Why Anakin's Dark Robes & Lightsaber Were HUGELY Offensive to the Jedi Council - Star Wars Explained

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hey what's up acolytes and welcome back to the archives Anakin Skywalker was known to be something of a controversial figure among the Jedi Order as we've heard from Balin there were many like himself that saw Anakin as a troublemaker and even a danger to both himself and others and this is even without most of the people knowing about his presumed status as the chosen one only a select group of Jedi Masters were clued into this yet Anakin still stood out from the rest of the Jedi crowd whether for good or for ill but today we are going to be talking about about why he was a concern specifically to the Jedi Council beyond the status of the chosen one from the moment he became a youngling initiate there were eyebrows raised about his age and about his past it was already a rough beginning but once Anakin chose his clothes there was immediate controversy Anakin Embrace being a rebel just as Qui-Gon Jin had taking inspiration from the late Jedi Master however unlike Qui-Gon it wasn't for the sake of the living force that Anakin was rebelling rather it was for his own headstrong ideologies about what what a Jedi should be so let's talk about why Anakin's clothes and even his lightsaber form were a dangerous statement to the Jedi High Council but before we dive into this our archives are always releasing information and conversations about both topics old and new Legends and Canon rarely do we run out of things to say so be sure to crush that subscribe button to stay in the loop now let us begin to say that Anakin had a rocky start in the Jedi Order would have been a massive understatement as a kid Anakin always believed that being a Jedi would bring him a life of adventure and freedom at times this was true but it was hardly the case for the vast majority of Anakin's training it would actually be that Anakin would feel constricted by the rules and regulations of the Jedi which makes sense considering he joined when he was 9 years old rather than of course being an infant or a toddler by the time of becoming an initiate other young Lings that grew up in the temple have a familiarity with the ways of the Jedi and are already conformed to it yet Anakin struggled with this because he knew life beforehand this was was the very reason why the High Council ruled to only bring in children at a very young age to begin with they were more easily molded into the perfect Jedi and many considered this to be the superior way to begin training this alone made Anakin stand out but what compounded his notoriety was how truly powerful he was although he joined late he quickly caught up and surpassed the other young links and they perceived him as a teacher's pet because of the simple fact of how well he moved along in his studies of the force one of the primary reasons the Jedi Council kept his Chosen One status a secret was to avoid the other Jedi believing the Anakin was getting special treatment creating a rivalry born of distrust and jealousy but what they couldn't control was the perception happening anyway because of Anakin Skywalker's Raw Talent this culminated in Anakin's ustariz from the rest of the young LS they teased him for being a slave and scorned him for how talented he truly was coming from a pure place of jealousy while this at first got under Anakin's skin he would eventually become callous to it and would even begin growing an ego because of his intense power Anakin sense their resentment came from jealousy and so Anakin decided to shove it down their throats by being a showoff soon he enjoyed the attention whether it was good or bad since he knew he was simply better than the rest of the Jedi it didn't help that his ego was backed up by the truth that he was better by them by a large margin he grew up in the temple as a black sheep and once he became a Padawan he completely embraced the rebellious reputation he had garnered for himself doing so by selecting and wearing black tunics instead of the traditional light colors literally embodying what it meant to be a black sheep it goes without saying that the Tans Browns and whites are the typical Jedi garbs and is meant to represent their allegiance to All Things natural as well as a symbol of humility since they went around everywhere dressed as monks the colors of the Jedi being very important and being focused on the natural flow of the force this also made Jedi instantly recog recognizable to anyone who needed help or those who would cause trouble the Jedi Order greatly promoted the style of dress and it was this standard that most every Jedi lived by there were a select few though such as quinland Voss ays Sakura and Ahsoka Tano that wore different clothing based on their preferences this was because once a learner reaches Padawan ship they're allowed to dress as they pleased but are heavily encouraged to retain the orders more traditional dress for the reason stated before for uniformity but Anakin did something more unique and far more worrying to the council he kept the usual look of the Jedi tunics but changed the color and material to be made of dark Browns and black leather this made him stand out far more than even most of the Jedi that went different ways and the Jedi Council grew massively concerned because of the implications of Anakin dressing this way Anakin's clothing represented a few things that being that he was unapologetically rebellious but what's more valued is the practicality leather itself was a denser material than the cloths used for the Jedi tunics being thicker it was far more suitable for combat which of course also gave the council pause for concern a Jedi's mind should not be on Battle yet Anakin's mind always was from his dress to his endless hour spent in the lightsaber Training hall to the very lightsaber itself Anakin Skywalker constructed his lightsaber for combat with a large grip and a powerful emitter shroud building the weapon for lightsaber dueling specifically and for combat not for ceremon reasons as the Jedi preached Yoda himself even commented this dangerous Trend as once the Clone Wars broke out padawans began constructing their lightsabers more and more tailored for war which is something that they were never meant to do there were many Jedi who didn't wear the usual dress of the Jedi Order and did indeed wear darker colors master luminara unduli and Baris offi for instance both wore black dresses with head coverings yet they weren't looked down upon for this reason this was because these two Jedi were Mir Allen a species that was was very heavily centered in Tradition their people were deeply connected to the living force and trusted in it entirely there were a lot of M Allens who eventually joined the Jedi Order to the point where it became a tradition for one Mary Allen who was already a part of the order to take on another as a Padawan their dress came from the fact that their people live in a wasteland environment which explains why they were covered far more the Jedi Order allow this since they invite their members to express their culture in order to be more representative of the entire galaxy it made them more personable that way but humans had such a diverse culture that it was unnecessary for them to wear anything else but the normal wear of a Jedi quinland Voss got a special pass albeit just barely mainly because his specialty lies in undercover operations all of this is to say that Anakin didn't really have a social excuse to wear his black colors and didn't have an excuse to stand out from the Jedi despite the fact that he wanted to this would extend to his outfit in the Clone Wars too which was characterized primar by navy blue and maroon with a dark gray armor the real problem was the council was always worried about Anakin turning to the dark side and they knew that the Sith always had their eyes on him Anakin's darker Garb and his armor was a constant reminder that this was still a possibility and that the Sith were out there with their eyes on the chosen one but it wouldn't end here Anakin's own lightsaber form would concern the council at first Anakin chose to use form five xen the traditional style of the fifth form xien was not at first looked down upon at all by the Jedi Council as many great Jedi wielded the form as it had a focus on defense and counter attacks it was characterized by broad powerful strikes to knock opponents off balance and send their attacks right back at them xen was focused primarily on defense and was viewed as respectful and practical for war it was weaker however against lightsaber duels and single opponents there was no issue with Anakin using this form for most of his life the council didn't care they even embraced it at least until after Geonosis though when Anakin and the council changed their minds when Anakin lost his arm to Dooku all eyes were on him when he began practicing the form five variant gem so unlike xien which was better at multiple opponents gemo was exclusively meant for saber to saber combat and was excellent for dueling a single enemy it was an all offensive form with an emphasis on crushing and obliterating one's opponent through sheer energy kinetic power and force Anakin losing his arm became a famous tale among the Jedi Order and Anakin's message was clear he was training for Revenge Anakin was already volatile and unpredictable as it was but he had not yet compromised the Jedi way but now Anakin's Obsession was defeating Dooku while the council was not opposed with dealing with Dooku they knew Anakin was doing it because of a grudge ever since the end of the new Sith Wars in 1000 BBY the the council raised eyebrows at anyone training in either makashi or gem so because of the fact that these forms were exclusively meant for lightsaber combat the Masters all had the same reservations about a young Dooku who decided to specialize in makashi since the form was Impractical for the time it raises the uncomfortable questions such as if the Sith are gone then why are you training to fight them the council is skittish around those who train for Force user combat in times of Peace the Jedi Council made the mistake akake of operating out of fear considering they had four great schisms in their order's history each time someone turned to the dark side and embraced the Sith it was because of this that Anakin was on a leash believing that at any moment he could be the outbreak of another civil war they saw his Rebellion as a sign that he was not ready to be a Jedi nonetheless the chosen one they ordered Obi-Wan accompany him even after he became a Jedi Knight as they feared him so vly this enraged Anakin Within as he believed it was because the council thought he was incapable of handling missions growing to resent them in the 2003 Clone War series Chancellor Palpatine had voted for Anakin to single-handedly lead the assault on Molin but Obi-Wan and Yoda objected saying that they were going to do it together with Obi-Wan leading the ground assault and Anakin the space battle Anakin was clearly angry but Obi-Wan explained to him that it wasn't his skill being brought into question but his maturity but of course once he was able to lead his own missions Anakin is risky an Avent guard approach often won many victories something that he grew smug about especially to the council in the end what was once a symbol of rebellion became the symbol of absolute Mastery as Force ghost Anakin still continues to wear his dark tunics as we saw in Ahsoka when we first see Anakin's Force ghost appear to Luke on Endor he is wearing lighter robes indicating that he has embraced the Jedi way and grown since color is very important to Star Wars this was of course course to symbolize that Anakin had returned to the light after many years spent in the dark since it has been shown that Master Anakin though in the world Between Worlds is able to change his appearance at will presenting himself to Luke like this was a non-verbal representation of his Redemption however as he spent the next 5 years in the afterlife we can only assume that Anakin went on his own journey of making peace with a Vader perfectly merging the two to accurately represent himself again embracing the dark colors of the Jedi Anakin Skywalker Anakin is his true self no longer is he a perversion of the Jedi robes since Anakin is the only Force ghost that we know of to retain his lightsaber postmortem both things that define Anakin in a very raw way he is in effect now making the statement that as an otherworldly being of high status he will not sit back but take an active role in the preservation of the living Galaxy as one in Balance both in his attire and his lightsaber but anyway guys that is why Anakin from his robes to his lightsaber to his form concerned the Jedi Council but ultimately proved to be the very beginning of Anakin's true destiny but what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on the importance of color and Anakin's Choice as a force ghost as well as why he was motivated to make these changes in the first place as always my friends thank you so much for visiting the channel today it means the world to me and I will hopefully see you in another video soon [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 254,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Clone Wars, Anakin vs Ahsoka, Anakin vs Obi-Wan, Anakin Darth Vader, Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan, Sith, Yoda, Jedi Council
Id: EX46DBeT3yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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