How I Quit Gaming

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so for the past 6 months I haven't played a single second of video games and this is probably the longest I've ever gone without playing them now the reason I decided to quit gaming cold turkey was because it's extremely addicting and the reason these games are so addicting is because they're literally designed to be as addictive as possible gaming companies have probably spent thousands of hours researching exactly why people play certain games and how they can hook you gaming gives you instant gratification which is very addictive because humans are prone to seek immediate pleasure and gaming offers an abundance of this this is why it feels so much more appealing to waste time on video games instead of going to the gym or working on a project in this video I'm going to give you the five steps that I used to quit my gaming addiction step one the grand gesture the first step that I used to quit gaming was to let all of my gaming friends know that I was quitting I just sent everyone that I used to game with a short message saying that I was grateful for the Memories but that gaming didn't really interest me anymore this is an example of a grand gesture in the book deep work by K newort he says that when you're really serious about doing something you do a grand gesture and this was mine describing this he says by leveraging a radical change to your normal environment coupled perhaps with a significant investment of effort or money all dedicated towards supporting a deep work task you increase the perceived importance of the task here are some more examples I also left all of the gaming group chats that I was in and because I did this it made it very unlikely that I would be messaged by my friends and tempted to come online step two removing all Temptations the Second Step I took was to delete every game and launcher off of my PC so I wouldn't be tempted to click on them out of habit I even deleted the apps that my friends would message me on you might think this is a step too far but you can always reinstall them whenever you need to message those friends and uninstall them until you next need to use those apps just like deleting my games this made it so I wouldn't be tempted to open the app or be distracted by a notification I also keep my phone on do not disturb mode while I'm working and keep it out of sight knowing that I can always check it later in the day step three replacing gaming the fourth thing I did was to replace gaming with making YouTube videos and learning when I did this it wasn't long before I realized that the main aspect of gaming that I found so addicting was leveling up and making progress in the game I've wasted so many years of my life leveling up in games when I could have been leveling up in real life and when you pick a skill to dedicate your time to and improve that you'll find that it's so much rewarding than gaming now the majority of my time is spent figuring out how I can become a better YouTuber by giving as much value to people as possible I also spend a lot of my time learning I'll watch videos read books listen to podcasts so I can use the knowledge to improve my own life and then teach it to other people by making videos about it learning is actually so much fun but I never used to give it a chance because I used to think that it was boring school and the education system gave me this impression by forcing me to learn about dull unimportant things that had little to no impact on my life it was only when I became interested in self-improvement that I started to learn and read consistently I can almost guarantee that if you think about any problem you've ever had in your life there'll be a fantastic book on how to overcome it step five joining a tribe the fourth thing that I did was join a group sport I chose kickboxing in Brazilian jiujitsu joining some kind of group activity is a healthy and fun way to socialize and level up without gaming just like uploading to YouTube this allowed me to progress towards a goal that would positively impact My Life Training MMA is fantastic because you're building a rare skill while socializing and exercising you gain three benefits from one activity step six beating procrastination the final thing I did to overcome my gaming addiction was to find out why I was constantly procrastinating and then solve the problem when I was gaming I knew that it was a waste of time and wouldn't get me closer to my goals but I still couldn't stop I kept choosing gaming over recording YouTube videos even though I had the goal to become a YouTuber and make money online I was a chronic procrastinator and was using gaming to distract me from my subconscious fears if you struggle with procrastination just as I did then click the first link in the description to stop procrastinating I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it helped you if it did please feel free to like the video subscribe and enable post notifications if you want to see more videos just like this one thanks for watching and take care
Channel: Aaron
Views: 11
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Procrastination, Productivity, Self Improvement
Id: a2S9ZKvW7-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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