Who's the False Prophet In Revelation? (Revelation 13:11-12) | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] all right let's look at verse 11 now verse 11 alright now this is the person then I'm actually most interested in then the Antichrist believe it or not there's so many mentions of Antichrist Antichrist out in the Bible but this evil figure is the least mentioned and to be quite honest to me and I want to spend more time researching this person and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth okay so remember the Antichrist just came from the pits of hell he came up out of the earth right we already read that part but there's another being that comes up out of the earth so this guy is also a demon so to speak but notice that this creature coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb look at this okay so this is something that you want to know notice that had two horns like a lamb so this animal is a lamb now this is what I would recommend when you study okay looks like the peppermint candy on top of this animal but anyways okay anyways so when we look at this passage over here I'm gonna give you a big clue and this is gonna be something that onliners is going to be a big help when they research false prophet look up every mention in the Bible that talks about false prophet and I think you're gonna find a lot of gold mine to this identity you might say why is that because he already gave you a first clue two horns like a lamb right but it says right here the mouth okay and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a what dragon so he speaks like the devil though now remember the again and the Beast had great had mouths that spoke blasphemies correct but they their mouth held charisma that's the point there's a saying that's pretty interesting when you are doing a speech in competition against a person one of these groups of people they don't want to compete with in speech because they know these people people are very good at oratory skills are believe it or not ministers ministers are the people that a lot of lot of the world recognize as those who have great oratory skills they don't like to compete with those people quite often think about it if you're going to have the best oratory skill it's got to be something like a minister that's why it supports the notion again where the Pope would be a great candidate for that one because he's considered as a minister role the false prophet see prophet so he is one of those ministers all right now another thing is that he's a lamb too right all right let's look at the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 all right we're going to look at Matthew chapter 7 look at verse 15 Matthew chapter 7 and verse 15 why did the Bible call the false prophet two horns like a lamb because that's what a false prophet is they dress up like a lamb now what I find interesting is that it doesn't really call it a lamb although I could be wrong about that it says as a lamb though why is that because they appear like a lamb they give a false pretensions appearance look at Matthew chapter seven verse 15 beware of what's the word false prophets look at that see and God calls this person the false prophet right but look beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing boom but inwardly they are ravening wolves look at that if there's something that this preacher wants to be he would prefer to be a sheep in wolf's clothing in the eyes of the world rather than a wolf in sheep's clothing to the eyes of the world see that's what joel osteen rick warren and all these mega pastors you know what they are they're wolves but they appear as sheep to the world but you get this pastor over here another bible believing preachers who preach we look like wolves to the world but we're just sheep we're just sheep dressed up as wolves in the eyes of the world like dr. Otteman said he would say you know I'm not a I'm not a wolf in sheep's clothing I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing that's what he would say but there is so much truth to that there is so much truth to that all right let's look at 2nd Peter and then we're gonna look at 1st John I'm gonna show you something interesting here 2nd Peter and 1st John Lord willing maybe I might do a real long study on this because I see a lot of interesting things now you got to think about this when the Bible talks about Antichrist and false prophet in the book of Revelation here's a big clue it is not the first time mentioned that is something important to understand the Antichrist and the false prophet is not first time mentioned at revelation 13 now those official people Antichrist like the Antichrist himself the false prophet himself officially yeah the first mention you'll find out is Revelation 13 but God he always saw Antichrist and false prophets before these official guys came in and that's the big clue that would help a lot with your studying about the Antichrist and the false prophet see so if you want to understand more about the official Antichrist and the official false prophet you've got to look at mentions about the what god sees as Antichrist and false prophet so when you do that that will help a lot with your research in identifying and understanding more about the false prophet and the Antichrist I just gave you a big clue over there all right so let's look at first let's look at first John first that way we can understand 2nd Peter let's look at first John first now notice what the Bible talks about the Antichrist we're going to look at 1st John chapter 2 chapter 2 look at verse 22 first John chapter 2 we'll read verse 22 the Bible says over here who is a liar but he that denieth Jesus is the Christ he is what Antichrist so it's not just the Antichrist at revelation 13 the Bible sees that it can happen even right now that there is an antichrist not only that the Bible also shows that before the official Antichrist comes out that there already many Antichrist throughout the world actually so we're going to look at first John chapter 3 first John chapter 3 now notice that it talks about at verse 12 not s Cain who was of that wicked one so it's talking about in context the wicked one of Satan then we also look at verse it's going to be chapter 4 notice at verse 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many what false prophets but keep reading look at verse 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of what look at this look at how they go coincide together false prophet and Antichrist but this was happened this was happening currently at John's time so notice that even before the official Antichrist the official false prophet came out the Lord saw miniature versions of that unofficial version so speak long before so there are Antichrist actually in our world I am sure I don't know why I'm having a hard time finding that passage it should be chapter first John 2 so I read it first John four let me try to find out first John 2 again should I it should be easy to find I don't know what's so hard to find yeah it is a long chapter actually alright so I'm going to actually I have to show it to you so hopefully I can find it let's see let's look at chapter 3 again chapter 4 okay hmm maybe I'm wrong about this I thought it was at first year I know it's at first John so I guess you know it's not chapter 1 I know that for a fact yeah oh well I know it's at first John but I guess I'll never find it alright if someone can search Antichrist at the book of first John maybe they can find something ok and then just give me all the reference mentions about it but we're gonna look at 2nd Peter for now go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 chapter 2 notice who rises up at the last days the Bible warns and the last days there will be false prophets see that but look what false prophets dude they're good in speech to make money remember the false prophet he has the mouth of a dragon that's why he's gonna be that's what one big clue about a false prophet is that he's going to be very good oratory skills that's why I really think that your pastor mentioned this before is that Billy Graham I can give him the benefit of the doubt of being a say person I can allow that to happen but I believe this very strongly person like Billy Graham more more so than Joel Osteen I believe Billy Graham is a stronger candidate you might say why so because this man literally is the world's all world religions bend to him and news reports don't mention anything negative about Billy Graham and Billy Graham the thing about him which makes it even more dangerous is that when you hear and preach the gospel he sounds more conservative than Joel Osteen and Rick Warren if you look at his son every time he's at a new to interview his son always mentions about the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which we can all agree in amen - but how is he but how is he proven to be evil then if he speaks the truth on use see that's what a false prophet is he knows when to switch sides in playing different parties that's why Billy Graham is very very clever so that's why in those meetings he sound very conservative and he sound like a Bible believer like you but that's only when you show that portion of him when you look at the other political meetings that he has I mean he you'll see a total 180 yes sister so it is - okay so let's look at first John I can't believe I couldn't find that oh yeah it is verse 18 those three verses behind it I don't know why couldn't see that first John 2:18 now this is the verse that shows that there are already many Antichrist but the official Antichrist did not come out yet so this is the verse that's key little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come right the official one Ian now are there what many Antichrist whereby we know that it is the last time see n times that builds up the evidence more that the false prophet will not false prophet that the Antichrist really looks like a Pope figure you might say why because there are already many Antichrist currently John says during that time there is one power that never lost and that is a Roman king ever since Jesus time all the way to today and even at the tribulation it is always a Roman pontiff Roman ruler so that's why I see more and more it's got to be a pope figure and then the false prophet I can see it more and more as a minister figure like Billy Graham why because according to 1st Peter chapter 2 look at this it's a typical sign of a false pastor 1st John 2:1 but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you see that so people online who post false doctrines make up their own channels they are just like what this false prophet is going to be you better watch out for that see who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and through covet justice they with what feigned words make merchandise of you so notice right here that they've got great swelling words great swelling words but they're also very powerful because why it's all merchandise look at verse 18 verse 18 for when they speak what great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escape from them who live in error while they promise them Liberty see that so these pastors all talk about independence equal rights why because it's all about freedom see liberty right they themselves are the servants of corruption for whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage but he's actually a slave no wonder revelation 13 says he that leadeth into captivity shall be what be made into a captive how about that let's go back to Revelation 13 another thing about this Antichrist that we can figure out what he is mostly like is at and I gotta end so there they were I'm a little bit past the time now so yeah I'm sorry I just I was about to say and I lost it so sorry the remaining parts of the false prophet is gonna be shown and I'm gonna connect that to this so so far we got first clue he's he's like a Billy Graham figure you can really see that he why because Billy Graham also has not only is he mostly a minister but it's that political connection and power so we can see that if you have that kind of a Billy Graham again a second Billy Graham that would be perfect for a false prophet but there are two other things that I noticed and I'm going to give you this interesting combination of what a false prophet is going to be so we'll we will cover that in our next revelation study with this interesting figure you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 22,421
Rating: 4.8891258 out of 5
Keywords: false prophet, book of revelation, who is the antichrist, how to understand revelation, biblical prophecy, end time prophecy, antichrist and false prophet, the end is coming, end times 2020, world is ending 2020, chaos 2020
Id: A_rS7C8zan4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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