Satan's Masterpiece, The False Prophet

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well I'd like you to look at revelation in chapter 13 and this is a very interesting text and I'll tell you why in chapter 12 you saw this great chapter on Satan one of the culminating chapters on Satan and then you saw in 13 a last week the chapter on Antichrist and now we're going to look at a fellow Satan and Anti Christ our Satan is all through the Bible Antichrist is at about four or five places in the Old Testament but this fellow we're going to look at you've never seen him he gets one place and that is Acts chapter 13 in a sense this has been called Satan's masterpiece we see the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit the father the one who has a plan the son who brings it about and the Holy Spirit that sells it and brings the elect unto faith brings them to worship in the book of Revelation we see the dragon Satan we see the Antichrist the one through whom he works out his purposes and then we see who is called the false prophet the one that deceives the world and sells him to the world Father Son Holy Spirit the dragon Antichrist false prophet one produces a bride the church one produces a harlot one goes to the realms of glory one to the lake of fire and so this is called Satan's masterpiece in chapter 13 and verse 11 we begin reading and it says John says I saw another beast coming out of the earth had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon now those are some central ideas of the false prophet he is called another beast just as Antichrist is a beast he is satanic he has power but he has no morality and he has no relationship to God a dangerous thing to have a politician that has power and authority but has no sense of right and wrong no sense of God and this is another beast he is just as satanic as Antichrist and it is says he comes out of the earth in chapter 13 verse 1 Antichrist came out of the sea the unruly tempestuous Gentile realm this man comes out of the earth John Wahlberg said he comes out of an established domicile he comes out of an established place he will be hypothetically the head of the World Council of Churches he will be hypothetically the Pope he will be a an Islamic Imam he will be a Buddhist priest he'll be the Dalai Lama he's going to come out of an existing institution and he had two horns like a lamb he's going to look like a religious figure a man of peace but he spoke like a dragon he will be a prophet but he'll be a false prophet a satanic prophet and so he is also a very important figure and I'll show you why the company he has put in if you look at chapter 19 at the return of Christ and in chapter 19 if you'll look in verse 20 it says the beast Antichrist was seized and with him the false prophet who performed signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped to be in the image and these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire who are the first two people of the human race to be cast in the lake of fire Antichrist and his voice some have called him to joke gurbles of the New Testament how many of you remember you had to go away is back Yana who Joker was he was Hitler's PR men he was the guy that presented Adolf Hitler to the German world as being the savior and then he called the German world to bow at his feet and so this is Joe gurbles as the Holy Spirit brings men to the knowledge of Christ this is the impersonation of the Holy Spirit and so he is cast into the lake of fire and if you look in chapter 20 at the great white throne judgment in verse 10 the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are also and so the false prophet gets top billing in the Bible he's not just a sinner he's listed with the father and the son with the Dragon and the beast this is a bad guy and so go back here to chapter 13 of Revelation and let me just answer the question what does this mean they came out of the earth out of an established order how do you recognize them though you're not going to be here how do you recognize him well now that you've gone back to 13 go back to 17 alright look at chapter 17 and just stay with me right here and let me answer that question it says in verse 1 that come here and I'll show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her immorality and he carried me into the wilderness and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet Beast full of blasphemous names having ten heads are seven heads and ten horns the woman clothed with purple and scarlet she's a harlot seductive unfaithful throughout the Bible spiritual harlotry is used in opposition wisdom whenever wisdom is depicted in the Bible it is mentioned in the female it's like the lady of wisdom the woman of wisdom prized her above all things religious unfaithfulness is a harlot a harlot as unfaithful to God her husband and she's dangerous and so often in the Bible when men turned to the idols it is said they they turned to harlotry and their minds and hearts were full of harlotry their unfaithful to God well here in verse 3 riding upon the Beast verse one that sits on many waters all of the earth there is a harlot and she sits on in verse three seven heads and ten horns verse nine the seven heads are seven mountains which the woman sits they are seven kings and the woman sits on them so there are two different aspects to this woman that she is religious spiritual unfaithfulness to God from all times she sits on the seven heads Egypt Assyria Babylon Persia Greece Rome then some day revived their own attend nation power you would say what do they all have in common they all have religions not amory theistic do any of these kingdoms worship the true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob no they worship gods and they persecute the people of God and now we would say in comparative religions they are all of different polytheistic religious systems the Bible says no they're not there is one harlot who sits on all of them and this harlot is singular and this harlot verse six hates the people of God it is simply it's called in verse five it's called Babylon the Great after the flood in Genesis chapter 6 through 9 you see the Tower of Babel and out from the Tower of Babel go the nations out from the tower Babel will go the tyrants and out from the Tower of Babel will go the religion polytheism all different religions that have one thing in common the rejection of the true God the scripture sees it as one harlot that sits on all of them where does it trace itself back to verse 5 to babylon babylon said we are the gate of God Bob L the gate of God man taking the place of God just like the garden being God said no you're not the gate of God I'm gonna call you not Bob L but Babel means confusion Francis Schaeffer said this was the leading philosophic text of the bottle when man rejects God and makes himself god man died never want to be an atheist man's not an instinctive atheist to make him an atheist you gotta send him to college yeah man wants a God okay but the problem is he won't take the true God and so he makes himself God and he invents gods of his own imagination and those gods produce verse 5 abominations and harlotries the immoralities and perversions and the violence and all the stuff that comes out of those mindsets traces itself back to Genesis chapter 11 - Bob L the gate of God well it's like you didn't see once you see the Tower of Babel it kind of is all below the surface until here it erupts again and we have one government we have one religion we're gonna have one economy we're in the Bible do you see all men trying to be one the tower of so here it is again and remember when God saw all men as one he didn't say oh they're all one what marvelous things are going to produce he said there's nothing that will be impossible there is no amount of evil that they can't do like I said if you're a teacher and you've got 12 twelve-year-old boys all sitting together you're not going to have great great good come out of that you're going to have to do what kill them that's illegal you can't do that but you can slow down the evil so what do you need to do separate them and you'll slow it down well God slowed down evil now you don't have men come together you have men fighting each other and the evil is slowed down what's going to happen when one man brings about a politic a religion and an economy that's all one because God has removed the restrainer and so Satan the pit bull they're yours go and so we have the harlot so this is false religion from all time and it's interesting in verse 5 she's called the mother of harlots and the mother of the abominations of the earth when you look at abortion when you look at homosexuality when you look at fornication pornography when you look at communism Buddhism Hinduism Islam false Christianity that denies the truth of the gospel when you look at atheism secularism in college you study all of them chronologically and sequentially in the Bible this is the mind that has wisdom they're all one and they all come from the devil and they emerged from the mouth of Babylon did you all study that in college you didn't know what would happen in college if a teacher said we're gonna study all of these together but they all come from one place and that's a rejection of the true God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the evils of our world come from the ideology of man making himself god what would happen to that professor he would be gone before the class is over and so only the Christian is able to see this the mind that had the wisdom are you win this so far and so the harlot is God backing up and saying this is the woman that sits upon the the waters and upon the kingdoms of this earth is Babel the rejection of God but as you read in chapter 17 it's just not religion from all time but the macroscope becomes a microscope it's the religion of the last days that you'll notice in verse 3 she sits on the Beast Antichrist and verse let's see 7 the beast that carries her that this is a final religion that all the world's religions will come together into one ideology that is ordered by Antichrist and is fostered through the false prophet and I think he will be a religious figure the biggest vote as to who he will be is the Pope some have said now he'll be the head of the World Council of Churches other will say he'll be a Jewish I mean a Muslim Imam some have said this he's going to be a religious figure you say what does that mean a world religion you ever seen this bumper sticker right here the disturbing thing that's Kendall's car it really is a used Honda Civic with 600,000 square of miles on it right there actually that bumper sticker is not completely wrong is the Christians supposed to exist alongside of evil and present the gospel and win them out yeah we're supposed to be at peace with all men you think that's what that bumper sticker means no it is not it means there is no truth no final truth it's what man be holds God as being fashions him into man's own image and there is no ultimate truth thus there is no truth because everything is truth okay and so that's what that bumper sticker means and so this is the religion of the bumper sticker and as why does the people put put Kendall's deal back up there is it still up there or all right why do people want that because if there is that it will give a symbol enticed is going to have take hold of a ten nation power and bring the earth underneath him to bring peace all religion will have to come together under this false prophet and you will have peace there will be one economic system probably going to be a lot of socialism and we will have peace and so he's going to be the who does the man of the years at time or Newsweek time he's gonna be the time man of the year it's gonna be this guy he is going to be with the restrainer I think he could have appeared and this could have appeared at any point of history but God wouldn't because we were there and so he has restrained evil the rapture has occurred God has sent upon them quote a deluding influence that they might believe what is false in order that they all may be judged it is like God giving over Pharaoh to a hardening of his heart and so man is going to become as evil as man can get the this religion is going to have one glaring difference from the bumper sticker do you see verse 6 there is a religion that this final religion will not like I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the whatsits a Saints those that are believers in Christ Jew and Gentile during the tribulation they don't feel that all is the same they're quoting verses like I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me he that hath the son hath the life he that hath none the son of God hath not a life and so they are drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the was it Colin the witnesses they're talking and they're saying repent and come to Christ you know I've been invited to a lot God level a lot of philosophy classes North Texas and once at TWU years ago alright but they'll always invite me to a comparative religion class and they will have studied Islam Buddhism Hinduism Shintoism all the isms and Azam's and then they say alright and they'll get a liberal Christian guy and then they'll say okay everybody let's bring in skunk boy bring him in and they look through the directory under evangelical they see Denton Bible bring him in so all the other guys all religions are basically the same all the other religions they all say if you do certain things here certain mystical and moral things you will have the achievement of this you will earn it you will either have the what's Hinduism's neutered state Nirvana you will have Nirvana or you will and be Islam and you will have a 72 Virginians all right all right something like that again you're gonna have this final state by earning it by doing it they're all the same do good stuff earn good stuff you really don't need a Savior even God all you need is just a semblance of morality now long have a semblance of realm and then here I got well number one your deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags questions and you see the okay this is the only way God has been united he was man to live a perfect life in the die a death that only he can die that we might come to God through no deeds of our own because we were sinners and nobody's taking notes and no bye they're looking at me hard except for one guy that come up to me afterwards and he said tell me more he's now a pastor in Phoenix yeah always had some good coming and so why will you have here a world religion answer control you have control whenever Adolf Hitler took over Germany he had a concordant written by the Lutheran Church that all of them recognized him he didn't abolish the church but he said you have to bow the knee to me and say Sieg Heil the leader the Fuhrer so you have to own him Nebuchadnezzar had a lot of nations under him to keep control he said y'all can all keep your religions however you got a bow to this image of me in Rome when Rome would take over areas in Europe and in North Africa and in Greece and wherever Rome would let you keep your religion let you keep your economy let you keep your leaders however they would put a a console there in Rome like a you know lifeguard at the pool and he would keep watch and then once a year you had to offer sacrifice to the in God of the invincible son Caesar and you had to say Correa case our Caesar is Lord and they let the Christians exist as long as they would offer that sacrifice to Caesar Christians would not because there's not that we worship Christ we worship only Christ amen that's the way you do a deity a monotheistic deity is you only worse and so the Christians suffered because they would not offer up that sacrifice and they were willing to die and so this is just like Hitler just like Nebuchadnezzar just like Rome as you lengthen your cords you got to strengthen your stakes and if you're gonna take in all this territory you have to have a means to control them and so the way you do it is religiously you will acknowledge this man as supreme and then you can do all your other stuff and Christians would not do that and so at the three-and-a-half year mark this guy Antichrist I think is the leader of that world order that tells everybody we're better off with Hitler we're better off with Nebuchadnezzar we're better off with Caesar go ahead and do your deals but let's keep peace bow down to him and then at the three-and-a-half year mark something's going to happen you see it in verse chapter 17 and verse 16 and then the ten horns which is Europe revived and the Beast which takes it over these will hate the harlot it's called bait and switch you have to all become part of this organization and at the three-and-a-half year mark something changes I'm not going to allow you anymore to have these religions I now eradicate Hinduism Buddhism Islam liberal Christianity Catholicism they are all eliminated you now will worship the Beast second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse three and four it says he will abolish anything better still let's don't think I'm just gonna say let's don't think let's look at the Bible that sounds terrible if you go back to second Thessalonians let's just look at it this is what he's going to do and second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 4 about Antichrist he opposes and exalts himself above every so-called God not true gods but religions and every object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God Daniel 11:45 says he moves his capital to Jerusalem and he now takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as God no more religion Jesus spoke about this Jesus said whenever you see this happen if you're a Jew he said head to the hills don't go down for your cloak don't go inside to get anything run what was it he said you will see whenever you see the abomination of desolation you're going to see a man making himself God and he's going to kill everybody that disagrees an abomination that will bring desolation the Fuhrer Stalin Chairman Mao we've seen it in little bites now we're gonna see it worldwide and so the interesting thing is what did to God get rid of in chapter 16 or 17 verse 16 he got rid of religion he used evil to bring about the destruction of evil there is going to be no more religion there's going to be only two you can worship Christ or you will worship Antichrist it is God or it is Satan where are we back to the Garden of Eden this is the masterpiece of Satan and so go back to chapter 13 here and if you don't what you're going to get in chapter 13 and verse 13 he performs great signs so that he makes fire come down out of heaven in the presence of the in the presence of men who in the Old Testament would bring fire down out of heaven if you oppose God he would consume you he consumed a group of fifty then another group of fifty and then another guy came and said hey could we discuss this there was a prophet what was the prophets name he Elijah he is going to try to do what Elijah do if you don't worship the Beast like Nebuchadnezzar of old Shadrach Meshach and Abednego we will cast you into the fiery furnace let me let me preach to you just a second historically there is a maxim there's an axiom men will either be controlled by the true God by the ten commandments and the law of Christ on their hearts the rebirth and if they can't be controlled by that they have to be controlled by a pseudo religion that has a symbol insanity is lom's Eightfold Path the five pillars I'm sorry did I say Islam Buddhism's Eightfold Path Islam's five pillars you're going to have to have some kind of Judaism's Ten Commandments liberal Christianity's Golden Rule it's not the best but in a human sense it's better than nothing and then if you become atheistic now we have a term in our days for whenever you talk about history without God the term Ages is the term secular 'm and whenever you look at man in his continuity without any reference to God the name of the ideology is called secularism it's man without God and so you either have the law of God and where you have the law of God you can leave your keys on the dashboard at night you can leave your your house open on a vacation you can let your kid go out on his bicycle and come home at suppertime anybody remember that a lot of us did you don't have to worry about your babysitter you sign a deal with a handshake y'all remember that you didn't have to worry because there was a law and it was the law of God what happens if you get rid of the law of God you better have a pseudo religion what happens if you have secularism there's only one altar and one chance because you can't let man go crazy you're gonna have to impose from the outside a means of control and it's called government and the less religion you have the more government you have to have you've got to either make men not do something or make him do something a government no longer rules its people it parents them and that's where we are today you think it would be like a boarding a child at 29 weeks are you with me that just happens it would be like saying you could take the child out of the womb allow him to remain attached to by the umbilical cord and make your choice on whether he would live or die that's that's happening and so it's like Chairman Mao saying in China you can't have but one kid will penalize you if you don't now the government has to either not let you do something or make you do something and so the more God less our country becomes we're not going to be able to live like that man may act atheistic but he reacts like a Baptist let me explain that he may act atheistic Allah until somebody comes to take out his daughter and all of a sudden he gets real Baptist on you you may act atheistic till somebody runs the light and hit your car and then you become a Calvinist you want reparations and you won't just done everybody wants to get rid of the death penalty until you're the parent and that and the family if somebody got murdered and now you want justice and so atheism and secularism is great in a bar or in a freshman philosophy class it can only exist in a vacuum once you get out in the real world everybody's a Baptist quote me everybody wants law and as soon as you get out there everybody does and that's why in atheistic countries here comes Napoleon here comes Stalin here comes Lenin here comes Karl Marx here comes Hitler here comes Chairman Mao and here comes in our country secular humanists they're gonna make government orchestrate and socialism comes right on his heels I feel better ok well in verse 12 he speaks for the Beast he exercises the authority of the Beast and he makes those on the earth worship the Beast whose fatal wound was healed the arousal of Rome he's like the Holy Spirit that calls men to Christ and has Elijah in verse 13 he will punish you when you don't he does it in verse 13 by performing great signs 2nd thest 2 9 and 10 he acts by power and signs and false wonders and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth how does he do this in verse 13 we don't know but it is a deception in verse 14 he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs given him to perform do you remember a guy that Moses faced pharaoh and pharaoh as moses would do miracles who would raise up before Pharaoh and do the same things they were called Pharaohs magicians but they could only reproduce the plagues they could produce frogs you know it would be better if you're a magician to get rid of the frogs all right all they could do was bring greater judgment on you and then the Apostle Paul I'm sorry Peter faced a guy called Simon the magician who astonished men with the met with his magic arts Paul faced a guy named bar Jesus or a limas that held Cyprus captive by his magic arts and so it's interesting that there's always somebody that'll make a claim to the supernatural but it's false well in verse 15 this is the supreme deception it was given to him to give breath to the image like Nebuchadnezzar no religions will be allowed only an image of this man the false prophet will bait-and-switch and now he goes to all of the religious clientele and he says what we did for the first three and a half years is over now you will more simplistically worship the beast and no other person incidentally you may be as we look at this thinking this sounds real familiar like Nebuchadnezzar the beast and the fiery furnace nothing else can be worshipped fire comes down on you there's probably it's meant to remind you of that because Nebuchadnezzar was the king of what nation bable bable on so we have returned to man without God and in verse 16 if you don't worship he calls us all small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and that seals you as belonging if you will worship we will give you this certificate many have thought it's probably not that weird we'll give you a barcode and you can now buy or sell we're going to get rid of currency everything is under the Beast and he will control it it is complete socialism I'm in charge and you get this if you will worship me you know back in the first century one of the Caesars I believe it was Diocletian made the church's hand over their Bibles and worship the emperor and if you did they would give you a recertification 's chose to die and the Diocletian persecution and a lot of them turned over their Bibles it's it's the Greek term trotty tour from which we get traitor they hand it over their Bibles but some of them would buy from the certificate people that would supply the certificate they would bribe them and they would pay for $100 worth of certificates and then they would show them as if they worshipped but in reality they didn't and this brought about the first split in the church and the visible Christian Church so they say that back in about the fourth century when this happened there was a group of people called the Donatists from North Africa and they said if your pastor handed over his Bible or if your church took those seals those certificates not only were you banned from the church but there was no forgiveness you are permanently banned and if you're a pastor that did that all of the baptisms you performed are now rescinded and so nobody in your church is considered Christian a guy stepped in named Augustine and said no there is efficacy simply in the if you got baptized there is an efficacy and that sacrament no matter what the preacher was doing which kind of gave rise in the future to the mechanical niversary the Catholic religion you had to if you went through the motions you were okay no matter what your heart said so what am I talking about okay and so if you will bow you can now live incidentally this is why you will see a lot of people that will not do this they are willing to suffer and they will they will be hungry they will be thirsty they will be naked they will go to prison and daring when Christ returns and gathers the nation's he will gather the Gentiles and he will say coming to my presence because you're my people because when I was in prison you came and visited me when I was hungry you fed me when I was thirsty you gave me drink when I was naked you clothed me Lord when did we see you in prison hungry naked or thirsty whatsoever you did to the least of my brethren that you did to me who were the brethren the the faithful during the tribulation that we're willing to suffer and if you stepped up and you took care of them that shows you belong to me you're the friend of the people of God if you ever go to Jerusalem and you go to Yad Vashem the Holocaust Museum outside the Holocaust Museum there's a number of trees that are growing and blooming and it's called the Grove of the righteous Gentiles and the Jews recognize any Gentile during World War two that would put his life and limb at jeopardy for housing and caring for the Jews that you are given an official place at the Holocaust Museum and there is a tree and underneath it you see Oskar Schindler and then there is another tree that they have behind a fence because people always want to pluck off of it and they keep killing it and it's a little watchmakers daughter from from Holland and it's called Corrie ten Boom and everybody wants a piece of her to take it out and they keep killing her tree and so this is kind of what's going to happen you can't buy or sell unless you worship does God have a way of marking us when we believe he puts a seal on us he gives a down payment to us that God can see what's the seal the holy spirit the seal of the Holy Spirit God says you're mine and so by the time we get Owen incidentally was it look like in verse 18 here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast the number is that of a man it's the number of man and the number is 666 the best interpretation I think is the simplest man is created on the sixth day the number of man in the Bible often is the number six the Trinity is three father son Holy Spirit here we have Satan and a Christ and the Beast and so if you have man replacing God Babel man replacing God what would the sign be six six six man replaces God Satan Antichrist false prophet replaced Father Son and Holy Spirit it is Satan's masterpiece if you love your life you'll lose it if you're willing to lose your life for the sake of God then you will find it it did a lot easier to be a Christian now you don't want to wait for this you know there's a woman in our church and she said her daughter came home one day and nobody was there and she just knew the rapture had happened and she went through the house screaming the Beast is coming and her mother said your sister is she named her sister she said Shelly was in the in the there in the house why didn't you go look at her she said so it's a lot easier to be a Christian now we will admit and so that is the mark of the beast well I conclude with this tell me what you think sound familiar you've got a supernatural being the devil in union with and speaking through a human being performing miracles to support his claim by one who brings you to that knowledge and performs miracles and brings you into the lady and the lady is the harlot who is seemingly raised from the dead who judges any who oppose him who offers peace to the world politically religiously and economically when Satan wants to perform his will he will meet the deepest longings of men through a lie how much better to have a divine being United with a human being who is the king of kings and the Lord of lords who is indeed raised from the dead creating a bride not a harlot and who by the Spirit of God persuades men to believe performing great miracles bringing unity when he returns politically religiously as king and priest and promises fire to those that reject and marks his people by the sign of the Holy Spirit southmere this is Satan's ultimate masterpiece I want to show you something interesting turn to zechariah chapter 5 last Old Testament book is Malachi and then right before that is Zachariah and in Zachariah chapter 5 I bet this is going to be the greatest notes you have in Zachariah 5 the only notes you have in Zachariah 5 in verse one Zachariah says I saw flying scroll coming at me and verse 2 it is 20 cubits by 10 cubits it's a big scroll and God says what you see is the law of God it's the curse that it's going forth over the face of the whole and on everyone who steals will be purged away on one side and he that swears will be purged away by what the writing on the other side Israel at this time had returned from Persia and they're rebuilding their temple there were certain people that swore unto God that they would take what they had to rebuild the house of God and they didn't opposition mounted and for 14 years these people quipped they broke their word and they built their own paneled houses this is contained in the prophet that writes right along Zachariah called Haggai and so God says there's a curse going out on those who broke their word and those that have stolen from me and have taken what I gave them and used it to build their own houses and so in verse 4 it'll go forth and it'll enter the house of the thief and the one who swears falsely and spend the night within the house and consume it with its timber and stones you forgot my house to build your house I will burn your house down and God in the book of Haggai turned off the spicket the rain didn't fall he gave them purses with holes and he chastened chasing that nation and brought him back are you with me now how does God see sin in verse 5 the angel who was speaking with me went out and said lift up your eyes and see what's going forth I want you to see something else I said what is it he said this is the ephah an ephah is the largest basket in israel like a big laundry basket and he says this is there what's the pronoun there refer to verse 4 those that lie to God and those from God who forget him to pursue their own their own wealth and their own status and verse six this is their appearance this is how I see that sin and behold a lead cover was lifted up this Aoife has a lead cover what's ever inside of it we don't want to let out and in verse seven it's a woman and who the woman is God says verse 8 this is wickedness what kind of woman you think it is it's a harlot God says this is how I see you you know why this is here a lot of times whenever a believer forgets his calling by God to serve Him and lives his life using the blessings of God for his own grandeur they think it's kind of a lightened that sin it's called by Paul idolatry covetous net results in idolatry God says this is how I see it I see it as a harlot you have been unfaithful to me and in verse 8 what do you do with that harlot you throw it down in the middle of the ephah and you cast a lead weight don't let that thin out God says he uses the Barney Fife system of sanctification when do you nip it in the bud God said put that woman in the sack put the lead covering over it and don't let it out is it easy for us to forget God and all of a sudden starts serving ourselves and it becomes it's very very insidious you don't make just a big decision say I'll think I'll forgive God it's insidious and God says here's how I see it you may see it is light but here's how I see it Paul said woe is unto me if I forget to preach the gospel I'm called for a reason and in verse 9 then I lifted up my eyes and looked there were two women this is the only time in the Bible you see heavenly beings depicted in the feminine it's not a literal thing it's a vision just as you saw a wicked woman a harlot you see heavenly a vision of two women and they're coming and it says they have wind in their wings they're coming fast and they have wings of a stork a stork is a bird that migrates far and wide so there are two heavenly beings coming and they have wind in their wings and they're like a stork and they're gonna pick this basket up and they're gonna haul it away not to crumb not to Sanger we're gonna haul it plumb to British Columbia we're gonna take the thing far away what did Jesus say to do if your eye causes you to folks to stumble tear it out and throw it what do you say to do to your hand cut it off and throw it don't play with this stuff when you see it start in you and in verse nine they lifted up the ephah between Earth and heaven and I said to the angel who was speaking where are they going to take it and verse 11 we're gonna build literally y'all have a Bible that says a temple it's the Hebrew word a house you quit building God's house to build your house and we're going to take this evil and we're gonna take it away in verse 20 and build a house for her and where are we going to build it in the land of what your Bible say shine are you know what Shinar is it's Babylon the plain of Shinar is where the Tower of Babel was built we're gonna build a house for her and Babylon and when it is prepared she'll be set their owner pedestal someday religious unfaithfulness and worldliness is going to raise up again and we're going to have Babylon we're going to have one government we're going to have one religion we're going to have one economy and I'm gonna let her be exalted then and then you know what happens in chapter 6 and following we're going to take Babylon and burn it to the ground do not love the world nor the things of the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not anymore for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh indulging yourself the lust of the eyes increasing your positions the pride of life impressing your neighbors it's not of the Father but of the world and the world is passing away and the lust thereof we're going to enshrine evil and then we're going to burn it to the ground it's interesting but in the last of Revelation false religion is burned up by Antichrist and then the false economic system in Revelation 18 is going to be a smoking ruin and then all the political bodies are going to gather at Armageddon and we will call the buzzards to eat their bodies Babylon is going to be destroyed right now we're going to restrain it there's no amount of evil that it can't do someday we're going to remove the church and we're gonna say to the Rottweiler Sikkim and evil will have its way ain't it good to be saved we need him about the harlot Nathan father in heaven thank you for a morning in the scriptures learning things that maybe we had not known before and that's what we want to do in church we want to go back and sing great things we want to look in and behold wondrous things we want to look forward and wait for marvelous things I pray that you would find us distinct we are the best that God can do in the trinitarian God's plan his purpose and his pledge through Father Son and Holy Spirit and nothing the world can do is anything but a false grotesque imitation and we see the pedestal and find us your bride faithful to yourself and if there is a man or a woman here today while the wind is blowing softly and the sun is shining that someday God there will be a rumble from glory and there's going to be a high price to believe I pray they could get in the ark and be safe now god oh god they're not sensitive enough to pray and so we pray for them god they're dead and they don't feel fear will will be afraid for them and God they can't even act and so we'll pray that you would override their wills like you did to us and bring us to do what men will not do if you do not call him and that is to come to faith might this day be the day of a man's salvation and we'll ask it Father in Christ's name Amen Nate do we have a son this is a great song written by a guy that wrote 8,000 songs name is Charles Gabriel from that music capital of the world Wilton Iowa I bet y'all know the chorus give me an L Nathan [Music] give me some words guy in the back thank you give me an L again Nathan listen to the chorus the way of the Cross leads home emerges the way of the Cross Lee's home it is sweet to know as I cross I must meet by the way there's no I shall never get sight of the gates of light if the way of the cross is the way of the cross leads all the way of the cross leads fall it is sweet - no way across [Music] I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way the way that the Savior if I ever mine to the heights of life where the soul is [Music] the way of the cross leads all sweet to know [Music] and I bid farewell to the way of the world to walk for my Lord says come and I see my own where he waits at the open door the way of the cross way of the cross we found it is sweet as I [Music] give a hand for Wilton father what a delight it is to spend time in your house I think of your word I was glad when they said let us go into the house of the Lord and someday you will call us home someday like our brother edy you will cause us to fall asleep and to wake up and pastures of glory and we will say it is good to be in the house of the Lord thank you for this day in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Denton Bible Media Ministry
Views: 14,846
Rating: 4.6437249 out of 5
Keywords: Denton Bible Church, Tommy Nelson, Sermon, Song of Solomon, Church, Pastor, Denton, Bible, Denton Bible Media, Media Ministry
Id: OQegrpjK_8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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