolding of the new reality of you the new future potentiality which you have just jumped into this timeline and take just a minute to see how it begins to unfold can you see the positive possibilities can you see the Magic in this new reality can you see the new you take a nice deep breath with me one more time and one more time still what you're seeing in this Looking Glass in this mirror reflection in this new timeline and new reality of your existence or this complete and total Paradigm Shift what you're seeing is just just scratching the surface of your potentiality of your new reality and of your new you and as you come back or as you stay in this daydreamy state for as long as you desire how does it get any better than this how does it get any better than this so I can't wait to see you tomorrow to teach you automatic writing if you'd love to come join me I know your angels and guides will be there and waiting and just waiting to connect with you on from the other side super easy to do again we've got daily WooHoo for a daily Attunement of pure vibrational goodness and then we'll see you next Sunday instead of next Monday for a very very special event indeed and I sense so so so much much love your way and how does it get any better than this how does it get any better than this thank you iar thank you anir thank you super Bobs thank you Marge and the editing Dream Team thank you Joyce thank you you so much love your way and have a beautiful beautiful evening or new day ahead woohoo thank you for being you thank you Angels thank you guides thank you Angels thank you guides thank you Angels thank you guides and big big virtual hugs to everyone night everyone lots of love I think I need to press a button uh maybe it's the three I press [Music] Sun [Music] [Music] Dre sh SM sh for
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 17,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael sandler, solar eclipse 2024, total solar eclipse 2024, solar eclipse, total solar eclipse, april 8 2024 solar eclipse spiritual meaning, total eclipse
Id: PpEML-bkO2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 7sec (6607 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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