What If Anakin Skywalker Didn't Lose His Limbs

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Special thanks to Ownasaber for sponsoring our 90,000 subscriber special. All the details are in the pinned comment down below. Our story begins on Mustafar, Master and Apprentice were facing off in what would likely be their final duel. The fate of the galaxy rested on this very moment. If Obi Wan lost he would allow the galaxy to be subjugated to a reign of terror, if Anakin lost, then Sidious would lose his prized pupil. Their duel crossed over the lava river and Obi Wan at the end of it was able to find a location to dismount to. Obi Wan then landed and looked down the lava bank at his pupil and felt nothing but shame. He told Anakin to not try it, but in the back of his mind he knew exactly what Anakin would do. His arrogance would get the best of him and he would make a fatal mistake. Obi Wan didn’t want to kill Anakin, truthfully he was hoping that at some point he would snap out of it, but he didn’t. Kenobi watched Anakin’s feet steady and Obi Wan shook his head, then it was too late. Anakin launched himself into the air, and Obi Wan did the best he could, he threw his blade in the air, knowing that using the force against Anakin would likely be impossible in this type of scenario. Obi Wan’s blade slid right into Anakin’s side, and it stopped him in the air. Kenobi winced when he heard the stinging sound of sizzling skin. His outward thrust only threw Anakin backwards as he dropped. His face left in shock as his body tumbled lower and lower to the lava river. The stab in his side left him feeling almost immobilized. Had Obi Wan gone any further to the left he would be dead, just as Qui Gon. Luckily for Anakin, the blade missed some key organs and avoided his spinal column. Skywalker slid down to the bottom of the river and the tips of his boots touched the lava igniting a flame. Obi Wan couldn’t bear to watch as his friend, his student, bursted into flames and yelled out at him, telling him how much he hated him. Obi Wan just turned away, grabbing Anakin’s lightsaber and returned to Padme’s ship to take her to a safe location so she could have her children. Anakin on the other hand lay at the bottom of the river bank, his skin all rotten and shredded from being burnt. He used both his hands to pull himself up as much as he could. While his metallic arm was doing most of the work, he allowed the dark side to fuel him even further as he latched on with raw skin and nearly bare bones as he pulled himself up more and more. This only fueled the darkness within Anakin. The worst part about the burns he was suffering is that he was so badly burned that he couldn’t even feel the pain. He was just torn to pieces and so many of his skin cells had been completely killed that the pain didn’t exist. Though he wasn’t saved soon he would likely die from the exposure, especially here on Mustafar. He got tired of pulling himself up the banks and he stopped. His breath shallowed out and he looked at the ground under his chin. He knew he couldn’t die like this, he couldn’t. Skywalker put one hand up and felt a familiar presence. Anakin’s eyes drifted from the sulfur, ash, and suit under him, to the hooded man at the top of the bank. He was standing right where Obi Wan was before he lost. What a perfect imagery of the undertaking Skywalker was about to go on. If everything was Kenobi’s fault, then surely everything was Palpatine’s. Though not even Anakin could structure the proper response. All the adrenaline from the loss kept his mind in an isolated state of confusion. As Sidious descended the hill to Anakin’s side, Skywalker rolled over and Sidious could see the wound in his side. It was filled with the sulfur that he crawled up. For the Sith Lord he couldn’t help but feel shame, Anakin was meant to become the greatest Sith the galaxy had ever seen. The entire purpose of turning him was to ensure the Chosen One did not bring balance to the force, and his master was able to undo all of that. Sidious thought inside of his devious mind on how he would punish Skywalker for his failures. Clearly Vader wouldn’t need a full suit, as his mind was running through the scenarios, he felt warm clammy hands brush up against his robes. Sidious looked down in disgust, as he turned to look for the troopers. Anakin tried to squeeze out any type of word but it fell short at the edge of his mouth, like he couldn’t speak due to the burns he suffered. Sidious could tell what his student was trying to say. It sat somewhere between I failed you and I can’t believe you. Though Sidious didn’t care, he would make sure Vader knew what failure meant when they returned to Coruscant. The trip from Mustafar to the capital of the Empire was agonizing for Skywalker. He almost died a number of times. The burn wounds hurt him more than anything could’ve. The irony being is Skywalker couldn’t imagine a scenario where this could be any worse. When they arrived at the republic medical facility Anakin was ushered into the highest point of the tower, where Sidious had already prepared everything. The difficulty with working on Skywalker was the speed they needed to do it. With full body burning they had to make sure they saved him before they could really do anything else. The medical droids layered his body in bacta and then began to work on his breathing. Because the burns so badly damaged him he was on the verge of death, simply because he couldn’t breathe. Sidious just watched from the corner of the room with a scowl. He was so disappointed, mostly because he thought of Kenobi as any run of the mill Jedi. It wasn’t like Skywalker fought Windu, Yoda, Agen, or Plo, he fought Obi Wan. Maybe it was Sidious’ fault for doubting that Obi Wan had the potential, but nonetheless Vader should’ve been able to win. Hours would pass by with Vader passing in and out of life and death. On the far side of the galaxy, Padme had already given birth and died. Luke and Leia were split up among the Organa’s and the Lars and sent off. Yoda was left with his own exile and Obi Wan did as his master did, went away to hide and forget until the time was right. On Coruscant, Lord Vader was reborn. His skin was covered with pieces of silk like cloth that was lined on the interior with bacta. This wasn’t Sidious’ choice, more so that of the medical droids. The tragedy is, Sidious wouldn’t have allowed it but he left the room. The operation took much longer. Instead of the droids just worrying about the torso they had to make sure they saved every limb so they didn’t have to remove them. It was a bit tedious to do, but in the end it saved Anakin from having to lose an arm or his legs to amputation. Skywalker still wasn’t fully conscious, he was flashing in and out of understanding what at all was going on. When Sidious came back in he noticed the striking resemblance between Lord Vader and one of the mightiest Sith the galaxy hd ever seen, Darth Malgus. Anakin’s burnt skin was only visible around his face, a hood was laid over the back of his head so he could begin healing and placed around his neck was a respirator. It stretched up and covered his mouth as well, just to make sure that he would breathe no matter what. There was bacta laced around the interior. This wasn’t defiance from the droids, rather programing. The operation nearly took an entire day and with Anakin’s skin constantly in touch with bacta there might be hope for him after all. Sidious when Vader rose, told his pupil about the rise of the empire, but Vader had only one question which was where was Padme. She was killed by Vader according to Sidious, which launched Vader into a spiral of anger where every object in the room was lifted up into the air. Sidious didn’t care for this and punished his pupil by electrocuting him for a little bit. It wasn’t a long time, but it was enough to tell Skywalker that Sidious was in charge, it’s what Sidious wanted Vader to understand. After their little debacle, Sidious brought Skywalker out of the medical facility. There was one key difference with an unmasked Vader. Sidious had no issue having him around. Due to the burn scars and the mask, and the hood, people wouldn’t be able to tell who Vader was. Sure the eyes would lead to several conspiracy stories in the media, but who doesn’t love a little conspiracy surrounding shady figures. Sidious was able to openly keep his pet on a short leash. Though he knew it would only be a matter of time until Vader became an unstoppable force. Sidious made sure it didn’t come to that. Lord Vader has an incurable hunger for killing Jedi. He wouldn’t rest until every last one of them was dead, however this did leave some trouble for him. Sidious knew that’s what Vader wanted and decided to keep him away from it. The only Jedi Vader was allowed to hunt down was a 200 year old Jedi Master from the era of the High Republic, one who took the Barash Vow and disappeared. It was Master Infl’a and Vader arrived to his home and slaughtered him with his bare hands. It wasn’t easy, but Anakin was still used to his body. Without the suit, Vader was able to focus on the dark side and allow it to fill him. While the bacta robes were helping him significantly with the healing process he was actively avoiding self loathing, this meant that he never questioned his decisions. He only delved deeper into the dark side without a hint of regret. All he did was blame others for his own mistakes. His turn to the dark side was self justified, the death of his wife due to the Council and him not being strong enough, his loss to Kenobi was the only thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around. A lot of these delusions held him in a state of anger, and Sidious thrived off of it. With so much anger throbbing from his student, he sent Vader back to Mustafar before the end of his first year and it only showed how much pain Vader had incurred. He couldn’t live with the defeat and once his kyber crystal shined in a glimmering crimson haze Vader couldn’t help but look for the moment when he would be able to drive the weapon through Obi Wan’s stomach, and kill him. It brought him the only sense of peace he had to think about it. Considering Vader was allowed to be in the public eye, he spent a good amount of his time around the Emperor in his office. Usually just standing idly as people came and went to talk to the Emperor about things in the Senate. Since the beginning of the Empire, Sidious was no longer at every senate session. That job went to the Vizier of the Empire, Mas Amedda. It was just another perk of being Emperor, but this did make Anakin have meetings with some of Padme’s former friends and allies, some of which he was particularly close with as Anakin Skywalker. The sad change is that not a single one of them knew he was Anakin. Despite his eyebrows and even his hair growing back he showed no semblance to the man they knew. The piercing yellow eyes made it hard to recognize any bit of Skywalker within him. Though as Anakin stood by Sidious’ side, he recognized a familiarity within that of Bail Organa, he didn’t know what I was but he decided to conduct his own investigation into it. Before his trip to Mustafar he learned that Bail and Breha Organa had themselves a child, a daughter named Leia Organa. Anakin found this to be peculiar. Despite his efforts to kill off Anakin Skywalker, he found himself often grumbling over the past, and the names that he and Padme came up with before her untimely death at his hands. The one thing that irked Anakin is that he didn’t remember Breha appearing to be pregnant at the end of the war. Obviously Padme didn’t show that either but Breha wouldn’t have any reason to hide such pregnancies. So he decided to go back and look at articles from Alderaan from the year before hand and found many people praising her for the fit she carried through pregnancy. As the Queen of Alderaan she was always in the spotlight. Vader’s obsession with this led him to sneak off of Coruscant. He found himself Bail Organa’s personal vessel, named the Tantive IV and boarded when no one was looking. He hid in the ship as it moved from Coruscant to Alderaan and while he was in the ship he went through the databases of the vessel. He saw that the ship made a stop at some normal locations. Coruscant, Chandrilla, Corellia, Kuat, Eridu, normal places but the one that really piqued his curiosity was Polis Massa. What would he be doing out there near the end of the clone wars. Wait, not near the end, at the end. Literally a day after they ended Bail Organa was out there, how peculiar, especially since he was in deep space for a moment, somewhere between Utapau and Kashyyyk, not to mention the immediate stop at Coruscant shortly after. Something wasn’t adding up for Vader, but before he went to fully investigate the Organa’s residence, which would likely be more difficult he caught himself a ride to Polis Massa. This of course wasn’t just any ride, he killed the pilot and took his ship. Upon his arrival at Polis Massa he found a security recording of Padme’s death. This of course took a number of hours to siphon through and find but when he found it he felt a terrible pain in his chest. One pain that he could decide to go one of two directions with. As he fell to his knees he felt his fists bawl and he felt the tears on his face seep into his skin and drift around his mask. His brows firmed and he realized that not only had Sidious lied to him, but his children still existed in the galaxy. His initial reaction was to find them, but as it turns out he likely already found one, because there was a girl named Leia born here on Polis Massa, maybe not so much a coincidence and a truth. Perhaps Bail Organa did steal his child, what about the boy. Vader knew he had to return to Alderaan, but before he did he found himself a bacta tank and took a small moment to himself. Vader over the past year since his defeat on Mustafar was making a fine recovery, however there was still a lot of damage done to him. Most of the damage done to his skin was unrepairable, however there was hair growing for him, most notably on his head and over his eyes. Though the damage that was done was more so in the fact that his skin cells no longer had any pain receptors. Some of them did, but most of them had been burnt so bad that they had just been lost. Of course a few had returned but for the most part his skin was absolutely numb. He couldn’t, aside from a few places on his cheeks and forearms, feel the cool Coruscant breeze, or the heat of the Mustafarian fires, when he was there. It was a shallow experience of life, but he made the best of it. Despite not being able to physically feel that much pain, he still made up for it with the dark side. A large part of the dark side was feeling pain and turning it into power, but he was just a monster of power. All it took for Skywalker, was one awakening and he would surpass every known being in galactic history with the power he could wield. During his bacta bath he sat in silence for what felt like days, he just closed his eyes and felt the cool bacta swarm his body. Outside of the tank the medical droids were fulfilling his requests to have his robes lined with bacta on the interior. Anakin knew, that the man who was Anakin was long gone, and despite the fact that Padme said there was still good in him, the man who would’ve buckled at the knees and surrendered himself to the light didn’t exist anymore. The key difference was the lack of a suit. The suit of Darth Vader would’ve trapped him like an animal, it would’ve caused him more pain than he could bear, and he would’ve had to hold himself together with the force just to walk. Without the suit he didn’t have so many feelings of regret for having joined the dark side, and if his children still lived there was a chance for rekindling what had been lost. Vader’s anger grew and he bursted the bacta tank and flung himself out by accident. The medical droids swarmed to him and helped him up. He was drenched but it was still bacta so it was for the better. He looked at the droids and then had his robes lifted up and around him. He thanked the droids and then prepared to leave. As he got to his vessel he looked at the dead body in the bay and walked over it like it was trash and lifted up towards Alderaan. When he eventually arrived at the planet he landed in the forest outside of the royal palace. Naturally this would get the attention of the Alderaanian guard, which it did. Vader walked through the forest and found a couple of the guards searching for his vessel. But not a single one of them had a chance to identify him as their bodies dropped to the ground under the sounds of broken necks. Vader walked up to the doors at the bottom of the palace and flung them open. He looked inside and then he heard the sound of a dozen or so men as they came running to investigate the sound. Before they could round the corner, Vader ignited his lightsaber and launched it down the hallway as it sliced through each and every single one of them. Their bodies dropped and Vader walked into the room to see one of them alive. Vader twisted his hand and continued forward. He entered an elevator and waited for it to ascend to the top. He didn’t realize but the entire palace was on lockdown and when the doors opened he was clipped in the shoulder by a blaster, before the entire elevator was filled with blaster fire. Vader ducked out of the way and hid in the crevice between the door and the wall. He grabbed his lightsaber and felt the elevator slip before being caught. He slid out from behind the crevice and began blocking shots, his movements were flawless, as if he hadn’t missed a day since his confrontation with Kenobi. Vader slammed his blade across the guards, moving so fast that their eyes could barely capture him for a moment. When the guards were all but dead, he listened through the force and he could feel the connection, the same one he picked up the trace of on Coruscant, the same one that led him here. Vader turned his head to see a couple more guards come running out of the room, but they didn’t even have a chance. Vader launched them into the ceiling and held them there as he walked under them. Bail and Breha were trapped and when Vader came into the room he cut them both down without showing a hint of mercy. When he got to his child he looked at her and saw her eyes. She was the daughter of Padme and Anakin. He picked her up and the moment he did he felt a surge through the force, one so large that it was as if every single barrier that had ever filled his heart or filled his mind had vanished. He felt like he could destroy planets with the snap of his finger and rip armies to their knees with the blink of an eye. For a short moment he vanished and then he returned and looked at his daughter in his hands. He told her that it would be alright, he would take care of her for now. Instead of taking the ship he arrived on Vader went to the Tantive IV, just because he knew it would likely be outfitted with everything he needed for his daughter. As he prepared to lift off, he could hear a siren coming from the palace. He knew they would be coming for him, luckily for him he did everything he could. He destroyed camera and there were no survivors inside of the palace. Vader turned the engines on and lifted up and out of the hangar the ship was in before jumping to hyperspace. The coordinates given were just random space. He wanted to figure out his next plans. He knew that Sidious would be very displeased with him and he also wanted to find where his other child was. He sat in an office space that Bail often used. Vader remembered the time he and Padme were on the ship and talking with Bail. The thought of Padme sent Anakin back into himself and he decided that he would try and find it. He remembered Bail saying to Padme that he didn’t need to write anything down, if he forgot it he would check the recordings. Anakin’s heart got giddy with excitement as he turned to the holo device. He told Leia that he would show her, her mother. As he turned on the device and searched through the dates, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There was an automated recording from the same day he lost his fight against Kenobi. He didn’t think it was possible, but maybe it was. Surely Bail would’ve removed it, but he forgot. Being a new father and wanting to fight against a space dictator took his mind off the issue. Especially because at that point he still needed to have Padme transported back to Naboo so that she could be buried. Vader stopped with his giddiness and he turned the recording on. He watched Obi Wan, Yoda, and Bail talking about his children. Yoda suggested they be split up. Bail immediately told them that he would take the girl, being that he and Breha always wanted to have a baby girl. Vader looked on as his brows creased. He watched Obi Wan asked about Luke and Yoda spoke up telling Kenobi that he would be taken to his family on Tatoonie. Obi Wan then suggested that he would watch over the boy. Vader got angrier and watched Obi Wan and Bail get up. As they bowed to Yoda the Grand Master told Obi Wan to stop. He said he would teach Obi Wan how to communicate with Master Qui Gon. This only added to Anakin’s anger. He thought it to be so hypocritical that Yoda could learn to speak to Qui Gon but Anakin couldn’t save his wife. Vader was misinterpreting the situation due to his anger and he missed the point. Yoda wasn’t communicating with Qui Gon due to an attachment, he was doing it for the continued knowledge that every Jedi seeks to obtain. Nothing about it had to do with connections or attachments, but it didn’t matter, Vader was returning home. Something about the return to Tatooine irked Skywalker more than anything else. The last two times he was here, he was with people he no longer had. The first time was with Padme when his mother died, and the second was with Ahsoka. This didn’t help Vader refrain from his anger. He just got more and more frustrated with everything. But he set the coordinates for Tatooine and made the jump. At the same time he got a communication from Sidious, who was pissed off. Sidious wanted to know why Vader killed Organa. He was a powerful Senator and his voice held a lot of weight for people on both sides of the aisle, even those who were super supporters of Palpatine. This didn’t look good, because it looked like Sidious was trying to oust rivals of his, and while Sidious wanted Bail gone, he didn’t want him gone in that way. With the recent assassination of Riyo Chuchi, senators were already on edge, this wasn’t helping Sidious’ case. The call was never answered by Vader, he didn’t care. He would kill Kenobi, Owen and Beru, and then he would take his child back. The trip was long but when he eventually arrived he landed right outside the Lars homestead, just so that it was extra apparent what was happening here. Vader exited in a blur and before they knew it, Beru and Owen were killed. They didn’t stand a chance, and Vader’s son was brought on board the ship. Two infants barely older than a year old. Being that Vader was Anakin he decided to be dramatic. He burned the Lars homestead and waited for Kenobi. He simply stood outside of the home as the day passed by. Allowing the two suns to cook his skin. Obi Wan hadn’t been home all day, he was now working to get food. It was quite the 180 from life as a Jedi. For the past year, since his fight with Anakin, he had tried to forgo the way of the Jedi. That had not worked out. He was struggling with letting go. He still had both his and Anakin’s lightsabers in his cave. He was preparing to put them into the desert and forget about the past, but he held on. The force on the other hand, he cut himself off from. He didn’t allow himself to feel anything through the force for the longer part of the past year, so when he came home to see the fires burning he panicked. He grabbed both his own and Anakin’s lightsabers and ran to the Lars homestead. As he closed in he could see a shadowy figure standing in front of the fires, and behind him was the Tantive IV. Being that he was convinced Skywalker died on Mustafar he prepared himself for a fight against Sidious. That is until he heard through a robotic voice his name called. It wasn’t easy to see, but he could see familiar eyes. Those eyes called to him. He knew them. Obviously he knew Palpatine was Sidious, but this wasn’t Palpatine. It was someone he was, and then it clicked. A red lightsaber ignited from Skywalker’s side and he walked forward. Obi Wan asked what he had become and Vader said only 6 words, telling Obi Wan that he is what he made him. Kenobi had to fight for the lives of both Luke and Leia. The fate of the galaxy rested on this moment and two blue lightsabers ignited, as he prepared to defend the children of Anakin Skywalker from the monster resurrected from the fires of Mustafar. Vader stormed forward and Obi Wan did too, but it was easy to see how uneasy he was. He hadn’t held the blades in so long. The moment Vader raised his blade Obi Wan knew it was over. He blocked the strike, and then they peeled off. Vader was playing with his food, he wanted to savor every moment of this victory. Kenobi backpedaled and blocked a strike before parrying another. As their blades toiled back and forth with short breaks Obi Wan was left to catch his breath. The suns began to set as Kenobi and Skywalker stood their final stand against each other. Their shadows illuminated by the light of the suns before they engaged again. Obi Wan was thrown backwards. This was no different from the Mustafar fight. Skywalker was still more powerful, but he was holding back. This wasn’t a sign of growth, it was a sign of fueling his revenge. Vader dropped his blade down again and Obi Wan fell into the sands. Vader just watched him scrambled to his feet before launching himself forward. Vader pulled Obi Wan back and cut down, removing his forearm before bashing Obi Wan in the jaw with his metallic hand. Kenobi staggered and Vader simply dragged his blade across the sands throwing some into Obi Wan’s eyes before blocking a strike behind his back and dragging the weapon across Obi Wan’s chest. It was over as quickly as it began. Vader took Obi Wan’s and his own blade before moving back inside of the Tantive IV to return to Coruscant. Across the galaxy on Dagobah, Yoda fell down from his meditation. He was levitating off the ground but he could feel it, the moment it happened, he felt Obi Wan’s life become extinguished. What was he to do? Vader while in hyperspace decided it to be appropriate to respond to Sidious, but the moment he answered the call he was lifted off the ground with the force. Vader’s feet kicked in the air as he felt his respirator’s gears grind on the interior of his throat. Sidious threw him backwards and he slammed into the wall. He told Vader that his actions caused a serious outburst in the senate. He was extremely disappointed in his inability to have a mind of consciousness. He called Vader a fool, and told him to return to Coruscant immediately. Vader nodded his head and the hologram ended. He was furious. What had he done to deserve that. He didn’t do anything to offset the balance in the senate. He hadn’t seen the other communications or even considered the effects of killing off Organa. When Vader returned to Coruscant he kept the children safe and had a trusted protocol droid take care of them. He accidentally destroyed R2 and 3PO inside the palace, but truthfully he didn’t even realize they were there. He just assumed they went to Padme’s family. When Vader entered the Emperor’s office he heard something peculiar, and when he turned the corner he saw Sidious and Yoda dueling. Their blades were colliding and Vader just looked on with joy. Sidious told Vader to get involved but he didn’t care. He would kill whoever won. Sidious was thrown backwards into the wall. Yoda finally, after all this time was able to comeback and exact his own revenge. But it wasn’t revenge, it was to save the galaxy, but Sidious could see it. The demeanor inside of Yoda changed during their fight and the dark side began to flourish. He took advantage of the power and used it. Sidious cried out for Vader’s help and Yoda turned around to Vader lunging forward. Yoda didn’t know Vader survived and came here, assuming Sidious found the children. Truthfully Sidious was confused when Yoda entered his office looking for the children, he didn’t know what Yoda was talking about. To Sidious, everything clicked, and instead of using Vader he would just take the twins. Chances are they were created by the force to undo what Skywalker did. As Yoda engaged with Vader, the former Grand Master was launched back. The awakening inside of Vader from Alderaan made his presence all the more intimidating. Sidious laughed watching Yoda fall to the ground. He remembered telling Yoda that Vader would be more powerful than either of them. He was right, until that worked against him and Vader without even turning his head swung his blade across Sidious’ neck, decapitating him. Yoda was shocked to see it, but he had to react quickly as the blade was coming for him. With his back against the ground he threw both his hands up and blocked with his lightsaber. Vader stood over Yoda with a sinister look in his eyes as he thrust his blade down as hard as he could. The old Grand Master tried to hold on, but the heat of his own blade barring against his chest was all the more demoralizing. Yoda didn’t stand a chance, his blade cut across his chest first, moments after Anakin’s completed a massive t along his face. Vader stood up and looked at all of his accomplishment. His two greatest rivals in the force were now dead. He did it. He was the victor, Vader turned back around and looked at Mas Amedda who demanded to know what had happened. Vader looked to his side and then to Mas. He told the Vizier to kneel before his kneel Emperor. Mas Amedda didn’t have a fighting chance at surviving if he said no, so he did. He knelt down and Vader walked up to him, his lightsaber still glistening in the room. He bent over and told Mas that he would inform the senate of the change in leadership. He was the Emperor now. Though that didn’t really matter, what mattered to him was his continued expansion into the darkness and the raising of Luke and Leia Skywalker. That’s all he wanted and that’s all he had. Vader’s ascension to the role of Emperor would go by smoothly, mostly because he was always with Sidious for the year up until his death at the hands of the Jedi. Vader knew about the Inquisitors and kept them around for sport, but he wanted the Jedi to rebuild, it was the joy of allowing the enemy think they have a chance, but they really didn’t. Aside from Kenobi and Yoda, there were about 104 survivors of the purge. Most of them went into hiding, but a good number of them didn’t. The others began mounting up. Coleman Kcaj, Tera Sinube, Jocasta Nu, Kelleran Beq, Nari, Quinlan Vos, and Baylan Skoll. The culmination of these Jedi would be exposed when the Emperor found a collection of 43 Jedi on the outskirts of the galaxy. Vader spent 6 years raising his children alone, and he loved every moment of it. Despite his loyalty to the dark side, he was able to pass on his gifts to his children, while maintaining a healthy relationship with them. On that 6th year he went to the collection of Jedi and massacred them all by himself. Some of them were council members, others were faces that were the future, none of them survived. They fought with all of their strength, but a Sith Lord who could manifest the darkness that Skywalker could was able to wipe the floor with them without even second guessing his actions. Luke and Leia were given Obi Wan and Anakin’s lightsabers. They both picked the weapons they wished to dawn. Leia took Kenobi’s because she liked the hilt, and Luke liked Anakin’s hilt. They were taken at the age of 14 to kill their first Jedi. It was two former younglings or padawans that were rounded up by the Inqusiitorious. As per Vader’s request, the Inquisitors weren’t accepting new members after Vader’s little scourge of the Jedi collection. Luke killed Cal Kestis and Leia killed Reva. It was really a shame that the Jedi hadn’t joined the Inquisitors sooner. Regardless Vader’s empire was a powerhouse. Instead of playing politics, Vader played Raxus Roulette, except when the barrel came to him there was never any bullets in it. Anyone who opposed him died, and they were replaced within hours. Loyalty was the name of the game and power was the goal. Though one thing about Vader’s regime is that, despite his role as a Sith, he refused to allow the empire to harbor slaves. It was outlawed, and in many ways, despite the lack of any representation in the senate, Vader’s empire was more lax than Sidious’ would’ve been. While Vader found out about the cloning projects early on, he didn’t care for them. He shut down any and all chances for them to be furthered. He extinguished the memory of Sidious, and made sure his time as Emperor and Sith was long forgotten. His children on the other hand became monsters. They were born and bread to use the dark side unlike any other beings the galaxy had ever seen. Vader turned them into these monsters. After they bled their lightsabers they killed every Inquisitor, as per their father’s request. Though as they continued to get older, something became more and more apparent to one of them. Leia had more cognizance as an infant than Luke did. This meant that Leia remembered her parents, she also remembered her real mother, and she remembered her father killing them. It left a sick twist in her stomach and she in tern decided that she would look up more information regarding her past. It was extremely difficult, this was because of her father’s intent to cover up the past. Ironically it wasn’t because he feared one of his children stumbling upon it. It was just because he was covering up the past. Leia learned a lot of what her father hadn’t told her and she very quickly became disgusted with the idea of everything that she didn’t know about up until this point in her life. She didn’t realize that her blade belonged to a man that her biological mother trusted, a man who was a father figure in many ways to her father. The disgust only perturbed her more and she decided that she would take things into her own hands. One night after she and her brother sparred for the 10th time in a row, she joined Luke at her father’s throne inside the Temple on Coruscant. He prided his students on their hard work and told them that they were true Sith, true users of darkness. They were his pride. Vader was up and walking around, rather than sitting on his throne and as he turned back to face his throne, he called his daughter’s name and asked what was on her mind. She quickly told him that it was nothing, but as he turned around he looked at a red lightsaber igniting before his very eyes. Luke leapt up but he was slow to move. Leia didn’t hit the mark, she was stopped in midair, and he looked at her and told her that he was very disappointed. Vader flung Leia to the side and told her that she should not choose the light path. It would only bring her pain and suffering. Luke stood by his father’s side, his hand on his belt. Leia looked at the two of them, and she told Luke that he was a failure of a son to their mother. The dig didn’t mean as much for Luke as it did Leia. His lack of memories surrounding Padme left him without any sort of shame. Vader gave her one chance to put down her weapon, but she didn’t, and he told Luke to finish her. Vader sat back down at his throne. The dark side was too much for him to resist. The only thing that impeded that darkness was his love for his children, but it was far too late for him to return. He watched Luke and Leia. 21 years of experience against the other. Trained from the day they returned to their father’s grasp, and now they were fighting for a spot a the throne or a spot to challenge their father. Luke was using heavy strikes, he took after his father a lot, but his size didn’t. The form he used worked really well, but often times throughout his training it was clearly noticeable that he tried to fight like his father, which was something as a much smaller person, he struggled to do. Leia chose a form that benefited her and so she was dainty on her feet, quickly avoiding the heavy strikes made by her brother until the moment came and he opened himself up for an attack, it was a heavy strike that hit her blade. But she slid off the strike and doubled back around and slung the blade through his chest. She extinguished the weapon. Vader was shocked. He looked on in so much shame. He didn’t want either of them to die, but so be it. He stood up and grabbed his lightsaber. He told her that he never wanted this for her. She scowled at him telling him that she never chose this life. Then she hit him with PAdme would’ve never loved him like this. Vader’s anger soared. To hear this from a child who never met the woman only enticed him to rage. He had convinced himself in the years since PAdme’s death that she would’ve accepted this change for the better and stood by his side, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Vader told his daughter that she would never understand. His love for the three of them always outmatched his care for anything else in the galaxy. Leia looked at her father, she knew she couldn’t beat him. There was no chance at doing that, and she wasn’t a Jedi, she wouldn’t restart some lost order even if she could beat him. He stepped forward, each step heavier than the last. Leia looked at her brother who was still on the floor coughing up his last breathes. Leia told her father that his love for them cost him everything he was. He looked at her in a peculiar way as she brought her lightsaber up before her eyes and told him, it would cost him again. Her lightsaber ignited. Vader’s eyes opened as wide as they could and his heart shattered. Leia, at the last moment twisted the blade back towards herself and ignited it. She dropped to the floor next to her brother, who by this point had wheezed out his last breath. Vader dropped to his knees and looked on in so much shame. What had he done. His pain mixed with agony, shame, and anger. He caused this. How could he escape it. Vader held his dead children for days. He never could let go of them, but at some point he would have to. Instead of seeing it as a cataclysm for change, he saw it as a reason to delve deeper into the dark side. He pushed himself further and further and decided to try Sidious’ plans, creating cloning facilities only for them to give him nothing in return. The brokenness he felt would never be replaced. Despite Vader’s empire defeated copious amounts of Rebellions by trusting the mind of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Vader never relished in victory again. His life as Emperor saw many ups and downs, but despite his victories over his early life foes, no amount of clones would ever replace what he lost, when his children turned against each other because of his own actions. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to GalavantGaming, Tristen, Darth Revan, Pimp Daddy Bane, The Last Je’daii, Apollo, weewoo670, Ozi Tano, CT7567, OzoofOz, Darth Nox, The Eternal Padawan, Johnny Nguyen, Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth, MrYeetGamer, Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer 66, Madmana Studios, Anakin003, Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars, Lemon Knight, Rex the Wolf, The Man with three first names, DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing for supporting the channel! Let’s hit 2k likes
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 241,788
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Keywords: darthvader, obiwankenobi, obiwanvsanakin, anakinskywalker, vader, skywalker, anakin, obiwan, kenobi, ppsw, pentepatrol, pentepatrolstarwars, starwars, starwarswhatif, starwarswhatifs, whatifdarthvader, whatifanakinskywalker, whatifvaderdidn'tburn, revengeofthesith, darthsidious, theclonewars, lightsaber, lightsabers, asmr, starwarsmemes, ahsoka, ahsokatano, yoda, jedi, sith, order66, whatifstarwars, starwarstheories, starwarstheory, starwarsprequels, starwarsart, palpatine, starwarsstory, starwarscanon, starwarslegends, starwarseu
Id: H53i8GDr9cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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