Why Anakin Tried to Reach His Lightsaber While Burning (Not Why You Think) - Star Wars Explained

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what were both Anakin's and Obi-Wan's thoughts when Obi-Wan decided to take Anakin's lightsaber off of Mustafar why did Anakin react with such rage but was unable to stop his former Master greetings acolytes of the force and welcome back to the channel during their final confrontation on the lava Planet the newly dubbed Lord Vader would arrogantly attempt to kill his former Jedi Master using the same move that Kenobi had used against Darth Maul years ago on nabo with a quick maneuver known as a Triple M Key a forbidden move the Jedi left the Sith Lord limbless on the lava Bank as he began to berate him he reaches down to pick up Anakin's lightsaber after all this was the weapon of a Jedi and did not belong in the hands of a Sith Lord but what was going through each of their minds when this happened in most novels and Comics we are clued into the secret thoughts of characters going through important events and today we're going to look through multiple sources and discover exactly what Obi-Wan and Anakin were thinking about Skywalker's lightsaber this goes without saying but Vader intended to keep his Jedi lightsaber the way it was just bleeding the blue crystal within into the Crimson of the Sith it was a weapon that Skywalker had used for many years and it suited him quite well just as it had been a weapon fighting on behalf of peace and Justice it was also a weapon of mass destruction when it was used for Revenge slaughtering the separatists and his Jedi Brethren Yoda had actually previously criticized Anakin for building a weapon of War when a lightsaber was meant to be a peacekeeper weapon Obi-Wan actually has thoughts about this when he picks up his Fallen apprentice's lightsaber the novel for Revenge of the Sith says this Obi-Wan picked up Anakin's lightsaber he lifted his own as well weighing them in his hands Anakin had based his design upon Obi-Wan so similar they were so differently they had been used in this moment Obi-Wan is using his own hands as scales and waiting the differences between the lightsabers tragically there was very little difference in their weight and their design however the weight of Anakin sins made his lightsaber much heavier in the grand scheme of things at the end of it all though Obi-Wan still knew that this was a Jedi's weapon it had been made by a Jedi in Anakin Skywalker and it now belonged to Anakin's children with Anakin himself burning away on the shores of Mustafar and Lord Vader being born from The Embers the weapon had once belonged to a brave Jedi Knight and was now a gift to his son the last bit of Anakin that remained was within the lightsaber Obi-Wan thought it was po poetic and appropriate so many times had Anakin used his lightsaber to save Obi-Wan in the lives of so many others Obi-Wan understands the significance of a lightsaber and cannot bear the thought of it being used to take lives to bring the Galaxy to ruin even if Anakin was gone some part of him would always be with his lightsaber in strike contrast to this Anakin Skywalker's thoughts are far different or should we say the thoughts of the burgeoning Lord Vader this comes from the novel The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader where it says this feeling the intense heat permeating his torn tunic Anakin sighted his Fallen lightsaber lying a short distance away too stunned and dazed to focus his powers he watched with rage as Obi-Wan bent down to pick up the lightsaber then took it with him as he began walking up the slope after having his limbs hacked off in a single instant Anakin is understandably in shock the amount of pain and sudden loss of organic flesh would most certainly hinder his ability most importantly his ability to focus on the force as much as he wants to reach out with the force and wrench the lightsaber from the ground his pain eclipses his Focus the first time Anakin had his limb severed by Dooku he passed out from the pain here his rage and The Burning Flame of the dark side was keeping him cognizant but he had not been trained in the dark side whatsoever it was easy to drink in the suffering of others and one's own rage to fuel a dark cider's power but to use pain to to gain power was another lesson entirely Anakin had become Vader that evening and did not have the skill and understanding his pain kept him at Bay incapacitated The Stroke of Obi-Wan's lightsaber had left him so much less than what he once was imagine Anakin the massive power of the dark side of the forest boiling to the surface his body surging with energy the Newfound gifts of the dark side and then brought to the point where he cannot reach out with the force and claim his own love lightsaber from the lava bank with the contrast driving him mad his power what remained of it almost mocking him so much less of what it just was moments prior he is forced to watch with rage as Kenobi takes his lightsaber his life earlier in the passage Anakin says that he refuses to die like this at Obi-Wan's hand and In This Moment Anakin is literally staring down the barrel of his own mortality all of his mighty powers that made him feel invincible this entire time were now fleeting and he was at the mercy of his former Master helpless on the beach several years ago Obi-Wan drilled it into Anakin's head that the lightsaber was his life that he was always meant to care for it this was a lesson Anakin learned the hard way yet he had learned it his lightsaber was his Greatest Prize his greatest treasure and now it was in the hand of an enemy representing the very fact that Anakin's life was in Obi-Wan's hand and then his life his lightsaber was literally taken by Obi-Wan in front of his very eyes this moment speaks to the powerful emotions that the two men were feeling Obi-Wan mournful and heartbroken over his apprentice and that he has decided to use his Jedi weapon to end life and Anakin blazing with hatred and fury over his master taking his weapon and life away from him all despite the power that he had recently gained for both of them what was happening around Anakin's lightsaber was inconceivable to Center this conversation just around the object of the lightsaber seems minuscule at first until you dive into the comics and find out how many of Obi-Wan and Anakin's conversations center around the lightsaber and its purpose the two of them buted heads a lot but they shared a sort of bond over the weapon as Jedi Guardians they saw combat often which of course only escalated with the Clone War this object held a lot of significance not only for Anakin's Life as a Jedi but for their relationship in this moment where Obi-Wan takes his apprentice's lightsaber this is truly the death of Anakin Skywalker no longer worthy to wield a Jedi weapon and a last thing to pass on to his children children that he has sacrificed in the name of the dark side Obi-Wan inheriting the lightsaber of Anakin is the final stroke of the Jedi chosen one he is no longer worthy and this is a moment that Lord Vader will fixate on for two decades obsessed with the idea that Obi-Wan Kenobi killed Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar took his lightsaber and left but my friends these were the thoughts detailed of both Anakin and Obi-Wan the moment that the lightsaber was taken off of Mustafar a lot of the time we like to break down and analyze the seemingly small and insignificant details in various scenes some may find it unnecessary because it doesn't speak to the larger narrative but in fact the perspective that these characters have on this object the events and especially each other gives us an understanding and an appreciation of just how rich and layered these stories truly are what seems like a couple of seconds of screen time just Obi-Wan retrieving Anakin's lightsaber causes ripples causes Ripples and waves within the web of these interpersonal relationships my friends and acolytes I would love to hear your thoughts on this powerful scene shared between Anakin and Obi-Wan what do you think of Skywalker's rage seeing Kenobi take his lightsaber and Obi-Wan's to ision to remove the lightsaber from Darth Vader's grasp entirely wanting to give it to his children as the last piece left behind of his friend Anakin thank you always so much for your constant support of the channel May the force be with you and I hope that you're having an amazing day [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 641,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anakin Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Darth Vader, Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Lightsaber, Ahsoka Anakin
Id: xsTQjbr6m9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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