Why 99.9% of CS2 Players Will Never Go Pro

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today we will examine the iceberg of C sabotage in CS2 highlighting the various ways we hinder our own success as we delve deeper we will explore increasingly obscure topics that most players are unfamiliar with spoiler alert somebody could be watching you when least expected the aim of this video is to shine light on all the errors that most of us make hopefully helping you fix them and take first steps towards becoming a more well-rounded player and a teammate I'm including time stamps for the video if you want to jump to the part that interests you feel free to do so without further Ado let's melt this Iceberg to its core so level one which is like surface for casuals you don't focus on AIM enough for advanced players you focus on it too much in CS there seem to be two types of players some can't wait to get right into a match without any warm-up or practice mainly enjoying the thrill of real matches on the other hand some players meticulously completed their aim routine eat a cup of blueberries and do a meditation breathing session before playing a single game of face it to ensure that their aim and reflexes are sharp however both of these approaches are flawed a player should seek balance between mechanics and strategy overemphasizing either aspect can result in shortcomings in the other area putting you at a disadvantage compared to a player who understand this balance there's a common tendency to view either aim or strategy as more important in CS but the key is balance playing same roles and position itions all of us like to stay comfortable and take to stick to what works however this mindset can limit our progress when new players start improving they often become proficient in one aspect of the game and neglect others turning into one trick ponies to become a versatile player you should seek diverse experiences that allow you to adapt to any situation this way you can fully capitalize on opportunities that may lead to joining a more serious team poor economy management be honest how often when you shouldn't buy anything you buy a deagle that inevitably just ends up being wasted 700 and stops you from being able to use n in the next Buy Round well this is an obvious way we all throw games sometimes but can't seem to stop it next time when you think about spending that money try to come up with a creative way to surprise your opponent with USB Glocks or communicate the plan to your teammates you will be surprised how often teamwork is a much better solution and actually wins you the rounds don't think of CS2 as a single player game basically get a teammate preferably more of them and play the game together everyone will enjoy it more and everyone will therefore progress faster this will also mean that you will improve your socializing skills and if you want to become successful you will have to get on a team and you will have to act like a teammate this is something players today struggle with after they're picked onto a team after grinding face it for years but then they quickly realize making money money out of gaming is more than just being good at clicking heads it's a lifestyle and if you are hard to work with or unable to fit in you will be replaced for maybe less skilled player but the one with the ability to communicate say their opinion and socialize on daily basis with the rest of the team well being a difficult teammate especially when you struggle this one really grinds my gear so developing bad habits of difficult teammates is so easy to do and can take you the whole career to fix them the things you begin to do as soon as you feel off that you might not even be aware of are annoying for others and contribute to bad environment anytime you play if you try to back tell your mates alive how should they play you sigh or moan into the mic you're basically sabotaging your whole team on the spot stop complaining about how you die but give information to your alive teammates instead sticking to a two sentence rule is great way to improve communication so first sentence is to give raw information of position and number of enemies second sentence should be based on the context what you see them doing in a death cam being a difficult teammate can burn so many bridges between you and your teammates to the point where they won't even consider playing with you in the future even if you are a skilled player sometimes it's better to get a worst player for the sake of maintaining good ingame atmosphere okay let's move into level two fear of failure so this is big one fear of failure is something that I experienced myself myself not necessarily in Esports but as a kid when I played Sports so I was afraid of being beaten it may cause you to put off or avoid any activity or scenario that has the potential for an unsuccessful outcome players may be scared to try new things take risks or Embrace growth for fear of failure have a listen to this podcast appearance of Le where he talks about the same problem he had back when he was playing Starcraft he called it Lea anxiety I never like played like too too much because I was one of those guys that had like lad anxiety where I I didn't like to play because I I I didn't want to lose so I I did play like a decent amount but I really liked watching and like studying people like how they played what's the best build stuff like that uh I I was never like Pro level but I was playing as good as I can I mean everyone's a semi-pro I love like when I see just like Semi-Pro like in someone's description so I I hate like saying that but I was like just GM level I would say as was just a Starcraft player players are afraid to try out open qualifiers or travel to land tournaments because they are afraid of being beaten when in fact you will regretted you didn't experience these things as much as you could because these challenging risks will Skyrocket your improvement by the way before continuing to the video I want to remind you about helping me this Channel and my content grow if you like what you're watching like And subscribe button are just two clicks away let's get back into the video create the balance between Theory crafting SLB brainstorming and playing competitive when you want to become good you hardwire your brain that you should be playing a lot and it makes sense while it is good to create off balance and grind at early stages of your career I will suggest spending a good amount of time on empty server as well reason is simple playing the game will make your mechanic solid but lacking thinking in safe environment of empty server might undermine your problem solving skills especially in a team setting bouncing ideas of your teammates can create a vision and identity of how you want to play the game these sessions are usually extremely productive and Implement team play that you would not get just by playing the competitive games all the time don't ignore other means of practice so variety is King when it comes to practice you can see that any other sports that athletes supplement their usual training with other activities like gym cardio or cycling don't tunnel vision yourself on playing face face it constantly experimenting is part of growth and stuff like aim trainers watching content from other successful players watching deos watching live tournaments is still part of your practice you're improving all these things help you become a more complete player for instance I did a video where I covered tons of modules you can upgrade your warm-up routines so I highly suggest you checking it out for inspiration having more ways to improve in Your Arsenal is always a good idea blaming others and ignoring own weaknesses we as humans hate to take ownership for our actions when it leads to poor results the defense mechanism is to shift the blame and proect on others who are in this case our teammates I know for a fact this huge reflect caused some players their careers as they were unable to take or make constructive criticism great mindset that I want to share with you is the one from automatic North American major winner have a listen to this part of the podcast which can be also found in the description down below one thing that I was doing when I was like 14 I remember I was kind of in the same stage I'm in right now where all I'm doing is playing Rank and uh back then it was CS pugs and I was 14 and I remember like I would you know blame my teammates all the time and then one day I just thought like you know I never I'm never going to play with these guys you know like like if I play 10 games within a day I'm just going to be playing I'm going to be playing playing with the you know 50 different players or whatever so what's the point of me complaining about 50 different people like you know what I'm saying like it just makes no sense because you know I tell this guy or let's say I die because someone didn't flash for me and I get mad a this guy he's so bad he didn't know to flash for me you know that you know even if I tell him yo next time flash for me it's not going to change anything you know because I'm not going to play with him the next game so instead is I need to think more it's my fault like I didn't tell him to flash I didn't tell him to do this you know or let's say someone doesn't calm something and I'm thinking like this guy didn't tell me that he was that this was open like these guys are horrible you know like that's what I would be thinking back then when I was 14 but then you know eventually I learned that that's not his fault like I mean even if it is his fault what does it matter you know I should just try to be more aware of the openings and if I see that it's an opening then I should just play for it you know like and I think having that kind of mentality where basically like I'm never like I'm not the victim of my teammates you know like I'm whatever happens in the game like like that's on me you know like having that kind of mentality I think helped me a lot like when I was just grinding pugs and that's something that I'm trying to do even to this day you know that's something I've tried to do throughout my whole entire career give up too easily so this is especially true to those who are more casual players but I see it often even in players who try to take it seriously whenever you hit a period that feels like a slump you tend to give up completely a string of bad days will demotivate you to the point where you don't even feel a joy to play and switch to another game understand that CS2 has actually insane steep learning curve I have yet to find an ort title where it's this extreme you will have to invest a lot of time into the game before you start winning so be prepared what helped me and other new players is to shift our Focus from trying to win the game to noticing how much you are improving every single game there are new positions you will play better new utility you will test out new moves that work out and you will notice improvements which always spark a motivation to keep playing be okay with slums they happen to all of us even professionals myself included I did a video on how to overcome them faster and avoid them more let's move on to level three there is probably someone watching Academy teams in scouting in CS2 became much more sophisticated and professional lately rise of Academy teams across the world means that organizations spectate matches that are not even on hltv they focus on young prospects who are rather unknown and they might be playing in open qualifiers or lower tier divisions or School circuits as soon as they see a potentially you become their target and you may be picked up if you truly try your best no matter the circum SES these Academy projects become so popular because they target young unproven talents they are usually cheap pickup and are offered lower salaries compared to established players with a means to develop their skill set and potentially promote them into the main lineup or sell them from profit CS2 is a business and when it comes to these Diamonds in the Rough or players who are Young and Hungry return on investment is huge hence the popularity of this trend well now you're probably thinking well I'm gold Nova or rank five on face it surely I won't be in Crosshair of na'vi Academy or something think about it this way you don't need to be watched by actual Scouts it can be your teammate spectating you while you win a 1 V3 clutch he might see something in you that makes him invite you to play with him in the future and the chain of events can potentially make you end up on a team this Butterfly Effect is actually how I got known in the first place and I know so many current Pro players who got recognized similarly you can argue that they were lucky or at the right place at the right time I don't know but the truth is they enabled themselves to this opportunity and this is the whole point of this concept unreachable personality so this is a little bit more advanced mostly for Semi-Pro players who are on the verge of actually making money through CS but I'm going to include it anyway being unreachable and making yourself difficult to get in touch with is Pak self sabotage imagine that someone notices you in a random game and then he won't be able to find you again or when he finds you don't reply creating most basic social media profiles and keep them active is a very good habit to have because if you get on a team in the future you will already have some kind of personal fan base and people will be familiar with your name one step further is that you want to be attractive for organizations you sign for sure in game performance TRS it all and that is important but building upon your success you will need to interact and have personality in this space it creates so much leverage for you in the future think of it as an investment and many players who ignored it regret it now when they are older I know it firsthand because some of these players I talk about are my actual ex-teammates you don't know anything about CS well you need to be open-minded your way of thinking is not the perfect way to play the game in fact there is no way to master Counter Strike the game is evolving on some apps every other week you see the different style that is meta this is partly connected to the brain brain storm chapter we went over before but conversations with your teammates will lead you to solving in-game problems faster than you would just brute force it by playing constantly try to figure out during the actual game so Theory crafting on the empty server is powerful tool that should be nurtured from the Inception of your team if you're serious about winning well thanks for watching if you made it all the way here you are probably very serious about improving in the game so I wish you only the best in doing so and if I forgot the concept that you feel like should have been included or mentioned also let me know in the comment section down below and let's discuss it I'm looking forward to see you in the next video which YouTube already recommends you and you probably see it on the screen right now see you there bye-bye
Channel: STYKO
Views: 33,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Id: x56la9fIDC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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